PC 69-191;s f:, ~, G ,~- r: ii c:: C;~ ~ ,'~ 1 RESOLUTION NO PC69-191 A RESOLUTION OF 'IHE CITY PLANNING COMNISSION OF 1THE CITY OF ANAHEiM THAT PETITION FOR CONDlIIONAL USE PERMIT BE DENIED WHEREAS, the City PlanninQ Commiaaion of the City of Maheim did receive a verified Petition for Con- ditiond Uae Permitirom MARKET BASKET, 6014 South Eastern Avenue, Los Angeles, California 9Q022 Owner; FRANK LAFFEY, 1619 South Shelton Street, Santa Ana, California 92707, Agent of certain.real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California described as Lot No. 1 of Tract No. 'L090, as per map recorded in book 61, pages 38 and 39 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. ; end ~ WHEREAS, th~ City Plannin` Cammiasloa did hold ~ public 6tarin~ et th~ City H~ll in the City oE Maheim onS eptember 22, 1969, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M., notic~ oE sdd public he~cine h~ving been duly givm aa rpulred by l~a ~nd in +ccord~nce with the provisions of the Maheim Munieipal code, Ch~pter 18.64, to hear and consid~e evidaeee for ~nd a`ainst sdd peopoasd rnnditional use and to inve~tigate and make findings and reoonwend~tions in connectlon thaewich; and WHEiiEAS, ~dd Commiseion, ~Eter due insp~ction, investi~ation, u+d study made by itself end in its be- halE, and after due consldentlon of all evidence and roports offered et s~id h~~daQ, doee find and determine the Eollowing facta: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditiond Uae Permit is authorized by Code: Section 18.40.060(g) to wit: permit on-sale beer in an existing structure. 2. That the proposed use will adversely affect ±he adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the a.-ea in which it is proposed to be located. 3. That the propcsed use would crea+.e a further deleterious effect to t~e re- vitalization of a shopping center which has been al.lowed to deteriorate. 4. That the proposed use would be backing up to a rather large single-family sesidential tract and would be detrimental to the public he~lth, general welfare and safety of the residents of t}~is area. 5. That plans, as presented, indicate a beer bar is prooosed which provides a minimal ares devoted to the preparation and serving of foad which is contrary to City Council policy which reyuires approximately 25% of the gross floor area for the pre- paration and servirg of food. 6. That the hours of operation proposed for the beer bar would create undue r.oises and disturbances to the residents of this area. 7. That one person appeared in opposition. CI-D ' 1' 5 '~:; . _ , ! i ~,j • ,~ , i :~ t 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Plenning Commission doe' hereby deny subject PetItion for Conditionel Use Permit on the besis of the eforementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Is signed and approved by me.tbis 2nd tday of 0 ober, 1969. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ - r ,/ .~(~ ' -~~"~1-L-:'-~1~~/_Yj ' l`_ SECRE`I'ARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION '; ~ ST,ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CO~UNTY O.F OR~INGE ) as, `.;~ ~YTY OF ANAHEdM ) .~ I, Ann Krebs, Secretery of the City plenning Commiseion of the City of Anehelm, do hereby certiEy thet thP fore- ,'~ Sel~te berut22,Wlg 98aed and adopted et e meeting of the City Plenning Commisslon of the City nf qnaheim, held on '' p e et 2:00 o cloek P,M., by the following vote of the membcrs thereof: i ~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Thom, Rowland. I NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. I • ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Farano. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend thls 2nd day of October, 1969. I i' ~ ~ ~f ~ ~ ~ ~ ;' % ,~ ?-G-r? ~/~J <--fra/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 191 C2-D -2- 'i; ; 1 , , 1 _~ . `7 ,~, ~~ .tx _ __._. ~ _ . ... _` ~ - -- - ^ - - r . - ^-~ , ~-.~..r . ;