PC 69-87' ~;~~:;~;:; ~;: ~S tk ~,+..: :~;u;'.. d ,, - ,'r RESOLUTION NO. PC69-87 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REpET TIONFOR R CLASSI ICA'IIONINO.F6~69C84Y ~ HE APPRO ED T WHEREAS, t2~e City Plenning Co:nmissiort of the City of Anaheim di~ teceive e vedfied Petition for ReclasaIEica- tionfrom ALBERT S. TOUSSAU, 6672 Richfield Road, Anaheim, California 92806, Owner; ANACAL EhGINEFRING ~MPANY, P. 0. Box 366~, Anaheim, California 92803, Agent of certain real property s?.tuated in the City of Anah:eim, County of Orange, State of California, described in Exhibit ~ "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full. ; and WHEREAS, tha City PlonninQ Ccmmission dld hold a public headn~ at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on April 21, 1969~ at 2:00 o'clock P,M. notice of said public hearlhe havine been duly given aa requited by law and in accotd~nce with the provisIoa~ ot th~ Meheim Mnnicip~l Code, Ch~pter 18.72, to hear and conalder evidence for end a=ainet said piopoaed reclas~iEication ~ad to investipte and m~ke findin~s and recommmdations in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, a~id Commioeton, ~iter due ln~pection, investi`etion, and study mede by itself and in its behalf, end after due coneidaation of all evidence ~nd repoRs off~rod at s~ld heedng, does Eind and determine the following fects: 1. That the petitianer proposes ~ eecl~uifie~tioa oE the above described propetty from the R-Ay Agricultural, Zone to the R-1, One Family Residential, Zone. 2. That the proposed reclassification is in conformance with the General Plan and land use in this gereral area. a.~ j, i 3. That the proposed reclusific~tioa of subject property is neces~~ry and/or dwiroble for the orderly and pro- ~' j; per developmen: of tha community. ~j~ ~;. 4. Thet the proposed ttclusificition of subj~ct property does properly relete to the zonea ~nd their permitted ~: uaos localiy eatablished in close proxfmity to eubject prop~rty ~nd to the zone~ ~nd their permitted usrs generally esteb- ~ liehed throughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedication and '.' improvement of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the General ~. Plan, due to anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the intensification ,_ of land us e. r~ ~ ,a - „~ R"A -1- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ;yl; ''s ' ,~ R -j .tx March 26, 1969 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR TRACT N0. 6931 ~ ~,.~ ~r- _ ,.~ ~~ `~~, r; . Being a portion of :he southwes.t quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, SBM in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana in the county of Orange, state of California, as per map recorded in book 5I, page 10 of Miscella- neous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said county, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of the southwesc arter of the southeast quarter of said Section 13 (alsa being the center line of Sunkist Street) distance North 0° 11' 20" East 205.00 feet from the south quarter corner of said Section 13 (also being the center line intersection of Ball Aoad and Sunkist Street); thence along said westerly line North 0° 11' 20'~ East 504.00 feet to a point on the southwest corner of Tract No. 6496 recorded in book 240, pages 40 and 41, Miscellaneous Maps, r•ecords of said county; thence along the south line of said tract South 89° 55~ 40" East .677.70 feet to the soutFeast corner of said Tract No. 6496, said corner also being on the westerly line of Tract No. 4030 as per map recorded in book 150, pages 48, 49 and 50, of Miscellaneous ilaps, records of said county; thence along said westerly line South 0° 11' 20" Wes't 443.86 feet,to the southerly corner of said Tract No. 4030; thence South 51° 20' 11" West 24.14 feet; thence South 52° 27' 06" West 73.76 feet to a point which is 205.00 feet~measured at right angles srom the south line of said Section 13; thence parallel and distance 205.00 feet from said south line North 89° 55' 401P West 600,56 feot to th9 point of beginning. r......,r_.__ ~ ..~.. ~ / ~~ ,~ ~/ ~ C b ~-_ ~ Y,'x: ~,S~i':;~. y~;, rc~: .. 4 ! i .,~'~"~°~-~ .'J ,~ '~ :.'I .; f~ i . '' ~ NOW, '~E~EFORE, BE I', .itSOLysp f~t fl~o /Wy~im pq, pl~~~ ~mi~aion does hereby recnaa~ad to the City Council of the City o( Aa~b~ia th~~ a4yj~ p~~~ {~e lt~cl~eaitlcetion ba approved ond, by ~o doing, that Title 1&Zonia~ of t6e Maheim Muaicip~l Code b~ am~adod to asclnd~ the above described propeety from the R-A, Agricultural, Zone ar.d to incorporate said described property ir,tu the R-1, On~-Family Residential, Zone, upon the fol.lowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the saf ety and general weifare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1. That a Fir.al Tract Map of subject proper~cy be approved by the City Council and recorded in the office of the Orange ~ounty Recorder. 2. I'hat the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim park and recreation f ees of $125 for each dwelling unit, as required by City Council resolution, which shall be u~ed for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the Building Permit is issued. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION fa mi`ned and approved by me this lst day of May, 1969. ~ ; i ~ I >'. I Ii ~ `; ~; ~ ' ~`. ` i- .Ax~ , AT.TEST: < .~~ ~~~ ~~~.if>.F, CHAIRMAW AHEIAt CITY PLANNING COMMISSION iC/~r L t/il"7 c.Gc~ :~ SECT2ETARY ANAHEAi CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFaRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City P~a~n3nQ Commiasion of the City of Moheim, do hereby certify that thc forcgoing resoluUon was passed ~nd ~dopted ~~ ~~e~~g of the Clty pl~nnIn~ Commission of the City of Anehdm, held on Apri 1 21, 1969, at 2:00 o'clock P,M„ by Ws followine vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSI~JNERS: None. ABSENT: COAtMISSIONERS: Camp, Herbst, Thom. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto aet my hand thls lst day of May, 1969. RESOLUTION N0. 87 R2-A l { ~7-L~'L- ~ ,- ~in_ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIdG COMMISSION _2. ~