PC 72-172,• ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC72-172 A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITI(7N FOR VARIANCE N0. Z396 SE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of tbe City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Verience from CLARENCE AND RHF1+ L. MEDllOCK, 1731 South Euc1iQ Street, Suite F, Anaheim, California 92802, Owners of certain real property situated in tha Citg of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached here.to and referred to herein as though set forth in full and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on July 24, 1972, et 2:00 o'clock Y.M., notice of seid public hearing having been duly given as requiced by lew and in eccordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chapter 18.68,to heer end consider evidence for end egainst seid proposed verience end to investigate 9nd make findings and recommendetions in connec- tion thecewith; end WHEREAS, said Commissinn, eEter due inspection, investigation, end study mede by itselE end in its behelf, end after due considecetion of ell evidence and reports ofEen:d at seid hearing, does find and detecmine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests a veriance !rom the Anaheim Manicipel Code: ScC~ION 18.08.556 - Sale of mobilehomes in mobilehome uarke. (On-aite sales limited to two years E~om the opening of Che mobilehome park permitled; on~site sales as a continuing use proposed) 2. That the petitioner hae demonstrated a herdship in that the existing mobilehome park is of the older type which provided for smaller mobilehomes and it was their inte~tt oz~ly to sell these amaller mobilehomea for the sites within the exieting mobilehome park. 3, That there ere exceptional or extreordinery circumslances or conditions appliceble to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or cless of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. Thet the requested veriance is necessary for the preservation end enjoyment of a substantiel property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, end denied to the ptoperty in question. 5. That the requested variance will not be matecially detrimentel to the public welfete or injurious to the piap- erty or improvements in such vicinity end zone in which tre property is loceted. 6. That the Planning Coimnission has determ9.ned thet in order tu preclude converting this mobilehome park inCo a general mobilehome salea lot, the use ehall be reviewed avery two years by the Commiesion to det~rmine whether any detrimental effects have reaulted before granting any extenaion of tir~e for mobilehome salea on said property. V1-G -1- ;'li~as+: mitc r,~ra!uli~• thc :.ir~?iiGty 1:>.clu::ious a~;d l.i;nitntio~is air! ifie ,., _".r :~~- ,.~ . . .. specifie ,sscr:;~r,o:: .;'foiuc:t ~;y thi.^. ;:u~nntcc. If ycu c:i:!~ ~,L~fUUn;:I ' IiuL•ili' r a::;tunn::cs o,lwr tli,in t~ . c~,ntaiin~~i hr.~ {'~Icn::n r.ontcct ' tlie Cc~ny`tor (u~ther iiifo~nr.tinn :.s lo the a~~:. ~ility ~nc; co:t. „ \__i/ .i 'r , _ Loi~ F~ook Guarontee Ti~;le Insurance and Trust Caiilpany L,~:~~,~u~y S~oo.oo a corpo~:ilion, hrri•in call~•d tLc Compan}•, g~~:u•ant~~rs l~r.c $ lj_.00 __.------- ~ ;].Urence ,':eddock Your eddecl i731 So. Euclid, Suit•e F p~[,~Dillo:~r/~~____---~_-. P.na]ieim, California 92802 hcrcin c:dicd lhc rls.urcd, against attunl loss not t•xcceding lhc linbilih~ amounl st.ucd ubot~c ~~'Licli tLe Asxurcd sludl sustain by rcason of any incorrectness iu the ussurances set fortli in Se6ednle r1. LIARILI'1'Y E\CLUSIO\S :1~ll LI\tl'1':1'I'IO\S 1. 10 ~;unrantcc is given nor liabili:y assumc'd ~~•it1~ mspcc~ to thc idcnlity of an}~ party n.nncd or refcrrcd to in Sclicdulc :1 or ~~•ilh r~rspcrt to tlic ~•alidil~', lc;;al effcrc r,r priorily of an}' m:~uer sho~vn ll~crciu. ?, 'I'he Cumpany's liability l~ercunder sL:dl bc limited to lLe amount of uctaal loss susL•iincd b}' lhe Assured bccause nf r.diaucc upon tl~:: ossur:intes hcrcin set f~ntl~, hut in na c~•cnt shall thc Cumpan)'s liability eccceJ Uic liubility nnu~unl xcl forth ul?ovc. n,~ted:._ June_13 --?972.----- _c ~:so.~.~i. : _ _ - --- ---- ,,i;r;a~~ / , h ,,, 1,,^1,1?- '\~ HS/hw ~ ` JU .:,~.+ .. V.'~ ~ ~.,r (~~.i . . ~ ~.:it;J. '~> v i '` l,`' ~1 ~!S O~ ~ c> ~'!~ . ~`•G, ,~~Sitt+l~; , Titlc Insurance and Tnist Compa»y wf ,~`~+.~..~~--. L~ riusim:NZ~ Arre~r: ~~ ~ / ~ sr:eiai:rniiY ! ~'1(7ir~,r.i^i 'lUt.i.~~ ~~ _~ f~,~~.,,.~ -~ ~.. ~ ~ ~`_~~ ~~^, '~i i ~ii nr ~::•.,~-,~,•i, r t~.,o•,~ii 7^:!~, ~'~ .,.,~?• ;,t,rc~°.t• .'.tt~~~_i.^t. ^li `,.'o='n' ^ ~ i ~'-•--_._,1.~.._.-....~.y ~P I ^• r u7~ J T~:_.t i,o^;•.i.nr. ~~' i~:e ;lc:~~ ?{.^• ~ f nf •t?ie Iyorti!nres'~ CjL1RT't~T' of thc ;lorth:ies~t ':?u~:rt,;:.~ o° ~~~c';inn .'.~~. '.Cc:m~i~ip /F youtl:~ R~n~„c 10 :•le~t~ in thc P.:~ncho _-.r~ Ju~.n ~^jon :?~ :,er.~t1 An~, Ci.{;;~ of Ar.~heir:, Cou~rL•~ o° Oran~•e, 31,ite of Ccl.~.io:•n:i::~ tic ~1id Section i~ sneirn on ~ i;an record~l in Bo~?t `1 'P:~i:~ 10 af ::l.ar..;~7.7.:~ioo".s ~:^~s, in t.re of!'ica of i:hc Count;~ z.°aorder of :aid Co:vlt/~ d,e ; cr. ib,.d ~ s i ul].~~ti~ :; pe~i+.,*~i.n,; c•t +r,^ lior',;n~.;est corner or :aid ~°ci,inn 25; i:liene~ ~nsterl~~ 531.'0 fc~i; r.i..~;:~, I,;ie ?iorth lix~o thereo~:; tr~n^e Soui;lierly 65?_.~.2 f.eL p'xrz~7.le1 wii;h t~,.^ ~:I~_,;t:x].y lir:^ o~' cc~:id S~etio :^E~ h~:i::~ a7.~o the '~Iest lino of 7'rac:'~ l;o, /~9" c:s ;;,,r l;a-, recorr.ed in nool: '!u FII~C ?.l~ Officzal I:ecor:l~, of : ai3 :i~.cc^l:L~~~oat~: !'"Ps~ 5.n +t» o:i'ico oi t,h~ Count;/ it~cnrd~r of ccid Cetanty~ to i.:l•:e ~cui}:~:e:.i, co~.•ne. of eaid Trac~ Ro. /+°$; t~:~nc~ alon~ ~tY.e Suut):<.~rl:f 11no ii,~i~:.•oof i~c:;tc~~l;f 1''9~:? fcc{: r:ore or 1es~ to ~i~c i?o:t~;~:•ly x:r,J.cn^::Tic,n o~' t?~~ `:st 1-~,s ot iract i'o. 3!.1~ as l~~r i'ap rcicorded ir. FooJ; 123 Pa'= 6~ Oi.ti~i.^..l "~~orc oT .aid ?'~iscellcnroua b'.a},~, in t,he officc~ of the Ccunty P•:;corc).,r ns ~~ ~~~ COLUI'i,.r i'~i:encce ; u+.tthc:rl~ s1en~ sn_d i„•olon~ction to {;t;~ T,o:•i;L^a;.t cw•ner of a~~id Tt•act 110. './+lc~~ t:icnc~ 1d^stc~•~y 66J.36 fect alon•~ tl:~ T;o~~ti, 1~.ne oi' ~c~id Tract ~•o Lhe 1leat iino c~i' sai.d ;;ect_on; thenco Tiori~l,.^..15 13~'.•/,':~ i^..cs~ to 1;Lo poin~t oS be;inninE, excrpt the tlor{~h 210 ieei: t'aercof. r.'.I: rn~ 7 LoL ].0 ot Y'~~ct .>uo, /,gG~ i~l the Cit;; of. i:*.icilic3:i:~, Co+.in{:~ of Or~n~e~ Stnto of C'~liScrni.~~ .,. ;;~,r msp r~ooi•dr:d in r~~Y. '19 Tw^e ?!; o; t:iccelluneo~~~ :'sps, i~i tl:c, n~iic^. rfr,the C~tm{.y Rr,cordrr a£ said Countys usce~t tl~.o Pn: t?_00 fce~ i.hez•~of , Prrcc7. ;.: Tl~e ?lc;t 1?9 fcet ?_ inchc•s of I.ot :Li,~ T*_•cet 1~.~~~ in t:~° r,;ti,y oi lnahe~.m~ Cou~:~~r of Crcr,;':, ~i,nie oS Caliir,ini.ci~ a:; p::r mnp ror.ord^d in t?oui< 19 f'c;e ~L; of ;:i arellar.cou : 1•:; p:., in i,he ofi ice oS t?:o Co~!rsti;; '::=corder of sa9.ci Cour.~.y. ~,.T.-.,.w...,,,q ~....._ ,~L,n,«SGi~:9. /~~h, '' ~ '~~ J ~ ,},yL ~912 ~ r i r , ~.! `.~, ~ ~ ~ ~ c, a' ~~i'~~I~`i1:V'`.. '+~ _. -- - "'--- r t;; ; ~~ ~{2 v~ ~iC. ~:l~n`nl: j . ~' ~.`~.Lti ~„' ~ . \3r.. . ~ ,4~ ~ - . ~ • tiOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grent subJect Petition for Varience, upon the following conditions whlch are hereby Eound to be e necessery prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject propecty in order to preserve thc sefety end gxnernl welEere oE the Citizens of the City of Aneheim: (1) That subject property shall be developed aubatantially in conformance with plans and specificationa on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. (2) Thot thia Variance be reviewed every two years to evaluate any unforeeen detrimental effects L•hat the use may cause, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is eigaed aad appeoved by me this 3rd day of Auguet, 1972. / p AN ANAHEIM C1TY P ING CO SION ATTEST: SECRETARY ANAHEIAI CI'I'Y PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ee. C1TY OF ANAHEIM ) ~ I, Ann Krebs, Secretery of the CIty Plenning Com~uission ef the City oE hnuheim, do hereby cerUfy thet the focegoing resolution wes passed and edopted at e meeting of tho Clty Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, held on July 24, 1972, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO, GAUER, RERSST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hend thie 3rd day of August, 1972. RESOLUTiON NO. P~7Z'~ ~2 ~ ~~~~r 1._' _ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO!:lMISSION V2-G -Z'