PC 71-38, , . _ _..._._._ _ , .._....,..,. . .. . _... .. 1 } ,, RESOLUTION N0, PC~)1-3R A RESOLUTION Or TF{E CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAH~IM THA7' PETlT10N ~'OR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0, 1225 8G GRANTF.D ~' WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim did recelve A vorlEle~d Petltlon for Condltionul Use Permft from BROOKHURST APAIt'CML"NT FUNQ, LTD, , 9th Floor, 18$0 Cent ury Park Eaet, Los Angelea, California 90067, Owner; LARWIN MULTIFIOUSING CORPURATION, 9100 Wilehlre A~ulevard, ~ ~ IIeverly I~ills, Californi.a 90212, Agent of certain real property siCuated in the Ctty of ;,: '~`~ ''~:'' ';; Anaheim, County of Orange, Stste of California, deacri.bed in Cxhtbi r"~,~~ ;;.i.NCned hereto ~ and referred to herein as though set forth i~, fu:1, ~ , ; , . '• ~ ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning CommissIon did hold a public hearing pt the Cit,y }lall in the City af Anaheim on March g~ 19~1, at 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice of spid public hearing having been duly ~iven as required by law end in accordence with the provisions oE the Anahelm Municipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear end consicler evidence for and egair.st said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make fin.lings and recommendetions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aEter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, end atter due consideralion oE ell evidence and rep~rts offered at seid hearing, does find and determine the fullowing Fects: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a Cunditionat Use Permit is authorized by COde ; SecL•ion 18.64.020(1-b) to wit: establfsh a r.hild crare cenCer serving tLe general public in an apartment complex. ~~ A .at;t 2. That the proposed use will not adversely effect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development oE the area in which it is p~oposed to be located. 3. Thet the size and shape of •the site p;oposed for the use is adequete tn allow the full develop:nent of tf~e proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare nf the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the grenting of tt~e Conditional Use Permit under the conditions irtipesed, if nny, will not be detrimental to the pcace, health, safety, and general welEare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. S, That the Planning Commission determined ck~at r.he prepused child cpre center si~ould be restricted to children from w.iti~in this apartmenr complex, due to the possible adverse eFfects that might be created and the undesirable precedenr that might be established if the use were upen to the general public. C 1-G ,-~.,,.r•S .. . - 1- ., ~ . . ~ '..•;,~ N~. io~~•: ~ /,mcriun lnnd TYIe f,~fodeYon ~~ ~~ \ C1~tlCl~1 POIi<Y"SlAndf.~d fv~rn ~-IV62 ~~` ~1~ I ~ Dn~I . CI~A SlnnJe~d Co~~r~;n PcGey Furm CopY~~vhf 190J i ~CF'{~~)U~.C ~~ I':~ Totnl f~ou for Tillo Scarch, f:r~~rninr,lion ('' 1~~~~ ~ ~ I'~~ ond 7itlc Insuranco ~ :'• ~ ~"•"'"`• 7' .~,~ ~," ~ ~ ~ ~i , ; Amount $ Go3,~73.03 Policy No, 012~a77Gi`( Eito~t~~o Dato Sep~e~nber Lt, 1970 ui; 8:00 A. 3~t. Insurod I,A~F2Fr1CE 1~. I.UI7I'ICE~ 'rruatce and x11FWIN biiJLTxIlOtJSZP1G CUI~1'.~ a cor.poration. ~ I. Tit!c to the esta;e or intcrest covcrod by this policy ~~t t~~e dote hereof is vcsted in: ~~ a ~ ~,ARWIr1 I~ArLT71I0~TUYNG CORP. ~ ta, Cox~oxt~tio:i, L ,/ Z Z'S Thc land refcrred 'o in this policy is situated in the 5l~ile of ~y;~,~~'prni~ , Counfy of Ur~e~ C1ty oT Anahc3.rn and is described os follo•,vs: _.._._ ~... _._--•-----_--__.___.._. ..__.._._..__ .. _ ... ~.~__- -..___.._ ._.. ..._.._ .. _. . .. . Parce~. 1: ' Th~'t porti.on o~ tl~.^ 2lorth h~l.f o~ th~ z:ort2i~~st quer~er ~o~ thc South~r~ut qupxi:er of Secti.on E3, To•~m..}iip ~ Sotith~ Rar~,e 10 ti1e;,~, ~n the It~ncho 5~~1 Juuxi C~on de Sani:~ /ln~.~ ns sha~m ~n e. I•::-u th°rco:f ~ccorded in ~ook 51, p~;e 10 of 2•Si~r.ella,ncou~ 2'a.p::, record~ c~i:' oai.d Ox~z~e County, C~.1.i~ornla, 1.yi.n~ ~uster~,y ni' a J.3ne der.cr3.b~d o:~ ~v:~.o~m: . Be~~nni.n~r at a polnt in the 2lorther]y ~.ane of sR~d P3orth half, d3ctr.nt • FJe~i:^i•l,v thezeon 970.~6 f~~e~ a'rom ~Lhe Ptarttie~terly corncr thcreoi'; ~h~nce South 0° 16~ ~.0" F1c ,t b55•~2 tee~; to thc i;er-therJ.y line oi Lo~ A o3' ~.'r~ct 2do. 5og3 ~.~ r~hos:*n on a~(a:U ~hereof recordc~d :in ~oolc 1.83, p~,l,rc~ 34 to 33 of 2~L•'.wcelJ.r~xicoL~~ 1-:ar_~.1, recox~o of swi.d Couni,y. Eace~itin~ there;I~om all oi.~.~ GA9~ t~a~c;a~ts.l~ ond o'Ghcr ]~yclzroc~z•U~n substr~ces lyin~ bel.ot~ a dep~:h oS 500 ~'~e:t i~cm ~,hw «-z~ i'ncc~ o:C ~a.ta ~~~na, bu~ ~ta3.'thout 'Lhe xi~l~~i, af en~ry upon nr~Y ~~r. tio~l o:C ~};~ curfACC ~bave a de~~i.:x of S00 fee~L, to '~a1.C, nfst kc~, L1:LI1C~ @Y.17.1.Gf'C or dri.13. ~or s~~ac ~ r. nserv~a i.n 'Lhc dced f:~um ~.~'. E. XeL11.o and 2i:Llclred'~3. 1'c11~.:~~ hu:;~aud a,n~d ~•rl~"e, rceorded. S°ptea~be.l 119 197Q il~ 33001: 9i~C'~o pa!~e 434• o~' 0~'~':icic,a. ~Zecorc~s. Paxcel 2: . Lo~ "A,~ oi Trac'F, ldo. 5053, na ur.~~cr,i on o. 2•it~~~ '~ll^.rea" ~xc~corded S.~Z ~3ook J.83, ~~~c~ 34 ta 3~3 ii~clu~iti-ej of 2•Ltf:ec:l7.ane~ttis b.ct;.>~, xecar.~~.~ of s~~.c7 O~rcu~;~~ Cot~iz~t~y, C~.l.i~c~i^~zin~ ~xcep~Gir~r; ~hexei`~rc~n °~he 1•;eF~'~c~~J.y 2I}G,02 ~.'eet ~;herec,~'. A1so exceptir~~ ~her~~~om t;2~:: Fs,~~t;er.~,Y ~3•37 fe~ti 'L••hcaeofe ~ ~ , ., . . .. ~: ~+ 1 `1 NOW, THERE~ORE, H~ IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Planning Commiae~on doee hereby Qrant eub)ect Petltlon fo~ Conditional Uoe Permit, upon the following conditlona whlch are hereby found to be a neoeesary prerequlalte tu the proposed use ot the subject praperty !n order to preseevo the saEe!y and generel welEare of the ~ltlaens ot the Clty ot Anaheim: 1, That sub,~ect property ohall be devel~ped aubatantially in accordance with plens and apecLflcationa on file with the City of Ariaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and S, 2, Thar Condition No. 1, above mentioned, ehall be complied with prior to £ina]. building a,td zoning inspectiune. 3, That the uae shall be limited only to the chLldr.en oC the renanta o£ the apartment. complex Ln which it ie to be located, 4, That no aigning ahal'L be permitted on the property which would advertiae the approved uae, S, That ~he uae shall be approved by all approprtate agencies oL the State of I,; CaltEornia, ~.'r 6. That t}iis CondLkional ~Jse Permit er~~1~i be gr~anced for a periud of ane (1) year, ,':;~ after which time, upon requesC by the petiti.oner, t.he use may be reviewed and considered for %~~ an adclttional period of time if the Planning Commi~aion det.ermtnes that the uae has had no .'~ adverae effects upon the surroundin~ area, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 18t~i day of ~tarch, 1y71. .__~ _ _~ ~ . ~)~ ~ ' - ~J .%S-~ y~ C AIRMAN ANAHEIM CT.TY PLANNING COMMISSION AxTEST: SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OT2ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet the Eoregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Cart ..ission of the City oE Anaheim, held on Merch 8, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the Eollowing vote oE the members chereof: ~ ~}s AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Herbst, !Caywood, Rowlar.d, Seymour. ! ;`~ NOES: COMMTSSIONERS: Faran~, Gauer. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of March, 1971. ~~~ * .+1:t RESOLUTION NO. 38 C2-G SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- ~ ~ . ^+