PC 71-61RESOLUrION N0, PC71-61 A RESOLUTION pF THE CITY PT,ANNIN(1 COMMISSI4N OF THE CITY OF ANAHFIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NU. 2243 gE APPROVED IN PART WHEREAS, the Clty Plannln` Comml~sfon ot ths Clty oI An~heim did recelve e verified Petltion foc Varlante from LENORE, N, KOEnRICH, p~ane~; T. M. St1AMMA ASSOCIATE5, INCQRPORATED, 2229 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California 92806, Agent of certain reel properey situated in the City of Anaheim, Caunty of Orangr~ State o£ California, described as the West 165 feet of the North 65U feet of the Eaet hslf of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of S~action 13, Townehip 4 Soutl~, R~ngQ 10 West, Saa Hernarctino Base and Meridian, Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana. WHEREAS, the Clty Planning ~ommisslon dld hold • public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on April 5, 1971, at 2;00 o'clock P,M.~ notice of said public hearieg heving been duly g~ven es required by law and in acootdance with the provialons of the Anaheim Municlpal Code, Chepter 18.68, ta hear end consider evidence Eor and e~einst said proposed variance end to inve~tieete end meke findinga snd recommendationA in connactlon therewith; end ~;~J~ WHE~tEAS, ~e~id Commiasion, after due inspection, iavestigetion, end study mede by itaelf and in its behelt, -, `'g and efter due coneideration of all evidence and repotts offered at seid headng, does find end detecmine the following -lal facts: 1. That the petitionar requesta a variance from the Aneheim Munlcipal Code Sections: a, 18.26.050(1-b~ - Minimum building site width. (50 feet required; 4S feet propospd). b. 18.26.050(5-a-3) - Minimum required setback to a garaAe, (20 feet required; 15 and 18 feet proposed). c. 18.26.050(5-b) - Minimum required side vard. (5 Leet required; 0 feet proposed). ~i ~ +* ,. ~ d. 18.80.090 - Minimum required d•aelling unit size. (1525 square feet required; 12;3 and 1352 square feet proposed). 2. That the petitioner is proposing 13 R-2-5000 zoned lots. 3. That waiver 1-a, above mentioned, ie hereby denied on the basis that the minimum lot width can be satisfied with minor redesign. 4. That waiver 1-b, above mentioned, is hereby denied on the basis that the depth of the lots are adequate to provide the required 20-foot building setback for the garages. 5. That the Planning Commiasior wi11 accept one fl.ag lot in the subdivision of the pruperty, providedthat there is adequate vehicular access to the property on said flag lot, in order that the engfaoer may have alternatives in designing the tract map. 6. That the remaining waivers are granted on the basis th2t a hardship does exist due to the size and shape of the parcel. V1-D -1- ,~w_ ~ ~ ~ i part NOW, TWEREF'ORF, BE "f RESOLVEb thet the Ana~ieim Clty nlenning Commission doea hercby grant/eubject Petitlon tor Verlance, upun t~~~: following conditione whlch ere haeeby tound to be a necossery prerequialte to the pro• posed use of the aubi~at propecty in order to preserve the sefety and gene~al welfera of the Cltlzena of tl~e City of Anahrim, 1, That thia variance i~ granted aubject to the completion of Reclass ification No. 70-71-G1. 2. That subject propsrty shall b~ developed subatflntially in accordan ce wirh plana and apecif~.cariona on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibil: Nos, 1, 2~ 3, and 4, provided hoWever, that lota ahall be a minimum 50-£eat in widrh and the minimum re quired garage aetback shall be 20-feet. ; THE FORF.GOING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me this 15th day of ApriL , 1971. I ~'` __ , _ ...~ , ~ ~ + / ~ ~ ; ~~ _ .~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ; ti~ ATTEST: ' ~~ ~ ;''.'~~~~", ~'Z ~-c. / ~ : ~. .I :;' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION ~ :,~ STATE QF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Kreba, Secretary of the City Plsnning Commissior, of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- goi~g resolution was passed and edopted at a mecting of the City Planning Commission of the City oE Aneheim, held on April 5, 1971, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members t~~ereof: AYES: COMMISSIONEI2S: A.llred, I'arano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour. NOES: COMMISSIONFRS: None . ABS~NT: COh1MISSIONERS: None . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 15th day of April, 1971. Y •. ~ ~. ~ 1 ' ~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 61 V2-G ..r....;x;,, .; -,. _~,,~.-~--~~.~.~~~: ~..- SECRETAAY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- _ ` , C --.M