PC 67-252r RESOLUTION ,.J~ PC6~-~~2 A RE90LUTION OF 'IHE CITY PLANNiNG C'OYIQgSiON OF 'If1E CITY OR AlIAHEIY THAT PETITION FOR CONDI110HAL USE PERYIT 969 gg GR P,;•!? ED WNEREAS, the City Plaoning Commissioe oi the City of An~6eio dld i n i t: a t~ a v er i f i ed P et it i on f or Conditional Use Permit on cErtain rea: p.operty s:~uated in the City o` Anahe~m, County of Orange, StatF oi C~,:fornia, desc_ibed in ~,h:bi',. "A" a't3:ne:i hA~eto and refexred to herein as though set fo-~h ir. ;ul': Property Qvaners Walt Disney Produ;;t;ons % Disney;;nd D:vo R„ Johnson 1313 S., 'r.;:bor Biv:3~ Anaheim, Cs.:fo:nia ~280_ ; and N~HEREAS, tbe City Pi~nul~ Co~v(suo~ 8W bi~ ~~ic MarL~ ~t Itis Clty IWI i~ ti~ City oE Meh~im ~ November 20s :90~, ~t 2:00 o'c1ocY P.r., ~otla ot~aid pnbllc M~rl~~ 6win~ bMn duly ~lven u required by l~o rd !n ~ec.wrd~oce ~rlti tM poH~ior ot tY~ M~h~ia Ymtelp~l mdt, Ch~pt~r 1~.61, to hear ~ed coosider evide~ce for as~i a~aio~t ~d! Pwpo~ oo~iltloMl iw aad to I~w~tlpt~ ~ s~k~ iWlap ~nd ncommead~tbo~ ia c~o~~eMiae tierewiti; ud tttEttEl-s, ..+d Ca..lwlaa, .h.r eo. it.Peccta~, tnve.uptfon, .sa se.dy ..d. by ie.eu ..a !o lcs be- 4dt, aoi afbr doe ooodderaUoa ot ~ll ovid~nc~ rd reportr oftend ~t s~id he~rii~, 8oN tLd ~od d~t~ine the tollowia~ t~;t~: 1. Thetth~ nro~o_=:i ,,.~ „ c:ope:;~ a,~ !c,r ,~h.ch ~~on~:~;ona'_ Use Permit is autnorized by '`, -=,r~7h~~.m N,aru. :pa~ Go•~la to pe=mii th= ~;;~nsion or o~r~;ino faciliti~s ;or Disneylar.d Amusement ~arx ;: tn x~~:vers oi' '_h= ~olio.o:n:;: SECTIOid i~,~5.010(Ai - S~ec~al set~.:!cs, 'r,arpor Boulevard: (50 fout setback req~.re~ wi{n ~~~eraoe oi' 20 reet, but not less than 15 f'eet, or saiC s~~'tbacN iandscaped; aporoximate 10-foo~ setoac; ~.•;ith sc:een !andscapinq indicated~. SF.GTIO:d i8,85.0i0(B) - S~ecial setbrcKS, Katel~a Av•~nue: ~20 root setback re- qu:red v;itn av?rage of 20 feet, but not less tnan i5 , feet, o~ saio setback lanoscaped; aoproximate 10-foot setback •nitn ;creun iandscaping indicated). i SEC?i0i1 iR.~5.010(C1 - S~eci~l se;,ba~ks, West St:eetz (20 foot setback required I ~ witn ave=;ge oi ~0 feet, but noi iess than 15 fcet~ o; i sa~.d setbac:: iandscaped; aporoximate 10-;oot setbacl: wi+_h screer. landscapin :nd~cated)~ ' ~ SEC1'IO?; 18.37,~20(R-3-c) - Interior landscaaino: ~i tree requirro per each 10~000 ~ sauare : eet o: parkir.g area; ilone oroposed at the oresent t:me!., ~ 2. That under ihe suthority of SFCtion 1S.64,C70, ~vaiver o.` the average 20-foot (not less ; than 15-feet) iandscaped area along Harbor Eoulevard, Katella Avenue, and West Street, to p~rmit a 1~-:oot screen landscaped arAa; is hereby g:anted_ 3, That under the authority of Section i?..64,.070. wa~ver o: the required interior lana- I scaping is hereby granted for a per;od o: two (2; years~ ~ ~, That the proposed use will not adverse~y af:ect the adjoining land uses and the gro~~th and development o; the area in which it is prooosed io be located. 5. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the ful? development of the u=ooosed use in a manne: not detrimental to the particulai area nor to , the peace; health, sa:ety, and ger.eral •,tieifare of ?hA Citizens of the City of Anaheim. L. That 'the granting of the Conditionai Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, ~ wiil not be detrimental to the pea::e, health, sa:ety; znd gen eral welfare o~ the Citizens , of thF City of Anahe'•_m. *. 7. Tnat rep:~sentatives of' Disreyiard we_e pr,;s?nt =~pressing tneir desire for consider- ~ ation of a tEmpo~ary •~•aiver of tn~ requ!:;~d _nter:or landscaping3since ih=y are presently ~ in th^ process o; s~~dying ; poss~bie ;~ndscapa sch~~me. . ..__. _ _ _. _ __. . _~ _ ._.,_: .._ - .,- _ ~ - -_.,- --~ _ -- - .._-~ -- ....~. _ . - „ ___~----_ ~ _ _ -._ .. - -.. _ ._ .__ :~ - . _._ __ _ , --.-~ -- - _~._ , , .. _ . .. . . - - _ _ _ _... _. ~. - _.-_~ , _- __. _ .- ... _...._, .....---. ..,. _. ... _._ _ ____ _ ._. ~ : _ .. _~ ~___ - .. __. _ ~:..,._ . ;- - - .. _. _ _ - - _ . ._ _. .. .... _ ~ - --- -- - ----.. _ _ . ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _-- -_ _ _ ' _..._ .~___.. _ _ _ .. _ _ .... _ ~:._ ~~_ __-- ~ ~_ _~. .,_ _..~ _. ---~- .,_ _~_.. _ V _ ~~ l •- -.__-_; ~~.---~-. _ _ _...__.~_ _. _ ...._~_ ---~=-- :,:__. ~ ._.._,~. _~ . ~~.,._ .-,- -.~..., ~_.~_ .... _. ~__ y- __: ..: vc..:~~_ .~. , ~.... -- -~. ._-~:~ c_ u-_.. ; v _c..._ - _ __ "v.; _~:. _ ~....~ :.... _._ ,.. - c~ ~.._:. _~... ~ - . . ... . .~. .. . ., _...,... ~.. ~..._`._ ~. ... ~ .~ _ . . . .. .. . . _.'_ ._ ... _ ~~...- .~_. ~.~_~ . .J~.. . " '_ . . : ... _ .... _'..._. ~ :: ~- - . . - -~ . _..~ i _~ -~. .. ~~ ~ ~.. .. _. ' ~_....:. _ ...._.~..~... _~.__ ~ _ `_. - .....~. ... _...~. ~._~~... _ _ _ .~~'. v.~ .~ .. . .._. ~v~.~~l~. ..J - ~...~r .` ~. ~_.... ~..._ ~ v .~ .~ ~ ~._..~.`..~ _ _ ~V~..~.-~~. 4 '~ ~ ~. i R i ~Y . .. . .. ~._ .._, ..._._. ~. ~... _ .. _ ' .. ~ ` ~ _ ~ - - . ~. ~ ... ... ~~ ~. ~. ~.. u _ _ _ . -~/ • _ . . . ~... ' "' . ~. ' .. . ..' .. ~ ~~~~~. .` .,~~ . . . . ~. ........~ ~ ..._ .~~.~.~. ~~....~.~_~.~. _ ~..~v ~ u~.._~. ~.~.+.~L.~. ~.~.~r ~.V ~.. v.....~. ..... ~vltiL~. UJL f~L111'Jii I i1';:,I, y/ ~ a r ~...~~~ , , ,; , : ; , ' . _ . {~ ~ ~i . _ . _ , . L ' -. I Ft• ~ 5,~ ~~ ~ 1 k.~ * j `-~~ ~ i ; ~` € , - f ~ ~r,i;'~! r. ~~~I`in. ..i~E ~ ~'" T ~~. ~~o ~ ~ s r 1~. 'i1RJttrows. ~ tT QteOt.Kn t~e IYo A..~.~. c'lt~, lf~s~+~s c..nru.i.. 6w ~w.~ w~ w+l~ P~tlt1~ t~r d~tl~r ~~, ~ tl~ W1o~~ o~iitla~s ~iaU ~w ~~~ ~~M~ M fL~ yw~wd w d IA~ ~.-~ ~~, y~ ~ b~wwrw 1!N rbey ~~~ Mil~w ~11ls C1tlw d r Cltr o( A~iM~: lo That the owner of subject property sha;i deed ~o the Gi~y of Anaheim a st_ip of land 60 feet :n wid*h from the cenieriine of the s±_=e*,; along Ka*eiia Avenue, ior street widening purposea-. 2o That the o~n~ne: of subjec2 oroperty sha:] ~9e~d ,o th~ C.ty of .4nahe=m a strip of land 45 feet in widtn. f.orn the .;=n~--_,ine o* the st:=At, or so:h yn 3iternat=m~idtn ~=~;± may be deemec satisfa:iory by the C:ty fngin?~:, aior.a Wes- St~eet, ;r.%l~~~n~ ~ 25-foot r~~'~us corn=r zetu:n, for stT:=Pt ~n•'dening DU-DGS95~ - 5~ ''_~hat. str=et impro.~men't F.ens ~h:.1 F~ prec~_e~ sn9 ,:i er,ginee:ing r=qu~_ements ot the C~ty of Anaheim .~,ony K,~.-_„ p~:enu=~ ;, h s ~:ts .~n~ u+,t=:s, siden;;xs a+_~~e, psv:ng, ,~~ain~~=_ 'racil ~-s~ u oth_ a ~~-r~~ ~ ~ a^adino and Cit £~ PF n nrork sh,~li C,_on;oi-*_ed ,y equi ~ oy the Y a ne:r ,,~ ':n ~ o. ~;.~i~ ~,i'.h s*_;r~1,.7 :;1~n~ y~~l sc~_i'~ ~:~Ons on t_: in the o;fice of th~ Ci'.y F~,~,r~or; ,n,y ^.n:~t .. cor:~ .n yn ~mc.urt ~n.y 'o:m se^is: ~~;',o-y *o th2 City o;' An3heim shait bF post-d wi;h ~n~ C:.y ~o oua.~r,t .r~= ,t,i~: ior o'r s: , -~~ Th~t th~ oNr,e: o s~r • in ~ru_near:ny r~qu!:?ments. ) =ooc,t.y f~~.. ~y to tr- C;ty ot Andneim ~he sum of ~2..00 per f=on*_ foo* a~ora Ka'_ _~ A . ~ eG rd a ~o. Bo~.~~~a.,i, fo~ ;tr=et 1ioh~iny purposes~ 5~ Tha+ ,he owr,er o+ sut~ „roo i~y s,. ~y to th~ Cit o; ananFim the sum o!' tront ~oo+ diony K,a~ a~ d P•, er ~e= Wu 5+: ~ Y 15¢ per 6~ That ±n s dpn~a:r; ;ha~ t;-. '~r :n~ H,_„o_^Bo~i~ ry, fo ~ree olantinq pu:poseso ns a,_ d-~iorn ,°~o. ou: ~~ ~;n' J7est ~t:eet, as required ~Y ~h° r-ty Er, re~: ~nd :n ..~, o.~y r~ ~n: t~ 5.~n-! .o p,~rs and sp~ciri.,a±.ons on `ile in the o.'~fic~ of !he ".±y rngir.e=_ : . 7,aTh~t Con~it~cn tdos., :, % 39 a, j~ a;,d c, .,bove mention~d, shal~ be complied •,m•itn prior to th_ ;_m=_ th3i tt~~ 8~~;~;;;y ~_:mit ~s is.=,,:-,9 or .oiih.n a prrio~ o'r iRC days `rom ~ate hereof~ '+vh:chev=r oc.;urs ; irst, o_ su :i, ...: tne: • ir~.< :js zhe Comm:ss-_or. o: City Counci 1 may a; ant, I ~~~~d ~t.Ut'1~ i~ at~/ ~/ ~~ ~/ N A~it /"',', .~ i a y o i '~ uv ~m b e.~ , i 96 ~~ , / :I i'~ t ,~ ~ ~~~~~~ .~: /' `_ i ~L .. i~~C t/ ~C~tTwlY AN~ t77T M.AMNlIG ~s~ STATC OF CAi,I~'OIARA ) COl1f1TY O~ OwlNIOt ) ~a i Ct!'Y O~ AMAIfi•r ) '•- Ann F-:.bs.. S~cretary ol eh~ City'pL~ C~-ris o[ 1-~ Citr ~t ArM~ia. i~ ~. ~ be~Oi*s ....l.tl.. ... p...i ..a .io~ed .c . ...li~ ~( ~. e~l!' R~ ce..l.~is d s. ~ sI A..r~, Ldd on Ncc=mb=- '~^, :~c ', ~t 2:00 o'cl~ t.IL. !p t!~ idl~rie~ wot~ d tfN ~-~s IMw~[: AYL9c OO~~~E~; c.'i,_ ~~, F'~: dr.o, Gauer, Herb;t, :'~ungall•, Aowiand; Carr,p, ~~ CO~QSStONERS: ~or. F. ABSENT: COMIQS$ONERS: ?:or.~•. 11'! wI77dESS s1{EREOF, I 6ave herwnto sat ~!~ r6 .i'? -n ~;y o`' \ov~mbe_ <',?E'~ ~~'~ RF.30LUTlON NO. ~.- C18 * ~ ~s ij ~ ~} ~ . ~ // ,, (~.'L. /-~.: 2 .~~ ~ Y~C L~._~. SECRCTAIIT A11A1~~ C~7T }t,~~ ~~~ -1.