PC 69-63~, ?l RESOLUTIOIJ irU, PC69-63 A RE9~LUTION OF THE CITY PLAt1~JING ~h4MISSIO;V OF THE C7TY OF AIJAHEI~A REOJN~rEPdDIt'G TO THE CITY OJUfJCII OF THE CITY OF ANAHEII~I AN A1dEtdD~~1ENT TO THE CIRCULATIOId ELF1JEAfI' - ARTERIAL STREHTS AND HIGHWAYS APID HIGHWAY RIGHTS-OF-WAY 61APS~ AND RE9~LUTIUI4 N0. 67R-376 BY THE ADOPTION OF GENERAL PLAN AMEPIDMENT N0, 113 THER~!'0 WH~tEAS, Sunkist Street is presently listed on the ~irculation Element of the Anaheim General Plan as a standard Secondary Highway having a southerly terminus at Cerritos Avenue; and ~;~ y~ WHEREAS, in order to establish the precise alignment o' Son~ist Street southerly of y Ball Road to Howell Avenue the arterial designation must be established as a part of the :~ Circulation Elerr,ent of the General Plan; and ~ r VJHFREAS, Cerritos Avenue, extending eastezly between the Southern Pacific Railroad ? right-of-way and Doulgas Road is presently listed on the Circulation Element of the ; Anaheim General Plan as a standard Secondary Nighway; and '~ I - WHEREAS, Orange County Board of Supervisors Ordinance !10. 2243 establishing the ~ Precise Alignment of Sunkist-Cerritos (Exhibit "B") projects ';erritos Avenue as a i Secondary Highway with a 40-foot width on the south, and a 3J-foot width on the north; and '9 ' WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission on March 1G. 1969, set for public hearing i consideration of an amendment to the Circulation Elemer.t - Higt~way Rights-of-V~ay and ~i ~ Arterial Streets and Highways Maps to establish Sun~ist Street between Cerritoc Avenue ~ I and Howell Avenue, as a Secondary Highway, and Cerritos Avenue extending easterly ~ I between the Southern Pacific Railroacl riaht-of-~•ray and Douglas Road as an exception I ~ to a Secondary Highway on the Table of Exceotions adopted by Resolution No. 67R-376; and I I WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing in the City Hall ~ in the City of Anaheim on March 24, 1969, at 2:00 0'clock P.IJ,, notice of said public ~ •`~ hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisionc ,I of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and aaeinct said proposed amendments and to investigate and make findinas and recommendations in connection i _I therewith; and WHF~?EAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and ctudy made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the fo'.lowing facts: I. That SUnkist Street bet~,~~een Aall Road and Cerritos Avenue and the propns~ extention of Howell Avenue i, rresently outside of the Anaheim City Limits, hov,~ever, is within an area o.' prcposed annexation to the City of Anaheim. 2. That Cerritos Avenue er.tendin9 easterly from Sunkist Street is presently outside of the Anaheim City Limits, however, is v~ithin an area of prooosed annex,ation to the City of Anaheim. 3. That Cerritos Avenue will require no parking lane or parkway adjacent to the railroad right-of-way to the north, therefore, the Engineering Division of the Punlic Works has indicated that a 70-foot street width would then 5e sufficient to meet tne traffic needs in this area. ~. That Cerritos hvenue should be classified as a Secondary Highway with exception and be included in the Table of Exceptions v~hich was adopted by City Council Resolution Wo. 67R-376, with a specifled width of 7C-feet - with 30-feet north of the centerline of the street and 40-f eet south of the centerline of the street. 5. That a representative of the Southern Pacific Railroad appeared to inquire when the er.tension of said streets v,ould be accomplished. ~ -- -. , ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ .. . .. .. . .. ...... .... .....~. .. .. _ .. .. . 41. ~~ ~ •~ ~ NOW~ TFIER£FORE, BF IT R£~LVED that the City Planning Commission does hereuy recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim the adoption of General Plan Amendment No. • 113, establishing Sunkist Street betweer. Cerritos and Howell Avenues as a Secondary 'r. Highway, and Cerritos Avenue extendiny :asterly from the Sout'riern Pacific Railroad to >; Douglas Road as a Secondary Highway wi~h exception on tha Circulation Element -Highway Rights-uf-Way and Arterial Streets and HigFiways Maps. ' BE IT FURTHER RESJLVED that the City Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that Council Resolution No. 67R-37b be amended to include that portion of Cerritos ~ Avenue extending easterly from the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way to llouglas ` Road on the Tsble of Exceptions as a Secondary Highway with a specified width of 70 feet, '""~'~ , haviny a 30-foot half width on the north and a 40-foot half width on the south. ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me•this 3rd day of April, 1969. _ ~3 ~r~e-~•,e, ~i.1 O~ v~~ CHAIRMA ANAHEIM CITY PLANrIING CON~A?ISSION ~ AI7'ESf: _ ~~ ~_~~ ~,~~,- JhvtttlAHY ANAHEIM"CITY PLANNII~ ~MMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) G]U^]TY OF OP,ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I' ~ I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commissiu~~ of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foreooing resolution was pa<,sed and adopted at a meeting of the :I., City Planning Commission held on March 24, 1969, at 2:00 0'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: ' AYESe COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rovaland, ?hom. ~I ' NOES: COt+1MISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: OOMMISSIONERS: Camp. IIJ WITNESS WHERR~F, I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of Apri19 1969. /, / i (~1~2z ~-t~~ "~ 2~ li.n<,~ ~ SECP,ETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ~MMISSION Res. No. 63 `~~ .~a ~ , h