PC 70-42!ii '. ~:y '~JP' R690LU'1C[OId IlO. PC70-42 f- RESOWTiON OF TFfi~ CITY PLANNIl1G COI~USSION O£ ?H~ CITY ~F ANAHEIM RECOYlIENDIIiG 1'O ?HE CTfY COIJNCIL OF THE C1TY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLA~ICATION NO. 69-70-43 gg APpROVED WNEREAS, the City Plwnia` Commisaion of the City of Maheim did initiate a verified Petition on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orar.ge, State of California, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full. i ii~ . Properi:y owners ' Leo Douglas, et al Kaiser Cement Gypsum Corp. Herbert Gallegly ~? 10611 S. Douglas koad Attn: J. R. Kennedy 12352 Janet St~ Anaheim, Calif. 300 Lakside Drive Garden Grove, Calif. Oakland, Calif. Orange County Plan.~ing Commission Phoenix Club 400 W, 8th Street Texaco Inc, 10666 Dougla~ Road Anaheimy Calif. 3350 Wilsh:.re Blvd. Anaheim, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Clayton Scarurough 10472 Douglas Road Mack Jer.kins, et al ' Anaheim, C;alif. 1841 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, Calif. Dix Leasing Corp. 10680 Douglas Road Orange County Flood Control District Anaheim, Calif. 400 W. 8th St. Santa Ana, Calif. ; and 11HEREAS, the City Pl~nafn! Coosl~~loa di+f bold ~ public heuln~ ~t tht Clty Hal1 in the C(ry of Anahcim onMarch 9, 1970, os 2;~ o~~~ p,p, ~~~y of sdd puWic M~rln` havla~ beea duly ~iven aa required by !uw ~nd in accordae~c~ with tbe providon~ of t6e Aa~heie 1(uelcipal Cod~, Chapter 18.72, [0 6eu and consider ~ evidence for and ~edn~t ~oid propot~ nclwlg~~joo ~pd to iavestipt~ a~dmake flndiass endrecommend~tions ~ ' in connectlon thaealth; ind ~_ WHEREAS, soid Cammission, ~ft~r due in~pectIon, inv~stl~~tion, end etudy m~de by itself end in ita be- .`. half, a~d atter due con~idention ot dl evidence and reporto ofl. '~t nid heering, does find end determine the °~' foltowln f~cts: i,, i ~ 1. Thatthe Commission proposes a reclassification of the above described property from the County of Orange, A1, General Agricultural, and M1, Light Industrial Districts io the City of Anaheim, M-1, Light Industrial, Zone. ~ 2. Thzt the proposed reclassificotion is in conformance with the Anaheim General Plan. 3. That ihe proposed recl~issificai:i.on of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly an~i proper. development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassificatiun of subject property does properly relate i to the zones and their permiti:ed uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and ia the zones and their permitted uses generally established throughout tt~e community. 5. That in order to pr.ovide for controlled de.velopment of the area in accord with the master plan of the Southeast Industrial Area a resolution of intent to.the City of ~ Anaheim, M-1, Light Industrial, Zone is deemed necessary. ! 6. That the propcsed reclassificztior of sub'ect and improvement of abutting streets in ar.cordance with PhepGirculationeElementeofciheon j General Flan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic whir,h ,aill be generated by the I intensification of land use. '1 ~ RD ~ .~t.~t -1- d ' ;~ G ~ 7a- ~/~ ~_ ~ , ?Jouglass - T{atr~lla Annex tiro'n,, F ~ ~ To ,~ The City of Anaheim ~~`` ~~~ That par~al of land located in the County of Orange State of ~ ~. , yj Califorr_ia, described as follows: '' ~ F~ Beginning at a point in the existing City limit line of the ' City of Anaheim as established by the Placentia and Cerritos - :j Annexation to the City of Anaheim gassed by Ordinance 1380, ~ 1 September 8, 1959 and filed with the Secretary of State October ' y ` , 13, 1959, said point of begi.nning being distant from the center- line intersection of Katella Avenue (formerly Struck Avenue) and Douglass Road the following courses and distances, North `c 88° 5~' S2" West 1,469.32 feet, South 1° 06' OS" West 30 feet; thence °~ , Leaving the said existing City limit line of the City of ~ ' ~ Anaheim North 1° 06.' 08" East 30 feet to the most s ~ outherly : f corner of the line described in the deed to the State of Calif- ' ~ ornia recorded April 20, 196i, in Book 8229, pages 953 through 955, records of Orange County California; thence Following along a portion of the line described in *_he ~ ~ last mentioned deed to the State of California the following - courses and distances, North 1° 06' 08" East 30 feet to a point in a curve concave southerly having a radius of 1,060.00 ~ feet, a radial line bearing North 12' 33' 42" West passes ;~j through said point; thence along said curve easterly £rom a "~ tangent which bears North 77° 26' 18" East through a central ~ angle of 5° 16' 19" an arc distance of 97.53 feet to a reverse ',~ curve concave northwesterly having a r.adius of 50 feet; thence i along said reverse curve northeasterly from a tangent which - ~ bears Nort'!i 82° 42' 37" East through a central angle of 81° I ' ~ 36' 29" an arc distance of 71.22 feet; thence tangent to said r I last mentioned curve North 1° 06' 08" East 150.79 feet to t'~e ~ beginning of ~ tangent curve concave easterly, and having a ~ :.~ radius of 200 feet; thence northeasterly along last mentioned '' i cur~~e, through a central angle of 43° 50' 44" an arc distance ! of 153.05 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with ' and distant westerly 489.66 feet from the easterly line of Lot .. S, the Travis Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5, page 120 of Miscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County California; thence leaving the line des- ?~ ~ cribed in the last mentioned deed to said State of California ,~ South O1° 03' 17" West 328.92 feet along the last mentioned paral- ` lel line to an intersection with the line described in the deed ;:~ .'~~ ._ i D . ~ , , nouglass - Katella Annexation To The City of Anaheim to the State of California in deed recorded September 18, 1964, in Book 7224, page 301, records of Orange County California, said point of intersection being a point in a curve concave southerly and having a radius of 1,060 feet, a radial line bearing North 1° 55' 28" West passes through said point of inrersection; thence Following along a portion of the line described in the last mentioned deed to the State of California, easterly along the last mentioned curve through a central angle of 3° O1' 36" an arc distance of 56 feet, to an intersection with a line paral- lel with and 60 feet northerly as measured at right angles from the centerline of Katella Avenue (formerly known as Struck Avenue); thence South 88° 53' 52" East 23.78 feet along said parallel line tangent to the last mentioned curve to an angle point in the line described in the last mentioned deed to the 5tate of Ca'lifornia; thence North 26° 15' S5" East 257.38 feet; thence North 24° 58' 32" East 607.25 feet to an intersection with the west lirie of the east 46 feet of Lot 5 of said Travis Tract as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5, page 120 of Miscel- laneous Records in the office of the Ceunty Recorder of Los Angeles County California; thence Leaving the line described in the last mentioned deed to the State of California North 1° 03' 17" East 237.38 feet along a portion of the west line of the east 46 feet of said Lot 5 of the Travis Tract to an intersection wi*_h the nort~erly line of Lot 5 of said Travis Tract, said point of intersection being a point in the north ].ine of the land described in Parcel One in the Final Order of Condemnation to the State of Califorr:ia re- corded November 2, 1964, in Book 7285, pages 833 through 839, records of Orange County California; thence Following along that portion of the north line of said Parcel One South 88° 52' 43" East 437 feet, more or less, being the north line of the east 4G feet af said Lot 5 and a portion of the north line of Lot 4 of the said Travis Tract to an inter- section with the line described as the exception to Parcels A and B in the Final Order of CQndemnation by the State of Calif- ornia recorded November 2, 1964 in Book 7285, pages 833 through 839, records of Orange County California; thence Following along a portion of the last mentioned line de~- cribed in the last mentioned Finai Order. of Condemnation the t ~~ ~ ~ I llnLglass - ~atella Annexation To The City of Anaheim ~ . ;'{ * ;~~ following courses and distances, South 19° 20' 30" West 274 feet, more or less, South 14° 15' 43" West I24.10 feet to an intersection with .the northerly line of the land described in the Final Order of Condemnation to the County of Orange recorded August 30, 1965, in Book 7648, pages 943 through 945, ~_ecords of Orange County California; thence South 88° 53' S2" East 507.13 feet along the northerly line of the land described in the last mentioned FinaZ Order. of Condemnation to an intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet westerly of the centerline of Douglass Rcad, as the centerline of said Douglass Road is desr_ribed in the deed to the County of Orange r.ecorded October 7, 1926, in Book 682, page 1C9, records o~ Orange County California; thence Following along the westerly line of said Douglass Road, the centerline of which is described in the last mentioned deed the following courses and distances North ~° 3~~' 45" East 375 feet, more or less, North 88° 52' 43" West 31 feet, North 0° 33' 45" East ].,120 feet, more or less, to an intersection w~th the southerly right of way line of Southern Pacific Railroad, the southerly right of way line of the said Southern Pacific Railroad also being the westerly prolc.r.gation of the northerly line of the land described in the deed recorded October 13, 1943 in Book 1214, page 244 of deeds, records of Orange County California; thence Northeasterly and~easterly along the said westerly pro- longation and the northerly line of the land described in the last mentioned deed, a~so being the southerly right of way line of said Southern Pacific Railroad, a distance of 1,728 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the west line of the Olive- West Orange Protection District of Orange County California, as said west line is described in the deed recorded November 25, 1927, in Book 110, page 462 of deeds, records of Orange County California; thence Following along a portion of the westerly line of said Olive-West Orange Protection District of Orange County South 21° 57' 27" West 2,458.24 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a line parallel with and 60 feet southerly o£ the center- line of Katella Avenue (formerly known as Struck Avenue); thence North 08° 53' S2" West 390 feet, more or less, along the last mentioned parallel line to an intersection with the northerly ' _.~~ ;,~ Douglass - Katella Annexatian To The City of Anaheim line of the 64 foot parcel described in the deed to Orange C~unty Flood Control D,istrict recorded February 6, 1939 in Book 984, page 15, records of Orange County CaliEornia, said point of intersection being a point in a curve concave north- westerly and having a radius of 430 feet, a radial line bearing South 65° 4$' 00" East passPS through said point; thence Following aloag a portion of the last mentioned northerly line along said curve through a central angle of 21° 49' 07" an arc distance of 163.75 feet, more or less, to a line tangent to said curve; thence South 46° O1' 07" West 420 feet, more or less, tangent to the last mentioned curve to an intersection with the easterly line of Douglass Road, (formerly known as Collins Avenue) being a point in a line parallel with and 30 feet easterly of the centerline of said Douglass Road; thence North 6° 28' 38" East 115 f.eet, more or less, along a Por- tion of the east~rly line of the last mentionen Douglass Road to an intersection with the easterly line of Lot 7 of the Travis Tract as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5, page 120 of Miscel- laneous Records, records of Los Angeles County, California, said point of intersection being a point in the existinq City limit line of the City of Anaheim as established by the af.ore- mentioned Placentia and Cerritos Annexation to the City of Anaheim; thence Following along tHe existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim as established by the said Placentia and Cerritos • Annexation to the City of Anaheim the following courses and distances, North 26° 55' 10" East 370 feet, more or less, along a portion of the east line of Lot 7 of said Travis Tract to an intersection with a l~ne parallel with and 30 feet southerly of the c~~;terline of Katella Avenue (formerly known as Struck Avenue); thence North 88° 53' 52" tVest 1,634 feet, more or less, along the last mentioned parallel line to the point of beginning. ; . ~ ~~ .l ~~~ , ~ ~ i j ~ ; .-- ., _ ~ . NOW, THEREFORE SE T'"'',?~~1LV~D t~t ti~ ' to We City Conncil of Le G ~ As~h~im City ,Pl~e ~} CosmE~sion doe: hereby rowmmead ~ Title 1&2oain~ of the Aa~h~~ ~~~cE Petltlaa [or R~claeallfcatton be ~5rpmved and. by so doing, ~ ~bO~'Q d°s~~ ProP~ety from the County of Orange A1, General Agr~Ur~ ~d ~d~i9ht~I~~strial Districts to the'City of j Anaheim M-1, Light Industrial, Zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary pxerequisite to the proposed use of subject properi:y in order to safety and general welfare of the C?.tizens of the City of Anaheim. preserve the 1. That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim, such as curbs and sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities.,.or other app~artenant work shall complied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and9specis' fications on file in the office of the City Engineer9 at the tin:e the be 2• That dedication shall be made to the City of Anaheim en ailrstreetslwithinlthe~~ area, according to the Circulation Element of the General Plan "Highway Rights of Wa to the adopt.ion of the ordinances rezoning the property. 3. That the owner of sub'ect Yy" prior within the area, as required by the DirectortofSPublicnUtilitieseeatlthettime~thellrotertts developed. ', 4. That a p p Y=5 preliminary title report shall be furnished prior to the adoption of an I ordinance rezoning the property, showing leqal vesting of titl.e9 legal description., and con- tain~.ng :; map of the prooerty. 5. That ordinances reclassifyir,g the p*operty shall be adopted as each read/ tu comply with conditions pertaining to such parcel; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the word ~~P~=~^i" shall mean parcel is b• '_h~ ~" Fv Presently existing parcels of record, and any parce: o= y Council for a lot spl` parcels approved THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION i~ ~l~nd ~n~ ~Ppro~~ by ~e this 19 da o Y March, 1970. CHAIR1yqN ANAF~gny CITY PLANIVING COMMISSION ATTEST: i ~~~~L'YL~ ~ ~ ~C`v~ ~ SECRETARY ANqHEIM C~• pL~~~ C~ISCION STATE OF CAI,IFORiQIp ) COUNTy OF ORANGE ) sa, CI~'Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann IG•ebs, S~cr~t~, af ~ Ci the Eoregoing resolution wes ty~~°"uIIg CO~iseion of the City of Anaheim, do hereb ce held on March 9, 1970~ P~~ ~~~~ ~° meetinQ of the City Plonning Commissian of y ~fy that ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M.. by the follc ',v, vote of the members the=eofty of Anaheim, AYES: COMMISSIONERS: AlIred, Farano, Gauer, F{erbst, Seymour, Thom , Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONIERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIpNEpS; None. II`1 WITNESg {yyEREOF, I heve yaeowto i~ my hand this 19th day of March, 1970. . " ~~ ~ ~7't%~~~~. L~L.~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM.*.SSION RESOLUTION NO. 42 R2-A -~- ~ -- _ "".~,.,..'