PC 67-7RESOLUTION N0. PC67-7 A RESOLUiION OF Tf?e CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THt CITY' OF ANAHEiM TERM?NAT:A~G AiL PF?OCEEDINGS OId VARIAPdCE ND. 1451, THcRETO ` WHEREAS, the City Planr,ing Commi=sion on June 26, 1961 did ~cpr;ve Conditional ; Use Permit No. 130 to permit the addition of a cnurch sanctuary, cnapei, and churc;^, classrooms to an exist;ng church iacility; and WHEREAS, Variance No~ 1451 x~as granted 'cy the Anaheim City Plan.~ina Commi=sior. ~-~ on April 16, 1962 to establish 3 C}1U:CR parking lot; ar,d E WHEREAS, as a cor.dition of approval of Va=iance No. 1a51, a ttivo year cor.d :;as } 4 posted to insu: e the installation o_° a 6-°oot masor,ry ~nrali alor.c the no*t;-., ea=t zno F~ ` f =o.:th property lines; ar.d ~ WHEReAS, Conditional Use Permit No. 8°9 was granted by the Anzheim City Plar.ning Commission on OctoSer 10, 1966, to permit tne expar.sion o: the existir.o c^urch and permit parking in the front yard oi p:ope:ty aojoining prope:ty covered urder Variance ~o0 1451, thus making the •.vall requ:rement unr.zcessary; and WHEReAS, tne ~ermina~ion of Va:iarce No. 1451 wi~l enable the peti~ioners ~o ootain release o: the bo^d posted for the masor,:y walls adjacent to suoject proper;y, since su~jec~ and tne aojacent property nave r.ew development plans znd conditior.s~ NOW~ THERe°ORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~nat ~ne Anaheim City Pla.^.n'ng Commissio~ does nereby terminate all proceedings or, Variance No. 1451 on the 03515 tnat new oeveiopme^t plans encompass sL'oject ar.d adjoir.ing p:operty, tnereby necess'_t2~i^g neu~ conditior.s whicn were establisned unoer Condi~ionai Use Pz:mit Vo. 889 THE PDR~OIiVG RESOLUTION i=_ s~oned and aporoved 'oy e this 12t'r, oay o: J- uary, 1967. ~ ~ KAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANI~ QOMN SSI01 ATTESTs ~!~~~_.~ZC~~~ SeCReTARY ANAHeIM CITY PLANNItiG CON4MISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ; COUNTY Or ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Anr, Krebs, Sec:etary o.' the City Pl,:~ning Commission of the C:ty of Anane:m, o0 hereby certify that the foregoing :esolutior ~xas passed ano adopted at a meet:ng or ;he City Planning Commiss:on of ~he City of Anahe:m, neld on January 4, 1967, at 2i00 0'c:ocK P.M., by the `ollowing vote of the membe:s i;~e:cois AYr"Ss OOMMISSIONERSs All: ed, Fa: ano, Gauer, Herbst, Mtingal:. NOESt COf+iMISSIONF~St Nor.e. AHS~:VT: COMMISSIO\'ERSt \'o,,c. IN WITNESS WH'r.~tEO~, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of Janua:y, ]9G7. ~ ~ ..~'2~ C~z_ SECAEiARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI;~ QOMIIISSION ~~ ~ ~ E ~ ~~I ~ ~ ,i . ,~~ ',1 . .