PC 70-86•. RESOLUTION NO, PC70-86 ~\i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMEND[NG TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Ofi ANAHEIM THAT PETlTION FOR RECLASSIFICA'fION N0. ~~`'' »-~' ~ BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissiun of the City of Anaheim dId recelve a verified Petition for Reclossi:icr tionfrom CLARENCE WAGNER, 8?_2 ~outh Sunkist Street, Anaheim, Califo:nia 92°06, CNmer; GL-OF,G~ L, ARGYROS, 17291 Irvine Boulevard, 5t. i0', Tustin, California 92G80, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as that portion of the 6Yest half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest ouatter oi Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the kancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a Map recorded in Eook 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Ma~s, records of said Orange County lying South- erly of the Southerly line of Tract No. 6531 as s°~own on a Map recorded in cook 242, pa9es 10 and 11 of said Miscellaneous Maps. and 1 ~ '~~ A ;; ~ WHEREAS, the Clty PlenninQ Commias:on did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City ot Anaheim on June 7_, 1910, at~:00 o'clock P.M. notice of said public hearing heving been duly given as cequired ~y law and in aceordance with the proviaions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1$.72, to hear end coneider evidence for and agoinst sald proposed recleseitication ond to investigate ond make [indin`s rnd recommmdations in connection therewith; snd WHEREAS, seid Commission, efter due inspectlon, investiQatlon, and study made by itselt and in its behelf, and a$er due conaideration oE ell evldence and reports offered et arid hearing, does tind end determine the (ollowing fects: 1. Thet the petitioner proposes e reclassificetion of the ebove c~eecribed propetty [rom the County of Grange A1, Agricuitural District, to the City of Anaheim R-3, Multiple Family Residential, Zone. 2. That the ~roposed reclassification is in conformance with the General Plan. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property 9s necessery end/or desirebte for the orderly and pro~ per development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassificalion of subject property docs properly relele to the zones end theer permitteJ uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their Qermitted uses genecelly esteb- liahed throughout the eommun?.ty. 5. 1'hat the proposed reclassification of subject property reyuires the dedication and improvement ~f abutting streets in accordance with the Circu:ation [lement of the Genera] Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the intensification of land use. 6. That the petitioner stipulated to providing a complete vehicular circulation system on subject j>roperty in the event tlie property is developed in two phases. R-A .1- ...:'~'-~ i?C";, I~!iEREI~GF.~, HE "i7' nFir,Ll'LD t1-at t:,a Anaheim City Flanning Con:mission does aexr~y reco~nmend tc the ;;qty, rounci; o: tne ;;ity uf Anaheim that s~bject Petitior. f~, be aoproveo and, by so doir, tnot iitl Exc]ude the aoove y' ~ 1°-~0~1~'9 of Lhe Anaheim Idunicipal Cr,~ee,eaamcnl~~~ton to inco:por~t~ said~s'cscr;bedr~I~,;tY,rlom ih? County of Orange A1, Agricult:ura~ District and the follov~ing conditi-:ns v,hicn are h~yE~nto the k-3, LPo~ltiplA-Family n?side~~tial, Zor,~r, upor. use of subject property in crler ~"o pre;erveuthetsafety ~3no~senerapr~e19;rnite to the the City of P.~aheim. P1O"°'ed of the C~tizens of 1. That the owner oi suhier.~ ~. op~rt~ .;;-:al: ~e~ed to the C~ty ; i P.naheim a strip of ]and 53 feet in width from the r~~ter'irc o~ tne street alone~ Br,~l koaZ, 'or street widening nurposes. 2. 7~at all engineer..~g r~~quir~;nents u,` tl~,~ C.t}• or ~na3~,eim alc^~ Bail Road, incit:ding preparation of impruve~nent nlans ar.d ~_ns«-,;:~•, sidewalks, street ion of r,ll ir~,~ro-•~mcnt.,, such as c~rbs and gradina ~nd pating, d~;_inage faciiiti~s c~S 9~~+ers, complied with as rEy~!~Z~;d bv tix ,'(t e ottn;r aon,irtenant work s'~a]] be fications on file ~' •`i~eineer ar.~ in ~c~;r~d;-,~,, with =_tandard plan, and s~eci- t3a11 Road shal~ b in tf;^ ~f:ice o; ,he ~iiy Engineer; ;~r:t sf:re~t lighting fa;ilities a1~n e instelle~; as rt•;~;i:ed by the Dire~t~~r ~: p~hli~ Utilities and in accoroa:~ce with standard nlans and sp~.r;:'i~ations on file in L,:~. ~~fF're .~c tne Dir~ctor of Publi: i;tilitics: that a bond in an amount r.nd i>rm ~atis.`actory to '..: Ciiy cf' Anaheim snal; pE posted with the City to guarantee the insta] la ion ~f the abov~~ m!.• ,_;., ea r~,qui.rements. 3, That the owner oi' subject propert~y sr,al~ p~~y to the City of A.naheim the sun~ of 15 front foot along Ball Road, for tree ;;1~. ~tz~~,~~ pur~^ses. 4. That trasn storage areas shall 1;- prn•,~i. in accordance ~vitn a ~ rcy with the office of the Director u~ Pu;:~._- • Pproved ~ans on fi]e 5_ That iire `'"°fL^• ;'_ the Chief of the FirerDepartment,~~ insta]led as requ'_red and determined to Ue necessary Ly 6. That al] air-conditioning facilitie~ 'I+a;] be properly shielded from viev~. ~7. That subject ~ro~erty shall be s~rveJ ay underground utilities. 8. That drainage of subject nro~,~rty shall be disnoseo of in a manner that is satisfactory to the City Engineer. 9. Tnat the o~~~ner of subject oroperty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $7g ~~e: multiple-family unit to be used for parh and recreation purposes, said amount to be time thc building permit is issued. 10. That these paid at the recl~ssification proceedings are granted subject to completion of annexation of subjer,t property to the City uf Anaheim, 11. That a 6-foot masonry wall sha11 be constructed along the nortli carport walls are not developed. ~roperty line v~here 12. Prior to the in*_rodur_tion of a~ ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition I~os. 1, 2, 3, and 10, above mentioned, shal] be completed. The provisions or ri hts resolution shall become null and void by action of the Cit Counci? complied with within 180 days. ~ 9ranted by this Y unlesc said conditions are 1~. That Conditior Nos. 4, 5, G, ?, &, 9, and 11, above mentioned, sha11 be complied ti•~itn prior to final buildina and zoninq inspections. TIiC FUREGOII;G RL-SOLUTiO'J ;s sianed and A7'TF.; T: --_~'~z~` 'z~-~~/ SECRETARY AfJAFIEI6~ CITY PLA^!hJI:JG COL;~:7ISSIG,'~J STATE OF CP.I.IFOkiJIA ) CUUtJTY OF ORANGE ) S~ CITY OF APJAHEIM ) f. i~ ~~ aPP ~~';;-i ~i)~ me th s,llth a• of Jur e, iy~i0, ~ ~ ~ ~, ,~. •i I M q}{EI~,1 CITY FLA^Jh~ING COMh1ISSI0N I, Ann Krebs, Secret~ry °,; the City Planning Commission of the City o; Anaheim, do f;ereby certify ihat the foregpgn~ resolut:on ~;,,~s pa,sed ard adopt~d at a meeting of the City Planning Cornmission of the City of Anah~~ir:, held on June 2, 1970, at ':00 0'clock P.~d., ~, vote of the members th~;;,of: ) tf~~ follotvinn AYGS: C~%MG1ISSIUtJLItS: A] lred, Fareno, Gauer, Herbst, KayN~ood, Seyrnoui•, F~oN~land. Pd0-P'~,; -VISSIOiIL-R5: Idone. ABSENT: ~01f~~iISSIC'JERS: None. II~J WI71J'rSS 67HL•RFpF~ 1 have hcreunto set my hand this llth day of June, 1970. ,i "~ 11 fies. IJo. SG ~// i'(//'/ /A ~~C u.7 / SCCPETAkY ,,,1AlIEIh~ CITY r~LANP1IiJG COfJ~h11SSI0N