PC 69-253RESOLUTI.ON N0. Pc69-253 A FESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COPII~iISSIGN Or THE C?TY ;~P ~tdt~,;{~ ;,.i AMENDI;VG CONDITIONS OP RLSOL1.ITi0N N0. PC69-216 DATGU \'08LP1ISLf: ::, 1~iby GRANTING VARTAi~iCE NU. 2115 THER~_'0 WHEREAS, the Anaheim City ~lanninir Commission on Nuvemter 3., "L969, in Resulucion No. PC69-216 granLed Variance ho. 2115, subject to condi~ions; and WHERCAS, Conditi.on ~o. 2 of [he aforementi.oned resulution requir~d ~'n~ rccorda~i..,n ,....~~ of a perpetu:el easement agreement for mutusi ingress and egre~s beco;een ~iie val~icii'lar ~'! I accessways ~in subject property and those on the property conti~,uoi,s ~o !ne a~sr; cnd ''~~ I WHERP.~1;, the petitioner has indicated tha[ he would have ditficnl~} an or.~aiuinZ; r,1 I financing on the project because of this condit.ion since the Lenders fei~ clcar ti!ie ,~ ~ to Che oroperty wauld be clouded; and 7 I ~~ WHEREAS, the peti.tioner conL-ended thac the accessway would serve as a poin! uf '~ in~ress and egress for both subject pruperCy and the pruper.[y Co liie we^c ~Jitr~our t}ie recordation oi a mutual easement agreement; and WHEREAS, any accessway provided sliould remai.n free oi an}• obr,~r,ctions acruss said ~y accessway in order L-hat free movement of all vehciles, pacc~cular7; iire, i_rasn and ,'i emergency equipment, could be provided in [he evenc of ::ome Lype oE d:sascer whici~ mi.ghr occur on either of these developments. ~ NOW, THERL;FORF,, BE IT RE~OLVEU rhac the Anahei.m CiCy P',anniug C. amend Resolution No. PC69-216, Condition No. 2, as follows, and amei~~mmiS~iCioaJ\cI~9 ~by ,~I deleting any reference to Condition No. 2, based on che foregoing iindi.-,~;s•, •I ,I "That a means of vehicular ingress and egress capable of accom-~odat:irig i emergency vehicles shall be pr~vi.ded becweer. the er.isting nortl~erl; ~ vehicular accessway on the apartment development conriguous cu che west und the vehicular accessways proposed in the developmene o[ s•.ibje.~ ; property; and that no obsr.ructions oE any kind ma~ be erected acrnss ., ' said accessway that would impede the free movemNnt aP alt ~ypes ~~i ?' : vehicles between th~ two developments." THE PORGGOING RESOLU'IION is signed and npproved b, me this 24~h da~ ol Je::~_mU~;[, , 1969. ~ " i I ' i I -: ~ ~- ~~ __ -~.l__ ____`_ r.~~nrxt•~r~ Ar~niic~rt c~_tY t~~.,;~T~,ic-cu~ir,i.ssto:a ~ ~ ATTEST: L--7. % i'. ',i'/ ~~'/( G T.. / SECRETARY ANAIIEIM CITY PLANNING COPU;ISSION I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planring Cu~mni.ssion o[ the i;i.Cy ot Ar.aheim, d~~ hereby cerl-ify tha[ the foregoing resolueion was pa;sed nnd adup~_er! ae p mecLin~; of the City Planning Conunission of the City of Anaheim held on llecemher 15, 1`'+G1, a~ 2:00 o'cloclc P,hi,, by the [olluwing vote of ~he members tliereofs AYES: CbMMISSIONERS: Allred, I~arano, Gauer, lierbsl, 'fhom, Rowtand, NOES: COMI~SISSIONERS: None. AIiSENT: COMMISS:CONERS: None. ABSTAiN: COMMISST.ONERS: Camp. IN WITNESfi l~i~EREOF, I have he~ceunto set my hand thi.s 24t;~ da~ ~f. De;:embtr, 1969, .L..1.~"~- %,,~ /C ~,_._ ~' ~'~y/./, ~ ~':~ SGCRE'TARY ANAHN`ih1 C1'1'Y PLl1Id~(\'(1 COpIId15S10N ~. p