PC 68-130~ ~ , RESOLUTION NO. PCOH"130 A RE50LUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1960 BE DENIED RICHARD W RHENNING,C286P~ East Lincoln AvenueCitAnaheime1Californiaa92806a Ownter~;fVJILLIANI Sf~~oHELPS, 914 East Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CaliFOrnia 92805, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of OrangE, State of California, descrioed in Exhibit "A" attached he*eto and referred to herein as though set forth in full 4 ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on May 6, 1968~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions ot the Anaheim hiunicipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and 1VHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and r:tudy made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered -;•_ said hearie •, does find and determine the (ollowing Eacts: * 1. That the petitioner requests a variance from the Anaheim Municipal Code, as .`oi:ows, to permit development o:` two-story muitiple family residentiai development within 150 f2et o, the R-A, Zone. 2. That there are no exceptional or zxtraoz•dinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not app:y qeneraiiy to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 3. That the r~ouest?d ~~ari=~r~ ;~ .,o'~ ~,ces:.=r . ° substantial property right oossessad ~ other^ u~~~t `~~` NiCSei~~ation ana enjoyrr~nt o: a y prooerty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the prooerty in question~ 4. That tf~e reyuested ;.::i~, _c ;.;:~;:~~;,at~c•i~,'iy ;ietri;nental to tha pu~iic r,ai;sre or iniurio.:s to the oroperty or imo:ov2ments in su~~n vi:inity an:1 _>one in whicn the orooerty is lo.ated. 5. Tnat the Commission recommer.ded F.-1, One Farr.ily Residentiai, Zor,~ to the east of the proposed R-3, and the projections for the develooment of the property to the north as recommenoed on tne amendment to the Genera? °lan would also olace 1ov.~ density residential develooment to the north. o. Tnat $ uersons appeared, one of v~hom presenteo petitions signed by 250 prooerty owners, and over 100 oersons Nere present in the Counci]. Chamber, all in opoosition to subject p2tition. V l-D -1- ~ ,, , ~,v 1:;, ~~~~ . . ' ~ ~. $ ~~II TITIE OFFICER ~~~iAlVli~ lYU~ Y~ ~~ ~ ~ ._ ' _ ~v~zcy r ti ' ..; Y~'J'• VESTcE: p~ln ~r.~`iNZPTG APIYr, ~~'~`i7':lli~ , 'G PALZL'S and RICEAP.D ~7iiIM~ in equz~Y^~`~ p . ~ to PYSCeI 1; RICfi~RD WILLIAbf F:.;IR1T;G, as hio s~ga.-~te ~roperty aa to¢" „~;?] ~ Parcel 2, and RICHARD ~LLTA,~i n,,;~~II2tG, a a~.7ied na.n, by deed ~rhich :eci~te;~.':~'~ ~ u~ hi~ ae~ra,te property as to Parcel 3. ~"` ,,q' r~ ~Ut'~E~ i 20: ` -~ 3~ ; 1. S~~ond instal.lment GenerAl ~n3 S`~ecial Taxes for the Yiacal yesr 1967_19E3, covering Parcel 2, Amount $1,681.97; Ccde Area 2-039, A. P. Fo. 26t7-031-08. ~ ~. T'n~ Res~rvEtion afPact3ng ?-.rc~l 1, Por :cadn, railrcads and dithcea oi' a strip o' land 30 feet u38e, alo:.g, ~d,joining cu:d esch aide oP the T~rn3hip er.d Section iines, a:.d the ~~3e'rIJ'~}Lien of the use n.rd con~:ol oP cier,c~a~ r~:3 ' r.~'turai a'z~et~ o~ trater, if any, raturally upon, flo-ain,3 acro~s, into or b~ -~~,-J~, ca'-c ~ct, ar.d the rignt o: ~,-~y f'or and to co:istruct irri~ation cr drni:.a~„ ~ i,'~. c?itches throu,gh said t;aet to irri~te or cir~in the ad,jacent lar:d. ',. An Fsse:.~nt Por road gurpoaes ove: t}Mt por~ion oP ~aid Parcel 1, inclu3~,i ;rithin the Az~.~e;~-Olive Ros~3, aa conveycd to th~ Ccunty o~ Oz^:ng• by d~e3 ::~:o:dzc'c 2•yy 17, 1915, in Poo~c 2T7, ?~-,~e 85 oP D~z3a. ~i ~• '?':~~ :'~ect on ?arcel 1 oP a deed dated ~;a;/ 2b, 1930, recc:~ed July 31, ~~ ~S30 in coo~c 399, rage u00 0: CPPiciai Record~, ~rherein W~, u. Gre~;; a.:.d ~~ , ~~°~ ,~.xatn3 to Abr.er J, Miller aad Eai-b~ Alice b;iller, bi~ viie, as ,Joint ' t~,ts, t:ie i•Ight to use, etc. the existi~ ~ ccnc.-ete picc line ex~en3s.-, e~1or.~ ~:~ the i~'eaterly line oY eaid lsnd ttithin Rio Vista Strect. ~r.."SGni~~Gu ~ ., , • '~~3 i:~t Ccrtiin I.3~ sitt~ted ia ty~ Statr a~' C~ Gi'w`-r o~ Ar~eiz, drscribed o.s faLicin: , ~-i.~ania, Covn~• at G~ns'.gv, ~~~= l" °~ ~:' ~li9t ~'t~023 Qf '~19 ~CZ't.y.t'JC3t 5...^~'cion 7, To•.rz~hip 4 Sauth, ~',3a 9 Nes-t,~S. H B. & H.,cdc~cribed~~'~ oi i ~~+ :Cd`3: 1i=~ `' ~--~~ nt t~e intcrsection o~ the Neat 11~= cS said Sectioa 7~ri W`~ *..~ een~e:• 1L^.e o.' A~ei.:.-Clive Bcalen~d, a~ d~s~i~r3 ia deed to '~ Ce~',:y ~'.~:"~.r.3~, r~ccz~`d. ,•a~ 17, 1915 in Bco's 2'T5, r~= oj ot I`z~; iher.r~ w~~ 78 55 05 ~st 6?0.79 te_~ rylo.~ aaid cente: li:s y„o the Fe:,t li~: oi l~.d described in d~ed to t~e 5~3ta n,° Ccliic:n:a, reccrd=d :;cve;..Se: 5, 3;r:S in 3coz 1725, Fycse k22 of C.'~ iei;~, Recc: ~s •~acc Fo=-ts 11~ G'~' S5" E:w~ 69.E0 Peat to tL~ i~or~ae~t ccrzar ot eaid~Iar3 of tcs Stato ot ~ij~C."'II~Bj '~°._~^.,.^C $OLltll 78' Sli~ 30~~ C.7.3t ~.C..~ ~'E"~'~'. 't0 ~.'..^. .SCLl~'i:L'Sai. ' ~:r.:s o~ Ia:d described ia deed ~.o G~ilie E:r~,i~; ~r•? son, reco:~'ed ~~~ 29, 1$49 in BaoY 1~05, ~3e ~%19 oP G:~ic~ ~eco:3s; thence i~ert~`~ 0° ~) ~5 ~t 630.42 Se~t alo~ th~ ~e~t lira o' .,a,d 1-^Y 1 of Ct~:.Iie ?ier~t~ ''~rs i.hw i~~-'-~ Zi~ oP 'the Scu~'~,.i ~1f c~' tha ~cu :~ ~,." o~ t~.e iicrth i"~.~L e.:° th~ : cr w.,~~st qrar~t~- e? t~s Sc~ut..'~-, s t qL ~:_- o° : a:d Sectica 7; t::~^r;: _ F;eni~:~y 7c~t,28 Seet r1o:~ ::sid 27cr`~.h lirz to W.` r,,'~at 2~ ot eaid Section 7 th:.~ca soutn~r~y 5~3•57 ~eat to -ths poiat oY begi~i~3. ; ~'C :,~'i''~';u ~:,.'?G'M t~t pcrLioa cc~: e;/.>d to AI~~a °eta Ac=z 3~ Itet~, Ir.c., v~ o~cration by de`3 recard°d De~e~er 2Z, Zgcl in 3oolc 5751, ~=~~ 19 ~x ~~''~ic1~.Z Reccc~cL3. :~..~c.-~,..I. 2: t~t vortioa ot' 'th~ ;~~::rst qi:nr-~er ci tte Sct:~.,,~st q~te.r o~ c,„+tion 7i Te-r.+.~hi~ 4.~,~~,th, Ra:.~,~ S~'i~st :.n ti~ ~:w'r.a ~ Jtr:~ Ca„os cc' :,a Ars,, es sho,-a ca s b'~~ rece:dad. i~ Pcos 51, ~e 10 oP MiscelL r~cus i'..=pa, reccds ct' G`n~~t;e Count-,~, C~Iit~nis, d~scribe3 as ±'c.llo~~: ~ ~y=a"~-",S at tho intersaction o~ the CCIItC: 1~::.°. o~ Ar.~..hei`-0~ jve 3~ as i:; ~~~ed i. da_d rsccrd:d '.•~;f Z7, 1915, ia Eoo~ e^t5, ~3= ~7 ot' De~cs ~ai`,.h i:r: t:~st 3.3~ oZ the Sou~..h-,r_st q~ste_r cP Eection 7, Tc;r:.~.h3~ k Scurh, n.>^~ ~ T~~~~t, S. B. B. Fa :d.; ~nce Scut~ 73' S5' 3~" ~s~ a.1o:~ .~aid c~a~ :- ~ ~ '~8•33 °eet; t~~nce P;a th p' O5 ~ 20" c:3st 'rJ..ll : eet 't.o s: o:nt in ~ i.~: t,~.. ~=.~Y Zine of 't:.: .~~ ce1 oP le~ 3 descxibe~3 in dce3 to ~ Sta~,,e a~ Ca1iP~~iri ~-ec~~~ ~wr~er 5, 1$=i8 in ~ec's 17~~, rn5e 422 of CY~ici.zl P,eccrds, ^aid r ;;•oin~ bein,s thQ ~:a point of be;~i.~ { _3 ~'cr -this de3CZ'~D't30'.7~ ~r.ce ~c~ c:Yd t~:e point of be~r~ Srn:~.h 7G° 55' 03" :aat alc..g ac~id £crth~sl;f li~ flJj.&9 ~eet to a point in'.;he ras~ lirw o4 t'~^ i7arth,_st ~,:sr~,:r o; ~t::e ~.:~..~zat q~:artr,r of said 5cctioa 7; 'r.~n;.e 2lcrth 0' G9' S0" rast a.Io:.,g sai3 £a.st ZL 754.c;4 i'eet to ea intersection xi`,.h t:e i,ert.~ 1~ a,' ~ Scu;h ~~ Gi 'iZ'.`~. .S`Ot:t1 ~.'filr GI' ti3 ZOI'~'~l ~ Q~ ~+9 ZTCT't.~.:r~~3t CjL'ST'C.^.i Or '~"iC SQ~1~'~•Ila~9t. ~~rar'',.er of aaid Sec~ian 7s thence South 89° ~9i 50" ~Iea~ along saic: ficrt,:i 4'~ 595.'~'$ teet; -thence Sonth 0' OS' e0" ~7est 636.42 2eet to tha ~-ue r~oint o: begir.~ing. r,%Cr."PTIVG thereProm the ;ast 4j2.00 .eet; J r . ~ ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Variance on the besis of the aforementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me ;:s 16th day of May~ 1968. / ~~ / HAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLAN~IING COMMISSION ATTEST: / ~,, /~~ .~G~L;~z~t, N~ilu-Uc:r-~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certiEy that ,the fore= going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on May 6~ 1968y at 2.00 o'clock p,M„ by the foilowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allreds Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Camp. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ~`~one. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Rowland. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of May~ 1968. ~~~~~'~'t-'~ ~C ~I.~-2% SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ,, i ~~.~ ~1 ~;" i `~~! _~sa: <~;, . RESOLUTION N0. 130 V2-D . _,~. ..:... -2- ~ ~