PC 67-242~ RESOLUTION NO. PC67-242 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. _ 67-6~-29 BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Reclassifica- tion from • LOUIS E~ D!OHL, 20310 5anta Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim9 California 92800, On;ner; BOYL~ .T.~.-~~ ENGIME£RING, 412 South Lyon Street9 Santa Ana, Californie 92701; Agent of certain real property ~~ situated in the City of Anaheim9 County of' Orange, State of ~alifornia, described in Exhibic ,~. 4 , "A" attached hereto and referrec9 to herein as though set forth in full and WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrt~ission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on October 239 19679 at 2:00 e'clock P.1~1, notice of said pubtic hearing heving been duty given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~Hith; an~ WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aEter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said heering, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a i~c!assification of the above described property from the A-1~ Generol Ayricultural District (County Zoning) to prezone orooerty proposed to be anner.ed into the City of Anaheim, to the City of Anaheim G 1, Gereral Commercial, Zone. 2o That the proposed reclassification is in conforman;.e with the Hill and Cam~on Genera' Plan. ~ 3. That the proposed reclassificetion of subject property is necessary and/or desirable Eor the orderly and pro- pzr developnrent of the community. 4. T~at the proposed reclessificetion of subject property does properly relete to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and ta the zones and their permitted uses generally esteb- lished throughout the community. 5. That the Plan~ing Cornmission also expressed concern regarding the development of c.orrunercial `acilities of this magnitude '~ the hiil and canyon area and therefore recommendcd that this shopping center should be apo~_.zd in accordance with a precise plan of development. 6. That two persons appeared expressing concern that their properties might be adverseiy affe~ted, uniess adeyuate architectural contrcl with site develqprnent standards to maintain the o~~F~rall concept of tne hill and canyon area is reauired, R-A -1- _ _ __ _ _. . , r _ _ . .. __ .~ -.-.Fy - -- . ~ •:.x.:.. ` ' ~~:.ir,•, I~ 's , i i ,_,~5 ~( ; +~ 1 ~ 2 ~ ~..__.,... . _. __._ _ _ .. _ . .... ....._..__ _.._...------ 3 ihat portion of Section I, Townsiiip 4 South, Range 9 West, S.B.M., in tlie county ~ ~ of Orange, stofe of Califo;nia, described as follows: 5 Beginning at ti~e intersection of the westerl~• line of the 5.00 acre parcel shown on a 6 i mup filed in Book 26, page 20 of Records of Survey of said Orange Ccunty with the southerly 7 line of the Santa Ana Valley Irrigution Company right of ~vay as shown on said mar; thence 8 Soutli 11° 33' 20" West 6J9.21 feet, more or less, along the westerly line of the land 9 I conveyed io Falph E. Poh and wife, by deed reccrded .1une l, 1966 in Bcok %547, page 914 i 10 ~ of Official Records of said Orange County, to the most southwesterly corner of said land; thence 11 South 47° 56' 30" Eost 40.35 feet, more or lexs, along u portion af the soutlierly line of the 12 land conveyed to said Ralph E. Poh and wife, to a point, said point being in the northerly 13 ~ terminus of a line bepring Nortl~ 27° 56' 03" East and having a distance of 2E2.63 feet, as I 14 sl~ov+n on a map of survey filed in 6ook 62, page 26 of Record of Surveys in the office ~f the J.5 I County Recorder o~ Orange County, California; thence following along a portion of the 16 boundaries of tlie land shown on the last mentioned Record of Survey the following courses 17 and distances: Soutli 27° 56' 03" West 282.63 feet, North 47° 25' 17" West 199.92 feet and 1S South 4° 37' 37" East 549.44 feet; thence VJEST 378.76 feet to the centerline of Walnut Canyon I 19 Road as described in the deed recorded November 19, 1964 in Book 7309, page 781 of said 2a Officiol Records; ~hence along said centerline the following described courses: North 0° 21' S7" '21 i West 710.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave easterly, having a radius of E00 22 Ii feet; Northerly 165.70 feet along said curve thro~~gh a central angle of 15° 49' 23"; North 23 ~~I 15' D' 20" East, tangent to said curve, 219.44 feet to the beginning of p tangent curve, L~' jl concave westerly, hoving a radius of 600 feet and Northerly 334.59 feet olonc~ said curve 2" ~j ir,rough a central ungle of 31°57' OS" to said southerly righi of woy line; thence, leaving said 26 I centerline, South 78° 26' 40" Enst 646.53 feet to tlie point of bec~inning. 27 I The above described purcel coniains 15.85 acres. .i __~ 0 Description of PORTION OF NOHL PROPERTY 70 ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FOR RE7_ONI NG :t i 28 '. i ~~ ~ 29 Prepored by, ~ 3o BOYI_E [NGINEERING * 31 ~~ /`'~~~ ~ i ~ p ~ G~.t 33 ~i Earl L. cCr , LS. 28 ; 71-0007-•00-OG ~ i X-~ 99 ~;~-z~-~~ .~~C~_ASS. N0. ~ ~-Lo S" - ~~t . ii ; ^~~~~.^Y I ~ I S ' ' ~~i L, ,' 3::~,~> If:G : ~~1`.'1'b1D'~ ~; ; ~ „~ ~~ ''~ :!; ,. . ; , .- a 'F .-. s?y ;-~ ~ S l'A! ~ '' NOW, '~EREFORE, BE IT h. JLVED th~t the Aeah~im City Pl~nnin~ .ami~sioa do¢s hereby recoa~mmd to the City Council of the City oE M~heim thet subject Petltloa for Recl~ssiflcation be appmr•ed end, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anoheim Municip~l Code be amended W e:clude the above deacrioed property from the A-;, General Aqricuitu:al District (County zoni~~g) and to in:orporate sai~ describecS p:operty into the G 1, General Commercial, Zone, upon the following conditions wnich are hereby round tc be a necessary preree,uisite to the prooosed use of subject prooerty in order to oreservP the safety and general welfare oi the citizens of the City oi Anaheim. 1, That the owner of subject property shall deed to the City o: Anaheim a stric of land '3= feet in width, from the centerline of tne street along Walnut Canyon Road, for street u~idenina purpos~s, ~ 2• That the o~.m er of subject ~roperty shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip o: iand -~F feet in width along the northF.^';~ oroperty line for street nurooses and ir.cluding a 15-;oot radius corner return at Walnut Cenyon Road:, 3. That street imorovement pians shall be preoared and all engineering requirements o: tne Cit~ of Anaheim alona Wa:nut Canyon Road and r.e~vly dedicated s±reet, such ae curbs and nutters. sidewaiHs, street gradino and ra:~inn, drainage faci]ities, or other appurtenant work shell be completeri as required by"the C'.t; Engineer; and -h=* a oond in an amount and form =_atisfac:tory to the City of Anaheim shall be oosted with tne Cit~ 'to auarsntee the in=±a]lation o:` saio engineering requirements. 4~ rhat the owr!er oi subject oropert~; ~hall pay to tne City o: Anaheim the sum of 3,2.OU per ,`ront foot along 1'Ja:nut Canyon Rozd and ne~n~ly deJicated street, for street lionting purposec ~. That the owner of sub`ect property shall pay to t!~e City o.` P.naheim the su~: of 15¢ per iront root a?ong Wainut Canyon Road and newly dedicated etreet, for tree pianting ourpo=_es. o. ?'hat trash storage areas shal: be provided in accordance ~vith approved pla~= on :ile with the offica of ihe Director of Public Works. 7• That fire hydrants shall be installed a> reouired and deteri~ineti to be ne~essary oy thE Chief of the Fire Departrnent, R~ That any air-conditioniny °acilities proposed shall be properl~~ ~hie?deo ;°rom vie~J; am-i the sound sha;l be o~;i;'ered from adjacent residential homes. 9~ That any lignting that is pro•.-ided v~ithin the parkino area sna!1 ~e on m~Kimum b-:oot hiah light standards and iire,.ted dovm~;;ard and av~ay from any abu~tino property :ir.es. Ir ~dciition, ~1! externa] lightiny shall be oire~teo do~.vnwzrd ano au:zy from the nrooerty ;ines. 10. That Conditio^ ^dos~ !, ?_, '?, 4, and °.., abo~~e mention2d, shal] be cornplieo ;vith wit~~in a period oi' 1+~0 days irom tne date hereof, or surh •`urtner time as the City Counri] may ora^t. 11. That Condition ;Jos~ o, 7, R, ar.d 9, above mentior.ed, snall be cor~.olieo v;it'r, nrior to ;inal building and .>.onino in~oections. 1:. That a orecise olan of development c:on`orir.ino ~o the C-H =_ite deveioprr~ent stondares, :or all ^nases snail be approved o.ior to the issuance of ~ 3uiiding ~er•r:9t i~ order to in=ure architectural :or*,oatibi! ity tvitn tne overal? conceot o~ t~e i~ill and an:~or. ~rea, THE FORE~iOIIVG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this .~no 9ay o.° !:ovember, 1~•6 ~. i . ~ / ., ~/ ~ ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIAI CITY PLANNRIG COMMISSION ATTEST: 'i - ,'. ~ ~-i- . ' ~i.C L~-- SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUTTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i. Ann Kref a. Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City o[ Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wes pessed and adopted et a meeting of the City P!enning Commission oE the City of Anaheim, held on Octobe: 23, i~1o7, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof; AYES: COM~fISSIONERS: Allred. Gaucr, Rovdland, Camp. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ilon e. F~rano, rerb=t, Munqall. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hend this ~nd day oi ;dover~ber, 1907. ~: ~ ~~ i, ~ ~ ? T(.. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. ?d: ~ R2-A -z-