PC 67-2RESOLUTION NO. P~~~ ~2 A RESOLUTION OF TFiE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL U5E PERMIT, ~`~SBE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of M~heim did receive a veril`ed Petltion for Conditional Use Permit from DeLMAR E. JACKSC'; F.'zD fh~'iL'c 7J. :iILi. 3; ~ Souti. Euc? .,: S' •:c„ ,t,:,Ui.ei:., i.a':;:'0-~9;:, Owners; ELSFTii~IOS PkGALIDIS, '7:22 ?e;,:i;er;on Stre2t, Rossn.oo:. C;i::. _. F,::an; oc ceria9r•: real orooert}• situazed in t7e C_ r o` Anai~air.:, i:ount • of Orar:oe, Sta;e ot ,~a as th~e idortt ?50.JC =ezt oi ~ ` y~ 1,`oi~~in, cascri::a:: e Wa al.` of ot 11 0_ Hel en L,~ ~c S,i.c ~= or o r e e~ ~ __.t~i~ nai* o: Sectio~ lc, Towns~ o~ ~~.+,.~Ran~e 1G l~r~t, r,s sa:. .., •,< - or. ~,: o , i c. r a- I corded in Boo:: =:42, oaoe 1Fh .; Dee~s or" Los fine,elas County. T:.e~c~.,~ ii~~e o: t:,~ ,;~o~,~ ; f described land oeinq the san,e ~s tne West : ir.e o: the trac± or land com: eye~ l:y C;;~: ] 2~ ! Schindier ano v;ife to t4ettia ; ~ :yc~acc,ard ' ) deec: *eco*den N:arc:: ]"9 ,~?0~, ;n i;ook ]c~; . Dee~s. Exceptina t~:ere.`roT t`:e 7Je=_t ~G,00 feat. Also exce:t:inn ~ A -,~,a~a , oi ra:ro'. tr'.~ c~:~t ~ feet. F.lso exceptinr. t~:ereirac t:^.at po*tion incluoed in Broaow~,~Str ~ y ee? o.,, .:.e '~o~~t:~~ ' ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hali in the City of Anaheim on J°~'''°r>~ "• 19~''~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and ia eccordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and egainst said proposed conditionel use and to investigate end mnke findings and recommendationa in connection therewith; and WHEFtEAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, end study made by itsel( and in its behelf, and after due consideration of ell evidence and repoRs of[ered at said hearing, does find and determine the folluwing fects: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditional .Use Permit is euthorized by this Code, to wit: Sectior, :~~c~.0~0~'-c~ < c i~ ~ Ic c ~ _. S[.CI'IO.. 1~=+.40.0~0(3-~/ ' Al n,J V C=2t !~ (~~:~~OOt~,~q~C';.c.C .._O^. e ~~ o°OpC:'~ : _: o:: 2. Thet the proposed use wi~ aot adveQra~~ely~af~ect theca~jo eing len~ uses and the growth aad development of` the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. That the size end shepe ~f the s~ce proposed fo: the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a menner not detrimental to the particulec area nor to the peace, health, aafety, and genenl ~velfare o( the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. Thet the granting of the Conditionel Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimente! to the peece, health, safety, and general wel[ere of the Citizens of the City ot Anaheim. " T^?2 c^1cXIRlUfP. e'170~'_~Te'.- 0~ r-J~ C'.:~C:2.^. •'O D=0~0~?C. ~. Tf1c~ '10 0^:~ zDD@c124 _~. U~DOEl~i.l0' '0 SUL~]ZC: G2~'_±i0.^.. Cl-G -1- ~ ~ NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t W M~hNs City P1~aein~ Commia~ion doos henby ~rent iuhiect Y~tition for Condition~l Use Pr.mit, upon the foliowi~~ conditlo~s wM1eh ere heroby f~und to b~ ~ neees~~ry prerequiaita to the propowd use of the subject property in ordK to preserve the s~fety ~nd general welE~m of the Citizens of the City of An~hei~n: 1. That the owner= of subject property shall pay to tne City of Ana;~eim ine sum oi :5~* per front :oot alonq Broadway, :or tree planting ourposes. 2. That trast; storage areas shall be provioed in acco:dance wit'i approved plzns on file with the office of tne Director of Pubiic Works, orior to `ina! ouil9ing in=_pection. 3. That Condition No. 1, above mer.~ioned, shail be comolied ~•lit~ prior to t a time tnat tne Building Permit is issued or within a period o: 180 days fror.: date ;:erao?, •,:::.chever occurs iirst, or such further time as tne Commi=_sion or City Coun:ii m~y ara^t. 4. That subject property shall oe developed substantially ir, accoroaa.e r~i'_:; plans and speciiica'ions on file ~Nitn the City o: Ananei*a, markeo Ex^ibit ~io. _. 5. Ina~ any air-conditioning facilities proposed shall ce prooer'_! s-;'a:;ico fror~ vietv, prior t~~ final building i~soection. ~ 6. 1'hat a maximum of 90 cnildren sha11 be o2rmit~ed ;n t;e proposeo u=e as st~oulatea to oy the ~etitioner. " THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Is d~~d ~nd ~pppved by m~ this 2tn oay o.` January, 19c7~ ~/ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLA NlNG COM SSION - '~ ATTEST: ? ~ f~; ! __ ~.I_ _> i~~ ~. SECRETARY ANAHEIN CITY PLMINING Cp~IS~ON STATE OF' CALIFORl11A ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa, CTfY OF ANAHElly ) I9 Ann Krebs~ ~~~~~, of We City~Plwie~1 Co~mi~xion of the City of Anaheia, do hereby certify that the foreaoing reaolatioe w~a pa~s~d ~nd adopt~d ~t ~~MRia~ oE tb~ Clry Plaenine Commis~ion of the City of Anaheim, 6dd on ,7enuary 4, 1967, ~t 2:00 o'clode p.Y., yy th,e followin` wte of the members tl~ereof: AYES: COAOCISSIOKERS: Alired, Fa:ano, Gauer, Fierbst, Mungall, Camp. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ~one. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Ro~.vl and. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto sd my hand this 12tn day o° January, l~ic.". RESOLUTION NO. 2 • ~ C~G ~ ~ i"~ / ~-~ /' C..~''i.' 1'L~3. -(~ ~ ~ ~ / .~,C,..(~-o ~_ - SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COImISSION 'Z- ~ ... . . _~,_,._ .., <<.w~ _ _ ,, , _ .:....::,_.... _ ~ , . ~ ,_..-......° ~ h