PC 69-244. i ,~: _ ~ : RESOLU i ION N0. pC69-244 <~: i `' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ RECOMMENDING TO THE ~ITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT ~, PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICA?!ON N0. 69-70-21 gg ,+ppROVED WHEREAS, the City Plenning CommIssion of the City of Maheim did recelve a verifled Petition for Reclassifica- tionfrom GRACE BIBL~ CHURCH, 2550 West Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California 92804, Owner; DAVID C. MADDOX, 111 North Western Avenue, Anaheim, Caiifornia 92801y Agent of certain real property situaied ;n the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, S~tate of California, described as the North 396 feet of the Northwest quari,er oF ±he Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section ~ 23, Township 4 South, Range 11 West, S. B. 8 M, according to the Official Plat thereof. EXCEPT the West 536 feet thereof. ; and WHEREAS, the City Plannin~ ComR~IssIon did hold e publie he~dng et the Clty Hell in the City of Anaheim on DecembeT 1~ 1969 at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notfce of said public hearing hevin6 been duly given es required by lew and in eccordenee with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear and consider evidence for end ageinst said proposed reclesaificatlon and to investi~ate and mske findinQs and recommmdetions in connection Merewith; and WHEREAS, said Commisaion, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its behelf, and efter due eonaidera!ion of ell evidmce and repotts ~fferrd ~t soid hearing, does find and dettrm:ne the following facts: 1. Thet the petitioner propoaes a reclassification of the above described property from the R-A, Agrir,ultural, Zone to the R-3, Multiple-Family Residential, Zone to establish an 18-unit one-story apart- ment complex on subject property. 2. That the proposed reclassification is in conformance with the Anaheim General Plan - 1969, and land uses to the south and west. 3. 'thet the proposed reclassificetion o[ subJect property ie necessery end/or desireble for the orderly and pro- per development of the community. 4. That the propoaed reclaaslflcation of subject proporty doea properly relete to the zones and their permitted uses locally estebliehed in close pror.imlty to subject propedy and to the zones end their permitted uses generally esteb- liehed th~oughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does not require the dedication, but does require the impro~iement of abutting streets in accordance wtih the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which wi11 be generated by the intensification of land use. R-A ... . "^ti' - I - -1- ~ _ NOW~ THEftEFORE, HE IT .:SOLVED Lir! W Aaeb~ (~ rStw~l J,'r.]~OOi~ei~e ~b~~ h~by crcom~nend to the City Council of the City of Aa~k~i~ t1Mt ~ p~ ~*~,~~ ~~,~~,~ ~nd, by aa ~~ln~, th~t Title 1&Zonin~ of t6~ An~ho;m Ah~~(ci~l ~,ys/~, ~ y~~ b M~~, w~~ ~`~~~ prop~cry fcom the R-A, Agricultural, Zone and to inccrporate said described property into tr4 8-39 Multif+le- Family Residential, Zone, upon the following conditions which are i~ereby found to be a nec- essary prerequisite to the proposed use oi stibject proFerty in order to presarve the szfety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City nt A~a-ihairr. 1. That all engineering requirements of the City r~f Anaheim alor,g Ball Road including preparation of improvement plans and installation of zll im~Y•OVFm,c~CE, such as curbs anC g~t;Ars sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or u~h:r yppurtenan`_ work sh~l.l be ~ complied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordanc~ , ch st:,nud~d ~i_ar.s an9 spe~i~ fications on file in the office of the City Engineer; that r~ bor:i in an amount end form ;a:is~ factory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City Co gua*antee th.: 'c.stal~.at;-m of the above mentioned requirement. 2. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaucim the s~im rif ?5' pe~ ^^~e front toot along Ball Road, for tree planting purposes. ;~ 3. That the owner of subject property shall pay tc, 'hC City '•f Ana:`.eim the sum o; ~z.~~u ;' per front foot along Ball Road, for street lighting purr,oser,. ~~ ' 4. That trash storage areas shall be provided in acco~.~!?nce r+ith approved ptanc ;m ~" ~ ,, with the office of the Director of Public Works. ~ 5. That fire hydrants shall be installed as reqvirei ano determined to be ~e-,r:s~ry :;v the Chief of the Fire Department. ~ 6. That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the east pro~o:ty l:.n;•. 7. That subject property shall be served by underground utilities. 8. That a]1 air-conditioning facilities shall be properly shieldec. irorn ~-' ~ 9. That any parking area li htin ~ 6-feet, which lightin9 shall be direcgedrawaSefromathebe dPwn-y?~h*ing ; Pa~i~i~~~~ neight of I integrity of the area. Y Pro ert li.es ta r,.,ct t,7e residentia ~ 10. :%rior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, ti•~r.jlt;JfllJos. 1, ~I 2, and 3, above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights gr~.tad by this resolution shall become null and void by a~:tion of the City Council 7,~niess said conditions are complied with within i80 days from the date hereof or such further time as thp City Council I may grant. ~ 11. That Condition Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, d, ,;~d 9, above mentioned, shall be complied with pi•ior ~ to final building and zoning insoecti.ons. 1 12. The the owner of subject property shal~ pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of g75 ner j multiple-family unit, to be used for park, and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at , the time the building permit is issued. ', THE FOREGUING RESOLUTION l~ ^tened w~d .pPeo~b b~, ~e thi~ llth day of Decerl ber, 1969. ;i. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ CH RMAN Al(AHP3M CITY PLANNING COMMiSSION ATTEST: /' ~? ~"t .~ ~Z. SECRETARY ANANEIM CI' STA'I'E OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY QF ANAHEIM ~~ . C1' PLANTdING COMMISSION ) ) ea. ) I, Ann Krebs ~ Secretary of the City Pla~aia~ Comoission of tde City of M~h~im, do hereby certify that the foregoing tesolution wes possed ~nd ~dop~t~ ~ ~~u~{~~ of `he City Plannin~ Com~iasion of the City of Anaheim, held on December 1~ 1969 at 2:00 o closk P.M., ~ by the tollo~vin~ vote of the memb~ra che~ro[, AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, NerbsZ, Thom, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h~ve hereunto ~~t my b:s;: ,7,ia l lth day of December, 1969. ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~7,' ~~ , ~ `!_ `J SECRETAbtY ANAHEW CITY PLANNING COMMLSSION RESOLUTION NO. 244 ~ .A~ R2-A _~.