PC 70-171j ~ '~ ~ !~ ,~ `~ { ~ 1 ~ RESOLUTION N0. p~0-171 A RESOLUT[ON OF THE CITY PLANNWG COMMISSION OF THE CI11' OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL U~E PERMiT N0. l ly? BE GRANTED WHEFEAS, thc City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did ceceive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from CLADA PLETZ, 33U2 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California 92804, Or-~er; WESTERN DEVELOPMENT CURPORATION, FF?ANK E. i-IORPEL, JR., 4050 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 507, Los ~ Angeles, California 90005, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, d^scribed as Parcel 1: The VJest 100.00 feet of the ~ East 200.00 feet of the VJest 320.00 feet of the South 200.00 feet of Lot 3 of }lein's Sub- division ~n the City of Anaheim, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 10, page 40, Miscellaneous idaps, records of said Oran9e County, said measurements being computed to the center line of Sunkist Street and South Street respectively. Parcel 2: The East 100.00 feet of the West 320.00 feet of the South 200.00 feet of '~t 3 of liein's Subdivision, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 10, page 40, Misc_llaneous Maps, records of said Orange Countv, said measurements bei~g computed to tlie center lines of Sunkist Street and South Street respectively. ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public henring at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on September 21~ 1970, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., nolice of said public hearing having been duly given es required by law and in accordance with lhe provisions of the Aneheim Municipal code, Chepter 18.64, to henr and consider evioence for and agair.st said proposed cenditional use end M iuvestigate and make findings and recom menda~ions in connection therewith; and GHEREAS, said Commission, u(ter due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself end in its behalf, and atter due considerotion of all evidence and reports of(ered at said heering, does find and determ;ne the tallowing facts: 1, That the roposed use is properly one tor which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by COde: Section 1R.64.0?_0(1-b~, to wit: establisf~ a chiid nursery on subject property witfi waivers of: S ECTION 18,04,090(c-~-a) - Fermitted use of the side ~ard (Code does not permit the use of a side or front yard for parkfng or play purpo~es; the front yard is proposed ae a parking lot, and the re- quired side yard is propo;ed for play purposes). 7. T!~at uncer the authority of Section :8.64.070, waiver of the permittPd use of the side yard (1 at~ove) is hereby granted on the b~sis ti~at tlie petitioner stipulated to pro- viding an 8-foot masonry wall adjacent to tr~e ;~ortt~ and east p•roperty lines to minimize nois? ?manatin~q ~rom the opo5 e~ use,. ~pvid~ l~hai permission i= granted by tt;e adjacent pr~r jT'~ha ~~~c pro~+ose~ use ~wi~l~n t~adveisel~ a~f~ec~ ~Ae a~ anin land uses and the Y J B growth and development i~E the area in whir,h it is proposed to be located. q, That the size und shape of the site proposed for the use is adequete ta aUow the ful! devclopment of thc proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particuler area nor to the peace, health, sefety, and general we1(are of the Citizens oE the City ot Anaheim. 5, That the granting oE the Conditionel Use Pennit under the conditions imposed, if nny, will not be detrimental to the peace, heolth, safety, aad general welfare of the Citizens of the City ot Anaheim. 6. That the pEtitioner indicated he wzs aware ~f ihe ordinance governing signing of subject property, namcly, that a maximum of 20 square feet is permitted in tf~e R-A Zone. ~. 7hat three persons appeared, representing six persons present in the Council C!~amber, er.pressing concer~ as to possible excessive noise emanating frpm the play area, but indicating no opposition to the proposed use ~~; subject property. ,~r I Cl-G .1. fJdN, THL-REFORE, RE TT RF~01_VF~ t!~at the Anaheim City Plannirg Co~mission does hereby graot subject peti±ioi~ `or Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necess~ry prereyuisite to the prapused use of the suuject proper±y in order to preserve the ;a;ety and qeneral welfare of the Citizens of ~he Cit•~ of Anaheim: 1. Thht ~'~e owner{s) of subject property shall deed to t!~e City of Ar.alieim a strip of land 45 reet in vuidtt: from the centerline of the ,treet along Scuth S"reet for street widening purposcs. J_. rl~at all engineerinq requirements of the City of knaheim alony 5outh Street, includina p:eparation or improvement plans and installo~ion o; ait irnp:uvc~ments, sucl~ as curbs anci nutters; sidewalks, street qrading and paving, drainage fa~iiities, or other appurtenant work shall be c:omplied with as rsquired by tt~,e ;ity L-nqin2e; ano in a.~:ordanc:e witt: standard p]ans ar,d specifica- *ions on file in thc office of t~:e City Engineer; that street liqhtiny facilities along South St:eet shail be irstalled as rec,uircd by the Girertor oi Pub;ic Uti'ities and in accordance with standard plans anci specificatinis on file in the officc of the Dirr~r.~or of Pubii:; Utilities; and that a bond in an amount and `.urrn satisfacto:y t.o ±he City of Anehr:im sF,]] be posted with the Cit~~ to ~uarantee tiie insta'.:ation of t!~,e above mentioned r~yuirements. per frontrfoottelon~~r'Sou+!~. ~t sub,ject property shall oay to the City o: An<iheim the sum of 15Q 9 ~treet, r"or tree plantir,g ~~urpuses. =~. 'I~h~~t trasi~ stos~~~~e areas shall ;;r. providea ir, aceordance witt~ approv~_~d plar.s on :ile wi~h t:h~ otfice of t.fie , r?ctor of Puhlic Works. 5. T':at :'i:e h/d; ~t; st,al] be installed as r?aui;ed ar~~d determined ~u te r,ecessary by t:ie Cliie: ot t.he Firc . ,<;rtment. 6. 7f;at an R-,~.' r„asonry wal] sh~all be cc~r,=tr~i~te,i alonq t,f~e norih and east property line„ as ~tipuiatea to t~y cF~e peLitionei. 7• Thot sub,7ect propcrty siiall be served by ,;;,~Erqro~ind u;ili~i~;s. P• Tha;, any parkinq aiea ]iqh?~ng p;oposr-d shia;l br- dunn-liyhtinq o: ~ maYim.~m heiaf;t o; teet, J:hich liyl~~t.inq ;h~a]] k~e :iire~ted ah~ay ;rorn tfie property lines to proi~;~. r,he residential in'eqr.ty oc t1~e area. 9. ;h~~at the tinal parkiny plan shall be approved b;~ tf~,e ueve;opment Sei~,~iccs Department, and any iandsc~~ped a:ea; in ti~~e park:n~ area siia]! ~ne prot~eted wit'r ~~~~inch I,igh concrete cuTl~s, dOd `-~~'~'=r"~e w'r~ee1 stops sl~al] k;e provided i~or par~~ny spaces ds reyuir~~d t~y t`~e Development 5ervir.e; Uepar~rnent. 1-`. ~ft~.<~+ sul,~ect property slia]1 be c;r~v_loped sut.srar~tially ~u acco.~~idncr- ~vitii plans and speciri~_~tior~,s on t!'.~~ with t.he City oi Anah,ein~, marked [Ri~;bit !Jos. 1, .~ a,nd i, ~~;r~~~ision'~lo. 3, pro~ide:i ~I~.~t si~ni~~q shall I~e in ac~ordance witi~ Lne Sion O=,Jin.~n;:e go:~erning h-A zoned prop~: r t. ies . 11. ;~I~~.a~ Condi•ion'vos. 1, ~ and 3, abov~~ m~~n~ioned, sl~~all Lc complied wit!~ prior to t'~e comtnPn~~:ement o! lhe activi'y authorized ~,nder this :csol~~t~on, or prior t:o t.f~e tirne t;~at U._ buildin:~ pe:mit. is i;sved, or wiU~in a period of 16~J d~3ys from datc~ hr,7,;of, iv!~icl~evei occuis ~lz~`, oz ~ucf~ f~_irther time as the Planninq Cor,,mi;sior~ may gran?. 11. Th~~i. Condition !Jos. 4, ~~, i;, ~, P. anc: ~, ;,bove rnent~o~ied, shall bc~ complied vlit!i nrior !.o f in~l .';~ulding and ~oninq 7nsF;~~~Cio~,. n{r: ~,:tf'GGIt~1G kE~iOLUTiCxd is s;yr.e~ ;nd r,~,F~roved by r,:~~ tln; l.-~t d,~y ot 0~ toner,, 1970. _ / // , /`f ~ ~-i i c~- ~~~f~'~ ~ ~,iGJRMp'~I A12~',I~i~7h1 C]lY PLA';I~I': ; C0.".?A1IS~ICY1 /? T 1 c ;;'i - , ~L :~-~_,t ' ~2~ 1=~.~ . S[CRP"AiiY P..':.. IEIM CIiY PLP'1IlIt:G GO~dG?ISS;(iii '~ ; ATF. (!'r Ckl.l f=0ft'11 A j r,o_r,~;5~ cr o~;n~,r,r: ) ,,. C11~Y 01' A'IN!i~?h1 1 ~ I, Ann h;reb;, ,~,~~~ret.ary ot t.lie Cii~: plannin~ Comrni;sion p; , ~r. • ~~ . itify tiir~t the forer~oiny rc~so]ution w.~s as~,ed ,r,d ~~ C'~~~~ °f Anr~ ~c:m, do 'erohy ~:rnmnis.:inn o! the City of knahe~rn, held en~Se ~ii}„ `'~opt~J ~t a iri~~el.inn of t!.e City p;..~nir~n P'~' .'1, 1 r,0, ~~t: .:JO o':.IO~F. i.~S., t~y t!,e tOl lo',vinr~ :~ote of t.li~- memb~rs thereo;: AYiJ: CUIJ,MISSIO~;fik5: ALI.RED~ F'ANAfJ(i, (~AI:F};. F:P.'f1iiX)li, f?07lI.A!dD. SI~Y~J~~IJ;i, !i''ii~S.. r;~,r>.-: r,orr,~issio~~r:;?s: r~a~~e. ~+f~~~T;!: i ~r~Missr~l~r_F~s: ~~oiar:. IIi V~11'~:F~~~ ~JJ!1[ikfiOF, I hav~• hereunLO s~~t rny f~and t!~is i;t. d~iy~ o; U. ~oL~~•:~, ,)~iO. _1 L C .~ ~ v~ ~~~z, ~~ SF~CI~~ 1l~ItY A.t!AHI_IM (:1~iY PI.A!:;:IIJG O~A1MIS5]([1 , '~ i~:I:~O~.'J; IC?; I:'). i"/i 7