PC 71-210RESOLUTIQN N0, PC71-210 A RESOLU'TION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 0~ THE CITY OF' ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL !JF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR kECLASSIFICATION N0. 71_.:_~? 18 BE APPRQVED WHEREAS, the City PlenninR Commfasion of lhe Clty of Anehelm did cecelvo a verified Petition for Reclaesifica- tion from N.:,, BERGER, 4333 Caet Live Oak Avenue, Arcadia, Cal.lfornia 91006, AT1,Ai~TTC MOTOR CORPORAT?ON, c/o H,R. Mc Neil, 1750 Namrio Road, San Marir.o, Californi.a 91'108, (hanera; WIL'LIAM S. PHEL~S, JAMES K. SCHULEl2 ANU ASSOCIAT~S, 1095 North Main Street, SuiCe "8", Orange, Califorriia 92667, Agent, of certain real property eituated in tfie City ot Anaheim, ~J County of Orange. State of California, deacribed as Lota 9 and l0, He1en and T, nch addit o , y i n ~i; , ;~ 7 end WHEREAS, the City Plenning ComR~ission did hold a public hearing et the C9ty Ha11 in the City of Anaheim on ~ November 1, 1971, at 2;00 o'clock P.M, notice of seid public hearing having been duly given es requlred by 1i~ law and in accordanca with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,72, to hear end consider evidence ~~; for and egeinst sald proposed reclessification and to investigate and make findings and recommendetions in connection _ ~ ~ therewith; and jr ;~ ;~ WHEREAS, said Commission, eftet due inspection, investigetion, and study mede by itself and in its behelf, and after due consideration oE al1 evidence and reports ofiered at seid hearing, does find and determine the Eollowing facts: ;~ 1-~ 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of the a~ave described ro ert Erom the R-A, AGRICULTURAL h :~:f P P Y ~;,~ ZONE,to the R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZON~. =~; ;'~ ' ~; ~ ~ ~~ ,~ * ,at:t ~ ; - ~. ~ ~. 2. That the propoaed reclassification is in cot~,ormance with the land use designation of the General Plen. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary end/or desireble tot the ordetly and pro- per development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclessification of subject property does properly relete co the zones and their permitted usea locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones an4 ,h,eir pe~mitted uses generally estab- lished throughout the community. S. That the prapoaed reclassification of subject property requires the dedicacion and improvement of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to t-he anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the in- tensification of land use, 6. That although the plans presented to the Planning Commission were conceptual plans only, If the d~veloper •- designer can present an acceptable alternate to Exhibit "A" of Ar~- Development Plan No. 107, the Planning Commission may consider. favorably said alter- n~cive circulation proposal. R-A .1_ ~ ~i , .., f ~ +~~q~,"fy~r.~v: ~ ~ . - ~ ~ , .. b ~ .~ • NOW, TFIERL1~Or,L, I~F IT R~SOi.VFD that tho Anahe~.m City }~lanning Commission doeg he.reby rec~~rnmencl ~o th~ City Council of tho City oL Anaheim tha~ subject Petition for Re~:lassi.fication bo a~prove~] and, by so c9oing, that Tit.l~ la- Zotiing of the AnahQim rtunici~ai Code be amendod ko exclude the abovQ doscribed pro~erty from tlia R A, AGRICULTURAL, 7oNE: and to incorporztu naid descr.ibQd r~roperty into the R-3, MUL'PIPLL-iAMSLY RCSIDENTIAL, ~ONr upon the followina condi.tiona which are hereby found to be u neaessary prerequisito to the ~roposad usP of subject property i.n order to preservo the safety nnd aeneral i, weliare ot' ~he C.itizens of the City of Anahe~.m: 1. That the owner(s) of aixbject prop~rty sha11 a~~a to the City of Anahr~im a strip o.f land 32 fec~t in width on Loara Street, A5 feet in width on Droadway for stzeet widening purposes, and c]edicata.on of the appro~~riate ~ right-of-way for khe r,ew atreet ~.n accordance with Area Develo~mant Pl~cn ' No. 107. , I '~ 'A I ':~; I ~'• i:': i'; t ~ ;; ~I ;y ;i ,; ~ ~~ ~. - ; ~I ; °• s : ~ 2. That a'l1 engineertng re~-~ulrements of the City of Anaheim along I,oara Street, I3roadway~, and the new street, including preparation of .improve- ment plans and irtstallation of a17. im~rovements, such as curbs and gutters, ~idewallcs, street grading ynd paving, drainage facilities, or other appurte- nant work shc:ll be complied with a~ requir~d by the City i3ngineer an~9 in accordance with standard pl,ins and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities alona Loara Street, Droadway, and the new street shall be iiistalled as requi.red by the Director of Public Utilities and iri accordance with standard plans and speciricah.ions nn ~.'le in the office o~ the Director of Public Utiliti~+,; and that a bona in an amount and form satisfactory to th~+ City of Anaheim shall be post~~a witt~ the City to guarantee the installation of the above mentioned requ'.re- ments. 3. That the o~vner(s) of subject ~roperty shall pay to the C.ity of ;4naheim the sum of 15G p~r f.ront foot along Loara Street, B::oadway, and the new atreet for tree planting ~urposes. 4. That trash storage areas shall b~ orovided in accor.dance with approved plans on file with the office of the Da.rector of Public I~orks. 5. That fire h~~drants ^hal? be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 6. That a 6-foot masonry wall shal]. be constructed along the south property lihe east of the new street, the east property line, and the north and east property ]ines adjacent to the R-A parcel at tre nartheas~ corner of su~ject property. 7. That a11 air conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view, and the scund bufFered from adjacent re~idential properties. 8. That subject property shall be ::erved by underground utilities. 9. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appzopriate park and recreat=on in-lieu fees as determi~ied to be appro~riate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the time the building permit is issueci. I'(~:""That drainage of subject pro~erty shall be disposed of in a rr~anner satisfactory to the City Lngineer. 11. That the interior walls of the proposed carports snall be stuccoed with exterior mat-erials; that enclosed storaga cabinets shall be provide3 along the rear wall of each car~,.,rt; and that adequate bumper guards shal.l be provided to protect the interi~r walls of the proposed carports fron dar-~age . 12. That ordinances reclassifying the oroper.ty shal)_ be adopted as each parcel is ready to comply with conditions pertaining to such parcel, provided, < however, that the word "parcel" shall mean presentJ.y existii~g par:els of '.s recorc~ and any parcel or parceis appravecT by the City Council for lot split. r. RESOLUTIUN NO. PC71-210 _ 2 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 13. Prior to ~ha introducti.on of an ordinance rezonin~ sub3ect property, Condition Nos. 1, 2, and 3, above mentianed ahall ba complatied. The provi- sions or rights gran~ed by this resolution shall bacomQ null and v~id by action oE the City C~>~.~ncil unless said conditions are complied •. ith within 180 days from tha dni.e hereof or suct~ further timo a~ the City Council may grant. 19. That Condition Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11, above mention~d. ahall be campliod with pri.or to final buildin~ and zoni~lg inspections. 15. That subject proparty shall be developed in accordance with Area , Development Pl~tn No. 107. ~` TEiE FOREGOING RCSOLUTION is si.giled and approved by me thia llth clay of November, 1971, i ,..\ ~ ~ SECRETARY ANAH IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATC OF CALIFORIQIA G CUMMISSIQN COUNTY OI' ORANGE ) ss . CITY 0~' ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretazy of the City Planning Commission of the Ci~yo uf Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting af the City P1.anning Commissi~n of the City of Anaheim held on N~vember 1, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES : (:OMMISSIONERS ; t.LLRED, GAUER, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SF.S~MOUR. NOES : COMb:ISSIONERS : NONE . 1~1BSENT: COM~iISSIONERS: FARA':O, HERBST. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have her.eunto set my hand this 11th day of November, 1971, TARY F.NAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION R~;SOLUTION N0. PC71-210 ~ ~