PC 72-15RrSOLUTI0~0. PC72-15 ~ P. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY P1.ANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANASiEIM THAT PETITION FOR COND.ITIONAL USE PEkMIT1~-BE AENIED WHER~AS, the City Plnnning Commission of the City of Anaheim d:d receive a verified Petition for Con- ditional U~e Permit from HENRY AND JOSEPHINE SCHINHOFEN, 2900 East Lincoln 2venUe, Anahe-_m, Cali£ornia 92806, Owners; MICIiAEL AND JERZ GARAN, 435 North State Colleoe Boulevard, Anaheim, Cal:.fornia 92806, Agents of certain real property si_tuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as a11 tl~at. certai.n land situated in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana described as follows: Beginning at the inter- section of the cente.r line of the Anaheim-Olive Road wich the west line of the east half o! the southwest quarter of Section 7, TownGhip : south, ~ange 9 West, S. f;. B. & M.; thenc:e south along said west line 307.72 feet; thence east. parallel with the south line of said Section 7, i53.71 feet; thence north parallel w±th s,sid west line of the east h~l£ of the sauthwest quart~ar f said Section 7, 261.29 feet, more or less, to the cencer line of the said Aneheim-Olive Roafl; thence north 73° 7' S0" west along said center line o£ Anaheim-O.live Road, 160 feet to the point of beginning, c~~ntaining cne acre, more ar less ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Cotr.mission did hold e pub!ic hearing at the City Helt in the City of ~~neheim on February 7, 19 72 , et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing having been duly given es required by law and in eccordence with the provisions of the Meheim Municipel code, Chapter 18.64,to hear and consider evidence for end against said proposed conditiunel use and to investigete and meke findings and recommendotions in connection therewith; and WHEF.EAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigatian, and study mede by itself and in its be- half, and after due consideration oE all evidence and reports offered et said hearing, does find and determine the (ollowing facts: 1. Thet the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by Code Section 18.64.020(3-j-6) ~o establish a baaeball b~tting range with incidental rer.tal of bicycl~: and food ealeR, with waiver of: SECTION 18.16.050(4-b) - Maximum structural heiRht (0 feet permitted; 35 feet proposed) 2. That the proposed use will adveraely affect the adjoining land uses and the developmenr uf the area in which it is propoaed to be located. 3. T!:at the aize and shape of the site proposed for tUe use is not adequate to alluw the Eull development of the proposed us~ in a manner not detrimental to the par- ~icular area r.or to the peace, health, eafety, and general welfare of the citizens of tF,e City af Ar,atieim. 4. That the proposed development would crea~e pedeatrian and vehicular treffic cor.flicts ar.d t-~szarda alung this portion of Lincoln Avenue near the Santa Ana River bridge. 5. 'Ihet the prop~sed uae would be incompatible with tne residential character of rhe edjacenc area, and the ho~ of operation and noiae factor would be injurious to the e::rro;:ttding resider.tial area. 6. That the propoaed lighting for thie facility will reault in dangerous light i~:trLaion unto Llncoln Avenue which could be injurious to paseing motoriats. 7. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit will be detrimental to the peace, health, 9afeey, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. &. Ttiat one person representing six people in rhe audience appeaced in opposition to ehis propoeal. CI-D " 1' ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tbat the Aneheim City Plenning Commission does heteby deny subject Petition for Conditionel Use Permit on the besis nf the aforementionod findings. THE FOREGOING R£SOLUTION ia signed end approved by me thia 17th day of February, 1972. . ,~,,,..J CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: i i ~~~~ SECRETAR ~ANAHEINi "IT1jI~LANNII2GCOMMLSSION pro tem STATE OF CALIFDRNIA ) CCUNTY OF ORANGE ) ee. CITY OF ANAHEiM j pro tem I, Le Q,BU r g e ss , Secretary/of the City Pleuuiag Commiasion of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the fore- gainq resolution wea pesaed end adopted et e meeting of the City Planaing Commiaslon o£ the City of pneheim, held on F e b r u a ry 7, 19 7 2, et 2:00 o'cIock P`,, by tbe follow:ng vote cf the membecs thereof: AYES: COMMI.riSIONERS: PARANO, GAUER, KAYWOOD. NOES: COMMIS~IONERS: SEYMOUR, HE1BSi. ABSENT: COMM[SSIONERS: ALLRED, ROWLAND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hersunto set my hend this 17th day of February, 1972. SECRETARY/~NAIiEIM CI LANNING CONiMISSIOfi i RESOLUTION NQ. PC72-15 pro tem C2-D -~