PC 69-27~ -. ~ RESOLUTION NO. p"6y-~2~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 205~ gg APpROVED WHEREAS, Lhe City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive e verified Petition for Varience from JENNIE L. DINKLER, 174 South Rio Vista Street, Anaheim, California ~2806, O~ti~ner; AA~LLO DEVELOPMENT ~RPORATION~ 1104 East 17th Street, Santa Ana, California 927C1, Agent\of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Caliiornia, desc:ibed in Exhihit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as thougn set forth in tuli ; and WHEItEAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Aneheim on February 26, 1969, et 2:00 o'clock P.Ai., notice of said pubiic heering having bern duly given es required by lew and ln acccrdence with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and meke findings end recommendations in connection thetewith; end 14HEREAS, seid Commission, after due in:spection, investigation, and study mede by itself end in its behalf, end efter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at seid hearing, does find and determine the following fects: 1. Thet the petitioner requests a varience from the Anaheim Municipel Code as follows, to establish a 109 lot one-family subdivision: SECTION 18;OS~OoO - Minimum floor area. (1525 square feet r uired• 1 1386 s4uare feet proposed). ~ ~~~` the lots at ~~~ ScCTI0I4 18,26.050(3 - Maximum_ lot cover~ae. (~ permitted; ~~d averaqe o.' 16% o° ~ ~r - - the lots at 43. , proposed ` 2. That there are exceptional or extreordinary circumstances or conditions appli-,able y to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do r.ot appl~~ generally '. to the property or class nf us? in the same vicinity and zone~ '.i 3. That the requested variance i= necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and <one, and ~~; denied to the property in yuestion~ 4. That the requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfzre or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 5. That the petitioner is advi=ed that, by Resolution, the City Coun:il has determined ~` that the following park and recreatior, fees shall be applicable znd paya~le at the time a ~ building permit is i.ssued: a. Issuznce oF a building permit on or prior to May 1, 1969, ~25 per dv~elling unit; or b. Issuance o. a building permit subsequent to f+1ay 1, 1969 $125 per dv,~elling unit. Vl- -1- ~ ~ , ~- i , ~ . ... .. . . . . . .. . ..... LQLLy ~.!l11J~.V~~~V~• - ~ a~~~c Vllll'CC -. ~ JVfSECC: . ~ ~ 3ENNI~ L. ~iNKLER, a widow, f```c ~~G~ ' y ~ .`,~ ~ l~escription; A13 that xeal property located in the City of Anaheim, County af Orange, State of California, described as follows: PROPOSED Ti21lCT N0, o7g4 ~unrecorded) aeing a subdivisior, of a portion .._ _ of the iollor~ing : yuartar~o~inthe Southee'strquarter andt}~};et~tpdorthl~halfcot~thc~,Soutii, ht~f of ;:lic vortn haif of thc North~~esi quarter of the Soutl«se~t qur~rtcr of Secrior. 7, "_'ownship 4 South, Range 9 t9esL, in tiie Z~ncho San ~uan Cajon de Santa ~ina, as shown on a map recor.ded in Pook Si, page 10 oi rliscel- 3.aneoLS t4a~s, ir. the off-ice oi ~!~e County Recorder of said OrancJe County. The South 5 acres oi the South~•~est quarter of the i`ortho:est quarter and the North hal° or the h~orth half oi the North half of Lhe Northtecst quarter of the Southa;est quarter of Section 7, Tat~nship 4 South, Range 9 'West, in the Rancl~o~San Juan ~ajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a map r~ecorded in Bo ?~'1?~~,~ e 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recor ~~2 ~ ~a1~4~ range County, ~ ~1~~'~° p aN . . `' ~PrF.~~o _o • f~H-2 c ~I. Z -- _ .. . ._ . YJescription: Ali that zeal ~roperty located in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described ~as follows: PROPOSED TR~1CT N0, u647 (unrecordedy being a subdivision of a portion af the follo~ving: ''; ;,~ '.~x~ i ' ~~ r~ Cl 1'hc South half of thc North half of the :~orth half of thc r:orth~:~cst quarL-er of the Southwest cjuartcr,and the North half of thc South half of the ~:o:tii nalf of the North~~csc qu~r'ter of. thc South•;~esL quarter of Section 7, Township 9 Soutli, Ranc~e 9 c•7est, in ~he Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as she~:•n on a map •recorded in f3ook 51, pa9e 10 of Aliscel- laneous Ti„ns, in the o~fice of the County Recorder of said Orange County. 'lhe South S=,cres oi the Southe~est quarter oz the Northa~est quarter and the North 5ulf of the North haif ~f ~he North half of the Northwest quarter of 'the Southw 2•~ arter of Section 7, Township 9 South, Range 9 West, in the Rancho ~e'-~, J~Y,s~ajon de Santa Ana, as shoc•~n on a map recorded in Book 5 0,'• pttge 0'<g Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder o ~sa~~.~~~nge; Coun~y. ~ oF_G~~~~r,~ ~~ ~~~~ 2~ ~ ~ ~ r ~'t N c~~8195~'4 , r~ O+~ ~ ~ . ~G' ~'l~-.-~ ~ ~~~~'~V U' r...r -r~r'-ea/-...~ . ......... .. ...... .......... .., . .____-~, ..,~;'~.:...-:~. _. ^ , . . -..: ,.. .,. . ..~ .. . _ . -' ~ . . I . , ., . .._.. ...._„-_._. .. .. . . _ . . S `;~;::; '~; ~: t' ~ E k THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 6th day of March, 1969. s==~~ .~r ~r Ca /~~ ~~ CHAIRMAN A AHEIht CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~T ~`~[.~?A~~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet the fore- going resolution was passed end edopted at e meeting of the City plunning Commission ofthe City of Anaheim, held on February 26, 1969, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereo[: AYES: COMh1ISSIONERS: Allred, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom. NOES: COMh11SSIONERS: ~amp. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Farano. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hnve hereunto set my hand this 6th dey Of Mai'ch, 1969. ~' ~ ;~L ~~.~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ...'p y~: ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha; thc Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Varience, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and generel welfare ofthe Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1. That this variance is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 67-68-98. 2. That the owner of sub_ject property shall pay to tl~e City of Anaheim park and recreation fees for each dwelling unit, as required by City Council resolution, which shall be used for park and recreation purposes. 3. That subjact property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit I~os. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, g~ and 9. RESOLUTION NO. 27 V2-G -2- ~.,..~ ~