PC 71-56i _.... ..;.. .... . _.~. RESOLUTION, ,b. PC71-56 ~~M A RESOL.UTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION O~ THG CITY OC ANA.HEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMII'1?.29 gE A1~1'ltOV~D WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anehcim did receiva a vacified Petitlon for Con- ditional U~e Permit from CHARL~S R. AND PHYLLIS M. TALMAGC, 10432 Center Drive, Villa Park, Calitornia 92667, Owners oi certain real property aituaeed in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califortiia, described as Parcela 2 and 3 as shown on e Parcel Map filed in Book 33, paga 1 in the of~ice ~f the County Recurder of OrAnge County. ~ ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did l~old a public hearing ut tf~e City Hall in the City of Anahelm on Apri.~ 5, 1971, et 2:00 o'clock P.M,, notice of said public hearing hnving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Annhc~lm Municipal code, Chepter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and against seid proposed conditionel use and to investigate end meke findings and recommendetions in connection therewith; end '~~ WHEREAS, seid Commission, efter due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its be- ;{ helf, and aFter due consideration oE all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does Eind and determine the ' ''' following facts: -;:~ 1. Thet the proposed use is properly one fur which e Conditionpl Use Pe~mit is authorized by Code Section 18.52.050(1-a), to establish a storage facility for bosts, trailers, and recreational vehiclea, with waivers of Che following Anaheim Municipal Code Sections: a, 18.52.050(2) - Minimum required l.dndscaped setback. (50 feet required; 0 feet proT~osed). ; b. 18.52.OS0(3-b) - Required G-foot masonry wa11. (A chainlink ~ fence is proposed). ~ 2. That waivers 1-a, and 1-b, above mentioned, are Yiereby granted based upon t seCtlement of the eminenC domain litigation tn connection wi.th the building of the ; railro~d underpass adjacent to subject property, and upon L•lle Fact thAt the Petitioner ; stipulated to providing screen landacaping, similar to that provided at the c;ounty trasti transfer station, along iCatella Avenue frontag~, along the westerly bound~ry of the . ; Redel property, and along the easeerly boundary of sub~ect property between the southerly boundary of the Redel propert,y and the railroad right-~f w~y. ; 3. That the petieioner stipulated to five (5) year time limitation, subject to ;; review and possible renewal of the use. 4. That the proposed use, as approved, will nol adversely a~fect the ~cijoini_ng land uses and the growth and development oF the area in wtiich it is propased to be located. 5. That the size and shape of ehe site proposed Lor Ll~e use is ~deyuace. to allow the full de~velopment of Che proposed use, as approved, in a manner not de~rimental to . the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. ~' ~ CI-D .tt~ -1- ~ ."'~{~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ;; k NUW, 'I'HEREFORE, B~ 1T RESpt,VED that khe Anaheim .,~ity planning Commiseion does hereby grant 3ubjact Condit.ional UsA Parmit, upon tho £ollowing condi- tions wltich are hereby fOlli'ICZ to be a necessary prerequisite to the propose8 use of the ~ub~ec~ property in order to presorve the saf.ety Rnd genaral welf.are of tho Citizens of tl~e City oP Ana}ieim: ~', ~ (1) Thwt the driveways ahall be installad alona Katelld Avenue as requi.r.ac9 by the City ~ngineer and in accurdance w3th standard plane and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. ~2) 'Phat the owners of sub ject propc:rty shall pay to the City of An~.lzeiin tihs sum of $2.00 per front foot along Katella Avenue where street accesa is available (122 feet total), £or street ligl~ting purposes. (3) That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved pLan;s on £ile with the ofEice of the Director of Pub11c Wozks. (4) That £ire hydrants shall be installed as required and determi.ned to be necessary by the Chief. of the Fire Department. (5) That subject property shall be served by unclerground utilities. (6) That drainage oE subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. (7) That a sewezage~dump station shall be installed on subject prope.rty. (e) That subject pruperty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specificatj.ons on file with the City of. Anaheim marked F:xhibit No. 1. provid.ed, however, that den~e landscaping,similar to that pravided ~t the County trash transfer station, shall be planted along the Katella Avenue frontage and for a depth oE 20 feet along the west side of the Redel property, and along the easterly boundary of sub~ect property between the southerly boundary of the Redel property and the railroad righ~.-of-way. Furthermore, said landscaping shall include irriqatzon facilities and shall be maintained in perpetuity. (9) That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, above mentioned, ~hall be.complied ~ith prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the t,ime that the building permit is issued, or within a period of one year from the date hereof, whichever ~ccurs Cirst, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. (10) That this conditional use permit is granted for five (5) year:: subject to review for an additional period of time upon proper application by the petitioner. TH~ FOR.F,GOING RESOLUTION is stgned and approved by me tllis 15L-h day of April, 1971. i ,,- / / .=-" CHAIRMAN ANAH~~IM CITY PL~NNING COMMMISSION I ;;r~ ^ ~ ~;L '~~ :~ ;~~ ~• ifi ~ t~ ';S ~ ~ „ 4 - ! ;`'t ~ I ~ ~r' ~• ~ ; '4 I ~ j ,`. ~ i, ~r~ j~ ' ATTCST : r~ . G -~ 2-~-z.~~z. ./~% SECRETARY ANAH M CITY P7~ANNING COMMISSION STATE UF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AP?AHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim do hereby dertify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of ::he City of Anaheim, held on April 5, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSION~RS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have h ~ ~~-5~ ~G~Ln, y't~, ..~~~- - - , ~_ Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Seymour. Kaywood. . None. ereunto set my hand this 15th day of April, 1971. _ SF.CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMCSSION ~ ~ M