PC 69-6r ! RESOLUTION NO. ~~69 0 A RESOLU?!ON OF THE CI'TY PLANNlNG COMMISS]ON OF THE CI1y OF ANAHEDi THAT PETiTION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERldIT NO. 1~~6 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City PlenninQ Commi~sion o( ihe City of M~heim did recelve a v.erified Petltion fo~ Condltlonel Use Peemit(rom ALBERT N. AND LITA M. Y,LUTHE, 8~1 South State Colla~e Houlevard, Anai:eim, California 92806, Owners of certain real property situated in the City of F,naheim, County of Orange, State of Califorr.ia, described as that pcrtion of Lot 16 of Anaheim Extension, as per Map by Wm. Hamel on file in the RECOrder's Office of Los Angeles, County. Beginning at a point r in the centerline of Placentia Avenue, South 0°05'15" West 268.84 ieet from the northeast corner ~ of said Lot 16, said corner being considered to be the intei•section of the centerline of South a Street and Place!~tia Avenue; thence runn9ng South 0°Q5'15" West 106.15 feet along said center- ; line of Placentia Avenue; thence 5outh 74~36'05" l4est ~7U.72 feet alung a line parallel to the ?, said center line of South Str eet to a point in the East line oF that certain parcel of land ; conveyed to C, L. Becker by Deed recorded in Book 161 pao~ 89 of D~~Eds, thence i4orth 15°45'25" "i West 102,33 f eet zlong the said East line of the parcel conveyed to C, L. Bec~:er to a point in ?` a line which bears South 74~36'05" West frorn the point of beginninc, said line beino parallel '~ to the said center line of South Street; thence tJorth 74°3b'05" East 299.70 feet along said ~ parallel line to the point of beginning. ~ ~t ; ~ ", ; and N'HEREAS, the Clty Plnnning Commitsfon did hold ~~ public n~earing at the City Hall in the City of M~h~lm o~ January 13, 1969, ot 4:~ o'clock P.N., notlce ot aaid public hearing havine been duly `iven as rcquired by l~w and !n ~coordance wfth the provlsiona ot the Mrheim Munlcipal code, Chapter 18.64, to he~r end conaider evidence ~~ ~d ~L~at sdd propoaed conditional uee and W inveatigate ~nd mdce findlnp ond recommendations in eonnecUon t~rewit~; ~ed MHEREAS, add Commission, after due lnepectioa, invertlpUon, ~nd ~tudy made by itselE and !n it~ behalf, and aher due consfdentlon oE all evidmee and reports offercd at sald hearinQ, does tind and detertnlne the following Eects: 1• That the pmpoaed use is properly one tor whlch n Condltion~l Uee Peemit !a ~uthorized by Code: Section 18.40.060, to wit: establish a semi-enclosed restaurant with an outdoor eating area (patio). 2. 7'h~t the propoeed use will not adveraely attect the ~djoinin` l~nd u~ee and t6e geowth and developmmt ot the ~rer !n ~hich lt is proposed ta be loceted. 3• 7'hat the aize and shepe of !he aite propo~ed tor the u~e (s rdequate to o11ow the tull dev~lo~n~nt of !h~ pioposed use in e manner not detclmental to the particular are~ nor to the peace, he~lth, satety, md ~a~l ~d(~re oI the Cltlzena of the City ot Annheim. ~• 'Phat the Qcantlne o( the Conditionel Use Peemlt unda the condltione Imposed, if any, N~II flOl If! IIl~~IIIIMIGI to the p~ace, hnalth, satety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the petitioner stipulated to providing a 6-foot masonry wall along the v+est property line, together with a'.0-foot wide landscape area and tree screen landscaping. ~ C1~G .1. ./x . ' ~: ..,.:~i~ ,.~ ~ ~ d a [IOW, 'I'HEREFORF, SE IT RESOLVED th~t the M~hN~ Clty piaani~~ Conmltilon do~s h~nby ~rwt subj~et Petitlon for Coodltlone! Uae Permit, upon the followln~ condltions wAich ~re h~nby (ound to be ~ nceess~ry prerequiait~ Ao ti~e propos~d u~e of the subJect property in order to pres~rve the aef~ty ~nd ~enerel wel(~re ot the Citlsens of the City ot Anehdm: 1. That street improvement pians shall be prepared and all eng~neering requirements oi the City of Anaheim for a modified cul-de-sac at the easterly terminus of Diana Avenue, such as curbs ar;c~ gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving~ drainage facilities~ or other appur- tenant work snall be completed as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard pla,~s and specifications on f:le in the office of the Cit~ Engineer; and that a bond in an amount and form sati~factary to the rity of Anahei.m shall be posted with thn City to guarantee the instailation of said engineering requirementse 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with tFie office of the Directo: oi Public N~orks. 3. Thai a 6-foot masonry wa?1 shall be constructed along the west property line. 4. That any air-cor,ditioning facil:ties proposed shall be properly shielded from view. 5. That parkir,g arc-as shall be lighted v~ith dovm-lightiny a maximum 6-feet in height and sha11 be directed away frorn th•~ ;,roperty lines to protect the residential integrity of the area, , 6. That Cor.dition PJos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, above mentioned, shall be complied w?.th prior to final building and ;:;,ning ir,spections. 7. That su',bject propert~ shall he developed suastantially in accordance with plans and , specifications on file vii~ch the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3, provided, however, that a 10-foot widP land~cape area adjacent to the required 6-foot masonry wail vrith tree screen tandscaping is oianted as required in the reclass?fication of subject property, and as stipulated to by the petitioner. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is si~ne~ wed appeoved by me this 23rd day of January, 1969. ATTEST: .~.Lt ~ CHAIRMA ANAHEIM CITY PLAhNING COMMISSION ~ L ~~^ i ; '~/ ~~ ~ SE~RETARY ANANEIM CI".'Y PLANNING CO~IMISSfON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGg ; es. CTTY OF ANAHEiM ) I, Ann Krebs, Seaetary of the Ctty'pl~nnlne Commi~a~on of the Ctty of Anaheim, do hercby cerdfy thet ~e fote~oing resolution was poesed end adopt+ed at o meetine of the City Pl~nning Commiscfon of the Clty of Anehdm, held on January 13, 1969~ at 4:00 o'clodc P.M.. by the followin~ vote of the members the~eof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred~ Camp~ Farano, Gauer, Herbst~ Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: T~one. ABSEN7: COMMISSIONERS: r~one. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 23rd day of January, ? 969. ~~, _ ~ • _.._/vti, /~ ~•~ c ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION _ RESOLUTION N0. 6 ~ CZG ,a~x - 2. __ . i r