PC 67-59RESOLUTIOfJ W0. P~: ~, '-~ A RESOLUT?O;d OF TH£ CTTY PLA`~P~?'~u CON~4i1SSI0~: •;;F ~~-~ CITY Or' A?]AHEItJ~ RE~MMENDING TO THE CITY COUI•;C1L OF THE G:T':' Ui= A'dnH£L1i A'! AA9ENDA1tNT TO TITLE 1~, AiJAAEIM h',U'IICIPAL ~ODE, CHAPTFA 1R.2o. R-2,5000 OIJE FAMILY ZO:~E, SECIIO:! 1~,2v.050, SITE DEVELOPh1EIff STP.idDARDS 5L'B- SECTIO~: l3) ~VcRAGc, T4ERET0 'PJHERcAS, Ordinance ':o. :~.05 :iateo Ju1y 5, 196! e=_tabli=hed Cnaater ]~~%6, R-:%, 5000, One Family Zone; ar:d 'NHEREAS, Section 1~.^6.05Q, Site Deve!onrr.ent Standard=_, Sucsection (?) Cov-~ ~e nrovided ;or a 45A '.ot ~overace factor: and F -~ ^ WHERcAS, the City Plznninq Comr~ission did 'nolo z pubiic hea*inc~ at the City :-~' ~~~ ~ in the City of Anaheim on h~a:ch 1~, 19G~~ at ;:00 0'cloc:c P.h',., notice o: =aid p~_,bi:. i;: nearing naving been duly given as required by :a:~~, to hear and consider zvidence `or ~; and against the proposeo amendment to : iuce t~:e lot coveraae .°actor ano to inv~st'<oate and maF:e findings and recommendations in connection tnere:vith; and 'NHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, ano study rnade by itself and in its behali, and a:ter due consideration o: all evidence and report= offered at said hearina, does find and determine the follotvina `acts: lo That the R-2-°,000 Zone was intenoed to encouraqe a:eouction o; oensity in those areas tnat have been oeemed aporooriate ior low~-mediurn and medium oensity uses on tne Ger.eral Plar,, ny permittinq 5000 =quare r"oot lot, sinqle family subdivisions, a lessar density is cchieved t~an what cnulo be permitteo in low•meaium and medium o~nsi.ty re=idential zones, yet develooer is able to achieve a qreater density than tna± oermitted in sin9le family suboivisions in tne R-'. Zone. ._. That it ~.vas contemplated ±he single r"~mily cnara~:ter o: a suociv=eion wnicn was developeo to these standards could be retained by arovidinn ooen ~paca on individual lot~ in 2n zmount ~roportior.2t~ to :~~hat is provided on tne ~200 scu,re `oo? ;ots :.. the R-1 Zone. 3. That upon investiqation o* tnz davelopment= tnat have a!rezdy bzen constructed, it ie ~poar~nt t~at the preser,t coverage :ac~or i= not _ orovidina ad2quate oper. arez on the lot= t~at are developing to t'~e maximum ozrmittad. 4. That i` the coverage :actor is reduceo `rom -5n to 40'o the minimum open area on R-~-5000 lots r;ill be brouqht into r.:re;.t prooortior. :vith tne oqen area that i= provided on R-] lots. A reouction or' 4Q~ ~•:i11 sti?1 permit coverage o* 2000 square feet of a 5000 =ai::~re foot lot. 5. That developer=_ o: units alreaoy completed appearec to express their concern tnat expenoitures .or architectura? and engineering plcns for the r2maining tracts ~~~ould be doub;ed, =ince tneir plans ~,vera completed, and new plans WOU~p have to be drawn to comoly with the oroposed amendment. VO'N, THER£FORr~,, 3E IT RESOLVED, that the Anaheim City Plannir.o Commis=_ion does hereby recommeno to the City Counci! o: the City of Anaheim an amendment to the Ananeim Nunicipai Code, Title 1R, Zor.ino, Chapter 1~.?5, R-2~-5000 One fami]y,Zone S~ction 1R~25.050(3) Site Deve:opm2nt Standards Coveraoa rrferred to in txnibit "F;" attacheo hereto and referred to herein a= tnoUgh set :orth in ful?. [!i tl ~' s - ~~ R ti ~ ~ ,i` ;~ THE rOR~GOING RESOLUTION is signed and appro~ed by me t.,i.= ~3rd day of March, 146~. . !~ / ~~ .. / • 'CHkI:WiAN AidP.HEIM CIT PLAtdhIT' COMMISSION ' ATTEST: ( ~li7vi v' ~~17~_ ~1'w% SECREf'ARY ANAHEIRI CITY PLA;~~IRG COh9h1ISSI0N STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ~UNTY OF ORP.NGE ) ss~ CITY OF A~JAHFIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plannino Commission of the City of Ananeims o0 hereby certify that the fore9oing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetina o: the City Planning Commission of the City of P.naheim, held on March 13, 1967, at 2:00 0'cloc:•: ?.~~,,, by the foilowing vote of the members thereof: AY~S: COMhiISSIO;~lERS: Ailred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Munoall, Rovaland, Camo. NOES: COh1hiISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: ~MMISSION£RS: ~Jone. IN VJITNESS 'NHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 23rd ~zy o: hiarch. 19c~. ~~L.~il=~'i..' ~/-}I! /4~ / SECREiARY Ai~IF,HEIFi CIT`f PLA~;i~;I'~:G OJA'd~1ISS10'~ ' ; Res. No. 59 :` -i •1 ; _* ~~~ ; ,i I F ~r L ~ '- i ~ ! .~i ' __' ~ ~ EX4IBIT "A" ORDINA~CE N0. P.N ORDIN.4NCE OF THE CITY OF Ai:AHEIA7 AA1E^1DIi.G TITLE 1~, CHAPTER 1R.26, SEC1'70N 1~.26.0;,0 SUBSEGTIOA: "C" OF THE ANAHHIN, h1UNICIPAL CODE ~ ; ~~ ;{ 'eq~ F. . ~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIAi DOeS ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 That Title 1R, Chapter 1R.25 0: tne Anaheim .Aunicipal Code be, ano the same is hereby amended by amendment thereto Section 1R,26.050(c). "SEGTION 1R.26.050 SITE DEVELO?MeNT STAi~DARAS SUBSEGTIOid ( c ) COVERAGE The maximum coverage by all residential and accesso*y buildings shall be *orty (40) per cent of the lot arez". SECTI0:1 2 The City Clerk snall certify to the passaqz o: this ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen (15) days after its adootion, in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newsoapar of general circulation, printed, publisnzd and circulated in saio City, and thirty (30) days from and a.`ter its f?nal o2ssage it. =_hall ta::e e:fect and be in iull force. s ,_1 . ~~ ~ _ .__ __ _ . .~ __.,:, _ - --- . - ~.:~~ ,~y„~,- s ~ e ~