PC 71-106__ , . . RESOLUTION NO, PC71-106 A kP;SOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OI' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMM~NDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVAL OI' AN AM~NDMENT TO AREA DEVELOpMENT PLAN N0. 95, TFIERETO WFIF,REAS, the City Planning Commiss~on of the City of Anaheim o~, .7uly 27, L970, in Resalution No, PC70-139, recommended approval of Area Development PJ,an No. 95, Exhibit "A'~, gubject to conditions; and WH~REAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim on August 4, 1970, in Resolution No. 70R-392, adop~ed Area Development F~lan No. 95, Exhibit "~-", ~ubject to condittons; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the ac~option of Area Development Plan No, 95, Exhibit "p,", the Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion did receive a Petition for Reciassification No. 70-71-54, which proposed C-1 zoning on the parcel immediately south of the property that was approved for C-1 zoning under Reclassification No. 70-71-3, ancl a Petition for Conditianal Use Permit No, 1237, which proposed an ambulance service on the parcel immediately ~.outh of the original ytudy area and north of the service station located at the northwest corner of Orange Avenue and Euclid Street; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission determined that based upon these recent development proposals within the area, considerat.ion should be given, at an advertised pub.lic hearing, to amendii~g Area Development Plan No, 95 by including one additional parcel to the south of the original study area, and changing the locations far the acces~way returns to Euclid Street; and WHEREAS, the City Planriing Cominission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City ~~f Anaheim on June 2, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock F.M., notice of said publi.c hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordanc~ with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear and further consider Area Development P~,an No. 95 ahd to investig~,te and make fi.ndings and recommendation^ in connection tillere- with; and WHEREAS, staff eubmitted for Commission con.sideration Exhibit "B", which indicated the relocation of the proposed center access return to Eucl;.d Street from the northerly boundary of the parcel approved for C-1 zoning under Reclassification No. 70-71-3, to the southerly boundary of that property and the northerly boundary of the property proposed for C-1 zoning under Reclassification No. 70-71-54, Additionally, the ~~uthernmost acceas return was shifted southerly from its original location to a point along the northerly bouadary of the property proposed for the ambulance service under Conditional Use Permit No. 1237, No change was proposed in the northernmost access return to Euclid Street; and WHEREAS, discussions at the public hearing prompted the Planning Commission to direct stafP to amend Exhibit "B" by also relocating the northernmost access return northerly to the property line separating the two northernmost lots, thereby eliminating the hammerhead originally proposed on the nozthernmost lot; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissi~n was of the opinion that the lecations of the three access points depicted on Exhibit "B" (as amenc?ed) should remain fixed, r.ather than serve as suggested locations, so that the property owners could be assured af the buildab~e land that would be available to them if commercial development of their prop~rty wa.s anticipated, ..__,._*„ ~ rt. NOW, THLR~FORG, BE IT RLSOLVEp, that Lhe Anaheim C~.ty Planning Commission does heraby recommend to the City Council tha adaption of I3xh' bit "D", aa ame ndod, to replace the original Gxhibit "A" approved by the City Council for Areu Developmont Plan No. 95, as providing a mor~ accoptablo secondary vohicular circulaL•ion plan for tha shallow lota fronting on the west aide of f uclicl Street south of Broadway, and amend the original condi tions as followa: 1. That the owners of all a£fected parcels shall provide a 20-foot wide vehicular accessway alonq the west boundrsries of said parcels and 20-foot wide ve'hicular accessway returns to ~uclid ~treet, as dopicted on F.xh.ibit "E" (as amended) , as the parcels are proposed for commercial dovelopment, or on demand by the Cityj and that only th.ree ( 3) permanent ~rivate vehicular acceasway returns be permitted to Euclid Street to 1.essen the vehicular movements onta this street. 2. That the locations shown on Exhibit "B" (as amended) are deemed to be fixed access locations, so ~hat property owners ma,y be assured of the buildab le land that would be avai lable to them when commer- cial development o.E thei.r property is ant:lcipated. 3. That all acces sways and access return5 shall be installed upon demand by the City, and that mutual easement rights to and over said vehicular accessways shall be granted to and exchanged by all property owners covered in Area Development Plan No. 95, upon demand by the Cityi ~aid easement riqhts shall be aubmitted to and approved by the City Attorney and then be recorded with the Orange County Recorde r, 4. That the requi red vehicular accessways shall be paved in accordance with ~hz requi rements of the Director of Public Works. 5. That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the west side of the 20-font wi3e north-south accessway r.equired along all properties encompas sed in the Area Development Plan. 6. That vehicula.r access rights, exr,ept at street and/or alley openings shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheim, provided, however, that temporary access to Euclid Street from the individual parcels included withi n Are a Development Plan No . 95 shall be allowed until such time as the City demands improvernents of the private vehicular acces~ways; further provided that the individual property owners shall enter into an agreement with the City of Anaheim +:o close the temporary accessways that are not in conformance with the location of the three (3) permanent access returns that sre designated on Exhibit "B" (as amended) ; and that porti.on of the temporary accessway, lying within the front setback, shall be lands caped . Said ~,greement shall be recorded with the Orange County Recorder's office prior to the issuance of a building permit on an individual parcel. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 1Qth day of June, 1971. _~_~ ~..,~~..~GL . -~- CHAIRMA~ N A ATTEST: ~ ~ ~~! ~' f c -'._/ )'t.. c_' ~c~- - SECRETARY ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Resolution No. PC71-lU6 - 2 - IM CT_TY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ STATE OI' CALI~'ORNZA COUNTY Or QRANG~ ) es. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary oE the Ci~y Planninq Commiasion of ~he City of Anaheim, do her9by certif.y that the faregoing resolution was passefl and adop~ed at a meeting o£ the City Qlanning Commiasion of the City of Anaheim, held on June 2, 1971, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., by the Eollowing vote of tha mombers thereo£: AYES: rpMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gnuer, Herbst, 1Caywnod, Seymour. NOI:S: COMM2SSTONERS: RowiAnd. ABSEIQT: COMMTSSIONERS: Allred. IN WITNGSS WHER~oF, I have hereunto set my hand this ].Oth day of June, 1971. ~ - ~ . , , ~ , . ~ ~ _" ~ ~'" ~...='" ~'l' T 2~ ``~.~..~--= _ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS~ION Resolution No. PC71-106