PC 71-231.... R~SOLUTION N0, - NC 11-231 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANANElh1 THAT PETITION FOR VAT~IANCE NO. 2309 gE DENIED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public headng et the City Hal; in th~ Clty of Aneheim on Clovember 29, 19 L at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice uf sald public hearing having been duly given es required by law and in acoordenCe ~v:th the provisions of the Anahetm Municipal Code, Chapier 18.68, to hear end consider evidence for and against aeid proposed variance and to investigete end make findings end recommendetlons in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, eaid Commission, aftar due inspection, investigation, and study mede by itself end in its behalf, end eftet due rnnslderation of all evidence and repods offered at seid hearing, does find and determine the following fectis: 1. Thet the petitioner requests a veriance from the Aneheim Municipal Code as follows: a. SE:C'C!{aiv 18.~2.0 ~ - t1}~rebate area of si~r:s. (646 squarE feec permitced; 785 s uare feet. proposed). b. S1iC'1'IUIJ 18.62.090 b-1 - Piaximuni number of free-st~r:ding signs. (1 permitted; 2 proposed), - c. SEC'CION 18.62.094(dj - P1it~imum dis~ar.ce betweeii free-stanc~ing and roof si~ns, (300 feet required; 195, 228, and 251 feE:t propused}. F~ .+tx WHEREAS, the City Plannina Commloeion of the City of Anaheim did recelve e veriEled Petitlon for Varience fram I:1.WOOD 1~. JOHNSON, 1605 5purgeoii Street., Sante Aiia, Cali.fornia 92~01, ~~,rner of certal.n rPal property sit~uated i.n the Cit.y cf At;6l~eim, Counl•y of t-range, Stale oE i;alLLornia, described as I.ot 1 ot '~ract ido. 3HNG, ,es si~owr~ ~~; a map i.hereof cecorded in book 151, pa~;es 8, 9 and L0, Piiacellaneoue Maps, records of said Orange County, L•'XCGPTINC TIII:RfI'ROtI t.hE wes~erly 13U.00 ~ feet of the ,lorlherly 120,00 teet., said 1.30.00 feet and 12U.Q0 feel being measured fram the .tangent porttons of [hF Wpst erly and Nurtherly lines, reapec`ively, of said Lot 1; and ~ 2. That approval of subject. petitior, would create another non-conforming sign adding to ;:-`the five non-confurming ;igns existing on the property. J s; 3. 'fhat it che existirig roof signs were elimir~ted, there might be some validity to '," allowing a free-scanding sign on each s~reet even though t.hey woulc~ be cloaer than 300 feet to ~ each other. * 4. That lhe Planning Commissioli is presei~tly studying the possihility of removal of all t~on-conformin~ signs by way of an amortization peri_od, and to allow the petitioner to expend money for the crestion of another i~on-conforming aign could be gruunds for claiming hardship when said amortization period affected tlie new si.gn proposed. 5. That there are no exceptional or exCraordinary c.ircumstances or conditirc~s applicable ~o the propert~• lnvolved or to the intended use o~ the property that do not apply g~nErally to the properCy or class of use i.n the same vicinity and zone. Vl-D -1- ~ h ~ t': t: 6. ThaC ~he requested variance ie not neceasary for the preservation and en~oyment af A subatanti.al property right poases~aed by other property in the eame viciniCy and zone, and denied to the p roperty in queation. ~;~ ,.~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does hereby denv subject Petition for Vari~nce on the basis of the aEorementioned findings. THE FOREZ;~JING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me this 9 th d ay o f D e ce mb e r, 19 71 . CHAIRMAN ANAHEI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTESI': ____ e~ve .~l~ ~~~~~_ SECFETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CJTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, A~~y:.?~#~p!~; Secretery of ti~e City Planning Commission of the Cit,y o: Anaheim, do hereby certiEy that the fore- going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held ~n N o v e mbe r 2 9, 19 71 et 2:00 o'clock F.M., by the foilowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: AL'LRED, FARANO, GAt1ER, HERBST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SLYMOUR, NOES: COMMISSIOtdERS: NONE, ABSGNT: COMMISSIONGRS: NONE, • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 9 th d ay o f D e c e mb e r, 19 7 i. ~Y1~2~ ~~s~ib..~ SECREI'ARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC 71- 2 31 V2-D -2- ~ 't ~ •, ,