PC 67-55RESOLUTION NO PC67-55 ~ A RESOLUTION OF 'fHE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT °~~ ~3E GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditionel Use Permitfrom TIERRO DE ORO, 415 VJest Fourth Street, Tustin, California 920~0, Owr.ar; G. H. WEBER, PROFERTIES MANAGeR, CO'~SOLIDATED ROCK. ~RODUCTS CO., ~, 0. tox 29~0, Terminal Anner., Los Fnaeles, California 90054, Agent of cPrtain real arooerty situated in th2 City o.° Anaheim, Count~~ of Orange, State of Cal ifornia. des-ribed as Lots 1~?, ] 9 sno the ~~orth 109. :1 c ee~ of Lot ;2, all in B:ock 36, of' tne Yorba Linda Tract, as oer map recor~ad in boo:: ~-:ne=_ 1' and tR of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of tne County Recoroer of saio county. Ei:~E:'~ that oortion thereof lying northerly of a line whicn is oarallel with and southerly 3~?.Jv feet. ir~T th2 centerline of the street (now known as 6Valnut Street) adjoinino saio Lot lA on tn~ Idorth =4 shown on said maD. P.LSO EXCEPT therefrom the East 39.7~, {~ct of seid Lot 1~. ALSO EXCcPT tnar~ :*om the East 7R9.%9 :zet of the \orth 379.n0 feet of said I.ot 1~. ALSO tXCcPT tnere:*om tne tast 764.%9 feet of that portion of said Lot i9 lying southeriy o: the northerly 3~9.60 ;aet of said Lot 19. ALSO EXCEPT thereirom tne tast ~c~.79 `eet of the :Iorth 10~.41 fa~t o_ s~io Lot 22. ~ ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on t+iarch 13, 196?, at 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice of seid public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal code, Chepter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigete and make findings and rernmmendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study mede by itself and in its behalf, end after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditional .Use Permit is authorized by ihis Code, to wit: Sactior ]F.~~.0~0(<-0), perm:it tne ex~av~tion ar.d removai o: =and on~ arave' :~n. sub~ect orop~arty. ' 2. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. T'hat the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular atea nor to t:~e peace, health, safe[y, and generel welfare oE the Citizens of the City of Msheim. 4. That the granting of the Conditione] Use Pennit under the conditicns imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, sefety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That under tne a~~hority of Section 1F,~;,p7p, ~,=ivzr o.` Ser.,ior. .?.~0.030(11) reGuiring that a fence or wa'_1 =na'.': be cor.struc~ed to tne rear o.° ?_~e recuired lande, ~pi~~,a is hereby aranted to permit con=_~rurtion o: the ierce or •n~al: a~ ~nz :ror.' o: the reqcir~d landscauino. o. That 3 parso^s a,cea*ea in oopositior.: o~d tn~t reoresantatives o: t!~e Ora^ae Co~..r,t., '~Jater District apneared to ~xpres< t~e;r •.`e~.vpointe a~d =e o!ar-,end~tions. '~e=. ivo. 75 ~ ;JOI~i, THEREFORE, BH I? RESOLVED that ~he Ananei~ Ci;~, ?lanr.ing Commi=sion does ha~eby 9rart subject PEtition :or Conditionai Use Permit, upon i:h~_ :o]!owinq conditions ivhicn are nereoy found to be a nece=_sary prerequi_=ite to the proposeo use oi the subiect aroperty in crder to presarve tne safety and general ~::~~lfare of the Citizens of the City of Ananeim: 1. That the olvr.ers of =_ubject proper~y shall deed to the City of Anaheim a etrip o: land 32 feet in width, :rom the center line of _he street, alor,o Rich:ield Road, °or street wioenin ourooses. 2. Tnat stree~ improvement plans sha!1 be prepared and all 2r.gir,eering requirem~nt= o: tne City of Anaheim alona Richfield Road, such ae curbs and gut~ers, 51(IEVJB~~s, stre~t ~*;dine and pav_nu, drainage `acilities, or other appurter.ant :vor:~ shall be completeo as re~ui:ed by the Cit~y Eno;neer and in accoroance vfith s~andard plans and specif:r.ations on .°ile ir, tn2 office of the City Engineer; and that a bond in an ..~7ount and form =atis;actorv tc t!~e ~ity o: Ananeim _hall ba oosteo witn the City to ouaran±ee the insta'.lation o: said en^` .-_ri~c re- quirements. 3. Tnat the owner=_ of subject aroperty shall pay to the City of P.nati:ir* tna =-. ot $<,~~ per front :oot alona Rich:ieid Road, :or street ]iqhting ourposes. 4. Tnat the otivners o.` subject property sha?7 pay to the City o.° Anah>im the sum; o; I~Q per :`ront :o.ot. along Richfield Road, for t:ee planting purposes. ~. Tnat a ParrA1 hiap to record the a~proved oivision of sub~ect aroperty be =_ub;r,;~tad to tne City of Anaheim :or aonrova'_ and then b2 recurded in the o:.°ice or ~ne Orance County Recorder. 6. That subject property be developed in accordance with site developr:ent standard=_ speci::ed in Chaptar 17.20 (excavation and recovery of non-fuel minera?s), except a=_ spFCi- -ically waived,.of tne Anaheim blunicipal Code. 7. That a minimum 6:oot in height solid strip o: dense landscaping consi=_tin~ o` cultivated p?ant materials, sha~l be provideo along ihe north ano ea=_t property 'ine=_ to scre~ ad=quately tne proposed sand and gravel operation from vie~N;that said landscapinr. =nai1 i~c]ur adequate irrigation :`acilities, includi;~g hose bibb=, etc., :or the m.~intenar.ce o: said land- ~caping; tnat any landscaping exhibiting signs of deterioration, shall be replared ir, orcer io retain th= dens= appearance needed .°or adequate scre2ning of the pit ooeration=; ano tnat s~id dense appearance of the 12ndscaaing sha]] be e:"ective w:thin a pariod o` 3 y~~ar~ 'ror.: oa'e h~reof as a condition o: u=_e o; tne property. ~ n. That Condition tdos. 1. 2. 3, 4, and 5, above mentioned, shai! be comp!iec ::~ ~;~i+~;l~ a oeriod of 1R0 days ,`rom date hereo:, or such :urther time a~ the Com:nission or C;t;.Co~:r.~i] may gran~. °. That thi=_ ooeration =ha]] comaly ;¢ith a!1 requlations o.` the hir Po]'ut~or~ Co~>rol District, and that piling o. any material on the premises ~hall be main~olfl~0 SO as not to create dust ~hat wi]1 b2 detrimanta? ;o the surround•,rg proc~arties. 10. Tnat ti;is Conditional Use P2rmit i= granted sub;ecr to t~e coT:pletion o: Reclas=_i- iication ~Vo, 0~-o6-;c. 11. Tnat the excavation o: any aortion of tne re~: property ner~inba.`ore oescribac =na ". not exceed a deptn of 197 :eet above mean =za levei ~U. S. Coast and Geod.zt~c Sur~:•ey), 12. That the most nortnerly boundary of sub;ec± proaerty sha'.? be no :loser to La I'a';~a Avenue (4"Jalnut Street) thar. ~00 feet from the centerline o: La Pa'.m~ Avenue to the ^ropert; line. 13. T!~at no truck tra-;ic as~ociated with the operation snal'. be routec north ~o La P~':-,~ ~,venue (P~a!nut Street) via RirhEie:d Rozo. 1~. That a ~rold hzrmle=_=_ agre2ment =aal? b2 rer.oroeo :ait~ the Orar.o~ County Re:.order to insure that tne petition ~rs wili indemni:y and save narmiess tne Orzn~z County VJat2r Distr=ct of and _°rom any claims, demano=_ ar.o cause= o.° action whicn may 're made aoainst it by either o: therr or any of their re=pective hezrs, executors, administrators, leqa: represer.tatives, arontees, assicnee~ and lessee=, by vir~ue of the maintenancc and operatior, of a=prezoi~c basin and storaye o: water tivester:y o` su~ject property, as stipu'ated to by the petitioner. 15. ?hat all ::uts and sloping shal] ~e maintained at a:! times at a 3 to 1 ratio (3 norizontal to 1 verticai) alonq tne west, north, and east. proper~, 'i^e<, as - condition os use, in ord2r ;:o retain the stabi:ity of _he soil and prevent any =_oil ero=ion; ano that this 3 to 1*atio (3 norizontal to 1 ve*tica! ratio sha1: not ) b~a maintained with reconstituted materials in oroe~ ihat any `uture reuse n: the excava±ed pii may be ac~ompiished witn a m~nimum zxperditure. !o. ?hat c~r~or to the zstraction o' any materia: :rom this ~rooart,, a~] of tne a`ore- mzntioned conoition=_ =_ha!! he `ul'y met. ~ ~ R2e. No. 55 „~x ~ -. - ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is sigr.ed and aporoved i~ me this 23rd day of t~;arch, 1~07. ' 4~ ,c~ ~~ ~"rIAIRMAN AhdAHEI~~1 CIiY ?LP.:?t~LfJG Cp;u1MI SIOAI ~~~ ATTEST: _ ~~i!. ;~ ~~<. ~ ~~2 / SECREI'ARY ANAHEIbi CITY PLADI[r'IF,G COh1~1ISSI0:"~ ~I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) I CDUNTY OF ORANGE ) s=, CITY OF AivAFIEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planr.ing Commission of the City of A.naheim, do he*eby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and zdopted at a meeting o: the City Planning Commissior. o: the City of Anaheim, hald on hiarc}~ 13. 1907, at 2:00 G'c?oc}: °.~~1., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CON~IISSIO'dERS: A11red, Farano, Gauer, Herhst, h4ungall, Rowland, Camo, ;QOES: COMh1ISSI0NERS: i~one. ASSENT: OJAih1ISSI0NERS: ;Jone. IN ;NIT^IESS NlHEREOF, I nave hereunto =_et my hand thi=_ 23rd day o: 1~".arc~, 19c?. ~/ ~ ~% L /L' r L 2-t.. ~ ~~i. ~'~`J~' SECRETARY A:"dAN$Ihi CIT'f PLA";`dIK~G ~MMISS?0': 6 Res. :~'o. 55 _g_ ; ~} ; ~ ~`j k! * ~•I ~ ~ - . , ~, - - - -- -- - -- . - - - ~~.~ . _ .. _ . . ~ +:y(t, ' ' s~_y.r ''~7'..,.- .- a