PC 71-2.~ ~ 4v~ '_.~' RESOI,UTI~N N0, NC 71- 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITX PLANNIN4 COMMISSi~N OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM R~COMMENnING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' ANAH~IM THAT FE;TITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 69-70-2,~ gE APPRdVED WH~REAS, thc City Planning Commisalon of the City of Anaheim did receive e verlfied Petition £or Re- claesification trom GERALDINE L'. ROTH, G't AL, Box R, Placentia, Califotnia 92670, Owner; JEFFREY H, MILLET, 1303 Weat Valenciay rullerton, Calitornia 92633, Agent of certain real pruperty aituated in khe City of Attaheim, County of Arange, State uf California, deacribed in Lxhi.bit "A" Attached hereto and referred to herein as ehough aet forth in full, 'i , ,i ~: ~,~ :v: ,' j ;~i i ~na WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e pubiic hearing at the City Hall ~n the City of Aneheim on Jan. 11, 1971 at 2:00 o'clock P.M. ~otice of seid public hearing having been duly given as requlred by law and in eccordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Municfpal Code, Chepter 18.72, ta hear end consider evidence for end aguinst said proposed reclasalfication and to investigate ond make findings and recommendatinns in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigation, end study mede by itself and in its be- helf, and efter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposses a reclassification of the above described property from the County of Orange, A1, General Agricultural Distric; to the CLty of Anaheim, R-2-5000, One-Family, Zone. 2. That subjecr property is presently undergoing annexation proceedings to the City of Anaheim. 3, Thar the R-2-S000, Oae Family, Zone is hereby recon~nended for disappraval on the basis that the Planning Commission, in recommending approv&1 of General Plan Amendment No. 122, determined that low-density residential uses would be most appropriate for this general erea, and that any recommendations made to the County of Orar~ge prior to the re- evaluation of appropriate ~ensikies for the area (GP4 N0, 122) should not have ta be considered a binding commitment upon L-he Cit~y of Anaheim for all time to come. 4. That af.ter thorough study and re-evaluation of the land use poticy for this area, the Flanning Commission recommended.thet this area be retained for lota-denaity development-, and to recommend R-2-5000 zoning wouYd be inconsistent with thia previous recommendation, 5. That the Planning Commission doea hereby recommend to the City Council that the R-1, Single-Family Residential, Zone be establiehed on sub~ect property, thereby placing subject property in conformance with tl:e General. Plan as recommended in General Plan Amendment No. 122. 6, That the recommended reclasaificativn of aubject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and praper development ~f the community. 7. That the recommended reclassificatiori of subject property cloes properly relate to the zones and their permitted usea locally Established in close proximity to sub,ject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established throughout the communit ~ ~ ~~ Y~ 8. That the recommended reclassification of subject property requires the dedicetion and improvement of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation .Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which Gill be generated by the IntensificAtion of land uae. .,.,.,Lt~ . .;,~ . .._ ... ., . . * ,. L ~. , . ~ . , • ~ M ; ~ ~ p~:.. ~ha~; eert~iir. land si~;ucted in i;he b'1;ate of Ca].ifornin, County of Or~n~e, '' d~~ ;cribed ao '!'011o~~s; ~ `'__ ~ `. . - ; 't ~ _ ~..._..._._._ Pr.~rc~l 1. All ~;ht~t : _~ , porl;ion ofi' t;lie herein~f'ter de~cr3hed pcsr _el o~ lnrid ly~.n~ U,~';~:.~rly oi' -Li~c Soui;herl.y line of the 40-1'oot r3~ht of wny i'or ~speranza iic;..t, as said Ho~d is described in ~;hQ ae~a t;o the Cot,nty oF Oran~;e, recorded A}.~~ :-y L7, 19'1~3 in ~o1c 3~.g, pn~{e 183 of Deeds, ~aid parcel of loncl being ~ describ~d aU ~o1l,owa: ~ ~ ~~~nn~p~ ~~t the Nor•l:hwcst corner of A1lotment of Second C1asS J,and made to ~ ~ Y~;r;z y'orba de Cota by I'inal Decrec of Pari:;~:.ion oi' t;he R~,neho Canon de SAnta l~t,<~; thenee Souther].y, aZon~ the Westerly line of ;,aid A11o1:nient lU mor~ or 3.c;,s, to ~;he Southwes~; corner of the lancl d•~scr~.bed in ~;he deed3i'romt~ A:;,-uieim Union 4later Company to S~mue1 Kruemer, recor.d~d Ih~cer~ber 3, 1906 in Pao,c 139, p~{';e l~i~+ of Deeds; i;h~~nce Lasi;erly alon~ the Soutlierly line of the l.~:i.~: uescribed :in said deed thc followin~ couraes And c~i~~;ar,ces; South 8~° 20z :~as~t 2'j4.8 ieeL-, Nori;h Sl' ~ESt ~as~; 214.5 feet, South ° r~~e~;,, Sou1;h 6b ° 50 ~~a st 37~3 • B~eet, Nori;h 86 ° 1+0 ~ Fast t~557~+ Y e~et~umore ~ orS 1ess, to a poi.nt in the EASterly line of aforementianed a].lotment to said Xne: X~rb~ dc Cota; ~;hence leaving said Sou~;herly line Sou~;h alon~ the Eas~t li:~~ of aforen;ei~tionel r.illotm~n•t to ~aid Ynez Yorba de Cotn, 1061.63 feet, - Page 7_ / f , y ~~; G mor~ or less, to a point xn ~;he Nort;hrrly line of 3. yorba Vineyr~rd a~ shown on "Dia~ra;n I~'" referrecl i;o and mad.e a par~: ot' the s~id Z~irial Ih:cree oF the P:~-rt.'.tion ur said Raneho Canon de Santa .Ana, said poi.i~t bein~ also Station 11 ai said Xnez Yo.rba dc Co~a Allotment; tl~ence Sc,u~t;herly ~~42.38 f'eet alon~ :~ clirect line (i'rom saia S~Lal;ion 11 of Ynez Yorba de Cota Allotmer~t tc~ S~at;~on 10 on the line bntween the allotmer,ts o~ i~irst~ ~nd Third Cla~s 7~:nd °~0 4~olf ICal.lsher arid ~Ienry Wartenberg in i:he Parti~ion of saicl l~ancho~ to tne Sou~herly line oi said B. Yorba Vineyard; t;lienc~ ~asterly alorig the Soui:herly line of said B. Yorba V:i.neyax~c. the following cources and distances; North 79° 45 t Ea st 84. 50 f'eet, North 6~ ° 15 t~ast 198. 20 feet to a point in the ~~7e st- ~rly line of t;li~ Allo~:ments of Second and Third C1~ss T1and made to Tomas Y~rba by said rinal Decrae of Partition of saici RancY:o Canon de Santa ~wa; ~iienee Sautherly, Westerly and Soui:herly al.ong i;he W~sterly, Northerly apd Westerly lines of s~id Toma~ Xorba A].lotment the follr~,~ing courses and dis- ~ances: South 29° ~+5t 47est 1)8 ieet, South 429 feet, South 8b° 4~i W~s~ 165 ieet, 5outh 1.240.2 feet to a poi~i~; in the Noz•therl,y l.ine of I,ot b as shown ozi u map of land o~rn~d b,v ~. 4lal~er Pyne, f~.1c~ in I3ool: 2, page 19 ~f Record o~ Surveys in the oi'fice oi' ~the County Recorder of Oral~~;e County, Cali~orr.it~; ~hence al.png ~he Northerly line of Lots 6 and 5 of s~id land ot' L. Walter ~ a ~ ,~y cyuc~ iv~i ~ti uJ t~o5~ ]~~+.y l:e6G T.O ::~Yl arig.Le j]O:lI7~I: 11 Lot 5; ~:hence still alon~ the Northerly line of' sai~ extension thereoi 120.8 feet; thence ~ou-L•h 1.7o fee~ shown on a I~Iap f-i).ed in Book l, pa~e 38 of Record o: the Coun~y Recorder of Oran~,e County, Califcrnia; ~;] 6? ° East 1258 feet; thencc Nor~h 75 ° Last ~+00 feet; ~-U~+~.1 ~'e~t to the en~i o:f said compromise ~.ine; then~ ~:o ~s point in the ~asterl,y line o1 the l~nd cte:,crzb~ t+:::~elina Y. Kraemer ~o Samuel Kr~emer, recorded Sep~ ~ ~;~• , pa~e 7 ox Deeds; ~;hence Northerly a7.ong the L~- a~:_;cribea in said la~t mer'~i~necl c:eed 12,832 feet, ~ :r'~;,~ bour~ciary of said Ra:~cho Canon de San~a Ana; th~ ,. _..... Nor~cherly boundary linc 1E3o6. ~+ fee~;, more or l~ r. ~...~; . tlie 11~rt'i line a~ ea1 d Lot 7 and tYie Eas~eriy 1:0 ~he coinuromise 7.ine us Sux~veys in the office ~~ ence alon~ said ~ine North thence North 46°•~ast e North 39° Eas~; 510 feet d in the deed from emUer 18, 1915 in Boolc terly line of the land ~ore or less; to thc ~lorth- ncc We~t~rly along the ss, to the ~oint of begin- _.. ~;ntin~ thereirom ~:he pori;ian included wil:hin ~;he right oi way of' The ~ ~ a ;i NOW~ THI3REFORC~ BE~IT R~SOLVFD that the Analiel.m Citv Planning Commisaion doea hereby xecommend t4 the City Council of tlie City of Anahelm that eub~ect Petition be diaapproved on tlie ba~ie oE tlie Eoregoi.ng fi.i.ldinga. B~ IT FURTHER RI;SOLVLD that the Plnnning Commiesion doea hereby recom- m~nd to ths Cixy C~unc11 af the Ci.cy of Anahei.m khat sub~ect Reclaseificc-tion be approved as amend~ad (R-1 Z~ne) and, by su doing, that. Title 18-2oning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exc?.ude the ab~~ve deacribed property from Che A1, GTsNERAL AGRICCILTURAL DTSTRICT to lncorporate said described property into the k-1~ SINGLG FAMILY R~SIDENTIAL~ ZANG upon the following condieiona which are: hereby found co be a neceaeary pr.erequisite to the pro- ~109C~d use of aubjec~: proper.ty in ord~r r.o preserve the ai~fety and general welfare of the Citizene of the City nf Anaheim: (1) That a final tract map of subject property :~hall be eubmitced to and approved by the City Council and then be recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder, (2) Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning sub~ect property, Condition No, l., above mentioned, shall be completed. T.he proviaions or xighta granted by this resolution ahall btcome null and void by action of the City Council unless said conditions are cc,mplied with withln one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. (3) That t.he owner(s) of sub~ect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fEes to be paid at the time the building permit i.:s iasued. (4) That these reclassification proce~dings are granted sub~ect to completion of annexation of eub~ect pr~operty to th~~ City of Anaheim. (5) ThaC sub~ect property sha11 be developed i- ~~ycord.an~e with the standards of the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone ~::orth as f.llows; 1) That prior to the introduction of an . na~r.c-« reclassifying sub~ect property, a specific plan shF,~. i~e r~ uired for any uae, subdivision, site design or chr- ~-~-~-~t-Mu:~:ion of any building, fence, s•lgn or structure, _:.he removal ar deposit of natural material, Plans st-all ~, ~k~nm ~tted indicating front, side, and rear elevations f a-~: ~.~~i~~a and a cross sec•- tton through the proposal and thro~,,:~1, "~.:~ficient adjacent properties to indicate the relst~ori-"~:,r of the propo~sal to those properties. Plana or drawin~cr. 4r~o.uld also show prv- posed building or structure locaki,;y~-., .~:nd in reasonable detail walls, walks, copog~raphy, e~~i~,:, :.m~g vegetat:lon, proposed parking layout and location, landsc~,~~i and irrigation proposals, building ar.d roof~ng materials and. co:les scheme. 2) All buildings along Ta Palma Avenue, ~,T, & S.F, Railroad right-of-way and Fairmont Boul.evard, ~hAll maintain a landscaped setback arer~ having s~ mir_~um d.pth of 50 feet. Said yetbacks shall be measured hori.:,onta' ly from the planned highway right-of-wsy 1in~s as incicated on the Circulation Element of the General 'rlan to the building. 3) The entire required setba•ck ar~e~a except where driveways cxoss said areas, shall be landscaped as f~llows: landseaping shall con.sist of lawn, trees, shrub~, ground cover and certain architectural features as li~ted below. All landscaped ar~aas ahall be perman- enrly ma:Lntaim~ed in a neat and orderly mannet• as a concition of use and shsll Ue p~rovfaed with hose bibbs, sprinklers, or similar permanent irrigation facilities, The following architectural features, structures, and accessF~ays may be permitted in the required setb+~ck area: a. Fountains, ponds, pools, sculpture, planters and walkwaps (open or covered) where tliey are an integral part of a land- scaping scheme comprised primarily of plant materials. ~ ~ ~~ b. Decorative screen [ype walls. c. Flag poles.(Maximum of 25 feet in height) P.ESOLUTION N0. 2 , '! ` ..`...,,.,~~ A . ..... 4~ • . 'r. ~..: . .~ . ~ - , ~ . , , S m ti . 4) 5) Where a proapective building aite and/or aubdiviaion containe 8 Eucalyptus tree windbreak the developer ehali either: (1) leave the windb.eak in its natural state; (2) prune the trees to h~ight of not leas than 25 feet, or; (3) remove the existing ~rees and replace tltem, ane tree for every three treea(not neceaearily in the same lor.ation) crith windbrealc substitUte treea ~ Trees shall. be at least eight (8) feec in height at che time of planting, 6j All natural tezxain or area~ left in en undistutbed state ehall contain or sha11 be planted wlth adequate native plant materi.al, An irrigation system sha.11 nat be required for these natural areae. 7) All c.ut or fill slopes shall be planted with adequate plant mater- lals and irrigated with an ~rcigation syatem to protect the al.opes agai.nst erosion. Said plan[ing shall consiat of at leaet one (1) tree per 300 aquare feet and one (1) shrub per 150 square feet ~£ ac:tual bank alope area and a ground c.over to compl.etely cover the bAnk within [wo (2) yeare f'rom the cime of planting, 8) The maximum overall height of any building ~hall be 25 ft~et m~asured from the highest portion ~f structure to the higheat finished grade level at the foundation, Maximum height limitations may be varied up or down in order to insure that the proposal does not impair the view from ad~acent lots or from [he scenic highway~ o• ~ . ~' p ~.. ~ 9) 10) i 3 ..~ 4iheca a build.ing aite ie ad~acent to the A.T, & S.F~ Railroc-cl ri.ght-of~way a eolld decoretive innaonry wall, an earthen be~~m or r.ombination of Che two ^~Q>> be pr.ovided parallel to Che cigt~t-of.-wr~,y line : The wAll or berm shall be at leaet aix (6) ~PeC hi~h as measutad frnm the high grade side of the prope:•ty ltne. Tn order to .tnsure prsvacy to the dwe111ng units a ws~ll or berm in E+xceas of s.ix (6) teet in height may be approved. Adequate landscaping to f~lly screen to a height o.f ten (10) teet the eubiect property fTOm vlew of paaser•by within two (:!) yeara, ahall be provided ad,~acenc to th~ right-of-way ].ine ~ Roof mounked equ:ipment in;.luding exteLior mounted and ground mounced radio and televlsion antennas shall ilot be permit[ed, That Conditi.on Nos: (3), (4), and (5), above mentioned shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspectiona. Resolution No. 2 ~ ._ _ ~J~i" ~ . , . . M ,~ ~~ ~* ~. THE FOREGOING RE$OLUTION is signed end epproved by me this 2].at day of January, 1971. , - ~ ~ ~ ,. ---~" ~ - ~;' ~ ~ - .CHAIRMAN ANAHEI CITY 1~LANNING C0111MISSION ,~ . _ (~///I~li~~i~ 1 .Y Le...41t~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNI4 ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Sg, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary oE the City Planning Cummission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the Ci:y of Anaheim, held on January 11, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbat, Kaywood, Seymour. NOES: COMMISSTONERS: Rowland. AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: N on e. IN WITNESS WHERECF, I have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of Jattusry, 1971, _~N1/L ~{~~~.~(~/~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 2 -2- ~~ ~ ;~ ;iJ~ ATTEST; ` ..+„~..,~ :+• . 1 .. n "' ~ _ {~1 .~ ,,`,