PC 71-25t: ~ I ~~ , ~ RESOLU'Y'ION N0, N~~1-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION OF THF. CITY OF ANAHEIM 'TNAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0, 273~ BE APPROVEn WFiEREAS, the Ctty Pl~nnlna Commi~elan of tha City of Anahelm did receive e verified Petitlon for Veriance from ROBEHT E. JON~S, 3340 Aida Lane, Anaheim, Cal ~forni~ 92$04, Ow~ie.r; [.EWTS M. WOL7~F:R, 334G West Orang~ Av~nue, Anaheim, Callforn~ia 92804, Ageni; of cert~in real property sit~,~aated :in the City of Anaheim, Cot~nty oF Orange, State of Californla, described as Parccl 1: The~ East 108 feet of the West 33y feet of the North one-half of the (~'ortheast auart~r af thr, Nort,hw~st quarter of ~lhe Southwesr yuart:er of Sc-.ction 14, a.n Township A So~rLh, Range 11. West~ Sar~ D~rnardino f3a,e and Mericlian. I~azcc~l ~ls The I:ast ]0~3 feet. of the West 339 feet: oC thr. Sou~l;h half of t:he PJortheast; qu~rter. of th~ Northwest: quarier of the Southwes~. qua.rtrr of Sect.i.on 14, 1'owiiship A:>outh, Range 11 'Nest, S. Ei. D. 8 M. F.xcepting therefrom that: portion ther~~o!' 1yin~7 Southerl.y of i:he Norl:herly line of i.he land c~esc.rin~d in tl~e Deed to tf~e Orangc Co~.inty Flood Control Distr.ict, recorded May 11, ]96U i.n I~ook 5?3H~ p;~qe ~15 ~f O('Ficial Records. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiesion did hold a publlc headng at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on February 8, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock F.M., notlce of said public hearing having been duly given as cequired by lew end in accordence with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel Code, Chapter 18.68, to heer and consider evidence for and ageinet said proposed verience en~ to inveati~ate end meke findings end recomme~detions i~ connection therewith; end WHEREAS, said Commisslot~, after dua lnspection, investigation, end study made by itself end In ita be6alf, and after du~ consideratian of ell evidence nnd reports offered a~C oaid hearing, does Eind end determine the following fects: 1. That the petitioner cequests e veriance Erom the Anaheim Municipel Code as follows: R .A2t p p e o evelop d 6-unit, one and two-stcry apartment compi~x~ 3. Tl~at waiver 1-a, above mentionFd, is I~ereby granted on the basis that subject property is odd-sl~aped due to the flood control channel cutting ~iagonally across the soutl~erly boundary of subiect property, and that only a srr~all portion of one unit would affect the single family residei:tial zone to t.he south across said flood control channel; furthermore, a similar waiver was granted the petitioners of property to the west~ 4. Tha± waiver 1-b, above mentioned, :is hereby granted on the basis thatsimilar waivers have been granted in the past, that this parcel does h~ve unusual shape, and the waivei ns granted sho~ald no+. be detrimental to ~the R-1 property to tHe so~atfi. 5. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicabie tc the property involved or to the intended use uf t1~e property that do not apply general.ly to ttie property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 6. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a ~ubstantial proper.ty right possessed by other property in tl-~e same vicinity and zone,and denied to the property in question. 7. That tl~e requested variance wi?1 not be materia].ly detrimenta? to the public weliare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zor~e in which the propes~ty is located, a. SECTION 18.2$.0~0(5-b) - M,~ximum buildinn h.ic,h±. within 50 f~ '~ of R-A and sinple fami~v zcned proq rtv. (One_storv permitted; two-storv prcposed). ~. SECTTON 18.28~.05Q(7) - Mini~r~um distancP beLween b~i din s. (32 feet required; 2 f pt proposed~ 31 feet required; 12 feet proposed). 2. T ha~ t hP peti~•ioner ro os s t d 7 V 1-D -1- r' :.r~ ,. ! ` _ ..... ,~ . '' ~• ., a'~"'" ~ , , . ` ... ~ . ~~~ ;~ ~ ~ . , NOW, THGREf'ORL, BE IT R~SOI.VED thet the Anaheim City Planning Commiaslon does hcreby grent subJect Petition for V~tinnce, upon the following condltionA whlch are hereby tound to be a necoseary prerequlplte to tho pre~• poaed uae oE the subJect property in order to presorve tha sa(ety and general welfare of the Citizona of the Clty of AnAhe{m. 1. That this variance is granted sub~ect to thc~ c.ompletion of Reclassif i cati.on No. 70-71-30, naw pending. 2. That suuje~t property sh~ll be devcloped substantially :tn acc~rdanc~ w.ith plans ancl spec~fications on file with the Clty of Anaheim, marked Exhibit No. 1. ;a ;~ ~ ~< , ;: . THE FOI2EGOING RESOLUTION is signed And approved by me this 18th day of February~ 1971. ~~'~ CHAIRMAN ANAHGiivi C,icY PLANNING COMMISSION , ~n. ~ ATTEST: / ~i~ ~1 ~G/J~Z 2'~- -! / ~i Z~-•G.t~a~~, 4~~' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ,~ 4' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) I~' COUNTY OF ORANGF ) ss. '' CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs~ Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City oF Anaheim, do hereby certiEy that the fore- ~. going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plonning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on ' February 8, 1971 ~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof; AYES: CO~iMISSIONERS: Ai1xEd, Farano, Elerbst, Kaywood, Seymour. ~ ;. ~ ~ ` NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. i ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONE:RS: Gauer, Rowla~.d. I ~ IN WIT[VESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1$th day of FebrUary~ 1971 . a ~ ~. Z i ' ~ i * ~~/"^ ~ ~ ~ ~~G J'L~Li~~.c~ ~-t.~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2g V2-G 2_ r .. :•v'~'NM. N . . . . _ .~ -« .... ~ F ._-_4 ~ ~ . . . . ~ • ` ' _ ie+r , ~