PC 71-206;j RES4LU1'ION N0, . P C 71- 2 0 6 A RESOLUTiON OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF T}1E CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT P~TITION FOR CONDITI~NAL USE PERI4IIT N0, ~ 2~ gE GRANTED W~iEREAS, the City F~lanning Commiasion nf the City of Anehelm did recelve e verifIed f'etition for Condltiunnl Use Permlt from ROY L. PINA, c/o Carl Rau Realty , 923 West Linco ln Avpnue , AnallHim , Callfornia 92805, Owneri LYNN E. THOMS~N, R& T Tnveatments , xnc. , 710 North Euclid, #215, Anaheim, California 92801, Agent o£ certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Uranqe, State of California, doscribed as Lot Nos, 27, 28, and 29 of Tract No, 483 ; and WHERL"AS, the City Plenning Commisslon did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on October 18, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., no~ice ot said public hearing having been duly given as required by lew nnd fn eccordance with the provisions of the AnaF. ~m Municipel code, Chepter 18.64, to hear nnd consider evidence tor and egalr.st said proposed conditional use and to investigate and meke flndings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made 6y itself end in its behalf, und efter due consideration oE ~ll evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does flnd and determine the following fects: 1, That the piopnsed use is properly one for which e Conditionel Use Permit is authorized by COde SECTION 18.64.020(1-f) Co wit: permit the expansfon of en existing edlicational instiCution with waive~ of SECTION 18.16.050(3-a~ - Minimum Front Setback (25 feet required; LC Eeet proposedj 2. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located, 3. That the size and shape oE the si!e proposed foe the use is' adequate to a(Ir ihe :ull develooment of tl~a proposed use in a menner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health ,afety, and ~enetal welfure of the Citlaens of the City oE Anaheim. 4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Pecmit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, end general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That although the land use has increased in inter.sity, sidewalks are deemed un- necessary for the present. 6, That the petitioner stipulated to installation ot the sidewalks in tY~ree years or at such time as the large acreage to the west i~ developed and sidewalks a re installed along its frontage, whichever occurs first. C1•G w 1- ~ ~, +; NOW, TFIERE~OR~, HE IT RESOLVED thet the Anahelm City Planning Commlealon does hereby grant sub)ect Petltion for Conditionel Uee Permlt, upon th~ tol(owing conditlo~e whlch are hereby (ound to be a necegeary precequi:;~ta to the propoaed uae ot the subJect ptoperty In order to proeerve the eafQty end generel welfere of the Citlzena of the Clty oE Anahelm: (1) Tllat etreet ligltting facLliCies along Lu l~nlma Avenue ehall be instelled a~ r.e- quired by ti~e I)irector aL Public ULi11~Les and in nccordance wiCh standard plans and speci- fications on file in the o[f.Lce o f tha Uirector ot L'ublic Utill.liea; and thar a hond in fl~r amount end f.orm satibfactory to the CLty af Anaheim shall be posted with rhe City to guar- antee the installation oE ll~e Above mentioned requircment. (2) '1'liat the owner(s) ot subJect property shall pay to lhe City oE Anahetm the sum ot 15~: per front foot along 1.~e Pa2ma Avenue for tree planting purposes. (3) '1't~at trash stoxage areas shall be ~r.ovided in accordai7ce with approved plans on Ef.le with Che ofEice o£ the Uirector oE PuUlic Works. '~~~ (4) Th~~ all air condirioninp, Cacililies shall be rroperly shielded from view, and '~~ the ~ound Uuff:ered fro~T, adJacen[ propertiea. ;,,, (S) That subJecc pruperty shall be developed euhqtantially in accordance with plar;a ^ end specificationa on file wich ctie Clty ot Anaheim marked L'xhibit No. 1. ~ (6) That Conditton ~os, 1, 2, 3, 4, ar.d 5, aUove meneioned, shall be complied wir" ,`~ prior to the commencemert of che activity authorized under thi.s resolution, or prior eo rhe ~a time that the buildirig permi.l is isaued, or oriehin a period of 180 day~ from date hereof, ~ whichever occurs [lrst., or euch further time as the 1'lar,ning Commission may grant, ~~ (7} That the proposed use of: subject proper~y i~ granted for a period of three (3) ; years, after which time the Planning Comn;i~aion will review the u~e to determine whether ur w not the use shall be continued or terminated and whether or n~c sidewalks shall bc Lnstalled ~~ along La Palma Avenue. u (8) Thar i[ the large acreage to the west is dev~loped and ~idewalks are installed on ~ proper~y prior. to the expirali.on of tYie three eer time Limitation the a Y , peti.tioner atiall Ln- ; stail sidewalks along La Palme Avenue a~ requir.ed by tlie City L•'ngineer and in accurdance ' wi~h standard plans end spectEications on fLle in the oEfice of the Ciry~ t~.r.gineer. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOIV is signed and approved by me 's 2 8 t h d ay o~ 0 c t ob e r, 19 71 . ~i ~~ ' ` / 1~i2/l~~~i''~%' CHAIRMA~1 ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATT EST: G~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNlNG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Sg, CITY OF ANAHE:M ) AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALi,RED, FAtcANU, I~ERIiST, KAY4!pOD, ROWLAND, SFYMOUR, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE;, ABSENT: COMMISSiONERS: GAU~R, IN WITNES5 WHEREOF, Ihavehereunto set my hend this 28t', day of October, 1971. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~ ~ i * r ~, .~x. i 1 ~3 ! ~~ I, Ann ICrebs , Secretery of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certity that the Eoregoing resolution was passed end adopted at a meeting of the Clty Planning Commission of the City oE Anaheim, held on O c tob e r 18 , 19 71, at 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the following vote of the members thereoE: RESOLUTION N0. PC71-206 C2•G -2- ~