PC 67-270f i RESOLUTION N0. PC67-270 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING ~MMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RE~AA4.SENDIIdG TO I'HH CITY ~UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TERMINATiON OF ~~rDIIIOt!AL USE PERMIT' 'JO,. 357 THERt.C WHEREAS, the City Council did grant Conditior:al Use Permit Noo 357 in Reso?ut?on ~do. 63R-679 on P.ugu~t 13, 1963, suk,iect to conditions; and WHEREA~y said conditions have not been complied with; and _ WnEREAS, the Planning Commission g•rar.ted Variance No~ i926 to permzt waiver of the ~ buildino lot area9 and lot split of the 70-:'oot lots developed with stru.:tures into t~•+o two-unit duplexes on December 18y 1967; ~~~d WH~EAS, the petitioner has siated he does not inten~ to exer,:ise his conditional use oermit to develop a planned res=dential development. NOWy THEREFORE, IIE iT FENOL'JHD that the City Pianning Co. iission .~oes hereby re- commend to the City Coun:;il af the City of P.naheim that Conditional Use Permit No, 357 be terminated on the basis that the oetitzoner no ionaer intends to develon subject oroperty - with a planned residentizl developm~nt. THE FOR~OIidG RFSOL'JTIOV is signe~ and approved by me his 28th dzy of December, 1467. f ~ /~~t~~{„iLti~ ~ ~ ~.. _.c~'~, CHAIR~~A:J Ai~JAHEIN CIT'i PLAi'1NIi:G ~~^d~iISSIOi~! AI'TEST. / ~-; % ~"V-Z,.~~ ~.;• - ~ / ` / _ SEGREI'NR1' AIJAHEIM ClTY~PLAV::I:!G (~51b1ISSI01v ST.ATE UF CALIcOR!4IA ) CCUA}TY OF ORA^1GE ;' ss. CITY Ok~' A;iAHE1M 1 I~ Ann Krebs, Se~retary of the Cit'y Plann=n~~ Com^~ission o2 tne City o; Anai~eim, do nereoy certify that the foreyoing rrsoiution •xas passed and adopt~cl at a meetina of ~ne Citv Plannir.c Commission of the City of P.iianeim, held on December 19s 1967, at 2:00 0'c1ocE: P.1v.., by tne rollowing votF o: the m2rnbers thereor: AYES: CU1~V~IISSIOiJERS: Gauer, :-~<_rbst, Nur,gail, Rowland9 Camp~ NOES: CONuti1IS5I0NERS: :done, ABSEVT: OUh'N1IS5IONERS: Ai lredy r'aranoa I": WITidESS VJHERECF, I hzve hereur,to sei my ;,ar.d this 2Fith day of December, i9b%'. 'j . 1~ ~% SECRETARY A^1A!-IEI~:i CII'Y PLA?1::I?:G ~;.7,:ISSIO': ~~~~ ~i ~~ . - .~ s c \\ R '~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Y'* THE b'OR~OING RFSOLUI'IODI is ~~gned ar.d approve~ oy~fn< this 28th d•ay oc D cemberY i967. ~ /~ z / ~ --= ~~^~ -- -- -~ CHAIRPAAiJ AidAHF1~~1 CITY~ A;l:JI[JG NJ~iISSIOid ATTEST: ~ -~ G ' 'L ~-~i~ Z_~ ,~~~~ : SECR~~AI~AHEI1~1 CI~ LANiJIfJG ~M,~4ISSIOtJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~UN?'Y OF ORANGE. ~ ~s : CITY OF ANAHEIM I, Ann Krebsy Secset~ry ot th~ Ci`_v P!ar,nicg Commis;ion o` th- Clty of Ar~aheim, do h=rebv certi`y that the foregoiny r=;oiutior. N;3s pass~d ar.d ~.-locted ~t a m~~ticy ot th~ City P1anr.ina Commission of' the City of Anahelm; he.~ on D~-emca: ,R :g~7, at 2s00 'v ,:o,_k p,;;;, hy thF - followirg vote of the members ther~of: ~ AYES: C1~M!:i1SSI0^IERS; Gauer, H~rbs*_; h9urga_i, Ron.ar.d, Came NOESf CO~S~~4ISSIO~IFRS, N;;..P ABSEN;: NMRiI5SI0~;FRS: Alir~, L;rano_ IN WI':1ESS WHERF~fJI, 1 havA hFre. to s~t my nar.~ ~h:; 28tt, Jay o' D>c~ir.br-r, i9oi j~ - ~ -~'L_ ~ - ~ . ~+7 . ~;'; _ SECRF'AP.Y A^lAr.EIC'. C! "{ PLA'; ;: G~;<;l,ISSIO^! RFS. ~~10. 27~ ~~ ~.. ~_•.., ...: . ..- _ . ; ., ~ :,.: .... ..~---r-r_-~ __^-.-- _------------- m~.,.~_ ~ . . - ----- '°""'^~ - -' - . . 'q+v. , ,r~-'!1r:3Pa : . J r.