PC 72-285RESOLUTION~. PC72-285 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERM1i1T 1~-BE :GRANTED IN PART WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the Clty of Maheim did receive a verifled Petition for Con- ditional Use Permit Erom FRANCIS J. SCHILLER, ET AL, 9209 South Co11aa Road~ Whittier~ California 90605, Owner; MOBILEASE CORPORATION, P.ttention of James S. ^ooksey, Preaident, 11000 Wright Road, Ly~nwood, California 90262, Agent of certain real property eituated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, SCate of Galifornie, described as Lot 4 in Block 5 of the Golden State Trect, as ahown on map recorded in Book 4, Pages 66 and 61, of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of Che recorder of oaid county. Except that portion thereof deacribed in a deed to the Metropolitan Water DistrLct of SouthErn California reaorded October 5, 1967 in Book 8393 Page 974 of Officisl Reco:ds and described as follows: Beginning at the norLh- weaterly corner of aeid Lot 4; thence easterly a'Long the northerly line of said Lot 4 a dietance of 78.50 fee:; Chence eo~thwesterly in a dt.rect line to a poinC on a line which ie parallel'wiih end 55 feet easCerly, measured at rigtit engfes, fram the wesCerly line of eaid Lot 4, said paint being diste;:t a~~utherly aloag sa•Ld psra11e1 line 23.50 fett from ita inCerseatian w9.~h said northerYy ~ine or said Lot 4; thence souther.ly along eaid parallel line to the southerl,y ?tne of eaid Lot 4; r.lience westerly elo:~g seid euutherly line 55 feet, more or lesa, to the wetsterly line of said Lot 4; tt~er.ce northerl~ alor_g said weaterly 11ne to ttie polnt of beginning ; end WHEREAS, the CltyPlenning Commission did hold a public hearing et the CityHell in tne City of Mehelm on November 13, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing heving been duly given es requi~ed by law end in aecocdence with the pmvistons of the Meheim Municipel code, Chepter 18.64,to hear end coneider evidence for end ageinst suid pmposed conditionel use and to investigate and meke findings and recommendetlons in conr.ection therewlth; end WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspectlon, lnvestlgation, and study mede by itself and in its br helf, end aEter due constderation of ell evidence end reports oEfered et a~id hearing, does Eind and determine the following fects: 1. Thet the proposed uae is propecly ane for which s Conditionel Use Permit ie authorized by Code Section 18.52.050(1-aj Co wit: eatabliah corporate headquerters and an operaCional site for re- furbishment, cuetomization and sCOrage of mobile and modular offices with wetvers of: a, SECTION Y8.52.06013-b) - Outdoor etora e aree screenin re uirement. 6-foot high solid mesonry wall required; 10- fooC hi~h wooden fence and 6-foo~ high chain- link fence proposed) b, SEC'€ION 18.52.020 - Permitted outdoor uses. (Refurbishm~nC, cua- Comization and atorage of mobile and modular offices proposed; refurbiehment, cueton~ization and eto.rage of mobiYe and modular officea no[ permitted) C, SECTION 18.a8.140 - Definition of a building. (A building is a permenently located structure having a roof (all forms of vehiclee, even if mobilized~ are exClv,ded.) Some of the proposed office etructuree would be immobilized mobilehomes,) d. SECTIOri 18.52.060(2-a-2-b) - Minimum front setback. (25 feet required; 10 -feet proposed) 2. That the petitioner withdre.i Waiver 1-d, abave mentioned, and etipulated to pro- viding the required 25-foot lendscaped building setback. 3. That Waiver 1-a, abovE mentioned, is hereby granted on the baeis that the peti- tioner stipulated to providing the 10-£oot high wooden fence along the sou[herly 100 feet of the east and west property lines thereby ehielding from view the atorage of theae mobile and modular offices. 4. That Waivere 1-b and 1-c, above mentione~ are hereby grented on the basis of the aubmltted photographs, which depicted the propoeed use as an acceptable induetriel use in the Northeeat Induetrial Area. 5, That the propoeed use will not edversely affect the adjoining 'lend cses end the growth and development of the area in whici_i.t is proposed to be located. CI-D ~ ~ 6, Thet the aize and shape of the eite proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the prop~sed use in a manner not detrimental ta the particular area nor to the peace, heaith, safety, and general welfare of the Citizena of the City ef Anaheim. 7, That the granting of the Conditional Uae Permit undcr the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, heaith, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ChaC the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion does hereby grant in part aubject Yetition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following con- ditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to ehe propo6ed uae of the aubject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That thE owner(s) of subject property ehall deed to the City of Anaheim a st•rip of land 32 feet t.n width from the centerline of the street along La Jolla Street for atreet widening purpoaea. (2) That a11 engineer2ng requirements of the City of Anaheim along La Jolle Street, incYudi.ng preparbtion of improvement plana and installation of all improvementa, aucn as curba and gutters, sidewa3ks, street grading and paving, drainage facilitiea, or other appurtenant work sha:l be complied with as required by the C~.ty Engineer and in ac- coxdance with etandard plane and specificatione on file in the office of the City Engineer; and that arreet lighting facilitiea along La JoFla Street aha11 be installed ae required by th~e Direccor of Public UCilitiea and in accordance with atarderd plans and specifica- tione on file i.n the office of tte Diiec~or of Yublic Uti?i.r:es; and that a bond in en amount ancS form eatiafacLory to the City of Anaheim ehall be poated with the City to 3uar- antee the installaCion of the above mentioned requirements. (3) That trash storage areas ehaiY be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Worka. (4) That Eire hydrante shaTi be iastal,led and charged as required end determined to be neceseary by the Chief of the Fire Depart.ment prior to commencement of structural framing. (5) That a percel map to record the approved divieion of subject property be aub- mitted to and approved by the City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the office oE the Orange County Recorder. (6) That eubject prnperCy ahall be served by uaderground ctilities, (7) ThaC this Conditional Use Permit is granted subject to the completion of ReclaesificaCion No, 6Y-62-G9, now pending. (8) That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner that ie satiefactory L•o the City Enginee•c, (9) That appropriate water esa~sement feee be paid prior to the iseuance of a building permiC, (10) Thnt subject property shall be developed subatantielly in accordence with plans and epecificationa on file wlth the City of ~naheim merked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 provided, however, that a 10-foot high wooden fence extending along the southerly 100 feet of the east and west property linee ehall be conetructed ae stipulated by the peti- tioner, (11) Thet Condition Nos. I and 2, above mentioned~ ehall be c~mplied with prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time thet the butlding permit ie iseued, or with3n a period of one year from the date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further Cime ae the Planning Commiseion mey grant. (12) That ~ondition Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 1C~, above mentioned, ahall be complied with prior to final buildir~g end zor.ing inapectione, THE FOREGOING RESOLllTION is signed and epproved by me Chis 22nd day of November, 1S'72, ~ 1~, ~~.~ CIiAIRMAN PRO TEM ANe1HEIM Y PLANNING COMMISS~ON RESOLUTION N0. PC72-285 ~2- ~ ATTEST: ~~~/~ ~~~~W~"`r SECREYARY ANAHEIM C1T": YLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE j es. CITY OF A!~AHE1M ) ~ I, Anr. Krebs, Secretary oi the Ciry Fianning Cacmisaion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify fhat the foregoing resulution was paesed and adopted st a meeting of the Ci~y Plar,ning Commission of thP City of Anehei•=, held on November 13, 1972y at 2:00 o'clock p.m. by the foilow=ng vote oi the membecs tnereof: py~g; C~~M"11SSIUNCRS: Ai~RED, GSUER, HERBST, KAYWOUD, ROWLAND. NO~S: CUM.~11SSlUN~RS: NONE. AHSEN'Y: COMMI.SSION~RS: FARANU, SEYMOUR. 1T WiTNES5 WHEREOF, 1 have here4cco set my har.d zhis 22nd day of Noveiaber, 191'L. SECRETARCi~M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. YCi2-265 -3-