PC 72-237RESOLUi~~VO. PC72-237 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF ANAHGIM THAT PETI?ION FOR VARIANCE NO. 2385 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Maheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance from GILBEftT U. KRAEMER, JR., Post Office Box 274, Placentia;, California 92670, Owner; JOHN G. VALENTINE, 695 East Chapman Avenue, Orange, Califoraia 92666, .".gent of cFrtal:n rcal prop- erty situated in [he City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, ae~;de~C~:~bed in Exhibi*_ "A" attached Hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on September 18, 1?72, u~ 2:00 o'clock p.m., notice of said public hearing having bcen duly given as required by law and in accordance wieh the pror'sions o the Maheim Municipal Codc, Chapter 18.68, to hear nnd consider evidence for and againat said proposed variance and to invcstigatc and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investlgation, and study made by itself and in its behaif, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports ofCered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: That the petitioner requcsts •. ~~ tl~~..lEnp'A~~fi'I~Bhicigal Code as followe: a. SECTION 18.52.020 - PermitY.ed uaes. (Vehicie sales and aervice wi£h a racetrack propoeed; vehicle selea and aervica wirh a raceCrack not permitted) b. SECTION 18.52.050(3-e) - Screenin re uirement for the ad acent R-A r 6-foot masonrq wall required; 6-foot h~g - metal fance propos~d) c. SECTION 18.52,050(3-b) - Outdoor use acreeninK. (6-foot high masonry wp11 required; 6-foatehigh metal ~ence proposed) d. SECTION 18.67..100 - Permitted siRna. (Roof aign proposed; roof sign nn!~ permitted) 2. That the approval of eubject pe~tion would be Cantan~ount to a substantial devia- tion from the City of Anaheim policy to retain this area for induatrial uaes. 3. That the current long range indueCrial ~ievelopment policy ie in the best interests for the City and the area in general. 4. That the City has made commitmenta tu induatries established and being establiehed in this genexal area to retain the industriai integrity of. the area. S. That the best buffer beCween induatrial and non-induetriai uaea is space auch as ia provided by the Riverside Freeway, which servea as the southerly boundary for the North- east Induetrial Area. 6. That the City of Anaheim should maintain its present policy end pzeserve the current boutiz,feriea of the Northeast Industrial Area. 7. That industrial development is now increasing in Che induetrial areas of An&h~im rather then decreasing and the Northeast Industrial Area could be developed to saturation within 20 yeara at its present growth rate. 8. That Anaheim has been one of the beat balanced communitiea in Southern California, and in order to maintaiz this balance, it will be necessary to preserve industrial areae to provide jobs for the increased populAtion ~hat is projected for the residential areas ir. Santa Ana Canyon and tl~e surrounding hills and to provide addition tex base for the community. -;- DEV-66-E _~ .. __ ____ . ~. .. ~ ,. ~ ~ ~ . T%~ $ ~~+ « a » ~, i~, 4-~_~?~ ~-~ ~ ~ 1-~ SCHGDULE A No. 364549 Thc nssurnnces rcferred lo on thc tucc pngc ure: Thnt, according to the Compuny's properly records relntive to thc (ollowing dcscribed renl prop- crty (but without cxaminntion o( ihose Compnny records maintnined and indexed by nume) : See "~xhibit A" attached hereto for description A. Thc lasl recorded inslrument purporlinF to trnnsfer tiQc to said real propertyl~ V88't6 '~il.'fi~.8 as Pollows; SEVIItLY A. BRENNAN, an unmarried woman, ao to an undivlded 3/16ths intereat, JOANNE MIDDL'ETdN, a married waman, aa to an undivided 3/16ths interest, DANIEL G. HIiA~IIt, a married man, as to an und- ivided 3/16~hs interest, and ~ILBLRT U. KR!-EMgt, SR., a married man, as to an undividEd 3/16ths interest, each as his or her # B. There ure no mortgages or deeJs of lrust whicl~ purport ro nlTect said real property, other than thosc shown hclow undcr Exceplions. * separate property, and the Ig2AEMER FANaLY TRUST, as to an undivided 4/16the inter~st. No gunrnntee is mnde regnrding any liens, clnims o[ lien, de(ectn or encumbrances other than tl~ose specificully providcd for abo~•e, nnd. if informulion was requested by refcrence to n slrect uddress, no gunruntee is madc thnt snid reul propcrly is thc snmc as suid aodress, Exceptions: • None. _,0»>2~3ra~s~~ ~ ~G ' a r~~C~ ~ '~ N :' 1 ~1 O~G+~ ~ r ~ARlAI~CE N0. ~ 3 8' t.oT t~oo~: cuni~anTre -s CL7'A Gunrnnlec Form No, 12 (21•Gtil "~"` P33 (GS.1 ~ ~ 'i'tie ?.t~nd referred to herein is situated in the State of County of Uran~e and is described as follovr~: _ ... . /\`,~' j~~~` ~:''\,\~ :; .,O ~~~ - :;` ~~'• ~ ~1 `, ' ?".~' ~:I - ~J , ~rofinta,,.~:;~:~~' ,, % That portion of Lot 22 in Bloclc h of the Kraemer Tract, in the Cuunty ot Orange, As ahown on 2 rnap recorded in bool: 12, pagea 87 arid ~;a, t4iscel- luneous Records, in the offSce or ~r~e Coun~y Recordsr of Los M~;elea County, described as follows: Commencinb at L•he intexsection of the centerline of Blue Gwn Streety 40.00 1'eet wide, as ahown on the mt~p oP the Lucalyptus Fore~t Tract, recorded in book 5, pa~e~ 29 ana 30 of I'liscellanFous I~iaps, in the office of the County ftecorder of Oran~;e County, which the Southeasterly line or an unnamed street, 20~00 feet wide, as ehown on said lasL- mentioned map, said SouEtieasterJ.y line being in the centerline of a atreet rio:e known a.s I~IhiL-e Star Aver~ue (formerly LaPalma Avenue and Coro.na Street), 4U.00 feet wide; thence tdorL-h 51° ult ~8" East, along said centerliize of White Star Avenue, 238.24 feet to a point on bhe Southweatei~ly line of Yarcel 2 of the land described in the f3nal Urder of Condemnation, a certified copy of ti•rhich was recorded in book 7+,i97, pa~e 46G of Official Records of i)ran~e County; said Southwesterly line being a curve, concavs Southwesterly and having a radius of 570.00 Seet, a radial line to said point besra 2dorth 49° 32' 55" r:ast; thence continuin~ 1Jortli 51° 41' 58" lJest, along eaid centerline, 3d.02 Feet to a point on o curve having a radius cf 600.00 feet and rrhich is concentric with said laat• mentio-ied curve, a radial line to saici point bears P7orth A9° 39' 25'~ Last; thence Southeasterly, along said concentric curve, fro: a tan~ent line wtiich bears South 40° 20~ 35" i;ast, through u central angle of 24° 2f3' 25", a.n arc distance of 256.29 feet to the point oi' tangency thereof witli a line bea.ring South 15° 52' 10" East; thence Soubh 15° 52' lU" Last9 along said tan~ent line, 80.00 feet to a polnt of interaection wlth the SouLhwesterly prolon~ation of the centerline of LaPalma Avenue as said centerJ.ine is ahown on a map of 'Pract 110. 5070, recorded in book 252, pages 46 and ~7 of 1~liscellaneous tdapa, record~ of suid OrAnge County; thenae Idorth 74° 07' y0" East, along said Southweaterly prolon~- ation, 330.00 feet to tt~e ldorthwesterly prolongation of the 1Jortheasterly line of the land described in the deed to Drayton Inc., recorded September 20, 1971 in book 98m9, pa~e 63 of Official Recurds of said Oran~e County., said point being the true point of Ue~innin~ of the boundary of the lund herein descrlbed; thence along suid 1Jortheaster2y line South ~,5° :~2~ 10" ~ast, 6Q5.65 feet to a point on the Ilortherly line of the land described 1n the deed to the State of California recorded January 13, 1967 in book 8152, pa~es 1 through 4 of OTficial Recorda, said ilortherly 11ne being a curve, concave iJortherly and havin~ a radius oi' 4679.00 feet, a radial line to said point bears South 12° 13' 03" l~Jest; thence Easterly 434.27 feet along said curve through A central an~Ze of y° 1~~ 04" to a point, a radial line to said point bears South b° 53' 59" West, said point also b~inQ the intersection oP said 2Jortherly line of the State of Ca~ifornia land with the 1~le3terly line or,et~e;>;iana conveyed to Jessp Coykendall et ux., by deed recarded in book 109;~`~a~e 4$Q;:of Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder p~ sai:d Qran'~;e o.a,~~ c ... County; thence ]dorth 5° 37~ 28~~ Weat, ~304.88 .feet along aa.id lJectcrly line to a point on t~he Southwesterly prolongation of the centerline of LaYalma Avenue as said centerline ia shown on a map of said 'Pract lJo. 5070; thetiee Soutn 74° 07' S0" '~dest alon~ sAid Southtireaterly prolon~;- atic~n of the centei•line of LaYaln~a A.v~»ue, 535.21 feet terr.d.natina at the true point of beginnin6. EXC~PTIt1G TIiL•'REI~RO;~f any p~rtion there~f ly3n~ wit}ain Parcel 2 of tho land de~crlUed in the final Order of Condemnation as recorded Sn book 76~7, page 46G, OfficlAl. Records. RIiSLR`lIIJG 'P]iLRLFOHt~l ~.n easement for . oad and incidenta7. purposea over the SoutlierlY 60.00 feet thereof. -...._.~~ 9. That ehe approvai of subject oetition wouid Encour~ the deterioration of the in- dustria: zone. 10. Tha[ tne proQose~ use would be more appropriatE: in the C-R ar.ri C-3 2ones d.ue to sales and ~hrill riden proposed and should not be consibered as a s~ipport industry. 11. That there have been no lend use chasges in '_'~e aYea eo warrant •farorab~e considera- ti.on of breaki.ng down the industrial ar~a with the proposed us~ 12. That because the p2titionec waa unable. to find a site. in th~. commercieL-i~etea..Lon area to suit his r.eeds did uot mean that the co.~nercial-recre~tic~ a:es should be g~rmitGed to "leapfrog" across tlie City [o be permiteed in the N~rt~eASt In~.lust~rial Area, bL•~ pQrhape consideration should be given to expanding the boundP~ies of the ,:on:aercial-recreation area in a logical manr.er arour.d the perime~eco£ the exidting boundarie.p• 13. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circ,u~ataz,fis or con.it~ons applicaE+le to the property ir.volved or lo the intended use uf tk~e property tka~ do not appl~' generally to the property or ciass o~ use in the same vlci!lity end zone. 14. That the requestPd variance is not nece.asar~ for the pi•f~ar":tion snd en~oymznt of a substantial property right possesaPd by other property in the same vicinity and zona, and denied to the property in question, 15. That the requested variance crilY be ~itarially detri.mentsl to the public we:£are or injurious to the property or improvements in such violn~Lj~ and zone in which the property is located. 16. That one person appeared repreaenting several ~a<<.ns in thc Cuuncil Ch~mber -rfio represented industrial firms already established in thiw., a.cea ir, oppor,it]on, and ~hat t'Fra? letters were received in o~pueition from i.nduatrial fi~~na. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anehe+.a~ Clty Plart: u~g GoRmiaslon does here;by deny e~ubjoc~i Petition for Veriance on the besls of the eforementioned findlrgm. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ls signed ~nd apptoved by me U. ,s 2$j~i dey of Sa{~~;:<<`'e• 1972. AN.AHGIM CIT1{ ATTEST: SE~RETARY ANAH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. • CITl', OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ang ~C;~ebs Nr, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the Clty of Anehelm, do hereby ceRify thet the fore- going resolution wes pessed end adopted et e meeting of tf~e City Planning Commission ofthe Clty of Anehelm, held on September 18, 19; 2, at 2:00 o'clock p,M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAU~R, HERBST, KAYrI00D, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: C:OMMISSION~:xJ: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereucto set my hend this 28th day of September. , 1972. RESOLUTION NO. pC72-237 -(iG~~ l~~rL~'i'~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-D -2.