PC 72-176~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC72-176 A RESOLUTION OF TFiE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCL N0. 2388 BE DENIED 'AHEREAS, the City Plenning Commiseion of thc City of Aneheim did receive a verified PetiUon for Vaciance from BROOKHURST INVESTORS, In care of Gruban, Horth and Lac~less Properties, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, California 94104, Owners; TARA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANY, Attention of Mike Shatsky, 9100 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly :Iills, California 90212, Agent of certain real prop- erty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of. California, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set:fo:th in full; and WHEI2EA5, the City Ploneing CommYSaion did hold a public headng at the City Hell in the City of Aneheim on August 7, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock p.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as cequired by lew and in accocdence wlth the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter l8.68, to hear and considar evidence for and ageinst said proposed verience end to inv.btigate end make findings end recommendations in connection thccewith; end WHEREAS, a:id' Commission, efter dae inspection, investigetion, and study mede by itself end in its,behelf, and efter due consideration of ell evidence and reporte offered dt said hearing, does find nnd determine the following fects: 1. Thet the.petirioner requests the following variances from the Anaheim Muaicipal Cude: a. SECTION 18.62.050(B) - Maximum a~ re~ate area of "for lease" sit~ns. (10 square feet permitted; 90 sQUare feet prepoaed) b. SECTION 18.62.130(A) - Permitted siKns. (Temporary display of flags and ban- ners proposed; temporary flags and banners not permitted) c. SECTION 18.62.130(A-1)- Allowable time limit, (Two consecutive fourteen-day periods permitted; no time limit proposed) 2. That subject petition had been continued from the July 10, 1972, Pla nning Commission meeting because the applicant was not present for questioning. 3. That although the petitioner liad been conta~ted by telephone and ler_ter during the interim between Flauning Commission hearing date's, he again failed to appear befn~e the Com- mission as requested to answer questions regarding subject petition. 4. That staff, as advised by the Commission at the July 10, 1972, meeting, had advised the applicant by telept~one and letter to remove the existir.g il.iegal flags, benners and signs immediately. 5. That the petitioner hes been flagrantl}• violating the sign ordinance of the Anaheim Municipal Code and was not complying with the directive of the Commission to remove the aigns forthwith. 6. That the granting of subject petition would be granting the petitioner a pr~.vilege not enjoyed hy o;:her properties in the same zone and vicinity. 7. That there are no exeeptional or extraordin2ry circumstances or conditions applicable to the property invo'ived or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the praperty or class of use in the sa.ne vicinity and zone. Vl-D -1- _.. ^ N ~ ~ • f-o~m 1356 ~T~. ~ CLTA Guarantca ~'-1 /~ ~~~~~ t!~ ~- Form No. 72 .Jw ~ ~ SCHEDULE A LOT BOOK GUARANTEE ORDER NOOR 1299824-M The assurances reFerred to on the face page are: That, according to the Company's property records relative to the followinc~ described real property (but without examinr.tion of those Company rccords maintaineo and indexed by name): 1~ SEE EXHII3IT"A" ATTACIIED FOR LEGAL DRSCRIPTION. A. The last recorded ins?rument purporting to transfer title to said real property is: 2, BROOKHURS'i' INVESTORS, a California Limited Partnership, by a Deed recorded June 30, 1971 in Aoak 9701 page 799 of Official Re~ords. 0,~~213~S~5~s~~ ~~^ ~ ~~i S ~ JUN 1972 ` ~' ~?ECEIVED B. There are no mortgages or deecis of trust which purport to affect said real property, otl ~tha zONINit those showr below under Exceptions. ~, DIVISVOM ~1 No guarantee is made regarding any liens, claims of lien, defects or encumbrances other than those specifically provided for above, and, if information was requested by referenca to a street address, no guarantee is made that said real property is the same as said address. Exceptions: 1, A Deed of Trust dated June 30, 1971, executed by Brookhurst Investors, to Alliaace Escrow Corp., TrusCee, to secure an indebtedness of $3,008,000,00 1n favor of Larwin Hultihousing Corp., a California corporation, and any other amounts payable under the terms there~f, recorded June 30, 1971 in Iiook 9701 page 801 of Official P.e ords, ae Inetrument No, 29717. . vARiA~cE n~c;. ~ .~ ~ S ~ • • ~ ~ ~~ ~ A I . . ~' JUN 301 19TI ~~~~ ~.~Y' ./ i j ~t - . ~ ~"`": ' . • L___ ~ -- , r -- .. : --- .... ~ 97~1 ~j&~3 ( . . -:~ ; . f . . W' ~:n:= ,, ~ a • - S' 0 ~° TM tollovinq leqal doaerip[lon Se wd• • pnrt oi Cl~e doeunent ettaehed hazetut ~ Tho portion oi !he Northvc~e quartor, of [Ae Northveet quartor oL Sactlo~ 70, To•~nf:~ip 1 Sou[h, R~nya 10 Hen[, !n CPC Rancho Los p Coyntee Cley oC n~a~ci~, Counq• o[ ornnqe, State o: Callfornia, as ~; qrr nap zeeo:ded in 6ooK S1 Pcqu 10 of Mi~e~llaneaus :1ape. Sn tl~e otticu of [he Wuncy P.ceorder ot uid County. doacribed as Lollw~s ~ ~ H~qinntng aC n polnt on the Ncae 3ino oL tha Norehvo~t quercer ot raid seeeion 20 °outl 912.40 Yuet Lron tho ~ore:+weet eorncr oE uaid a sectfon, eaiJ po1nC bul~q t:otth 10.00 Leet Cron tho Soush~eae rorner . Q~ o! Chat ~ertaln 14.<6 n.-ce parcel of land conveyed Co Lury Fr.ineea Ball Ly deucl zeeorded .1une 16, 1897 ln l~ook J2 paqe 66 0: Deed, Rn- cord~ oI Oranqn County: thencn norch ~62.80 Coce alonq said wcat line • ~o the 17ort~vene carner of +nid 1~.~6 aera parcel o[ lan1; ehenca , C~st ll]].]0 fcet long eho lior:~ line ot sai~ pareel oL land to che Wescezly .ine of Kelloqs Hmascead Trace ee per map recordc~ in book . U pagc 51 of eeid `7a~c~llencous ::a~+~: Chenee SouGh 223•80 teat along ths ~~eatarly line o_` seid F:clloqa Hor+eseceJ 7ra:t to ehe Horeherly lina ot c.e lar.d deserlbc~ in cTe Oac~ eo ::ieloles J. Scenlj nnd K vltr iaeorwu Auguse o. :~u5 in Wok 7022 pag.e 1J OiLUial aeeordas W thonee lieft SS0.9~ foet elonq tho NorN linv o[ aaid land Co Stul~ly in • Eo tho North~~st rnrner [hereot7 tlianco South 2<0.00 fce[ long the , a Nea[ !!na of said lend to Seehly to e poin[ ~oren 10.00 foct froa _ ' ~a ~ Che South line oi Ua ~ereinl~e:o[e ne~tloned 1t.~6 acre p~rccl of I ~~ ~endJ Lhenca llost 780.66 faet parell~l vleh aaid 5oueh linn to Ua ~ poinz oL beginning. r- I , a dapth ot SOD,OOa[a tineasured~vcrtleally~[rom Che ~urface~ofbeeld l~nd but vLthcut any tlqhe of eurfaca cn[ry Co teke or recuver sueh ¢; oil~ gas~ ninecal oc hydroearcon sub~tanecs, ea zeserved hy Yatiea o C. Viorra, s vidw !n Deud cecorucd :lovenber 17, 19T0 in book 9a59 Q paa~ ~+~, OSticlal Rccorda. V ~ ~.~.~_: ' `~ ~ ~~ a~-r ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~) ~ .. .. , 2131415 ~ \ ~. _ . o,~~\ • j~ rj~~ ~ . p^ ~~9 ~4 JUN 1972 N ~ ~ ; ' z RECEIYEO N n c~ xoniNC w ~,~'s ' • ~'~ araisiora w i . . ~ VARIAI~CE N0. ~. ~ S ~ ~ . . ..,,~-~<~ ..~K~„~ t ~~~, .-. ._*.~- ~- ~~-_C~l-..,.;r_ _. __ . , . ~'~~"'. _r.~~_. . ~ ~;: ~ ~t I; ; . , • ~ ~ R. That the requested variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial pro~erty right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the properc~ in que~tion. 9. That the requested variance aill be materially detrimental to *_he public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in auch vicinity and zone in which the property is located. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Plenning Commiesion does hereby deny subject Petition for Varience on the besis of the aforementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this J~th day of~igust, 1972. ANAHEIM CITY ATTEST: ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ' CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ant}~~b~r Secretery of the City Plenning Commission of the City of. Anahelm, do hereby cedify that the foce- going resolution was pessed and adopted at e meeting of the City Planning Commisaion of the City oE Aneheim, held on August 7, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of tha members theceof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER, HERBST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO. AIISENT: COU7MISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hend this 17th day o£ Auguat, 1972. ~i~~/~ ~~~i~'CXi~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANATING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. PC72-176 V2-D -2-