PC 67-67RESULUTIO~ ;~0. 67-•67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLAIvNID1G OOMMISSIOPI OF THE CITY OF ANA.HEIM AMEiJDItJG THE LEGAL DESCRIPTIO;~ OF PROFERTY CONSIDERED IN OJNDITIONAL USE PERNiIT N0. ~iA3 DELETION OF C~JNDITIODI N0. 5 AND Ah1ENDMENT TO OJ'dDITI014 N0. 4 OF PLANNING ~hU`.9ISSION RESOLUTIOD] IvO. 66-73 DATED SEPTEN~BER 12, 1966, THERL-TO WHEREAS, the City Flanning Commission on September 12, 1966 at public hearing did grant Conditional Use Permit No. R~3, subject to conditions and for the establishment of a walk-up restaurant; WHEREAS, revised development plans submitted indicate that the porcel will now be "~ develooed with less tha~ originally approved, thereby necessitating a revision to the ~ legai description of Rasolution ido. bc-•73 dated September 12, 1966; and f ' WHEREAS, Condition 'Jo. 5 of the a;orementioned x•asolution required a document to be recorde-d guaranteeing mutuzl ingress and eyress, v;hich has be2n determined to be olacing an unnecessary c:oud on the title of the property by the title company; and ~VHEREAS, Condition h:n. ~, if incorporated with develooment plans, l^:ill serve tne ' same purpose as requiring recordation o` the documeni as indicateti in Condition ido. 5. NOW, THEREFORF., BE iT RESOLVED that the City ?lanning Commission of the City of Anaheim does hereby amend Resolution ;b. 66-73 dated September 12, ?966 as ;ollows: 1. Amendment to the leo;] description or the property to read: "That portion of real property situated in the City o: Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali:o*nia, described as the westerly 100 ieet of the most southerly 150 feet of Lot 34, o` Tract 'do. 4757, as per map recorded in Sook 1Rq, Paqes ~~ ano 4R o: Ali=_cel'.aneo~~=_ h~iaps in the oifice o: the County Recurder of said County." 2~ That Condition ido. 4 be amendeo to read: "4. Tnat sub;ect property shal! be aeveloped substantia_'_}- in accordance with plans and saecifications, and plot plan, on :ile with the City o: Anaheim marred Revision ;~oa 1, Exhibit ;~:os. 1 and 2; orovided thzt the parkino layout .`or the proposed walk-up restaurant shali be integrated into tne parking !ayout for the entire shopoi~q center, and that no wal:=_, f2nces, or other ohysical barriars shall be con=tructed within the shopp- ino :acility or within the premises o` the wal;-uo restaurant that wouid restrict tnz :lor~ o.` vehicular traffic between the ozrkina arezs o: the two ~acilities." 3~ That Condition [!o. 5 be del et2d. THc FOREGOIPiG RESOLU?I0:1 is sianed and approved by m~ his oth day o: ., 967. ~ ~ l'-~/ ~~G~ i-{¢ AIRA'iA:~i Ab;AHEIM CITY PL ;d;;I::G Id~p7ISSI0~: HTTEST:/ ' ., % -- • 1- ~ ~~ ~ i_ f2 . !~~~ SECRET~RY A~JAHEIh1 CITY PLA~~i';I':G ~fa~.hSISSIO.'? STATE OF CALIFORJIA ~ OJUt~ITY OF ORAKGE ss. CITY OF AfdAfiEIh1 ) 1, Ann Krebs, Se:.*ata.; o: tha ~ity Planninq Com~ni=_sion of the City of P.naheim, ao nereUy crrti`y ihat the ioregoinq resoiution was qassed and adopted at a meeting o* the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on h,arch 27, 1967, at 2:00 0'cloc:r P.Ai., by the fol?oviing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COF:~h~ISSIO:!ERS: Allred, Ga~er, Farano, Herbst, h9unqall. Rowland. Camp. idOHS: CO~~J~IlSSIOiJERS: itone~ ABSENT: ~M[viISSIOI~!ERS: 'Jone. I~1 WITDIESS ~iJHL'R60F, I have hereunto set my hand this 5tn day of April, 196'. ~~ . ~ * ~' i % ,'~- /~ ~•. L. ! vL , . ~ SHCRL-TARY A'~AHEIA1 C1TY PLAid'~JL~:G OJA1A9ISSION a t'