PC 70-173/ ^ RESOLUTION N0. P~70-173 ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CIT Y OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT_ ~~~4 BE DENIED ~ .ax _,~ ; ~ 'i WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Con- ditional Use Permit from h1ACK ,aND DON H. JL-NK1NSy 1841 South San Gabriel F_oulevardy San Gabriel, California 9177(~, O,~ners; PACIFIC OUTDOOR ADVEk?ISIDIG, 17.~C Narva Streety Los ,Sngeles, California 90031, Agent of certain real property sicua[eo sn the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, des~ribed in Exhibit "A" artached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in Ful.l. ; and WHEREAS, the CityPlanning Commission did hold e public hearing at the CityHal! in the City of Anaheim an 5eotember 21, 1970, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and NHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its be- half, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following Eacts: 1. That the proposed use is pcoperly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by Code Sec[ion 18.63.090(b), to wit; establish a billboard w~ich exceed~ ci~e maximum permi[ted billooard display area with waivers of: a. Section 18.63.050(2-b) - Minimum r.equired scruc~urai se:oacks (50 feet required; 3 Leec proposedj. b. Section 18.63.050(c-1) - Maximum permitted billooard heiK:l~ (36 feet permittedc 5U feet pronosedl. 2. That the proposed ~tructure would confiic~ wi.h almost ever~ criteria estab- lished by ordinance for the location and ccrostr.action of biiibuards, in that: a. The proposed structure would be lucated 34U feet from thE lnterser_tion of two arterials, whereas Code requires tiiat ti~ey be loc:ated within 200 feeC of the intersection of arterial streets. b. The structure would not comply with t't:e zone se[baek requiremenCS since the M-1 Zone requires a SO-foot setback and [I!e app',icaut is pr.>pusi~ig a 3-foot setback. ~. The structure would have a detrimer.~al impdct ct~.~r. c:•~E appcarance of the east- - erly approach to ~he Cortunercial-Recre~;ion 1r.ea. d. 'fhe proposed structure would conflict wi~;~ !'r~e sce:,ir: i•.i~hway designaCiun of • Katella Avenue in this area whici, is peiiding i~ef'ore 'he !~la~.:~i~:g Commission. e. '!'he structure would exceed the maximum i:Eig~t liau:a[i,::. hy approximaCely 1-1%2 times(36 feeet permiCted; SO Eeet proposedj. 3. That the applicant l~ad not showu that this proptrc.; was bei•:.g deprived of any rights enjoyed by uther properties in c?;e same zone in ~~is ge;.eral vicinity. 4. That since the applicant was not presenr ac [1-~e Pla,:t.ing Commission hearicig on iius i[em if the decision is appealed arid addicional i::Eurmacicn is suomi[ced to tFie Git; r,ouncil that was not available to the Platrni::g Commissiur., ci,is marcer should be referred back to the Plauning Commission i'or review and cecommendatiari. ~ ~ ,~-- ;i : ,+~-. '~~ I ;; _. ,, , . _ .. ~ _ , - _ 2. ihe h~:ein daac=ibed pro~erty ~.. vestad as ~ollows: ~, :il~C~ Ji\I:I:~S, a m~ied nan•aac: 30\ ii. JE~iCT\S, A~arried man~ as Teaa:,ts in co::~aon, a~ cheir sole and sep.;rate property. B. 'i nerc are no morcga,es or deeds of crust which purport to affect said real property, uther th:,n .hosa snown below under Excaptions. ' :-r. • ' iJ, ' - ~.c ,.:,.~,::~:a~ is ma~e reyarding any liens, claims oi lien, dei~c's or eneumbrances other than chose spe;.ificalty.;xov~cad~ ~cr ,,.,c~~, .:r,c, ~i intormation was rcquested by raf~rcrce to a svect ~ddress, no quaran:ee is mad~ that said real proparty is :~a s;,m.; as s~id address. ~ Exceptions: _. A Dee:: ci :~ust ~ait1: A;sign~enC of .^.cnt: da~ed .~.pril 24, 1962, .:xecutec oy ::acl: Jea~::,: .,nd ~on .., Jc:..~as tc L'nion 3ank, Tivstec, to „;,urc a~ indebtednes o~ $~c,~i00.Gu _.. favor of Cnarlcs ~. I:i ;.. ..:d ..cry ... Kia:~, ..,.soa7d a:.c wi~c, as joint ~:..... :.ac ~: y otr.e: -ocn_., ;a~nbl~ ~:,c.._ ,...~ te:..~.. tize:ec~, recorceu ;4ay 7, 1962 in~3ooi. ou95 pa~e ~lu O~y~IL1C~,.~ .ZCCG:~.:: ~ ~....,.:ll~C :L :~0. ~l~'~. , . :;0?... Saiu D...:d o~ .. c:_ ,. bee:~ partially rcconveyed by a:~ Iastrure~t recorded DeccWoe: 21, _,u~ ~:. ~oc:: 77E0 , ~;,a 6C4 0: 0.':icial Recc:~s. j DiiSi,i~I: 7 i0:i : ~ `y ~121 ti:a;: c.::.ai: la;id~ ieuar.cu ir, tnc St.:tc o;~C:~lifornia, County of OranFe, cicr.c.-io- • 9 cd as iui~ok•s . Thae portion oc I.ot 4 oi tiie Travi. Trnct, as ;;town or. 1~'1II;) rrco:ded :n iioo'r. S, ~a,;e 120 of ?;iscellancous Records of Lo:; Aneuies County, California, de,crii~c~ as ~ol:ou~: i ~1eFii~ninf at tiic in[erseetion oi the center line of Douglaa:: Street, a~ conve/ed to t'~e : ' Cc,ur..y oi Orange hy deed recorded Octobe: 7, 192G in IIool: 632, pare 7O~i of i'~eeu::, `' , .ecords of Oran~;e CounCy, Californta, ~oitii the cr_ntr_r line of Strucl: Avemic; tne:cc ~ \orttt 0° 04' 10" l,~c>t, alo~is thc cenCC: linc of Dou~;l.a~s Avenuc, /~00.02 fcet to t~ thc Soutlt~.~est corncr oi thc land convcycd to !t. iS. `;ora anti othcrs by dcr_d recorced ce~ruary 26, 19G0 in IIook 5118, pa~c ?5~ o£ Official Iteco:ds; elicncc Seuth 89° 32' 10" ~ast alonF t}ic Soutlt linc of said land 564.91 feet to thc tdestcrly line oi the 70.00 ~oot casement convcycd to thc Q:an~c County Flood Control District by deed !,,'~ recorded i'ebruary 6, 3959 in Aook 978, page 432 of Official Recozds; tnence South ~ 13° Go' S0" ~dest alon~; snid Westerly line to said center line of Struck Avenue: 'i _ tile.:ce ::orth II9° 32' 10" West along said center line 373.62 feet to the point of * hc~i.;.:i :;;. `; "'~ i:::CE?': ':::;::.i:ri~0:: that portion deeded to the Cour.ty of Orange by Deed recorded .~; Jc:c~:ber °i, i9o5 ia iook 77c0 page 605 or Officia~ Records. ??.SO EXCE'c •. TII;.:;~P~0~1 tnat portior. dceded to ?e:<zco Tac. , a Delcware corporaCio7, by .,~ec :ccor'_ed .7u.^.e 28, 19G6 in Boo'~c 7973 p:.ge 54 0: Official Records. ~ ~'.~ ~ ~ ':: ~ . ~ '. '+, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby dmy subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit on the besis of the eforementioned findings. ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me.this lst day of October~ 1970. • ~ ~ ~ . i_-. ~~~~ f~~~~ -'~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ; i. ~'/~ ~JZt~t.%~~ c..U~c'/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. i : CITY OF ANAHF.IM ) ~ I~ Ann Krebs ~~,. Seccetery oE the City Plenning Cammission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was pessed end adopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Cammission ofthe City of Aneheim, held on ~; September 21, 197Q, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the [ollowing vote of the membecs thereoE: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour, Herbst. 1 NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. , ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve he:eunto set my hend this lst day of October, 1970. i~ G 1 ~ .~ - ~ ~~~~ ~_~ ,, SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 173 C2-D -'l- ^.I ' ?,~ ~~ r-:.:.::, . ~ .