PC 67-251- RESOLUTION N0~ ~E,-25; A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TIiAT PETIT[ON FOR CONDITIONAL USE P~RMIT '~68 BE GRA';"~ _~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Maheim did .. _.~~ .= 3~~_ :~ :~4 FP~ i~lor, for Cor.~::`or„_ U;~ °~;~;rut or. ~2:;d;n re~: p~opPSty si~.~ia±ed :n ~n~ C~ty o* Ar.aneim9 Co~nty of aang=. St~te of Caiito=n'a, des~rib~9 ir. 5~n:bi~ '„ ~*~;;,;;~~ nPse~o and rAf'e.:ed to nerFin as tho~~y^h ~-~ ~o:~h in f~i= Prep~:.ty Owne=sx Clyde Sch'.~.~nd =8=2i P-- -~~ :'=::s Anaheim, Cyli~'o_n:~3 ~_8~0 Walt Disnay P,o~uctior,s % Disreyiand Jiv„ .4~ir.: R„ Jotrison :3i3 5o Harbor Bo~ie~-ar9 Anah~im9 Caiifornia 92802 Doug'_as Car~the-s 5i0 E. Julianna S!:aet nnaneim< Cci`_`o~nia 9~8Q~ ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public hearing et the C:ty Hell in the City of Anaheim on '~+C.~ er.b~° '209 ,~o' . at ~:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly givm es required by law and in eccordance with the provisions of the Maheim Municipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and against seid proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and ' I WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study mede by itself and in its be- ~ half, and after due consideration oE all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the Eollowing facts: 1. That the ~:u:-u~ i ; _ ., . ::p~, i:' :o ,. Js = P~:_~.' :s .~u ;~u_ . cy ~o~e: ~ _ _c~ ;~,. ~, ~c. ~.~.c.-~~~J.'~1 to :,.t F.e:mi: =.~pan~_on oi -he is-.:n7 nr=in~-'.yo~ .,r..,s.~mer ~;a_. oe:mi!?.ny ..iSG:ays, e;hiLi'ts, amuseme~t r3des9 theatres and exn`_o~+. na:~s„ admiristra .,:e, atorag~, msinter,ance ~nd p.o:;~ssiny iaci:it:es, ~,,, the k°~~oina oi b'__ds yra anim:ls ~n fh:: e~erat=on oi' the p3rk~ ~, Th~'. '_re p_-oeus~~ us~ •.~•i;l r.ot adv=~seiy ai i'e~'_ the a~;oinino :ar.~ use= and tne ^~=G'N~h and da~~~-:opm~;~n~t or tnF a-~„ ir. ~,vh~ch ~ is p:oposad to be located~ 3.. Tnat the -~ze and shape o: ~he sit°`D:ODOSB(~ :'OI tn= ~se is adequate to aliow the ru:i 9~~c,iopment o~ the c_o;;osed usa :n :, rn:r;r.e. not detrimenta: to the oarticu'_ar area nor to ti~F o=ace9 n:s;lth, sarety ~nd g~i:~: ai •n•<!'rare oi the Citizens of tne City of Anaheim. 4., ~hat *_hc g=ar.tir.y of' t::~- ~ondit•ona. Use Parmit und=r tne condi*_ions imposed, if any9 wil: not be d.<trim:-ntai to th= peac=.~ he-:1`.n; sarety and generzl welfare of the citizens of *_he Clty of Ananeim. 5,. Tha't t~n~o persons app~a-ed =epresentir,g seve:a: persons present in the Council Chamber9 ali expressina ::once:r thai 1` Disneyiar.d :e.oca~es the a=eas o` con`inement fo: the birds ~nd an'_msis, this wii: n::.e a dFt:imen',oi a*~~=~~ uoon tne mote; business in the area, because o* th= oLiens.ve odors or.gin~tinc :rom ?h= ~r..r~~l r'a:.::iti~s wnich ;nere be'_ng carried to the mot~ls by th~ prevai;ir:c ~i;_nds. 6, :hat the P;~;:cing Comrn:ss:on re't `n~' '•_h~ p;ov`_s:ons o`~ the C-R Zone :elat;ve to tn= keeo:ng an:9 cor,tinement of birds and an.mais are su.`f:rient to provide aoequaiF protection ~o ~~jo!ning :and uses, - ~ CI -1- ~ ~ ~; ;~-; ~ - If.1 F~ * (~_' t I ~ p~ i, C , ~' ; !;C~;J. ,JSk PERMlT ~;0.9~ ~ a . i; ~ i t li ,I ~ ; ~ ; ' l~~I~~;U. U~~~: f~~i~h~~~T ~V~. i'rL~' ~' ~ - _- _ ~ ` ..._~__~.~._._._....--.,_.~.~_,....:. ° , ~ ~ --- - - - - -, . _ . _ - .., a ~ ~T~ ~ } NOW, '1HERERORE, EF IT RESOLVLD tY~t tAe M~ti~ Clty p1~~Ria` Cosmiulan de~~ Petltlon for Conditlaul Use Pan~it, u ~~f' {~~t ar~j~ct pow lh~ follo~la~ cenditio~s which ~re k~reby fouad to M~ a~c~ss~ry p~~~~it~ to the propoeed u~e o[ tMe srbjsct property in cd~r ~o Pre~~rve th• s~fety and ~enetrl ~~It~te o[ the Citia~au o( !M City of An~heim: l, 'Ihat tha cwre:~ o: subje~t ~,ore_ty sh~i. ~~~•d 'o tne Gity of An~heim a s;r1e o: land 45 f~et in Nidth from the cenier~iine of ±h= si:e~t aionu Wes~ StrsetY or such an a:t~-~ width that may be deemAd satis+~cto=y by th~ C:ty .Engineery for stre=t w~dening pu:poses 2. Tha`_ streF± lmprov~m=r,t olans sn~.i be propa:~d ar~d aii F~.gineering :equirement~ th~ Gity of Ananeim alor,a G,obai Way and Wins`on RoadY such as curbs and gutters, sida~ralr. street greding and pacina, d_o_r,age tacilit:As, or otner apourtenant work shaii be compiete;: as re~ui_ed by the City E.r,g~neer and -_n accord~nce N~th stand~-~ plans and specifications on .? ;n the of'ri~e or ~n~ C.ty 'cnainee-, ;nd that a bon.~ in ~,r, amount and fo_m satisfactory to th~ City of .4naheim sh~ii b~ pos!~d n;th tn~ ~•~ty to yu~:ar,tee the ir,s±ailatior. of said enc.ne<*ing :aau~.~emen*_s. 3, '~`hat 'h° GN~9iS of s~b_iec! orooer`y shaii o~y to 'r~= C;t.y of Anaheim the sum o` $2~00 p=r `ror:± foot yior;~ :?:ct,l W,y4 W:r:ston Ro~~~.: ar,ci We;! Str,-~t: ~o- stre~t iight~ng purposes, =, 'r:~* t.h~ can~,s o~ ~c,~je,; p~o.^~.•.y ;h~:: p~y to the C:ty or Anan=im the sum or i5¢ ~~.' .oee: Ih' bV ~°~ .°or~,i roo~ : or" ~ ,y. n~t.or °c,j1, o,i W-sr 5~.:- io* t_ee p.~nt.r. u: oses~ ~'~h~ t.h2 i ~ ,-e,:1 :,~ !r ~,: ~-.7 .,;on W 5; St~Fy ~ P p J` " y r, ~s ~ equ.~ ed by the City Fi'~~'.:1~"':•= d'17 :f: ~~i_~. J..t~: , n~. ~ ~ yf15 3!1~ S ' ' :t, ', ~r ~~; ~ c,. ,+._ ir the 0:'fice Of the C'ty En~:n-=.,. P`-..-- :ons on .:i~ That 'r~st o- ~;~e ~~~•,s ~ n~:1 b ::o; =~~-i in ,;-.ordancF ~n:th approved pi~ns on : ile 'n•:th th_ ci' o• +he ~~.-o ;.u- o: Fub;_. Wurr:s~ Th„t~ ~ ryir7n~s ~h:~:_ - :r,st. ' ^ ' -` :~~-y ~s .eq~_=e~ :~n~ .,etei•mined to ~e necess~ry by th9 l~h~_ ~ OI ,h~,Pla _ Jr.GbT' ..^.1!?ii~,. ~ ihyt ~on ~ o-~ Nos. i~ _ni 5 yncve m>rtiur~d, snai~ be :omp:ied •~ith prior tc ,; m= tn~t r.h ~~i.;i~u Fo-•R~t .;~~;S,;P~ ~- :,:i'hin ,: ~eriod or i~~ days irom date hereof w~u_;~•~ o::._urs ~ e , , . . . . . ~_ .. , - ~- ~ ~~ ~J,,:. ,~; y:.int.~ 9~ Iha' Con:~i cr,~`do ~ r;~~ ;,nov- rn?r,tior,e::; sna; l be~ comp! ied ~xith as deemed n~cess~-y by „r.= D~--- o: c! ~'ub:.: Wo:.;s ~n~%o~ +t:~ F:r= ~hie- ;; {u°tner eXFar.sion occurs~ THE FOREGO1PiG RESOLUT1d.Y is ~lpi~d ~1 ~roved by rue thi^ ;'-:n .j~y o: ivor :,mb;-=, :~b'a ~ J ~ LL.-CC./~ `C- l~'~_ n_ ' ~n^1RMAlI MIAHEIM CITY PLANN( G COMNl590N ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~ < < ~ , .. ,>-;1., ~ -~ . . SECRETARY ANANF.mI CITY PLANNING COAQMISSION STATE OF CALI!'ORtiIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) os, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~o ~nr: F~ ~c;, Secret~ry of th~ ~ity Pl~nin~ Coemi~tion u( the City of M~heim, do heroby certify th~t the fore`oing reeolution was paas~d aed adq~~d o~ a m~n~ of d~e Clty Pl~enin~ Coiaeis~ioe of the City of Anahei~, held on ~~c~,- ~mo~=~ ~~ ;~ yG?, at 2:00 o'clodc P,M., by t-~ followin~ vote of the mhnbers theroof: AYES: COMNISSIONERS: ~= == ~:~ ;~a; ;no, 3a~er, He. b;~ ,~ Munqa; ~ 9 Ro~tiland, Camp, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: P:on ~. ABSENT: COA[ARSSIONERS: `''~~ ` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereuato set my hmd this .... aay o'' [~o•: emb ~~~ :9~,%, ~~~~ • ~ ~~~~ -~ ,~~1~, /.~~. SECRE?ARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COYYISSION RFSOLUTION NO. :', ~ C2.G -~- 5