PC 72-216~ ~, ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC72-216 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMhiISSION OF 1'HE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. ~429 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Verience from KEITH NOSACK, 1830 South Weat Street, Anaheim, Californi.a 92802; W. L, HOHENSEE, 522 West Vermont Avenue, Anaheim, California 92805, Owners; RAY CHERMAK, Sandman Motels, Incorporated, 2082 Busi.ness Center Drive, Suite 223, Irvine, California 92664t Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californie, as deacribed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public headng et the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on AuBust 21, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing heving been duly given es cequired by lew and in eccordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.68,to hear end consider evidence for end ugeinst seid proposed verience end to investigate end meke findings end recommendations in conn~c- tion therewith; end WHEREAS, said Commissinn, efter due insper.tion, invesiigetlon, nnd study mede by itself and in its behelE, and after due consideretion of nll evidence und reports offered at seid hearing, does Eind end dc2ermine the following fects: 1. Thet the petitioner reauests variances from Che Anaheim Municipel Code as followa: (s) SECTION 18.37.030(b-2) - Required buildinK setback from a single-familv residen- tiel zone. (48 feet required; 5 and 10 feet propased) (b) SECTION 18.37.030(h) - Required 6-foot solid masonrY zone boundarv wall: (6-foot wooden fence exiating) (c) SECTION 18.37.Q40(b-4) - Location of free-standint~ eiAn. (Central 20% of property or no closer than 71.6 feet on the southerly property line required; 33 feet to the property line proposed. 2, That the petitioner proposes the development of a 75-unit two-story motel with mana- ger~s suite in addition to a 4000-equare fooC restaurant on subject prcperty. 3. That Waivere 1-a and l-b,'above mentioned, are hereby granted on the basis that the re- quPats would not be detrimental to the existing adjacent land uses. 4. That Waiver 1-c, above mentioned, ia hereby granted on the basis that the sign would ba in the central 20% of the newly created parcel as a result of the required parcel map. 5. Thet thEre are exceptional or extroordinary circumstences or conditionn epplicable tu the property involved or to the intended use of t}ie property thet da not apply generelly to the property or clesc oE use in the seme vlcinity and zone. 6• That the requested varience is necess9ry Eor the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the seme vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 7•'Chat the requested verience will not be meterielly detrimental to the public welEere or injurious to the prop- eKy or improvements in such vicinity ond zone in which the property is loceted. V1-G '1' ~~~~ ~ ' , ~ E~~IB~~' «A„ ,t:~~~~:~-i'~.i: ,~ r-::;. 3(1G7~E0 'I'hr ~~,•urw~r, irfrurd ~~~ ~~n ~6r L~rv p:i,~r :u~•: ~I'huL ^~rnidiu^ I~~ ~hr I:~nnp:m~~~ pi~q~ril)' t~•rnid. irlali~r ~o Ihr L~dln~~iup~ ~1~•~r~~in•J t~•al prup• ~•~1~ iLu~ }~i~L~~u~ ~•~:~min:di~m of Ihn.r I:owp:iu} ir~ni~I, waiidxi~ ~r~l ^~d iudr~r~l bs uauur~: See zttnched :~CIIEDULL II :1. 'I'lir ia•~ irrn~drd in.lnnnrul purpurtiuF In Irw.G•r litl~• lu ~~iiJ rr~d ~,t'nprr:y i.t ree att~cr~ca ;~CE(P:l)UI.~; c I:. 'I'6r~r :n~• un murlf~;~~!'<ur d~~d. uf u'u>I ~~6i~•h purpotl I~~ allr~I -aid r~vd proprrly. ulhrr . Iluw ~liu•r ,lu~~w brb~~~ uwlrr li~roplinn.. -- ti JUL 1972 w~ `~ RECEIYE7 u~, N ~ ZONINQ ~ ~ DWISION 'Q~~I \~~ ;~uar.inlrr i~ madr ir;•:ndiu~~ ;m~ liou., ~•laim• ~~f liru. drfrrl. ur ru~iuiJre;m~~•, ullirr Ilinn tl~n.~• ,~~~~~ilir:~llc piu~idr~l f~n nl~u~~•. :md. il iuLnmalinu ~~a, ~rqr.r.lr~l L~' rrfr~rnrr I~~ ~i .livrl addio.., uu ;uanudrr i~ mndr Ilinl •ni~l i~•.d p~~~~~ri~~' i, ~h~• •:uur ^. •:~id nd~li~"•. , pm'r;iir~~~L~O•: l~t~t.~~ nt' R~~<,ordi.n~r }~Ic-I'~*~~ ~'t: ilr.,c._ lsenr.fici.nry ~,1'r.7,'iUr~,nci ~,~-~~~~~~~~~ t~~)7~'/~~:~1 ~c .L~)t{•;~f 1;,,~T~r~ ;c i~, Ntchol, ar,d t~..~r~mreC r~;.~:noi.:;~~.hu:;lr~ri~i nnd wi.t'~,, ~~ ,~c'.inlc Lhu~,btnd 1nd wlfe, and Keith 'Cru:~i:~,r: K~~1 Ch tfon~u:i; ;~nd ;;h.lrl~,y , . No:s; , ;;tr:nl~: uricl J~a.l..iri 14. ;~tr.i~:lc, liu:~l~;utd rtncl ~ai.l'c~. q~r-u::Cen; Crnvr~T• I{:;r.r~,w L'c~t•{~~r•riL•loii, ri Cul.ll'c~ruln corporzti.on.-- Cov~:rinl'. I';i.r~'c.1 1 and c+L•hc~r .l.nnd. ;~c~,`,c~~,c~n G/Lt,/'l~~ ~)?lh/fi^!i Fc 'f~(`..~~ Ar~nheim :~~vin~{~ and I.oan q:~: ~,r,1;1L.i.c,n, ~. r.c,r~~uY'it'ic~ii. 'L'r~t.^.I.c~r: Wl..l.liwn i,. llnh~~n:s~.~., .]r~ nn~l 1'au1••~•nr Ilohen:;c~e, hu~bnnd and wife. 'i'rns:L~~r,: f~-l1-Y .Cnc., r~ Cri.Llfornin L'ltt'~)UTaL'ion. Cuv~i 1.n~; ('nrc~~.l.:. ;! ti~id j nnd oLh~:r land. •.--......_... I~~I L'n~H, ~.1 \I;~'.'lll - ~ ~ ~\~~u~~ ~~d~~ I~~~m \u I: 1:' ~ 1~1ti ,~ ; ~ ".. ~ VARIAN,CE-NO..~'~.~ - - - ~ _ .. ~ ___----_~ ..._ _- uClli:l~ur,r ls 1`AItCl~~1, i: 'Phni; E~ort:ic~n of T.ot ^l3 0l' P.r:ihi:.im i~,xten~iort, in the CiLV nl' n~u~y,<~a.~n, ~~~unf;y c~f Ur:in~;i:, ;;I:aL~~ ul'~a,LiCurnl.a, a:, ~huwn ori amnp ~~f' :urv~:,y m,id~~ iiv Wi 1.1:L•im ll:~!muc.l und T.Llc~d i-~ thc office ol' tlir C<~u~iCy It~•cord~:r c~!' Lo:; Anr,~~.Le , CuunCy, Cti1i1'ornl.i a copy aC wlii ~ti .L: ~~: hnatn .L~~ Loal: 3, I'~~I','' ~•~~-'~~unt;r~~ lnclu Ic lewitthin th~'eles Cow~t,y D1~~[~r. , rr.c~orci~ c~l' .^,1i.d Oranr;~ y, Yollo~riii~ dc:;cr.lbed 1inc~: I3e~innin~; at the 1~~ter ,ect3cm of thc CCllf:r.T 1Lne of Vermont Street, 1'ormerly I3ronQ : trci~L, ~•~1th the cri~t:r.r linc cf i[lrbor Iloulevard, f'ormorly l':~ Z.m ^trcet, a:; :}~rwn oii :~ m:~.P !'lled i.n book 2b, pn~c 3G of Recorcl ~C ;~urve'yc, in 1:he ~ffir.c; ~~l' thr.. Cc~inty Itecorder of ~aid Oran(;c Cc~unl;,y; Lhcii~~~~ :;ont;ti 1!i° ~Ili~ ~)~)" I:~~C .lti:;.00, feet alonp,8~ai~d~~~ c~:nL•er ]:inr~ b~~ t:h~~ l:raa p~:Lnt oi' b~~r;l.«n:Cnr;; thence ,outh 15 is;~.at 17`).Uu Cr:eL; thr~ncc : outh '7!~" ~''T' _',0~' Wrrt ?.7'•2!i feet ~ur111e1 w1L'ti :;~.id cent:cr 7..inr: ~C(Vcrmon~ o:;tr~ctt)~~th`n~rtnt~Lhc lotith8a.~00" L;ts~ $O.UU ~'r~r.C, t:lirncc+ ,,outh 71 ~_( .. c~rner c~C Llu~ luncl J~:'cr:tbr_d in the de~:d to 41.llli~~m L.~ [iohensee, et i~l., recnr~i~~i ~Ju.l,y~ 5, 1~~11E~ in book J.4:l~4, l~nl'.e ?I~.^., Official It~cordn; t,hr:tic~: IJ~~rtli 15` .jl~ ^5° ld~;t 3?".:.L.,UU ['~~r.:t t~.lon(; thc: Eu~t .Lin~~ c~P r,;i i.d I;irnl; I.l~r~n~~c N~rth 7!l° 2'(' •;U" lir~: t~.y~~ i'cet to u poJr~t :'~~aCh 7!{" ~,f' :i;~", Wc:ct 2£~~1.7'~ 1'c:rt 1'rc~m :;~ id centeT linc of il:irbor )lr,ul~:v;~rci; t.hence NorLh lj" 4f;~ UU' I~~.rt jfi feet; thence Nurth 'jh° ~(' :i~~'~ 1s cY, 2£~~I.'T5 fcet to tlie true i~~.ln!~ uf' Ueginnin~. PARCI:r~ %• '1'hnt [~nrti~n of T,ot 'a uf A-i~hr:] :~ Lxl:r:nsion, i.n the L'ity of ~lnahc:i.m, Cnnnl:y oC Or~iiKc, ~t;~~c of C;il.iforn:Ln, .i^ chown or: u M1p c,f' ;tiurvc,y mad~~ by W111.i.;.m lfnir~~:l ..~nd .I'ilc:d .Ln thr~ officc of thc Count:y iir.,r,Urd~r ~f tion Anr;~lca CrnuiC,y, Cnlifurni.n, ~, co~~,y of wh:Lch - ie; ..hown in b~~ok~3, P:1~~~ LE~3 et "`'~~•' a~Lcr:ibedt'ar.yi'ollowes County M~ps", recorcia o~ ::ai.d Orur~(,e Counl;y, . The :;out;lier],y orie-half ~f Lhe 1~;n~l:erly 1 acre of the Wecterl.y 5 aeres 01 thc follovrin~ dc:,cr:fbi~d ltind: - Beg:Lnnin~ n,Y. 1:he N~rLhr•~r~.^rl,y c~m~~r ~~C ~rstd T.?L' 2~; thence Westerly, s~lonr t:h~~ Mnrtih~:r].,y 1.Inr ~f ;;,i:i.~i .lc~L, 'r!.~1;.~0 fr.ct; tc, u ~?oint 37~.'T`~ fer.t; l~;~ct:r,r.l.,y ~~(' t.hr. (4~~rLti~•rr.;tm•]~ cr,r~~c:r ci :;1Ld Lot 2t3; thence :toul,hr.r:Ly, N;~rn.Ll~~l L•c~ Y.tic L•l~~r~tr;t•1;) L.i.nc: ~I' ~tild I~^t, l~4'? "mc:t; thencc ~rirUcrl,y, p;+ratl..lel. tc~ i;h~~ Nort,l~~:rl,y !.Ine c~C wnid 1At, 7~3b.~C; ;:ect tc~ t~ ~~~i.nt nr~ llr ci~lllit?r,f~~~;C~t'ur Chc.,,(suint of b}e[;i.~.nlnorthcr]y alon~ ~a.ld L:i^~Lc:rl,y rn~,~ ;u;r~~ tt~at ,ortion occupic~ ty EXCJ:PTING l~itOh1 ual:L~{ I~:r~~t:erl,y k ._.... VermonL Avrnuc, I'o-•mcr.l,y ]~ruzd :tti•~c~%. 2526p7?Ra9'~ n (contlnucu ) ti'~~' ~''~~ ' ~'~ ,... n~ ~U~ 197~ ~ N a~cr•i~ve~ A R~ YoNinp ~n '' ~ c~ ~ DiViS~UN v 11ARIANCE IdO. ~ `~---' ```9~ ~~6~ s~~~c~z~~~~, ~ . '. ~ ]'n~e ^ ~chc~dulc lti f'11ftCfsl~ "i: 9'h11: p~rt::iun uC Lot ?£i oC An:~h~~.im f~:xtnn:..Lon, :In tiic _ l::f.L~~ c~l.' An~~heim, C~~~~nl.~ ~~t' ~t•:in~tc. :1Y,11:~~ c,C C:il.fCnriiit~, :ti, ::kioatn on a mai, c>f' :,urvey ~n:~clr, l,y !•1ill.l:un li~un~..i. :ir.+d 1'.U.c~1 .In the ol'i'ir,e af Lhr Cc,u~~t:,y ltccor~lcr !•I' L~c>:: Ai~;•,r.Jr.: Cc,unCy, Ca.lt.forniat .i coPy of' wliLct~ :L:; ^ho~•rn 1n I~uvlc ';, nn.^,r .1(~3 uC ~cy., c~nLiL.led 'Lo~ An~;eles Count:y hi;<<~;=", rur~~rds ul' ~nJ.d Oi•:mt-,e ~;uunLy, da::cr ~Uc~i .u:, followL; The :;ouLhert,y 1G.~~ Ccet of the NorY.h~;-'1..Y c~nc-~irilf of the F.aaterly 1 ucrc uJ' L-h~~ Wc~L•~~rly j 1~i'~~ •~1' th~, fullvwint; dc~cribed land: i3c~inn:i.n~; ~ t the Nr~rt;ltc;u;tcrly r.orner ol' ;cs3.d i,ot 2F~; thence We:•t- crly nlc+n,^, t:h~~ fJorthcrl,y 7.inc ol' ;;,~.i.d L~~L, 7t.!G,~)0 fect to u point 3•j(s,7!, 1'~~rL• (~i:;tcr1~~ ~~f bh~. Nor1:hY+~~Lr~rl.,y cvrner• of ;aid f,ot 2f3; 1.henr,c 1.tui~l.h~~rL;i, 1~~:~':l.l.l.~'I. to thu l~Jc:.L~~r.l,y linc oC .said Lot, 442 1'~r1;: i:l~~:u~~e 1?:i:;L-~~rl~r E,nr:til.lr.l La t:l~e [~c,r~herly litie of :,ald Lot, 7fi(~.')U C~~et 1:~, l~i,:~' i~ir~La(.;ter.l.~ .L~Inc~~l 12 1'ec~ tc' tt-e~po3.~t of~be~;lnning. PJc~rt,hr.r],y :~.l.nnl, y TIXCI:1"1'~.~i~~ 1~I~c~M ~~nid I~,~:;~Lurly 1 Eicre Lhut ~urtlon occu~ied by Vermont i Av~~uur,, L'ormr•r.Ly fti•c~ri~ ~tI'cet. . JUL ]972 RECEIVEp 1~O~JINO DIYIS~~N VARIAfVCE N0. 2 '~~ ~ ~ ~ .. '. _ ;~u u i~a~u i ,r; ;.~ KI:.T.7'it fJO:~RCP, :~nd :~ICfltLi•:t ;.'. NO:;ACIC, It~~::li;u~it r~nct w.ife, 3:> ,lolnt Len:tn L:,, uu L~~ an u~id.i.v i.cl~:~l o~i~~-h:~ l f' in C~~rcr. C, :~nd ICL:I`~It ;:i'1'~;EL~ tuid JUL1A IS. :~TL:I:.'Lk;, lui,:tr,~uJ ~uid ~a.it'~~, :.u; ,jo.t~:l: Lr.'n1nt;~, as to r~n undlvlded unn-ha1P 1nC~~rr~:;l., u:~ tc, l~cu•cc3. l. WILT,IAM L. fiOTTf;N,3Gf;, .TR, and }'At1LTNl: IJUIII:N;;LL, hu~•t~arid and wife, 1s ;J~:Int t;en:iu~~, ;LC t;o ]'urcEls .~ ~ind '3. JUL ~gyj R~C~Ib~p ~ ~~s ~m ~ VARIAfVC~ fd~: ' ~ ~~ ~ 9 _ _---- - - --- . . . ,.. . . . . ~ ' V NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT RE~ NED thet the Aueheim Clty Planning Comm~ssion does heieby ¢~e:.[ subject Petition for Variance, upon the followinR conditions which are heceby found to be a necessc.-y pitcequislte to the pro- posed use of the subject pcopecty in ocder to preseroe the safe:y end general welface oEthe Citizens ofthe City of Anaheim: (1) That this variance ia granted subject to the completian of Re~lassification No 72-73-20. (2) That sub;ect property shall be developed subsCantially in accordance with plana and specifications on file with the City of ~naheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3. THE k'OREGOING RESOLUTION ia ei~ed and epproved by me this 31st day oi August, 1972. H IRMAN ANAHEIM CITY G CO 510N ATTEST: S~CRETARY ANAHE~ p ANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ' ) gb• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Kreb3 Seccetary of the City Plenning Commission of the City uf Anaheim, do hereLy certify that the focegoing resolution wes pessed and adopted at e meeting oF the Ci.ty Plenning Commission ofthe City oE Aneheim, held on August 21, 1972, at 2:00 dclock P.M., by the Eullowing vote oI the membsrs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: "f.~'A`10, GAUER, HE:tBST, ~P.YWOOD, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: :~GidE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, ~~~WLAND. IN W?TNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto aet my hend this 31st day af Auguet, 1972. RESOLUTION iVO. PC7?-216 ~i~~/! Yr~/ %~)~G!/u'~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION YZ•G '2"