PC 71-30'~ RESULl1TI ~"~~NO. k'C71-a0 , ~ A RESOLU7'ION OF THC CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF TH~ CITY OF ANAfIEIM THAT PETITION FOR CANDIxIONAL U5G PERMIT 122~ _BE DGNIED WHGREAS, tlie City Plenning Commission of the 1:ity oE Anahcim did recelve a verified Petition for Con- ditional Use Permit trom 7'F1L SUUiHLANll i:Ultl'OltA'CT~^!, i', Q. Bnx 698, La Mes~, Cali [orniA 920<<1, Owner; 1'AVAGlaIOI~L CU1~51'RU(:'CL(l:~ ANI) UGVl.l,01'~4[iJT, 34~5 Ar1in~;lon Avenue, Riveraide, l:~lifornia 92SOti, AgPnt of cer.t~ain real proper.ty situated 9.n t:he City of. Anaheim, County uf Urange, State of Calt.tori~ia, ~iescribed as begi.nni.ng aL tl7e Southwesr corner oL sni.d 1~ot 8, seid corner being recvgnizerJ ~~ L•h~e inL•~rsection of the center ltne oi SantA Ana Avenue, 49.50 feel i.n wi.dth, witl~ tl~ie h~aCerly li.ne, or Che extenaion tiiereot, oC Last ~'l:reet., 66 Leet tu width, and runniiig L•hence i~orth 15° 23' 01" WesC BLOCl~; said Casl•erly line of fsasl• SCreer, 201.50 Leel; Chence Norl•h i4~' 31' 15" I.ast par~llel with AA~.d center lt.r.e oE Senta Ana Avenue, 110 test; ~hence Soul-l~ 15° 23' O1" i.est parallel wil•h said LasCerly line of: l;ast SL•reet ~01.50 feet to aAi.d center line oE Santa Ana Avenue; ~hence ;;aueh 74° 31' 15" Weal along said cenl•er li~~e, 110 feet ta Lhe pe~inl- of beginning. EXCI:NTI'.:~;G 'f}1CREl~'Ri)M the ~oul•heas~erl~~ 24. ~5 teel included wi thin the ~orther, ly hal f of 5anla Ana Avenue. ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public heering at the City Hall in the City oE Anaheim on Febrtiary 22, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M11., notice of said pubiic hearing heving been duly giv~~n as required by law and in aecordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel code, Chaptec 18,64, to hear and consider evidence for and against seid proposed conditional use end to investigate and make Eindings and recommendations in connection therewith; and ~.".~ WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itseif and in its be- ~ i,~ half, and eEter due consideration oE all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the j -~ following facts: 1, That the proposed use is properly one Eor which a Conditionol Use Permit is authorized by Code ~ Seclion 18.40.060(c) to wtt; establisl~fir^::Line punips in conjunction with a proposed food store and located witt~in 75 feet of residentially zoned property, 2. 1'hat approval of subject pet~tion would establish an undesirable prec;dent in wliich other similar Food sCores throughout the Ci.ty would be requesting approval of a similar iise. 3. That the proposed ~ise would encuurage additional tr2Cfic and increase traffic hazar~ls in t .e area. 4. 'l'hat th~ odors and noises from servicing vehicles with gasoline would adversely aEfect l-he adjoining residential uses, 5. That approval ot subject petition woulci be grantir.g a privilege ta the petitioner whLch had been det~ied other petitir~ners in the past when two separate typec of i.ises were proposed which included tlie pimiping of ~asorine. 6. "fh~atL-he vacancy factor of existing service statio~ts is already very high and to approve this request and others like it would tend to i.ncrease tliis problem. '. ~hat four persons appeared representing eight persons present in Che Cotmcil C1~amber a11 in opposi.tiot~ to the proposed use, ~~. ~ CI-D ~ '~ ~ .. ..--a. -1- ~ ~ .. r.. i • ..~ ~ } ~ i ;~F i .~a~'r ~~ NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion does hereby deny subject ;~~, ~ Petltion for Conditionel Use Permit on the baeis of the aforementloned findinge. ~, ,: ~,1~ TIiE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ie signed and epproved b;r me this 4th d ,b~ Morch, ),971. ~,, ,~~ ~%~ ~~~ ~, ~ ;. l ~ ' / ~ / ~`~ ~ ---*~--.. ,~ ~_~, j;l~-~--'r~ '.~ CHAIRMAN~ANAHEIM CITY PLANNWG COMMISSION '~ PRO-TGM ATTEST: l~.-Z ~_~.~ .~',~,~; SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY F~LANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann ureUs, Secretery of the City Plenning Commisaion of the City of Anahelm, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolutian was passed end adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commisalon of the City of Anehelm, held on rebruary 22, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the fc+llowing vote of the merobets thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Herbst. II~i WIrNESS WHEREOF, I ha~~e heteunto set my hend this 4th day of March, 1971. i L~"1/~'"L !2_-'" ~Lc~ Z~---. SECRETARY ANAI~EIM CITY PLANNING COMMiSSJGN RESOLUTION N0. 30 C2-D _Z_ ~~ a .~ ,, i . ~ . , . . _ n