PC 72-180~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC72-180 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF i329CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PEt2MIT N0. BE GkANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permitfrcc w1LTUWER PROPERTIES, 1010 Wilshire Boulevard, Lus Angeles, California 90017, Owner; SHELL OIL COMPANY,,Poat Office Box 4090, Anaheim, California 92$03, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County af Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and ~VHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on August 7, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public heating having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the pcovisions of the Anaheim Municipal code, Chaptet 18.64, to hear end consider evidence for and agair.st said proposed conditional use and to investigate end make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and N'HEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its behelf, and etter due cansideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does Eind and detecmine the Eollowing facts: 1. Thet the proposed use is properly one for which e Conditionel Use Pecmit is authorized by Code SECTION 18.64.020(2) - Re-establiah a carwash. SECTION 18.40,060(c) - Re-establish an automobile service station within 75 feet of an R-1 Zone. as approved, 2, That the proposed usa~will not adt•ersely affect.the a~joining land uses and the giowth and develapment of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. Thet the size sand shape of the site proposed Eor the use is adequate to ellow the full development oE the ptoposed ~se in a manner not detrimenta! to the particular area nor to the pear_e, health, safety, and gcneral welfere of the Citizens ofthe City of Anaheim. 4. Thet the granting of the Conditional Use Pemiit under the conditions imposed, if any, witl not be detrimental to the peece, health, saf~ty, and general welfere of the Citizens of the City oE Anaheim. 5. That the petitioner stipulated to providing additional sound deadening equipment or devices for the dryer blower to further attenuate no•lses that would affect the singl~ family residences to the west. 6. That the petitioner stipulated that the hourtt of operation for the carwash would be frort~ 8:00 a.m, to 8:00 p.m, and if the decibel reading exceeded the level acceptable to the residents in the area, Chen the carwash would close at 6:30 p.m.; and that che hours of operation of the service station would be 7:00 a.m, to 10:00 p.m. C 1-G ' 1 ~ :o +~~ en ~1.1of ~ . ~~ ~ . 1 ~:lti , . • 11. ~.~ , Title Insura~.ce ~Lnd i~-lzuu ~Ca;.~~rar.~y • ORAI~GE COUNTY OFFICF_ J~ II00 NORTH MAIf4 STREET S^":'f". AIJA, CALIFORDJIA 9'1.702 . TGI_°PHONG t72A) ~47.~3~3 . ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~y IniPOlt~r~~r r ~ , ~~ 1~nc~n npl~•iuo rcfcr to • SiIELL OIL COl~iP;;i•!Y ~~~ Qur\'o. iUU5:31i P.p. GLri 4J~G ~ 113o i:. of:CO~::iUf:Si. ,~` ' yonrA'o. JU~ i;UU3 Aivkili:li~i~ C~'.LIF~I:ieIA ~j . ATTri : I~il ~:c ~ ~ ld~UN ~9Jz ~ ~ .zo~lv~D Tide [o said cscacc or inrcresc nt clie duc hcrcof is ~•rs;cd in: NG ~ mIV S~qM , . ~~ s ~ 1'lILTOIt:i? P::OPf~~RTIL'5, Ii~iC.~ ii DL•L,q:lr1RF CCi:i'02;~TIOtd. e~`~Sti£2~~ In responsc ro chc alk~vc rc(crcnccd npplica[ion for a polity of cidc insurar..c, Tide Insuraiuc and Trusc Company hcrcUy~ rel.ores thar ir is p:epamd ro issuc, o: causc io bc issucd, as of thc datc I~ercof, a Cali(ornia LZnd'1'idc Associacion Scandard Co~~cragc ionn Y~ilicy of 'A'idr Insur.u~cc dcscribing clir land and thc cs:~tc or inccresc thcrcin Imtcinaftcr sct furth, insuring againsc loss tichich map bc suscaincd by rcason of any dcfac, licn or encumbrancc no: sho~~~n or rcicrrcd to as nn Iaccptian bclo~v or noc cxdudcd from co~~cragc pursuant ro thc pcinccd Schcdules, Cor.dicions aod Scipulacions of said p~licy form. , , Tl~is teport (and any sur~lemencs or amendments thereto) is `.ssued solelp for :he purpos: of faciliracing che issuance of a rolir~ of cidc insurancc ard no liabilic}' is assumcd hrrcby. If it is dcsircd ~hat liaoiliiy bc ~c~umcJ prior ro ihr issuance of a policy of tidc insunn;e, a 13indcr or Commirment should bc rcqu4sicd!,,: . M Datcclasof (•iAY 2 19 72,at7:30ari ~iu~L/..~''~~`"~'/~^~~~ ~~~ - , iI~1~1Ri: Li+SS,IT~i ~ IJR. ~ ~fidcO~Ticcr / / ~ nQ,9?~~ The estatc or intcrest in thc land hercinafccr described or rcfcrrcd to covcrcd by this l~cport i4.:i-.`-.c. ,~ 1. TAX[?.ri TG FULLt~il. Ae tlie daze hereof excepeions to coecrage in addition [o the prineed excepcions and cxclusiuns concained ir. said policy {orm ~~~ould b~ as fa11o~~'s: , ---~ COND. USF PERM17 NO.,~/~ ~ Aid EAS~hiclJT i=0~2 RU:?.DS~ RAILROAi)S ;-~f~lii U1'iCH~S /~S RcSCF:Vt~U I~•: /b~ Ih1~TRUi•1L-'i:T F:rC;`F:i;:::'J' li1 uCiU+: u% {'Ac7E 1`1t1~ iiGC.l):i~ U`!'c!L 'fiit: EA51 3J F~G'f JF Pi+f•:CcL i. ~~ 3. CUVi_~:ltiFd'I":i~ Cq~;DI7tUi::; i'~I•iU i:i_".il'1t1C71Ul5~ ;;U'I' li_.Lti'fIi•;G Iti:S'I'~!1C'I'ii)i;~~ ~iP /',nl'~ ~::15LD ~i~: I:"'~C~c~ Ci:l_;;f;~ I:i_L1GICii ~,~;: ''::l'f!(i~iP~l_ l~'r'.Ji:I!4. i~.5 Sr'f 1 ~._IIi~I:.~l'J~..:~ •r\1'I':.CIJI'.i ~~,.1.I:~..l.:. .~~ I_i\C.\.1J~:=~i f-J~:~~i il`~ .. ~J~.C~..'\+r~~ :h~ li~' I: . .~v li~:. G7.`1:~._~..i\~~^r':i~Y.:~: 1.U.'..i\ Lli•:.T::~ 1'lll.'~I~i~..l_.:'!11'~ I~.i'(.+;~:~:~_'v' ~ ~v s~~i;. :~::i:; I'.•,~~_ >~~ ~~? .rri':C1;.!. !' .,'fI:':f %~=i,r:~4'•.K'f lU~ i~.i~5 l:i. i - .~.:i.t.ii:D~, ' . I'~;~::'!I?i_~ :tiif?.:i: i1T~l:i(: ~i:i~ii:::~~ i:irtl ~. ViJL_,i~lri~e ~~;!~_b:,:.(.;;' Sr1:1l.L ~~13f Iil:{'~.:1i ~ii' I:,..:I:~..I: li::~/'~L.I) T'~~_ l.l._~! i'i= ,,,~1' i•:!;,.~G~,~(;i: lil: u:.._i1 QI° . ~I~iZil:i ( I•~~ll:it J.. (~IiGI? i%~ I Tc i~ii'iii i~Jlt V:'.I.U:. . ' ,, . . ~ ~ Ard A~S1G~:!•1G~vl cXECU7L'D .bY i~IL'fU':+[I; I'::OPe~T1c5~ li:;:.~ ,~ Ut~Ll~h!l~f~E Ci)RPUf:ATIi)i. Ti~ ~Ai•:l:l•:l:S TfcUS7 CGi•lf.'~iil'~ 1~ CURPi)R,'~TI•Ji:~ Uf= :~Ll_ THC•Ih I:1CliT~ TITL~ /i~dU Iiv'I'LRLS'f i~ti L'cS~OR Ur.i~~ci: S:-;ID Lc,1SL-: :;GRt?E- I•1Ei41" G~T::D :{:i UF t1UVt:1ui=~: lii~ 1`1uU TOvc'f~itR '~:I"1'il :?LL RE~If5~ I55Ui:S~ AidU PRUfI i5, E"fC., ACCi.U1ivG FiLJIi 5F~lf~ LArii~, :~.5 ~~D~?1TI0?:r~L SLCUfZITY PUi; TiIE P;~l'I~l'_i:'I' Ui= Til~ IW~ci;'i~li~:r'S5 Sf_CUf:ei) tSY Tii~ I~J- DcPJTUR.'-.' OF f~i0~2TGACG AilD U:'_EU UF TI:U>T l'J'ti1Ci'I ASSIGi;i9~id7 i'IAS RL'CUI:D'L'D t~ov~r~str. 29~ 1~~GU IfJ G001: 5521i f'AGL 5~ED~ OPFICI.~L i:i:CG°C;. DESCRIPTTb~J • ~ P~RCEL 1: • ._.__ .. . . ThtA7 PURTIUIJ OF LOT li OF P.IJ/1hic1l~ L•'>:T!:i•ISIOrJ, IF: T~1E CI'iY GF kP1AHtI1•1~ COUid7Y UF U;:Ah:Gt~ ~Ts~,T~ JF C/1L1FO~:idlt;~ AS ~NO::i~ i;iv A t•IAP i4~\DE ~'( 4J1LLIi\Id ~1.411E.L, FIL~D Iid 1'~~IE t)FFJCL pF TIIL COUilTY G:L•CO^UL'R OF LOS ANG~LcS COUidTY~ CALi~U;;iiI;•.~ U~S~RiL'cU AS FOLLOl~S: - F3E6It41•lI~:G E1T THL' (vORTi;tdFST CURfdc;: OF LU7 95 JF TRAGT NU. 1565, AS StiG1•1i~i Ui•1• ~ h'u~P RECORUcD I~~ u001': ~t9 P/;Gk.°i 2U '10 2t1 7i~lCLUSI\~~ GF fdISCtLLAP~LUU5 t•lAf'S~ k'tCOkUS OF URAlvG~ COUi~I'Y~ C~~LI~URi•!l.i~ THci~ICL tJORTti 1>° 1G' U4" i'lEST 175.G0 Fi:~T TU TIiL SOU'f1I~iLST CU;'.ilcR GF LOT 94 UF SAID "I'R(+~CT I~IU. 1j~5; 1'Hci~lCE hdOR7i•I %4° 29' 4U" t:6~ST 225.U0 rcE7 E1LO~~G Ti•i[ SOUTiiE•RL'f LIP:C UF SA1D LOT 94 Atvi~ I'(S ' EAST~RI_Y PRU~U~1G~~i IO~v i0 T~i~ C~I•~I'icR LTi•i~: OF PLACi:ivl"1/i AV~IdUIc~ AS Si10i+W Ohi SAID fAiaY QF 'f,^.AC"f i'd0. 156;~ TF1EI~;CE SUUIri U° 10' 55" t•JEST 131.77 FEi?T i~.LcJr:G Sl;TD CL-(JTcR LItdL' 'f0 T~IE EA5T~F,LY PPOLUtvG,4T1Uri UF THG h:UR'fhIERLY LIhI~ Ur S/1ID LC;'f '95; iriEi~:CC• SOUTH /tFo 29 ~ t}~~~ 4;rST 17G.5o FtE~'f 'fU 1'HE POIfd7 OF bGGII~1NIiyG. • • ~,~.~g2021222u PARCEL 2: ' ti~ 'ig /~ LOl' 94 OF TFtACT N0. 1565, IW TiiG CITY UF /1~•!/,rlFiIl~1, COUP;'fY t?F r^ f~~'CF 19~2 "vRAidGc, ~7ATE UF CAL.IFUP,IvI/~~ 1\S PIcR I•i;~P RECU~:[i~U Ii•: LOUk 4~ ~ ?~n,~4'~-p PAGLS 20 TU `L4 Ii':CLUSIVc Oi= 1•SISCL'LLi~~~~~US r~~n~s~ IW 'fHF G~F1C-~Uf~~rrs~oM THE CUUiJ'fY R'r_CURD~F: ~:1F S~~IU COU:'~i7Y. a' 8~9SbEZ~.~~ [XC~I'TIh1G THFFcFRUP4 ALL UIl_~ :~A5 AIVD Uii~if:R i'iY~ROC/\f:C3C~i•1 SUI35'fAi~CrS''~ f3l=LOl,' iriL DGP'I'ii GF 51~0 FL~T i=RUhl 'I'~I'~ :iU~FACE: UF ~E:IL LUT ~4 AS QUI7CLF1Ti•f~D TO t'RL"U C. PIEPL'i~i}p,i;:;;; /~,Sp t:GITH U. Pf~Pc'rdt~;;fidK~ FfUtitiAt~D Ai~U 1•;IFt~ A~ JUI~d"i Ti=i'i:aI~ITS~ i;Y GCcU RtCORDt~D AP~IL 21~ 195~ IN t3UUi: 2~f~u PAG~ ~lQ UF UFF1C1l1L i:: CURUS. ALL RIGI•I7 UF tWTRY UivDL-'R 'fhlt: 5Uf:FACc OF S:ID I_QT `.I~t Ti: A DGP7ii OF' 5ii0 FcET tlAS hi'~ftG~U Ii•I SI(illAl_ U1L P~i~U GAS COY~P,4~dY i:Y hi~Si:'r' CUidVL'Y(tii:C~S OP I:tCUF:G'. GONn ~!~~ ~~RMi'f NO.~ . , ~ ~ 7, That the petitioner stipulated that all signing would conform with existing Sign Ordinance requirements. 8, That one person appeared, representi:~g .~eventeen persons present at the first publi.c heariag and six persons present at the second public hearing, in oppositior; and s petition aigne3 by twenty-two persons was received at the first public hearing in opposition - esid oppasiti.on being withdrawn at the second public hearing after the petitioner had iaet with the property ownars to resolve problems which were reflected in the revised plans ai~d stipulations made by the petitioner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEll Chat the Anaheim City Plannix~g Conmission does hereby grant subject Pat~ition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject pi:operty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Aaaheim: (1) That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a:ttrip of land 53 feet in width from the c:enteriine of the street along Lincoln Avenue and a strip of land 53 feet in width from the centerline of the street along State College Boulevard for street widen- ing purposes. (2) That the owners of subject property ahall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15 cents per. front foot along Lincoln Avenue and State College Boulevard for tree planting purposes. (3) That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. (4) That a11 mechanical equipment shall be properly shielded Lrom view. •(5) That any parking area lighting proposed shall be down-lighting of a maximum height of eight feet, which lighting shall be direc~ed away from the property lines to protect the resi- dential integrity of the area. (6) That subject.property shall be served by underground utilities. (7) That the final par:cing plan shall be approved by the Development Services Department, and any landscaped areas in the parking area shall be protected with six-inch high concrete curbs and concrete wheel stups shall be provided for parking spaces as required by the Develop- ment Services Departments (8) That all oigning shall be in conformaitce with Sign Ordinance requirements for sub~ect property's zoning, as stipulated by the petitioner. (9) That Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above mentioned, ahali be compliad with prior to the commencement of the activity actnorized under this resolution or prior to the time that the building permit is issued or within a period of 180 d»ys, whiche~er occurs first or such fur- ther time as the Planning Cormnission may grant. (10) That Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and S, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to fi.nal building and zoning inspections. (11) That the hours of ~~peration of the carwash shall be limited from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. provided, however, that if the decibel reading exceeds the level~acceptable to the residente in the area, the closing hour shall be 6:30 p.m.; that the hours oP operation of the service station shall be from 7t00 a.m. to 10:Q0 p.m., as stipulated to by the petitioner; and that said opera- tions shall be reviewed at the end of one year to determine whetber there are any detr?.mental effects to adjacent residential usea and to deternine if the hours of operation ehall be amended. (12) That subject pr.operty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, Revision r?o. 1, and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 provided, however, that additional sound deadening equipment or devices sholl 'be attached to the dryer blower, as stipulated to by the petitioner. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ie signed and approved by me this 17th day of Auguat, 1972. ('ri~~ :.I ned John F. ey our, ~~.; C ANAHEIM CITY P CO ION RESOLUTION N0. PC7~-180 'Z" . r • " . ~ ATTEST: L%~/r~""~ SECRETARY ANAH.°, CITY PLANNING COi~ASISSION STATF OF CALIFORN7A ) COUNTY OF ORP.NGE ) $g• CITY QF ANAHEIM ) ~ ~ I, Anr. Krebs, Ser,retary of the City PZanning Co~iasion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certi£y that the foregoing resolution was pasced and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commiasion of the City of Anaheim, held on Auguse 7, 1972, at 2:00 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CODIIIISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, IIERBST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITIdESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand this 17th day of Auguet, 1972. ~~~ SECRETARY ANAHE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. PC72-180 -3'