PC 70-10.. RESOLUTI(~°1`v N0. PC70-i0 , ti A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RifANEIM RECOMMENDING :0 TIiE CITY COUNCIL OF $ ITX OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. ~~~"1" BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Reclessifica- tionfrom GEORGE CALLMAN AND HORACE MORLOCK9 16651 Yorba Linda Blvd, Yorba Linda9 California 92686y Owners; JEFFREY MILLET, 511 South Brookhurst9 Fullerton, California 92633s Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Caunty of Orange9 State of California9 ;, described as Portion A: Being the northerly 524.00 feet of all those certain parcels of land as shown as "Emma Bayha Moriock" 8.336 acres and "Ida Maussnest" 7.938 acres on a map filed in ,...`~ Book 7, Page 12 of Records of Surveys in the office of the Cour.ty Recorde~ of s~id County. Portion B> Ali these certain parcels of land as shoVm as "Emma Bayha Morlock" 8~336 acres and ~~ ~ "Tda Maussnest" 7,938 acres on a map filed ir. Book 73 Page 12 of Records of Surveys ir. th? ~ office oi the County Recorder of said County. EXC~pTIIJG therefrom the r.ortherly 52~~<00 feet. ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Aneheim on February 9s 1970~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of seid public hearing heving been duly given as required by law end in aGCOrdence with the provisians of the Aneheim biunicipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear end consider evidence for end egainst said proposed reclassification and to investigete end meke findings ond recommendetions in cQnnection therewith; end WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspeetion, investigation, end study mede by itself and in its behelf, and efter due conaideration of ell evidence and reports ofEered at seid hearing, does find end determine the following fects: 1. That the petttioner ptoposes a reclessiticetion of the ebove described property from the County of Orange A1, Generai Agricultural District to the City of Anaheim9 R-2-5000, Singie Familyq Zone, ~o establish a 44-•lot subdivision, on Portion "A"; and R-3, Multiple Family Residentiol, Zone, to establish a 157-~unit one and two story apartmen± complexy on Portion "B", 2. That the scone of the proposed reclassification, if approved, does not warrart an amendment to the General Plan at tne present tirne; however, its relationship to the Gene•ral Plan symbol will be considered at the next annual review. 3. Thet the proposed reclessificetlon of subject property is necessary end/or desirable !or the orderly~4ri pro- pet develoament of the community. 4. Thet the proposed reclessificetion of subject property do~ properly telate to the zones end their permitted usea locel:y esteblished in close proximity to subject property end to the zones and their permitted uses generally esteb- lished throughout the community. ' 5. That the pronosed rec~assification of subject property requires the dedication and improvement o; abutting streets in arcordance with the Girculation Element of the General Plany due to the anticipated increase in traffic which wili be generated by the itensification of :and use. , ~ ~ ~ R-A _1- :.1 ~ I ~ vD d,d ' fJOW, THEREFOP.E, BE IT RFS OLVID that the Anaheim City Flanning Commission does nereoy recommend to the City Council of the City of P.naheim that subject Petition for Reclassi- fication be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zor~ing of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to~exclude th? above de:.cribed preperty from the County A1, General Agricultural District on Portions A and B, and to incorpara*e said cescriUed property into the R-2-5000y Single Family, Zone on Portion A, and R-3, A4u.ltiple-Family Residential, Zone on Po:tior. B, upon ±he following conditions which are hereby found to be e necESSary crerequisite to the proposed use of subject proper~y in order to prese:ve the saiet~~ and cene~ai ~,~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. Portion "A" only 1. That ihese rec.lassification proceedings are granted subjec:t to corn,r,letic+~ of annex- ,~;~ ation of subject properriy to the City of Anaheii~~. ,^~ 2. That or.dinances reclassifying the property shal] be adopted as ea,:F; narc:el is ready to comply with condit~or,s pertaining to such parcel, orovided, ho;;~sver, ~hat the ~,~ord "parcel" ~, sha11 mean presentl~ existino parcels of record and any parcel cr parceir approveo by th_ City Council for a lot split. 3. ;hat a final tract map of sub~ect property shall be submitted to and appro•red b•~ the 1 City Council and then be recorded in the office of the Orange County ~ecozder. ~ 4. That the owners of subject property sha11 pay to the City of Anaheim thA sum o} ~125 i pe: sin9le-family unit, to be used for parF; and recreation purposes, said amount to be p~id at the time the building permit is issued. ~~ i ~ Po~tion "B" only 1. 7hat thes@ reclassification proceedings are granted subject to compietion of annexa- tion of subject property to the City of Anaheim. ` 2. That or~inances reclassifying the property shall be adupted as each parcel is ready o comply with conditions pertaining to such parcel, orovided, ho~:ever, that the v~ord "oarcel" shal] nean oresently er,istirg parcels of record and any parcel or parcels anproved by the City Counc;i for a]ot solit. 3. That ~t~e ovmers of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip o; land 45 feet in ~:7idth from the centerline of the street along Kellogg Drive, including a 25-foot radius property line return or cutoff at the Orangethorpe Avenue - Kellooa Drive in~ersection, for street widening purposes. 4. That ail engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along K?llogg Drive, Orangethorpe Avenue and Post Lane, including preparation of improvement plans, and install- aiion of all improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidewal}:s, street gradinc and pav~ng, drainag? facilities, or other appurtenant worF: shal; be complied with as required by ttie City Engineer and ir accordar,ce ti~ith standard plans and specifications on file in th? office o: the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities alono Keilogg Drive, Orangethorpe Avenue and Post Lane shall be installed as required by the Director of Fublic Utilitiesy and in accordance with stanJard plans and snecificatior.s on file :n the office of the Directo: of Public Utilities; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anahei~~~ shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of the above mentioned require- ments. 5. That the owners of subject property shal] ~ay to the Gity of Anaheim tF~e sum of 15a per front foot along KF•llogg Drive, Orangethorpe Avenue, and Post I.ane, for tree plantinq purposes. G. That trash storage areas shall be provid~d in accordance with approved ~lans on file v~ith the office o.' the Director of Public Works. 7. That iire hydrants shall be installed as requi:ed and deter~nined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 8. That a 5-foot masonry v~all ,hal] be constructed alon9 the north property line o.° Portion "B"• 9. That subject property shal: be served by :~r,c+erc^ound utilities. 10. That a'..1 3ir-conditioning facilities shal] be properly shieided from view. 11. ]'hat any parking area ]ighting proposed adjacent to the single-family xesid!~ntial subdivision shali be dorm-liahting oi a maximum heiqht of o-feet, vi'~ich lighting shall be directed away trom Lhe property lines to protect the resid~.~ntial intearity of the area. 12. Prior to the intzoduction of an ordinance rezoning subject prnperty, Concition ~Jos. 3, 4, and 5, above mentioned, shall be compieted. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shal] become null and void by action of the City Council unless said condition; are complied viih.h ~~;ithin 180 days from date hereof or such further tirre as t~e City Counr.il may grant. Res. No. 10 .~x ~ 13. That Condition Nos. b, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, above mentioned, shail be complied with prior to final building ar.d zonina inspections. 14. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum or $7g per multiple-family unit, to be used for park and reczcati~n purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the build'zng permit is issued. '~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIODI is signed and apprq~d b I, ~Y this th day 'i Fc~r~a; y, 1970. ' CH ~~ iv . t-IEIM C?TY ~T.' "„Ii~iC'r COI~SiliIS~? ~~ ATT~ T: ~' ` 1l?-L, Z_--~2< l~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLA~JNI,''dG COMNISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIq ) i:OUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheir;;, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetino of tlie Cit;~ P1Bnning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on February 9, 1970, at 2:00 0'clock p,l,;,, by the following vote of the members thereof. AY~~ CON~~;ISSIOPlERS: Camp, Gauer, kowland, Thc:.~. NCES: COM~tISSIONERS: None. ABSEPJTs COMN,ISSIONERSs Allred, Herbst. aBSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS; Faranc. IN WI1Nc~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of Feklrusry, 1970. / ~ / ~~ i ~: .-l ~. ~. ~`% SECRETARY Al1AHE?N CITY PLAPdt~lItdG COf;MISSIOP~ Res. P~o. ]0 f ~+~-- t,-r----- -~--.-.o-...__-_ . _"`wsc~ . .~.~..~. ~».`„S+ P