PC 71-233RESOLUTION N0, FC71-233 .______._ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF TFIE CITY OF ANAHEIM TNAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2 3 0 2 BE G RAN TE D T N F%A RT WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commis~lon of the City of Anehelm did receivo e verified Petltion for Verience from .~NAPLL,L INDU5TRII:S, 8857 I~;est Olympic F3oulevard, 3everly Nills, CaliEornla 90211, Owner; TtIOMAS C. SI~'FERMAN, 8857 West Olymptc 5oulevard, Deverly Hills, Calitorni.a 90211, Aqent, of certain real E~r.nE~erty situated zn the City of Anaheim, Counry af Oranye, 3tate ~f C~1. n.ia, desrribed as P2rce1 1- That ~~orL• lon of the land allott~d to Eduardo F~~~llc~reno in d~cree of ~ partzrLOn of. the Rancho Santiagu de Sanr.a Ana, r.~ndered in case No. 1192 and entere~. SPptecnbe~r 12, 1~?f,8 i.n Nook "D" ~.:a:~c~ 910 01: jtadgments of the 17th Judicial Distric.t Court- ot• Califarnia, desr_ribed as Follows; Beginniny at a ~o.int Ease 28.1,32 j'P.E't tr.om the common cor.ner u~ Sections l, 2, 11 and 12, TownSt?.ip A South, Ranc;N 9~Jcst; thence Nc~rr.h 2137..52 fect to the center line of the Santa An~~ Valley 1 zri~at~.on Cor~,~any's canal; thence ,lortheasr.erly aloncr said center 1Lne ro the Northeast corner of thc 2S acre tract of land described Ln the deed to Leo Aorch~r.d recorded Apr.i1 20, 1920, in 3ook 359 ~ Page 91 of d~eds o: said c:o~~nty; thcnce So,,~th 2313.96 feet along the east line of :~aLd 25 drC'~? ?:ract to the Southeast corr,~r of said 2S acre tract; thence ;JesY. 613,97 fcet to the point of beyinn~nc~. FXCEF=I' thal- portion thereof lyinq Northerly o~ the Southerly line c~f the land ciescrib~d in the c~eeds ta the ~~ate of Cali.torriia ee~ordec~ A~r.~l 29, t9d.8 ln Book 175a Page 341 of o:f.LCial r.eccrcis ot aa.td county and r.ccorded August 31, 1948 in Aook 1695 Paye 85 a~ sald of~`,r_lal records; and ~ WHEREAS, tha City Planning Commiaelon did hold a public headng at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on November. 29 , 1971 et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing heving been duly given es required by ; law end in accordenc~ with the provisiona of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear end consider evidence for ' end agatnst said proposed variance and to investiQete end meke findings and recommendations in connection therewith; ~ end •i ~ i WHEREAS, said Commissioa, efter due inspection, investigation, and study mede by ~tseif end in its behalf, `~ end after due consideratian of all evidence end reports offered at said hearing, does find end determine the following ' Eacta: 1. 'I'het the petitioner requests a varience Erom the Anaheim Municipal Code as fullows : a, SECI'IOT•! 1$.24.030(4~a) - Mir,imcm lot widcf~.. (70 fee~ req~ired; 50-62 fee~ proposed), b. SECT[ON 1g,24,030(4-~ - Mir,imum lot area. (7200~square feet required; 62'L5 to 7000-square feet propused). ~~ ~ .~ c. SECTIUN 18.24.030(i-al - rtinimum front ~etbac.k.(25 teet required; 15 to 22 feet pruposed). 2. That Waivr~r No. 1-c., above mEr.tiored, is t~ereby gr~sc~ted on the basis that a hardship `:was demunsrrated i~. the fact thac the exiscing street patterr.s would have prevented the crea- ~, ti.or. c~f. lots large eno~gh co comply witl~ borh tY-e minimum 50-Eoot building se[beck from Santa ;'rAn~ •anyon Road ar,d rhe required fronc se~back. ~` 3. That Wavie;: Nus, 1-a and 1-b, above mentLoned are hereby deTlied on rhe basis that no ;;hardship had been prov~n, atid the Plam~itig Commis~ion was ~pposed eo any reduction of lot sizes ~~iand widths for those properties proposed to be developed south of Santa Ana Canyon Road. ;~ 4. That a low density residenlial environment should bE maintained south of Santa Ana -a Canyon Road as expressed in Ge:;era1 Pla7 Amendment No. 122, '~ 5, That there are exceptional or extraardinary cizcumstances or candi.tions applicable to ~ Che property irrvolved or to ti!e intended use of Che property as approved thac: d~ not apply gen- ~,~~ erally to Che propercy or clas~ of use in che 88rt1@ olCltl~ty ar.d z~tie. { ~° 6. Thst the recuested variar~ce,as approved,is neces,ary for the preservation and enjoy- ~~ ment of a subs[antia', proper~~ r:iSht possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, ;~ and denied to tt-~e prc~pert;~ i~; questiun. ~ 7. That tne r~~quested varisnce, as approved, will rxot be materialiy detrimental to che `a; public welfarE or irjurioe:s to the propert~ or improvements in such viciniry and zone in which ',f~ the property is located. 8, Thac five per~ons appeared r.epre;enting approximately 25 persons present in the Council ~~~; ~;hamber a.n ~~pposition; th~t a petitiun si~i~ed b~ 85 per3ons w~s received,all iT~ opposition to •':~ tlie reductaon of the loC size. ~r~ V1 -1- ~ i ; . Y NOW, THEREFORE, BE I~r RE~„LVED that the Anahelm Clty Planning Co~~,,,~jeaton does her~by qr~nVRUbj~ct r Petltion for Verlance, upon the following condltlone which are heteby found to be e necoaenry prorequlaite tn the pto- y posed use of the aubject property in order to preserve the sefety and genecel welfare of the Cltlzens oF the Clty of ` An4heim; ~ ~ (1) That a finel traat map of sub~ect property shall be aubmiCted to and approved by ~ the City Council and chen be recorded in hhe office of l•he Orange County Recorder, ~ (2) That subjec~ property sFiall be developed substantielly in accordance wit-i plans ~ and apecificatione on file with the City of Ansheim marked ExhiUit Nas, 1 through 18 provided, however, that all lota ghall }iave a minimum of 7200 square feet of area and sliall be 70 feet , in width, ;~~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and apptoved by me thla 9 t h d ay o f D e c e mb e r, 19 71 . ATTCST: ~% /~i SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ; ;;~' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ` ~'~~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) :,k~ :~ I, Ann Krebs , Secretary of the City Planning Commissian of the City of Anaheim, do he~eUy ccrtify that ~; '~ the foregoing resolution was pessed and edopted at a meeting of the City Flanning Commission of the City of Anaheim~ ',;,~~ held on N o vemb e r 2 y, 19 71 , at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote o£ the membets thereof: ' ,~;F AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, GAUER, HERBST, Kt1YW00D, RUWLAND, SEYMOUR. N `,~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: I~OA'E. ~1. rt ABSENT: CaMMISSIONERS: rARANQ. IN WITNE~S WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 9 t h d a y o f D e c e mb e r, 19 71 . a, ., t~ ~~ n ' # ~` ~ RESOLUTION N0. P C 71- 2 3 3 V2-G ~~'L-'~~~ i'~~..•.~1 SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNMG COMMISSION -2- ~ . , . ,