PC 67-26RESOLUTION NU. pC67-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIN^v COMYISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARiANCE NO. 1%~49 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition Ear Varience from DICK H. ABLES % JORDAN DODGE AidD LOVERIDGc~ 1010_North A4air Street, Sant~ Ana Califoinia Owner• JERRY A. BROD~f, 730 North Euclid St°eet, Suite ~15, Anahei.m, California, INVES~'ORS TRUST I~1COR~RA`f- ED, % A. K. CHILD, 4242 CaTpus Drive, Suite 3, N?wport Beacn, CaLifornia, Agen~s o~ cercain real orooerty situated in ~he City oi Anaheim, Countv of Orange, State of California described cs that portion of Lot 4 in Block 12 of "Subdivision of~the South half o: Section 21^ Townsnip 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and ~+leridian" beino par~ of th2 Fairview ~olony T:;ct, as shown on a~ap thereof recorded in book i, page 33, Misce ll aneous h7aos, records or" said Q:ar,ge Coun~y. Beginnino at the intersection o: the tJorth line of Lot 4 in said Block i2 extendeo 7Jes'arly w~th the center line of G:,_~den G:ove Road (now Euclid Avenue) as snovm or. said ma~; thence Ea~~eriy along said ~Yest.erl;~ extensior, and tne sai.d North line o. said Lot 4, 210.00 ''eet; them~e Soui:~: parallel witn the center +ine of Garden GrovenRoad, 162.00 :eet; thence'~YFst para11e1 to the 'Jorin line of Lo~ 4 and its Wes~eriy extension 210...0 feet to a point in ihe cer,ter line of Garde:~ Grove Road; thence alorg said center line 162.00 ;zet to the point of beainni~g ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold ^ public heering et the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on Janua: y 30, 1967, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing heving t+ee~ dul law and in eccordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and cos der evidence f r and ageinst said proposed varience and to investigate end make findings end recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its behalE, and efter due consideration of all evidence and reports otfered a t seid hearing, does find and detecmine the followiae facts: 1. That the petitioner requests a veriance from the Aa~heim Municipel Code: ~o permit t~ e estacl i-;~ment o* ~ c.onven~er,ce :ooa :r~;::~et ;r,~ cetoil store adjacent to R-1, One ramily Zoned p:operty; SECTION 1R,24.U~0 -USE - One r~mily dwellir. og ; 9= permanent ci:a: acter in permanent locat:on_. 2. Tnat tne°e are no E'XCc'D(;lOr ~i or ext:=_o:dinary c:rc;mstances or condit10f15 ,-~,F1pi1C3q1E to the orope:ty im~olved or to tf:e inte~~ed use of tt:e orooerty t'r:at do r.ot apoly ger.erally to the p:operty o= class oi use ~n the same vicinity ;nd zone. 3. ?i:ai ine . e uesteo var:;•~-e r ' 9 .. i=_ not necessary or the p:ese:vation ano er,;oymen*_ o: a substantis] arooe:ty r;g;:t po,seseeo by othes p.o ert ~ in tne s and denied to the ~.o~ert~ in r~ ~' ame vicinity and zone, ~' C' / 9ue~'ion. 4, Tnat t'r,e =eque;ted variar, ,vi11 be ~ia• ~erially detr=ment~l to tnc pui;lic raelia:e o: ir,ju: ious to ti.e property or imp:ovement:: in sucn vicir.ity and zone ;n e;hic^: t^e p=oeerty is located. 5. Tnat tvfo person=. apc,e;:~ , o:~e o: ,v;:~m pres~r.i..~d . p~~i:ior. ~igr.ed ~ ~;_>r ~11 :n oppo5ition, ano one . } o:^,ne~, pr-rson arce-+red in rzvo: oi suoject petitior.. V 1-D ~ _ I al x ~ i I -1- 1 f 6 ~ : ~ ~. si ,I NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Variance on the basis of the aforementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 9th day of rebruary, 1967„ ~J% ___ ~~ ~; ~ ' "--C ~~ /%:~ i Gt'~l~iL~'~. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLA NING CJMMISSION ATTEST: : ~ _ ~~ ; I ' /~ ,~~7.%, ~ ~ ~'~_' / i ~"?!. L~C-~ ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C011'11ISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ' i COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. i CITY' OF ANAHEIM ) j I v Aram-~k's•ebs~.r, Secretary of the City Ptanning Commission of the Cit of Anaheim, do hereb certif Y Y Y thet the fore- i going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the Lity of Anaheim, held on ~ Januazy 3Go i°67, at 2:00 o'clock p.(y~„ by the fo:lowing vote of the members thereof: _I i ~ ~,' I AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A1lredq FGrano. G~uer, Herbst, ASungall, Rou~l3nd, Camp. r I NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ . ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this °th day oi Febzuj: y, 196?. 'i ;I i' I //!//-~` ~/ /`~/ - ' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ,~ . RESOLUTION NO. ~F V2-D _2_ f~~ .~ ~ ,' , A i 'i ~ i l ' ~