PC 72-100. ~ `I RESOI--ITION N0. PC72-i00 A RESOLUTION OF TfiE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR YARIANCE; N0. 2361 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Cit,y Plnnning Comml.aio~ oE 2he Clty af knnheim cild r_ceive e verificd ?S*~ii{on foc Vnrienc2 2iom PRIMUS HOLDING COMPAtoY, 9i~II9 San~a ;fani~:a Ji~ul3tiz~t!, "i.er2~ '.E:.~'ss~ ~:~+:;.,`~>r.•+S.a 9021.G, Gwner; JUSEPH J. KUNTZ, 552i Burtingame Ave~at+n, Aue^:+ ?nrk. Cei,iforni~ `~fi°~:f~, <1~anL' :•^e*tein real property situated in the City of AnahPia; ~'~~~'nty cf ~.ar.re, Szar; n: +~~~lf,axnia?, ~.~c-cribed in Exhibi*_ "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set ioc~~; ~.,e ;:,lb; z+r:~ WHEREAS, the Clfp Planning Commieeion did hold a public headng et the City Hell in the City of AneheSm on May 15, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said pub$a hearing having been duly glven es required by lew end ln accadmfce with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence Eor and egeinst seid proposed voriance end to inveatiQate and make fInding's and cecommendetions in connec!ion therewith; end • WHEREAS, said' Commisalon, nfter due inspection, jnvestlgation, and study mede by ltself end in lts behelf, and efter duc conaidaation of ell evidence and cepoRs oifered at seld h~ering, does find and determine the following fects: 1. Thet 2he,petlHoner eequeats variancefrom !he Anehcim Municipel Code as followa: a. SECTION 18.52.020 ~ Permitted uses. (Rerreational vehicle service center ' proposed; recreational vehicle service center not per- mitted) b, SECTION 18,5L.060(3-aj - 6-foot masonrv wall requirement adja~ent to R-A, (No wall propoaed) c. SECTION 18.52.060(3-b) - Requirement that outdoor uses be enclosed with a 6-foat saall. (A 4-foot wall pro~oosed) 2. That the petitioner proposes to eatablish a retail Aalea ond servicing facility for recreational vehicles. 3. That Waiver 1-a, above mentioned, is hereby granted on the basis tt~at the proposed use is determined to be compatible with permitted M-1 usea and with ather uses already estab- lished in the area, 4. That Waiver 1-b, above mentioned, is hereby granted on the basis that the properL•y to the north and west has a resolution of intent to the M-1 Zone and if the adjacent property was zoned M-1, said wall would not be required. 5. That Waiver 1-c, above mentioned, is hereby granted on the basis that the applicant proposes to construct a 4-foot high wall around the outdoor atorage and service area and he stipulated to planting screen landscaping adjacent to the 4-foot wall. 6. That the petitioner stipulated that any signing advertising gasoline eales would not be visible from the freeway. -1- V1-G ~ \ - . .~ y ~ . . ~ .1. ' ...`~\- - . ' ~ ~~~Ji~~~ A t11~~~.;. ~,, . First AnrL~r~c.~trr Ti~le lnsu;.~n.ce Co~;rp~ny ~ 421 NORTH MAIN STREET • SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA • 547•6092 SE~ Sc.~~p~~~c~r,~P`~L t~'GA-t... I~~C~2~P~*".rb~..( Your No. Uur Order No. 1113055 ' ' Form of Policy Coverage Requcsted: CLTA Stattdard Coverage Policy In response to the above referenced opplication for a policy oF title insu,ance, ihis Company hereby repoir, tnat it is prepored to issue, cr cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy of Titic Insurance in the form specified • above, describir.g the land end the estate or interest Iherein hereinafter set forth, insurinc against loss w~~icfi may be sustained by reasanof ony defect, lien or encumb:unce not shown or re{erred to os an Exception below or not exrluded from covercgr pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions und Stipulations of said policy forrn. This report (end a~y supplements or amendments therelo)isissu~dsolelyforlhepurposeoffacilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance r,nd no liabiliiy is assumed Fieiecy. If if is desired ihot liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, 0 6inder or Co:nmitment sFould 'ec requested. Doted as of April 18, 1972 at 7:30 a.m. ,~~~~ ~~ ~ :• %~i'~'f "' Williar H. BTUIIS TITLE OFFICER Title to said ectate or intcrest at the date hereof is vested in: Primtis Flolding Cor~pany, a Delaware Corporati.on, by mer~er wit•h Northroa3 Real~y Corporar.inrt, a New York CorporaL-ion, and Sipol P.ealty Ccrp~~rstion The estate or interest in ihe land hereinofter described or referred to covcred Ly this Repo~t is: ree ~f~RIAf~CE IVO. ~3_~~ -----~ At the dole hereof exceptio~is to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusio tainml ir soid policy for~a would 6c os fotlows: ~~0~~121374is~e~~ ~ ~ ^ ,~ _, y~. 1. Genera.l and Special T2~es for the fisca7. ~ear 197'L-7.973 a ~lwcn4notiy~t ~~j'~• •payaUl.e; Code Area 01-03~, A.P. ivo. 074-19~-43 and 074-Z90~`.~9. :~, ;,`,~ ~ . \ ~ c s •~: ~' ' ' 2. A Ri.ght of 41ay to construcC, lay and ma3r.l•ain a cemenC diCC~,~,`;,uood flume o~ pipc line throuFh said ?.and °nr dar:esti.c and ir~~t;a~ior. pura~se:._as. " reserved in a deeci recoxded 3une 7, ?.905 i.r. boo!: 1°_D, p~+ge ]9G of ;~e~ds. (Tliis is a gci:crnl riF;1:l of lday) • ~ ~ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portian of Lot 20, Block "K" Kraemer Tract, M. R. ~.2/87- 88 CA Co. and also a portion of the Westerly residual Qarcel as shown on a Parcel Map recorded in Book 39, Paga 42 of Parcel Map:,, Records of Orange County, more parttcularly described as followsp __ ~1 ~ „ Beginning at the Northwest corner of Parcel 1 as shown on said Parcel Map, said corner also being on the Southerly rig'~t-of-way line of Cdrpenter Avenue; thence, S 73 44' 00" h~ a.lor.g said right- of-way line, 55.30 feet to a point of tangency with a curve concave Northeaster~ and having a radius of 47.00 feet; thence, Northweste~ly along said curve through a central angle of 90 , a distance of 73.83 f~et to a point of tangency with a line bearing N 16 16' 00" W, said line also being the Westerly r~ght-of-way line of Shepard Street- thence, N 16 16' 00" W alonq said right- of - way line 50.00 feet; thence, S 28~ 44' 00" N~, 70.71 feet; thence, S 73~ 44' 00" W, 390.00 feet; thence;, S 16~ 16' 00" E, 433.01 feet ta a point on the Northerly right-of -way of the Riverside FrePway as dedicated to the State of California thence, along said right-of-way line the ~oilowing courses; S 74~ 12' Ol" E, 5..32 f.~et~ S 89 ~6' 18" E, 129.11 teet; thence, S 77 55' 02" W, 438.58 feet to the Southweste~ly corner ~f said Parcel i; thence along~ the Westerly line of said Parcel 1 the following courses; N 19~ 56' ~0" w, 223.33 feet, S sl~ 31' 30" W, 21.01 feeti; N 14 42° 17" W, 249.87 feet to the point of beginning. ~ ~ 7. That the petitioner stipulated that no one would bP permitted to stay overnight in'a' recreatione~l vehicle on subject property. 8. That the petil•ion~r stipulated that there would be no retail sales of automobiles, trailers, campera, trucks or similar recreational vehicles on the pre:nises. 9. That the petitioner stipulated that there would be no major engine, transmission or chassis work done on subject property. 10. That the petitioner stipuleted to providing a 6-foot high chainlink fence with denae landscaping in lieu of the required 6-foot masonry wall. 11. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally Co the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 12. That the requested variance ia necessary for L•he preaervation and en;;.oyment of a suL- stantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in questiun. 13. That the requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvem~ents in such vicinity and zone in which the property is l~cated. 14. That two letters were received in favor o£ the propose3 use from surrounding induatry and the miniature golf course operator. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant aubject Petition for Variance, upon the following cunditiona which are hereby found to be necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve tfie~afety`,and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: ~~_ ~~,, (1) /That street lighting facilities along Shepard Street and Carpenter Avenue shall be installed as required by the Director of Public Utilities and in accordance with standard plana and specifications on £ile in the office of the Director of Public Utilities; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim ehall be poated with the City to guarantee the inatallation of the above mentioned requirements. (2) ~That the ownera of eubject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum oi 15 cents per front foot along Shepard Street and Carpenter Avenue for tree planting purposes. (3) Thai the sidewalks shall be inatelled along Shepard Street and Carpenter Avenue as required by the City Engineer and in accerdance with standerd plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer, (4) That trash atorage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plane on file with the office of the Director of Public Works, (5) That fire hydrants ahall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department, (6) That a parcel map to record lhe approved division of subject property be submitted to and approved by the City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder. (7) That aubject property shall be aerved by underground utilities. (8) That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manrer satisfactory to the City Engineer. (9} ~ That the alignment of the southeriy property line adjacent to the Riverside Freeway shail be approved by the California Division of Highways. (10).JLhat this variance is granted suhject to the comple.Cioii of Reclassification No. 61-62-69. (11) That subi~tct property shall be ~~eloped subetantially in accordance with p3ane and specifications on file with the City of Analieim marked Exhibit Nos, 1, 2, and 3 provided, how- ever, that dense landscaping shall b~ planted on the interior of the 6-foot chain link fence proposEd to surround subject property and further provided that acreen landacaping ahall be planted adjacent to the proposed 4-foot wall around the service area. V2-~ -2- ~ ~ (12) That Condition Nos, 1, 2, 9 and 10, above mentioned, shall be compliad with prior to the co~encement of thr_ activity authorised under this resolution or prior to the time that the building permit is issued, or within a period~of 1t10 days from date hereof, whichever occurs firat, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. (13) That Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspectione. (14) That ao retail sales of. trailers, campers, trucke, automobiles or aimilar recreation- al vehicles ahall be cunducted on subject property nor shall there be any advertising of gaso- line sales that would be visitsle from the freeway, as stipulated to by the petitioner. (15) That no one ~ould be permitted to stey overnight in a recreational vehicle on subject property, as atipulsted to by the petitioner. (16) That no major engine, transmission or chass!.s work shall be done on subje~t property as stipulated to by the petitioner. THR FO~tEGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved b m this 7. day of May, 1972. CHAI N ANAHEIN CITY YI.ANNING COMMIS'5IUN ATTEST: ~;~~%~~'~ SECI2ETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLAA'NING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNII+ ) COUNTSt OF ORANGE ) ae. CITY OF ANAIiEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Co~iesion of the City of •'~naheim, da he;reby cErtify that Che foregoing resnlution was passed and adopted ac a meetfu~ of the Cizy Pl;.cti~;Ifi.g Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on May 15, 1972, aC ~:lr,+.c'ct.~~k P.M,. by the foll:rving vote of the mr.mbers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALL&:u, FARANO, GAUER, HE°.BST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have l~ereunto set my hand thie 25th day of May, 1972. /~7LPiP~a/ SECRETAFY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNZNG C02~AfISSION RESULU'1'ION N0, PC72-100 -3-