PC 69-75_,; ~ _ . _ i RESOLU710N NO. PC69-75 ~', A REStN•IITIdl1 OF'fHE Ci'iy PLAM~!@1G COlO(ISS(pN OF THE CITY OF ANA}{E~I 1lECOi91[NOQ~G TO'IHt CITy C~1CII. OF THE CITY OF AHAHE111 Tyl-~' P~T1T~ ~'dR RECLA3f~1CATi0N }~p. 68-69-81 BE DISAPPROYED ~i 1YH~REAS, tbe City Pl~nnln6 Coaiuion oE the Cltr c~( M~yei~ did receive a verdq~d petj~~ for Re- .T cla~eificMioe [w~ TAYLOR-DUNN AIANUFACfURING ~MpqldY, 2114 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California 92804, Owner of certain real property Situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of'California, described as Lot Nos. 4 and 5 of Tract No. 162. ~ : ; ~nd ,' NHIEREAS, the City P1~neia~ Co~1u~ ~d y~~ ~ w~~ ~o~ ~~ Clty Hdl L tM Cltr At M~heim r on Apri 1 7, 1969, ~t 7: 30 o'clock P.Y. cotlc~ o( ~N~ puWic M~rfa~ I~~ria8 M~ d~ly Zlr~a sa rprind by _ l~w ~nd i~ r'!'a,~-ee witY the p~ori~io`~ o( tY~ M4e1~ Yre1 ~vid~nce tar ~~~in~t ~~id prop~ nel~ssipc~tima aN to inwsdptC ~~dioi [fndin 21 ~y~r ~d coniider ' i in coanection tM~rewith; Md t~ ~K'o~wwd~tiona , ~ MHEREAS, •dd Connelubn, ~Etsr dw i~~ctioa, l~vNdptlo~, ~~tudy ~si~ by it~elt ~ i~ it~ ba ' h~![, ~nd ~(tK ~w cauidK~tloa ot ~ll rliwe~ ~ r~(~ o[(a+d ~t ~ud M~rinR~ /oe~ (ind ~sd wter~ln~ the followin~ f~cts: ~ ~ ~ 1. 'i'h~t th~ petitloaer P~~ ~ ncladfic~tiw o( t!w ~k~ve dNCribed propertY Im~ tha R-A, Agr i cu ltura l, ~ Zone for Lot 4 of Tract No. 162, and C-1~ General Commercial, Zone of Lot 5 of Tract ~!o. ~ 162 to the M-1, Light Industria~, Zone. J 2. That the proposed reciassification request for M-1 zoning on subject aroperty is not consi,tent with the land use policies established for this area on the Anaheim ~ General Plan. 3. I'hat the Commission deems tnat ir:jection of indu,trial zoninq in an area primarily ~ developed for commercial and residertial purposes, would establish an undesirable precedent ; for similar requests throughout the City and therefore, recommends the request for M-1 zoning be disappro•red. ~ 4. That the Commission further finds that the existing use had been established prior to the annexation of subject and abutting properties into the City of Anaheim and ~ ~ that the nature of this specific existing manufacturing use issuch that it has not been I incompatible with other uses in the surrounding arca; that since no changes are propo~ed ~ in the nature of the manufacturing activity, the expansion of tf~is non-conforming use ~~rould not be detrimental to the surrounding area and the use could be expanded in a commercial zone comparable to the zoning established on other ~ area, and therefore the Commissien recommends that Lot 4 of TractctJos 162tbesremlassified to the C-1, Zone. 5. ihat the proPosed roclassification of subject prop~rty, as approved, i~ necessary ar.d/or dc~irable for the ord~rly and proper development of the corimun_±y. 6. That the proposed reclassificat~on of subject property, as approved, dces not 't require dedication, but does require imorovement of abuttiny •,treets in accordance~-i±y the Circulation Element of the Genera] Plan, due to the antici~,;ted inc:ease in traffic , ,c+ which ~vill be generated by the intensification of land use. ~,~ 7. That no one appeared in opposition to the proposed reclassification. .~x J ,;~~ RD ~ -i- 1 ~ - -^~: •.~y "'~.~ a . ~ 9 i ~`_~. Y S i Y ~ ~~W~ THEREf•URg~ gr I; h~~pL~~~p that the Anaheim Cit•~ n'anning Commissicn coes hPreby :ecommend to the City Coun~_1 of the Cit}~ of Hnjheim tha: ;;u;, E~~ p. for ~d-i, Zone be denied on tha basis of the a~orem~=ntion~~ ~ indir.us. J ctition :oi Recla~si:i~ation BE IT FURTHER RE9JLVED tnat the City P~anning Commission does he:Fby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subjFCt i~ntition for Reclassi;i_ation be a for C-1, Zone on the ba~is of the a.°orementioned rindings and, b + Zoning of the Anaheim M,unici a1 Coda PProvFd the R-A P b~- amendt=d t:~ H Y~o coing, that Titi: 18- , Zone and to incorporate said descr;bed nruperty~in{octhe~C~lu~~c`ibed prope:ty :rnm Tract No. 162, subject to the fo~lov;ing condit?onc rr}::ch are hereby found to Le a nec~ sary prerequicite to the pro o= r Zone on Lot PJo. , ~, general welfare of the CitizenseoffthebCitv r-c?~rty in order to oreserve the safety and 1. Tha', street improvemc-nt rlans sha:' be~prepare~ and all enginee:ing reGui:e:nents of the City of Anaheim along Ball Road, paving, drainage faciliti suct .:urbs and gutters, ~;d~~,valks, street City Engineer and in acco dan~e withrstaF r`nant :vork shali be completed as r... ~''a°1~iO anc of th2 Cit -= plans ar.d soecificatior,s on ~1jE 'tU1rEd b~ the y Enginee:; and that a bond ir ,i~ramount ar.d {o;m satisfactory to the City~of l~e Anaheim yhall be posted with the Cit to qui:ements. Y 9uarantee the installation of said engir,~ering TE_ 2• I'hat the owner oi subject property shall pa~ to the City of Anaheir,n the Sum of $2,~0 per front foot alonc Bail Road, for strr.et :iGhtina purr.:oses. 3• 7hat the o~nner of subjPr.t propPrt•~ per front :oot alung Ball Road, ror ~rep > shali pay to the Cit, of Anaheim the sum of :5Q 4. That trash storaoe areas shall belprovidedUin~aesordance with approved plans on f'ilo :vith the office oi the Director o.' Public Works, 5. That fire hydrants shall be the Chief of the Fire Denartment, installed as :equired and ~etermined to be nec ~ 6• That a 6-{oot mason_ nal; ~~a=y by lines. ~y sha11 be constructed along the east and south property ~• That any air-conditioning ta~ilities oro o~. and the sound snall be buffer?d frpm a~'acent ~' s_d shal: be oro erl r: 8. ~ =esidentiai homes, p Y shielded um vieu:, That any parkinq area liqhtinc shall be liohted w?th down-iighting a maximum 6-feet ir, height and shall be dir~cted away fram the nroperty lin ~; to pro± r integrity of the area. 9. That Condition PJo~, e_t the residential period of 180 days from the date~hereof3~oTbove mentioned, ,hall be complied with within a 1~. That Condition Nos. -1, g~ 6 such urthe: time as the City Gour.cil ma to final building and zo~ing °~spECtior,~,~nd b, above mention?d, shal] h~ complicd withrprior THE FUREGOIiJG fiE3JLUTIp;J is sior.ed and P,YESs COMMISSIO;JERS: ~ptS~ COh'JdI SSIO~dERS: ABSE(a7: QJNNISSIOWERS: IN WIT~JESS WHERB~E 1 ha ATTg~'; SECRETARY A~lAHEIN, CI7'f PI_Al~;~r';~ ~~'MISSIG~J ar.prov~~d by mr ;,h;s 1?th day of Aprii, 196~~. -~- ~ - )~~ i: ~.~ l HGiplrnl •R '~ ^t _..•••'• ^" ^;~n: ~=lrf ~.1 1 Y PLAhJF1I fJ3 QJNf'I SSION STAIE OF CALII~ kNIA ) QJUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF A.VAIiEIN ) I, Ann K.rebs, Secrrtary of ~he City Planninq Commission ot the Cit~ he: eby ~?rtify that the : oreg g esolution ~n ~, Planning Commission of the C9oin tr ~ of Anaheim, do s f-~~s~~ed and adopted a`, a meetin, of the City ~~y the follov:ing vote of y~ Anahei~, held on April '7, 1u69, at 7c3p ~~~ the memburs thereo!s lock p,N,~ fdon A. h°'PUnto set my hana thi<, 1'th day ot Apr.il, 1969. Alired, Ca~ip~ parano. Gauer, . ';on~. Herbst, kov„and, Thor. SECRETARy ANAHEIN, CITY PLAUtdI1JG Q~MNISSION ~ ' ~x Res. TJo. ~~g ~~.. _ R_.