PC 71-152i ~ 1 RESOLUTION NO.. PC71-152 A RESALUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY UF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDfNG TQ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANANEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. ~ 1- ~ 2-~ BE APPROVED WHERGAS, the City PlenninR Commisalon of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petitlon tot ReclessificA- Uon from Ii~:RNA[iDU ~URpA, 125 South Claudina, Anaheim, delifornia 92805, Owner.; LOItANIi WE:S'~' 8i0i Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, Calitornia 90046, Agent of cerhair. real properl~ s.it..~.':ed tn t~;e CiCy oE A.r.aii~tm, CounCy of Orenge, Skate of CaliF.urnia, described as E~arc:el 2; `~G.~ : por. tio» ut Tract 936, as showri on s map thereo~ recorded in Dook 30, page 2 of Mi:+ce;.i.a°.~.: ~a Map~ in Clxe ofti~e ot the Recorder of said county, Beginc:ing in tha easterl.y line _~I :~a;.d L•ra::4 at a poin~ dis~tant L•hereon South 1° 09' 57" Weat 330,00 L•ee~: from the ir.ter~er.'~i ~~~ t:k:er.eof ~iir.h ::~:~e south line of Sar~ta Ar.a Canyan Road beLng also the north line o£ tt~r:. p~~r.~:-,:~°. af said txac~ bs ehown on the map thereoE recorded in Book 74, page 2 of Rec~~rds at St~L~°t:. 01 ~sid coLni.fY t:heace Sauth 77° 28' 43" West 50G.68 feet; thence south 4S° 45' 00" Wt~si. ..'b,+)u Eee': to the begin~~iu~g of a curve the rudius point uf which bears 9outh 45° 45' OU" WF_ s'~ '~50.00 teeL trom said beginning; thence Southerly snd Westerly 37d.88 feet aiong said :.~.c~c tt~r.•oug~ a cer~tral angle oE 85° 00' 00"; rhence Sou.th 49° 15' 00" East ra~lially to s~id ~.urvr. 28.00 feet; ti~er.ce South SS° 00' 00" East 28.00 feet to the begtnning of a l-ar~ge^!: cur•ve coacave NorZh~cly ar~d having a radius of 450.00 feet; thence Gasterly 263,11 Ee~r. al~.•~r;g ~~id curve L•hrc~ugh a central angle of 33° 30' 00"; thence South 88° 30' 00" East, t~r~.get~i: t~ s.~id c~srve 202.00 f.eet to said ea~l• line oz Tract 936; thence Nozth 1° 09' S7" East a7atig s~id East line 588.U0 feet to the pai.nt of beginning. ; ar~d WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim an Augus t 9, 19 71 , at 2:00 o'clock P.M, notice of said publi.; hearing heving been duly given as required by law and in eccordance with the provisiuns of the Anahtim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear ar,~ consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassificatlon ~nd to investigete and meke findings end recommendetions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, eEter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behelf, end efter due consideretion of all evidence end reports ofEered at said hearing, doea Eind end determine the Eollowing Eacts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassificetion of the above described property from the R-A, AGRICU~~i.~ R;~:• zQNE to tce C-3, GEN~,Rr1L COMMF.RCIAL, ZONE. 2. That thE ~roposed recles~ification is in conformance with the General Ila~:_. ; E~ * :y „~kt 3. That the proposed reclessificetion of subject property is necessary and/or desirable tor the orderly and pro- per development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subJect property end to the zones end their permitted uses generally estah- lishPd throughout thP community. 5. 'I'h~rr fh~ proposed reclassification o~ subject property requires the dedi.c,3ti~~•. a•r~d in~provEmer~ ~f abutting strQets in accardance with the Circulation Elemerzt of '~i.~ Ger.eral ~lar., -! .e ~o the anti.cipated increase in traffic which will be genPra;.ed ~,;~ ::rt~ ir.ten~ificatiot, vf iand use. 6. '!'~.~i. l~ie petitioner ~tipulated to providing heavil~ landscaped areas ir. ~':E easemen~ .•« alung the south property Zine to adequa~eLy buffer tY:e resider~t:ia; ;yr~& from tt:e ;mmerciai usea, ~. That: the petieioner stipulaCed to providing an integrated sign ider_~it.;-i-~~, tI-xe saoppir~g cenYer. 8. TY:at ~~r:e pt~titioner stipulated tu adequately screening the roof-mo~..~~:ed ~qiaipmer,t is~ ac:c;ordance with the Pl.ar.ning Commission's reeoc~nendations. 9. T~~at orie person appeared, representing homeowner's groups in the 5a:_t_a ~,-~a C~r.~or.,. expressing concern regarding any deleterious signing for the center. -1- ~ h , ~~ ;1 r ~ r NUW, THERFI'i:uRG, 9E IT kGSOLVEb that the Anaheim C;ity Flanninq C;~mm:~4,on does hereby xecommend to the City Council of the Cit}~ of Anaheim ~hbt subje~t Petition for Reclassifl.cation be approved, and by so doing, r„hat Title 18-Zoning of' the Anaheim Municipal Code be amQnd~d to exclude tl~e abova described ~aroper.ty zrom the R-A, AGRTCULTUC<AL, lUN1s and to ~ncorr~or.ate ~aid describad property .into the C-1, GGNF.RAL Cc)MMERCIAL, 'LGNC u~.~or~ rtie tollow~ng cor,dit~.on: which are hareb}• found tn be a necessary Fs:requ~:ite to the propased use o~ subject property in order to p=eserve cnF safccy and genecal welfate oE the Cir.izens o~ the City of Anahe~.m: ll) That the ocvner(s) of sub~ect property shall deed to the CiLy oi Anahpim a strip oE lanc3 as reguired by the Frecise ~].ignmenr. ;,f imperlal Hi.ghway for str.eet and public utilit}~ purpose~. (2) That al.l enyinec~ring roquiYements of the City cf Ar,aheim alony Imper,.al Highway, including preparation of improvement plans and installation .~f all .improvements, such as cuYbs and guttPZS, side- walks, street graclino and paving, drainage iacilities, oY other ap~urtenar.t work shall be complied with as requzcecl by the C~t~~ Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and spec;fication: on file in the off.ice of the City Gngineer; ttiat street J.ight•ing facilities along .T.mperial Elighway shall be ir.stalled as requice.d by the Director of Public Utilities and in a~~cordance with stand- azd plans and speeificatior~s on file in the off~.cc- of the Directoc of Public Utilities; and that a bond in an amount and form sati~- factory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted w~th the City to guarantee the installativn of the above mentioned re3uir.ements. (3) That the owners of subject pr~perty shall pay- to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per front foot along imperial Highway foc tree planting purposes. (4i I'hat sub~ect property shall be served by underc~round utllxtic-s. (5j That a parcel map to record the approved division of subject property be submitted to and approved by the City of Anahaim and then be recorded in th~ office of the Orange County Recordec prior to :.ssuance of a building permit. (6) That drai~lage of subject praperty shall be disposed of in a;nann;:r satis£actory to the City F.ngineer. .71 That fire hydrants shall be insCalled as required and determ_ned to be necessary by the Chief of the i'ire Department. t8) That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance wi*_h approved plans on file wlth the office of the Director of P~bi:c Works. (gi T:~at any packing area lighting proposefl sha11 be down-lighting a maximum oF 20 feet high in acccrdance with appr•oved plans ~~bm.tted by the an~licant marked Exhibit No. 6.~ Said lighting shall be directed away from the property lines to protect the resideritial lntegrity of the area. (10) That the u: :;~~~ed p~rtion of Santa Ana Canyon Road right-of-wa}~ and the medlan strip in tmperial Highway for the length t'CjUal to the frontage of subject pLOperr~• shall be landscaped and that pians for sa~d lan3scaping shall b~ ,;bmitted to and approved by the Sup~rintendent oP Parkway Malnt.~,zance. ~.11) Tnat a perpetual maintenance a~.reament be submitted to and a~proved by the City Atturney's Office and filed and recorded w±th the Orange County Recorder's Officp for the maintenance cf the lar;d- sca~ed areas desccibed in Condition No. 10 above, per City Counc~l Polic}~ No, 532. !12) That den~e landsca} .. ~:hali be provided in the easement azea adjacent tc the res~a_;::ial uses abutting ~ubject property t~ the south. ~* ~;~ Resolution No. PC'71-15i -2~ r~ ~ M t } i v~ (13) r.h~t an integrated sLgn ldentafyir.g th~ 3hop~ing canter ahal.i be provided as su~mitted tu the PLannltig Commission Lor ap~roval and markad Gxhibit No, 1.. i14y That subject pYCNerty ~hali be develo~ed subatanr.;.~lly in arc~id- anc~~ with plans and speCi.F'ications nn fil~~ with the i;lty ot Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos~ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, And 7; prnvlded, how~ver•, that plans fox any roof-mounted equipment screening shall be submitted to and a~~proved by tha Development Serviees De~art- ment t~ assu.re that they are in accordance w.,th the Nlann~ng +;~, Commi~sion's re~_ommendations. "r",:` (15) PrioY• to l;he introduction of ari urdinance rezon.~r-y subject C;:r ' ~-,y property, Conditiun No~.. 1, 2, and 3, above ment~.oned, shali be f~',,'; completed, The pr.ovision~ or zlghts granted by this re;=olutlcn ~hall become null and vo;.c3 by a~tlon ~f the City Coulicil unless ~ sai3 cnnditions are complied w±th within 180 days from the date ` hereof oz such further time as the City Council may grant. (?6) That Condition Nos. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 19, ab~ve cnention~d, shall be complie3 with prior to flnal building and zoning inspections. THE FUREG07.NG RESOLUTTON is signed and apprnved by me this 19th day of August, 1971. v• IAIRMAN ANAHFIM CITY PLANNIN;~ CJMMIbSlUN ATTEST: i~ ;~ SE::R~TARY ANAHEIM C:ITY PLANNING CCMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Kreba, Secretary of the City Planning Commis~ion of the Cit~ of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foreyoing resolution ~was passecl and ad~pted at a meeting of the City Flanning Commission of the City uf Ar~~heim held c+n AuguSt 9, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock F.M., by the following vote ;~f tha members thereof: AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywocd, Roc.lan~, Seymour. NUE~: CCMMISSIONERS: None, ABSENT: COMMSSSIONERS; Allxed. IN W.ITNESS WHERGOF, I have hereunto set my hand this lyt.. day :;f Auyust, 1971. SECRETARY ANAHE:M CITY PLANNING C~MMl551GN ~ ~ - a . ~ Resolution No. PC71-152 -3- :~;, . 4! ,.,.~ . ~ ~ .,