PC 72-179~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC72-179 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT:° PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. •~-?~5 SE GRAI~TED WHEREAS, the City Flanning Commission ot the City oE Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Pecnitfrom FLORIENE SANDERSFELD, 525 North Gilbert Street, Space 150, Anaheim, California 92801, Owner; PETER S. GIOVANNONI, 1784 Weal Alomar Avenue, Anaheim, California 92804, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaha m, County of Orange, State of Caiifor- nia, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e Fublic henring at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on August '7, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice cf said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in eccordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel code, Chepter 18.64, to heer and considec evidence for and agnir.st seid proposed conditional use end to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissian, after due inspect~on, investigetion, end study mede by itself and in its behalf, and aEter due consideretion of ell evidence end reports c(fered at said hearing, does flnd end detertnine the following facts: 1, Thet the proposed usc is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by Code~ SECTION 18.64.C20(2_c~ - Establieh a 58-unit motel SECTION 18.40,060(g) - Eetablish_a cocktail loui~ge in coniunction wfth a restaurent 2, Thet the proposed use will not edvc:sely effect. the edjoining land uses and the grawth and development uf the area in w;~ich it is proposed to be located. 3. Thet the size and shape of the site p:oposed tor the use is edequete to ellow the [all development oE the proposed use in a manner not detrimentel to the particuler erea nur to the peece, health~ safety, and general welfere of the Citixens of the City oE Aneheim. 4. Thet the granting of the Con•ditionel Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if nny, will not be detrimentel to the prece, health, safety, end general weffare oE the Citizens of the City of Aneheim. 5. That two persone appeared in opposition to the development as origina:ly proposed. Cl-G - i- ~ -.. ~.°qr~~~,,,. • SECU~ITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY nccuniTV `iL1T1ti3 nTl3 .._.__!_ •ir~a OIlicc----.__:..- ---- ---•-'- ' 'E'-4~ ~ tt f~ SUI~I'LE1lI ENTAi. ItEPOIt'I' • ~ir. I'eter Ciovonni • Lr~~ 4'TCtit /~~.OIf11T` • Analielm, California 92000 Auc~~cion: t•lr. Giovonni ~:1i ~ _F ~?~~~ ,~ Sandersfeld Your No. 3?8c1~1-.13 Our No. j~~ezYa-DOP Ccnllemcn: Supplonuniiuq our originnl rcport dalcd Januar~l~~~2Z2 , wc wish to rcport lhc following muqcrs: Dutcd aa oE Januarv 11 19?? at 7:30 A.M. Dur~iel U. Pe~ueros ~ Tillc Officr.r 'Pible to ua1Q c:,tnte or int~re~t at the dt~te hereof ie~ veated in: 3~'J~OIiILi~G SAldDJ'sRSI~LLD, u widow. ~p ('~-i 0 tiJ ~ o The ~asi; 431 feet oP that porLion of Lhe south half of the Northea:,t quarter af the Southeasf: qua„ter of Section 18, Totivn~hip 4 South~ Range 10 l~le:,t, :in Lhe Rancho Lo~ Coyotes, as shovrn on a map thereof recorded in book 51, p~~e 10, idi3ce].laneous t4ap~, records of sa1Q Oran~;e Coiinty, described as rollows: Deginn~.ng a~; the Northeast corner of said South r,airy and runnin~ thence 1~~esL-erly along the Noi~th line of said Soubi~ half, 1~20.31 £eet•, more or less, to t'r,e 1~7est- ].ine o£ ~aid South half; thence Southerly a1on~; said ~9e:3L- 11ne, 206.59 feet, more or less, i,o the t;ortn line of Tract No. 2295,. as sho•r:n on a map thereof recorded in book 62, pa~~~s 7 and 8, hiiscellaneous Piap3, record3 of 3aid OranUe Coun~y; thence ~asL-erly along said ;lorth 11ne And the ]'sasterly extenslo~i thereoi', 1320,31 feet, more of leas, to th~~ EasL line of said Souta ha1f; tnence tdortnerly, along said Ea3t line, 20G.59 feet, more or less to the poinL- of bebin- ning. ~xceptln~ thcrefrom the NorY,h 100.00 feet o~ the Easb 260,00 feet oi' said land. ~~2U2ir~~3~ .1,,~ lt~ °'r.o ~' JuN ~s~z N .. COI~D. L1SE ~'E(t~,~l'f i~0. /~.2 ~ ~ t~• ::F;v~:~~ N _. ,...... _ ~. ~ • • ~ 4~02TION ~o The North 100,00 I'eet oi' the T'ast 260,00 feet of that portior. of the south half o:' the Northea~t quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 4 Souch, Ran~e 10 4lesic, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, a3 shotivn on a map thereof recorded in boolc 51, page 10, Miscellaneous Maps~ records of Sald Oi~ange County, described as foJ_lowa: Bef;inning at the ldortheast corner of :za1d South ha1P, and runninCS thence Westerly alon~ the North line oi' caid SouLh half, 1320.31 feet, moxe or less, to tlie l4est line of said South half; ther~ce Southerly alung said ti~Jest line, ?_06.59 feet, more or less, to t•he NorL-h line of' Tr~act No. 2295, a~ shovrn on a map tt~ereof reeorded in book 62, paGes 7 and 8, Diiacellaneous Afaps, r~ecords of said Oran~;e County; thence Easterly alonb said Narth li.ne a,~d the ~asterly e~:L-ensian thereof, 1320.3.1 feet, more or lecs, to the East line of said South half; Lhenee Northerly, a'long said East line, 206.59 reet, more or lesa to ttie polnt of be~innin~. C01!U. USE P~riF:91T t~0._/~~~ti~ ,,- ~ ~. JIJ-1 1911. c:r~:•s-~: ~,~ •SG:?kN6 piViS101i 3sv . • ~ NOVI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Pleaning Commission does hereby grent subject Petition for Conditionel Use Permit, upon the Eollowing conditSona ahich ere hereby found to b~ a neeeseary pcerequisite to tht proposed use oE the subject ,roperty in order to presecve the sefety end generel aelfece of the Ci4izens o! the City of Anaheim: (1) That this conditionel use permit is granted subject to the completion of Reclaesi- fication No. 72-73-6, now pending. (2) That subject rroperty shall be developed eubstantially in accordance with plans and spacifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhib•Lt Nos. 1, and 2, 3, 4, 5, Revision Nos. 1. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed und eppmved by me this 1~ day of A~t, 1972. ANAHEIM CITY ATTEST: / SECRETARY ANAHE C1TY PLA.yNiNG COMMISS[ON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ~RANGE ) se. C1TY OF ANANEIM 1 L, Ann Krebs, Secretery of tF~e City Plenning Commisnion of tha City of Aneheim, do hereby certlty thet thc toregoing resolution wes pessed end edopted et e meetlng of the City Plenntng Commission of the City of Aneheim, held on puguet 7, 1972, et 2:00 o'clodc P.M., Fry the following vote oE the members therxof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARAyO, GAUER, iiERBST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOL~R, NOES: COMMiSS(O;iERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMM[SS(ONERS: NONF.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hs+nd this 17th day of Auguet, 1972. ~!~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO.FC72-179 C~G ' 2'