PC 71-163~ ,,,:. . ,.~ -~ ., .,... .... .._. i ~ J, $, RESOLUTIAN N0, PC71-].63 A RESOLUTION OF TNE CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION OF THE CITY dF ANAH~iM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0~ 2 2 8 5 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the City Plannine Commis~ion oE th~ City of Anaheim did cecaive a verlEled Petition toe Var~~~nce Erom ALAN G, CHAPIN, 2727 Greenfield Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90064, Owner; ANACAL ENGINEERING COMPANY, P, 0. Box 3668, Anahaim, Califarnia 92603, Agent of certain real property aituated in rhe Ciry of Anaheim, Cnunty of Orange, ~taCe or Cali£ornia, d~ecribed ~ in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as rhough aer forth in tull. WHEREAS, the City Plannina Commiesion did hold a public headng et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on August 9, 1971 , et 2;00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having bean duly given es tequired by lew end in acoordence with the provieiona of the Anaheim Municipal Co~de, Chapter 18.68, to hear end conaider evidence tor and aaainat aaid propooed variance and to inveitiQete end make findinga and recommendations in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, said CommiBSion, efter due inspection, inveetigetion, and atudy mede by 9tself end in its behalf, end efter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at aeid hearing, does find and determine the following facta: 1. That the petitioner requests • variance trom the pnaheim Municipal Code as followe : a. SECT'IOIr" 18.24.030(1-a) - Minimum Eront setback (25 feet required; 20 feet proposed;. b. SECTION 18.24.030(4-a) - Minimum lot width (70 f~et required; 50 to 62 feet propoaed). 2. Thet rhere are no exceptional or extreordinary circumstances or conditi~ns applic- able to the propQrty involved or to thc intended uae of the property that do not apply generally to the property or clasa of uae in the same vicinity attd zone. 3. That the requested variance is not nec~ssery for the preservation and enjoyment of a substeneial property right pASSesaed by other property in the sam~ ~icinity and zonE, and denied eo the property in question. 4. That the requested variance will be materially detrimentaZ to the public welfare or injurioua to the property or improvements in such vicinity an.d zone in which the prcperey is located. 5. Thee the site ie environ.mentslly undesirable bec,ause it is a3jacent to a freeway and a freeway overpass; and that if homes are to be built on thia site then the fewest poeaible number of people ahould be aubjected to this envirnnment. 6. That one person appeared, representing aeveral persona preaent in the Council Chamber, requesting that if waivers were gr.anted they should not include waiver of the minimum square feet per residence, V 1-D -1- ~ n - l~oa: S; D~Scntta Arirt, C;nli/or~tirt D~YO~' . Z~wr,s., . 1%0: No~~rb. Alair~ Sf ~•cet (714) 547•n57! Tr1 1~r ~~~ :~ ... ~~~ ;~u ~~,- u~~~~~~ ~uir~~ Q7~~;aa~~~~~~~ ~~ P12LI,xM1N111tY SUI3AXV1'SION GUA12J1N'.l'rP; i..,,~•°~i ~l Sc-~i~icc o/ -.._ ~ ~u 7'r~ir~srunc~•iru Corporntiur: i 1 I I,I~ x ~ .. ~:~.~ f~. ~ ~ ~~~~. .~' < < ., . ~,.~ Tract No. None Ordar No. 23350--SP • Foz tlle benefit of the subda.va.der, Lhe subdiva.dex's eng9.ncer, ~he C~unty O~ Ox'~il1CJG ~ and any Gii:y w3.i.hin which the subdiva.sinn is located. ~ . Li.aba.l.ity undcr this repox~ sha].]. not ~xceed ~he sum of $1,000.00.~ In cannec~a.on Map, a prel~.minary the reeording 1a~as ~o said land, disc may be requa.red to d9.vision Alap Ac~": ~viLh the pr.oposed re:cordai:ian a£ ~he subda.vis~.on exami.nai:ion of those pub].ic records which under. impazt constxue~ive notice o~' mai.L-ers reJ.ating loses ~hat i;he following is ~he anly part•y who sign the Map under t11e provisions o£ L-2ie "Sub- Myrtle R. Chapin, an unmarr~.ed womam, Owner ~~ * ~ ~' . ~...~.~.~.....~ Parcel ro. 1('~~ That porL•ion of• Loi: 9 oi' the Sout}~ Placenti~~ Tzact Np. l, as ~hown on a Map recorded in Book 5, Page 92 of Dliscelianeous Maps, in the office oF ~he County Recorder of said County, d~scribed as follows: Beyinning at a point in the A'es~erl.y linc af sai.d Lo~ 9 distant along said Wes ~erly line South 0° 1~S' 05" ~~Test 171 ~ 81 feet f~.•om the Nort-ti- wes~ corner ot saic? Lo~; thence SOllttl 51° ~iG' ~1" ~ast•, 233. ~41 feet L-A thc Eastc~ly line ot that certain e~tsement conveycd to the b;etro- poli~an S~;a~er Distric~ of Souti~ern Ca1~Foznia, described in Puzcel 1 of Dced recorded in Baok S~S92, Pagc 353 of Of:i'icial Records in said off,icc; thence along sa~.d ~asterly line South 21° 12' 30" West, 115.J.2 feet; tY~ence South 21° ~J9' 91" West 175.95 ~eet; thencc~ Sou~h 13° 27' 03" ~~Test, 272.18 fcc~~~o ~he Southcrly lin~ of said eascmenL•; ~hence along said Southerly line Narth 89° ~S5' 55" iVest, 17.92 fce~. to said j~'esterly l.ii~e of said Lot; thence along said Westerly ].ine North 0° 1~!' 05" East, 6a0.55 fee~ ta ~he po.~nt o~' beginna.ng. . T:?:CEPTING 7'HF.REFiZO,•i a~.l oi.l, minerals, na~ural yas and other. hydro- carbons by ~~~hatsoever name knoc~m, ~hat may be within o~: unaer the •- herein described land. '.Z'.~ • . ~ 1,\ti,,~~;, ~ ; ~ p~~ ~C~ ~o •? 0~ The East half of th~ii: portion of Sunkist 'ay,~ as~~' vac~:,tied`by z~solut~.on No. 70R-394, recarded Ju].y 17, 1~70 in E~ook ,;.~~ 93~ ~~ ~~~~J~ ~~2 p~ 0£Lzcial Recoxds; and resoJ.u~ion No. 71R-9;; re-- '~' ~~., coraed P•;,zzch 3, 1971 in F3oo}: 9563, Page 950 of- Of.~icial Records, '•`;~.~."'~ ~~, descz ibecl as fallows : . , ~ ,,~ , . ~~; ~ ~Cr~r...5;.'i;i~.~~ ~ ~ \~~'~.S/'i1\rr `-~' j . - 1, ,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~._ •',- ~ , ~ -._._,...._ ~, , IIega.nning at the Sou~heast corner oE Lot 1 of Tract~No. 13~3, as ~~ shown on a M~p recorded ~.n IIoo}: 105, Pag~ s 123 L-hrough 1.~6, ~.n- • c].usive, of l~SS.scellaneous Maps, records of Orange Count:y, Ca.i.ifor.- nia; thence Nozth 0° 19' 05" East, 7~f.15 feei: along ~he LasL•er].y li;i~ ~; sazci Lot 1 to L-tie NorL};eastcrly cor:~er thereof; thence 5G° q~' 2`~" L•'~:;~, 53.GG fee~ to an intersection ~~;ith a 1i.~1e paral].el ~vith and ?.5 ~eet Easterly of the centerlii~e oi' Sunkist Street; thencc SouL•h 0° 1~' Oa" ~•7est, 84.95 teei: to a pain~, said point being a point in a line i:angent to ~he beginning of a curve con- cave South;•~ester].y and having a radius of. ~10 ~ feet; t}ience Noi:tti- erly and Nor~hwest~rly al~ng said cu~ve ~}-~rough a central angle o~ $~° ~l3' 7.2" an~ arc di.s~ancc: of 62.34 feet to ax~ intersecu.i.on wi~:h a line par111e1 ~oith and 30 fee~ Nort•herly of i:he centerline of Romney~ Driv~, as said cen~er~.9.ne is shown on the biap o£ said Tzact I~o. ].353; thence Norttl 89° 24' 07" W~st, 5.23 l:cet to thc point of beginning. . ~.,...,.__ ; h, ~ ~,.,.,,.,...,,,,,V,., n,-r,~ r, ~ ~, ti ~ ~~~ 1 NOW, TFIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Annheim City Plenning Commiesion doea hereby deny subject Petition for Variance on the basis of the eforementioned findings, THE FOKEGOING RESOLUTIQN is signed end approved by me hia 19 th day o f Augus t, 19 71 , CHAIR AN ANAHEI CITY Pi,ANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: , :z ~,~; r'y~ SECRETAt~Y ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION :~'~ ~~ - :~~~ STATE OF CAL;FORNIA ) ~ '~,~'+, COUNTY OF ORANG~: ) ss, ; ;;~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) { ;~ ,_~ I, Ann Kzebs , Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the fore- ,;»~ goi~.~, resotution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on ~ August 9, 1971 , et 2:00 a'clock P,M,, by the following vote of the members thereof: ~ ,~ ~~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Hexbst, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour. ;~ :~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. , x,~ ABSF.NT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred. ~N ~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 19th day of August, 1971 . SECRETARY ANAI?FIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION {~ A ~ ~ RESOLUT'ION N0. P C 71-16 3 V2-D _2_ . ~,;,, . • ~~~~vr.~ ~ . . ~ . . . M ,