PC 72-29~ ~ RESOLUTION NQ. PC72-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERM:T NO. _12$L SE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planni:~g Comm~,ssion of the City of Anaheim did ceceive e verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from CANYON TERRAC~ DEVELOPMEN'P COM:':.NY, Post Office Box 2156, Cypress California 90630, Owner; BERNARD F. CARIIONARO, Poat Jffice Box 5411, Buena Park, California 90620, Agent, of certain real property situsted in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" a~tached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth i.n ftill ._ , ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing ut the City Hali in the City oE Annheim on February 7, 1972, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice ot seid public hearing heving been duly given es required by ~:'iw end in accocdence with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal code, Chapter 18.64, to heer and consider evidence for and ageir.st said proposed conditionel use and to investigate and make findings and recommendetions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalE, and after due considerution of ell evidence end reports oEfered at said hearing, does Ei~d and detecmine the Eollowing fecls: 1. That the proposed use is properly one Eoc which a Conditionel Use Permit is authorized by Code, to wit: Section 18.40.060(g) to permit on-sale beer in a reataurant with a waiver of: SECTION 18.40.070(4-a-2-f) - Minimum number of reauired parking stalls (4~ stalls proposed; 53 stalls required) 2. That the applicant stipulated tf~e hours of operation to be 9:C0 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. 3. That the applicant stipulated t~~ providing ten additior.al parking spaces at the nor~heast corner of the in~eraection of Santa Ana Canyon Road, which would be developed in accord5nce with the Anaheim Municipal Co3e, 4. That the appliaant etipuiated to the service of beer and wine in conjunction with food service only. 5• Thet the proposed use will ~iot adversely effect the edjoining land uses end the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 6• Thet the size and shape oi thc site proposed (or the use is adequete to allow the tull development of the proposerl use in a manner not detrimentel to the particular erea nor to the peace, health, safety, and general wel(are of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim. 7.. Thet the granting of the Canditional Use Pertnlt under the conditions imposed, if nny, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, saEely, und generel welfare oE the Citi~ens oE the City of Anaheim. 8. That no one appeared iri opposition to the request. Cl-G ' 1- i:) ~ CI~.\ l;:/::_+!~IICE ~ (U:'h13V.12 ' .,, j'.?~,'l J ~ scr~Lr~vLL e ', i,er racn: GUAItl~''T~r A'o. ~--;--_--_._ ._..--< << ,'f: -'~--f--- ----- -- - ~~. 17ic assuranccs rc.orred to o~i tlic f:iec pa~c a:c: Thai, :+ccorCi::~ io tLc Gr::p:n~)':s ~~: ~.,~,crLy recc,.-ds rclativc tu 1}~c fo]]oc,-iv;; dcsr_ril>c~ rc:tl propct'L}' (but ~ritl~aut c::, min~tio:i of tLosc Com}~,9ny reeo~ds m~inl;iinc:', vid indcxed L~• »mnc): A. 1'ha l:ul rccurdc.? insh~~amr.nt pu, j:c,rlim;; to ti-atis[cr titlc to said real ~~rol~crt)' is. Doc.reeorded p~I'i~ 1~ ].~69 lloc.I~o. 1G37 innook a916 Puge 1I0lI J;i facor oI ' RICHARD G, llF~,i•1:Cr`.'s ar_d 1•tA12Y }I, U'.i'r12}~H, hu~U~nct and i•rtre as ~o:tn~ . Len~.nts a:: Lo an undi vlded one-half j.nterest; and JOFi?i STUAR'1' Y.ING and Bi;TTF. LOU I:Ii1G, hu~Uand and.tri_1'c as ~oint ten2r.Ls as to an und:iv:ic:ed one-'r.al; 3t~Lerest, B. There are no morlgr.;;es or dee;is of trust ~vhich pui•port to n:fect said renl properly otlier than il~ose sl;o~~~n Uelo~~~ under r~:eeplions ~r ~dditional n~~iters (.^.s rerluesled). l~o guarantcc is made rc;;arding ;uly ]icns, elaims of lien, de[cets ur encumbra~ues othcr tlivi ihose s; cr.i~icall}~ pruvided for Aborc, and, i[ ir:'ornwtion ~vcc requested by refcrence to a sircct nddress, uo guarantcc is mad^ tliat said re~l pro~crty is thc same ns svd ad1 ess. • Isxeeptinns: • . . ~ ~ .. ~ • _y _-_.---------;-- ,.:..tl-- n,~ ~ ,... qPR ' I~ 19G9 t~~~~ ~,Y' __~~-----..~ -- _._. - - ~ f ~ .~~~~r.^^'„~~-wi-n:~~.~~~~TTr1~'~ ~i 4~~ , ~A".Cll lic 1' ~~~t ~o~ol~ 1 a1 1~,. J. 0`T•~I~ fr•cl, ~n t~~. Clt~ .~! n~: .~.,~~.~~1. .~ .i i~•o., . r.~ t~..r.or ..c.ir,t~:i^In e.~~. )r, r.;.. S9 ...d 59 nt~..~1..,.~a. r..,n:. ' S . o/ l~~ R~;.Ie• tn~~tY. [elltnr~i~. da~c•Ib•1 ~i ~ollo.~~ to~-~~~ct~g ~t U.~ t~tn~cctto~ ot J~~~<r~on Striet (fo.~+.ly Cru~~ S•.av:) ~~~`~ t'.. ~ {{4•• I~ ~ v..is.h D~oto•;.•~o, o.' U~c t:~~Ua.ir 11~. o/ ~.~a Lot 7t. ..td ~ntv~.<Uu~~ n,~•~ `{ ~\.~,.~ on 1•~p of ~~r.~Y rc:nrGa~ In t^~: G2. I~)• 1~7~ Ili:orC o/ i+r...~. ..orJ. u~ ~ I F 1 •~I! Ori~~~n Cwn:r: •~1 rvnnln~ t~~~'~c~ 71~rt'~ I1' 10' IS" /+st ~~o~~~ ~.IJ p~o~o~;•••I.,. : f ~n0 ll.a r~rtharly Iln~ o~ ~.Id lot. SO.n~ /e.[ to .A. [~~l~rly Iln~ o/ ~air c~~t f~, ~ ~tr•~e~v~•p'+~•~ d..ertOeA in f..<~1 1 0~ t~,o di~l tn tha Cltr o/ A•~~r.•I~•, r~:or<..! A, I I.lr~.rr S. 1?il. In C^~:. ~~~iJ~ I.•,• :•:3. OIf1.i.t R.:o..l.. tFCn~. .lu,.j ..ta t..,.r!y p ~ Iinr. So•.Y~ q' oY ~;.• l..t 3:.27 leat tv U~• Dalin~tn) or ~ u,~o.a eu. • e6~r.to UI ~ {! <onc~~.~ l'<~te~IT. ~nd h•iln~ ~ r.~~~~ o/ It57 /.a~: t~~~c~ Sn~~~'~e.t~ ~In~7v••~.' ;~.r.~ ,,~ ~~..o~.;ti . e.ot..l .,~qt< ot 4• ai' oi' .^ u. er~t.~c. of C9.IY, ruc a,n. so~.•~. ~.i.~ ly ~orner 6/'th~ tsrt.l ol I•+! .'•1<rl'~<1 In /~Iiai E 0l lF~: e• tlln I:r~l O/ tru~r or•7.! r..7 e. ~9~,. ~~ eoo: 5f17 h7. 31w. O~nc~.l R.an.d~. ..In <,.n,.r e.~ny p.. [rue Do1r.t oL, 4~71n..i..y of tti. I~nd da~crllaf h.r~ln: tl~enc~ ~Inn~ t~• tu~t~•+rl~ 11,~. ~• 0/ s~ I J I~^!, t: o r ~ h 7 7' S'/' I S" (•~~ 1 1~.)~~ I~. ~ t o tn• S o~t~.a~~t~.i r c~r,.r ol ~.IJ ~~re~i. ~.iJ eor~.~. l~In~ tn t'~a v..~te.lr b.v~J..r ol tl~~ p~rirl ol I~,J d.~•.ri~.1 In -~rc+i A el t~~. d.~A nf tr~~r ~~r~ln~~af~r. .ontl~~~J; tAa,~c~ ~le~Q ~~I~ V.•t:.ly ~ -r~•inJ~iy. touth 7.• )!' ~S'~ l~~t I~~'J.IS. ~~et tu ~•. ~n~l~ onlnt rh~r~~n. IFe.,t~ .u~tli~u~~.~ •lon~ t•(/ M~It~rlr w~unJ.•!: :nutl~ il~ 0'1' 4~~ I~~l 9].RS f•~:. Il.an~• Ir~rin., ~n14 vUt~rit townJ.ry, Yo.ln 7t' o~~ ~;~~ V..t Ito.n/ /..tt Uv~c. fo+U~ 77' S'J~ ~5~• v.~t ~ G:.31 /.~~ to in~ [~ftrrlY Iln~ o/ U~~ ••~~ .nt l..r ~ti~•t Iurp..~~~ n...i~~a/o~~ ~ e~ntloit0 ~~~L f~~t~rly llna t~lnq ~~I4 curr~ <~n<~v~ Valt~rty ~~1 A~.Inq ~ r.l~~~ of ~250 f~r~. ~•~AI~1 Iln~ to ~~1~ Dolnt -c~r~n7 I:.~~tn 6b• 04' Iy' f~~t: ~~.r+.~ Il~r~n~rt~ y •lor~ f~~a corv~ tnro~~n ~<~~tr~t ~nyle nf ) 0~' OP". ~~ ~rc dl~•.~s~ ol IS7.7) l~ot `~o Ih~ t~u• polnt o/ b~7tn~inl:... _ - ____ ' _~^-""""~ 1. < •'_. ... ' -.....-: . : ~..' ' -.c_~ -..- /~ /a11CLL 7: ih~t~pertlon~of lol 71 ef J. 0, T~Tlor Tr~ct. V~rtlr In th~ CItY Of An~~~•~^ l ~~.~a v~•t:r in th. CI~y ol Or~•~~n. •f f~IJ lo: I~ ~hm.~ on ~..~a of ~aid tre<t. .•:n.1c~ 1 In !oo'a 70~ /~~a~ S~ ~nd S9~ Mt~e•Il~n~o~~ Re•orJi e/ ln~ .4ny~l•~ Cn~~n:y. C~Il/ornt~, I d~~c+~tal ef Inila~~t ~~ginnln~ ~t tA~ rbrtl•w~7t w~ner ol tA~ I~nd p~i<rlh~d In tA~ d.~l to 1.J•r•~r Cn~y~~:. • y~•t~~r~hi-. rico~d•1 Octo'i~r 7. 17:7. In Eoa'• G177 1~;~ 7J1. tllllcl~~ I.~<n.J~. ~+iJ ' ~an•n~• 4~In~ ~n tl~~ c~nt~r llrl aI ~.Il~r~o.~ ftr.~t (lor.v.ly fraf~ f~.•~tI ~t~t•+~ ~~. u J ' ~ b;~ [nl ,.01 het r,u, N. ~ot..~.u~on r,.~~~ <.,~e.. nnn Mti...o~ .ovth 17' o~ 13 ~. ~ lih lti~ Vr~t~rll' Ir~ton~~t~o+ ef t~•~ Ilort~~~riy Iln~ af ~~IJ lni 2~ •,.1 run~~~n~ t~~.~~.. Y ~luny t~~• A~~.+T~rr o/ ~~IA 1.~ tn•.lullm.l~ 1~~.~n Al.i:nr:~~.-'~.. '~ ~ ~ ~~ ~-- ~?-;~~.t.~~-.-~-~: •a' /-.-. ~ .- , ~--b;-~..~`-~,~~. t. ~ '~' °'ib t4 77' S7' I~'" (n~t 97' l~~t; 1ou:A 77' OS• yy. (~.t 140.07 h~t. {nu~b Il• ~~7' ~S'• ! f~~t 75.St l~a[; fo~~..n 73~ 27~ IS" Ve~: 6.Rt 1..r: S~uth I)' SS' 0'i~ Ve~t a. t~.~~ ~ J s~rt~f~ e~ur~~ e.~<.ie.e ~+ "ta~.th J8' 17' 10" C~+t 71).17 /~.' I~ eh. ~~.t ~n t.~d i~e-p.. Co-D.n~, ..<ore.! Jvn. t. 1y52~ In lo~a•. G13) ~.7• 9;5.•o/Ne~.t eo<o,J~. ei~.,,:. ' ~ ya~th.~~~~rIY ~ton~ ~~fd co~ri~ to It~ South~~~t~~ly t.r~lnv~. ~~I! p,~(n~ 0.1.~~ th. 1 Itorth~rlT t~rr.tn~f of tti.r err[~In eo.~~~e I~ th~ V<~t~rly !v~nf..i a/ cF~ ~11.~ ~.+~r:~e' K [~ ~~'7ior~4 Ib' 7J~ ~5~~ vi~: 19 l..[•' ~n ~•.e.t 1 0l th. d.a1 ~o e~. C~~y e~ ~n.•.~~, 0 4 r.<ord.J /.4~~~~y S. 19+7~ ~n 0»~~5~in p~;. ~lA, O~/tel~l ~aeord~: eh.~c. .I~n~ t~. F' V~~t~.lY povnQ~ry oI ~~IE III~Y t1~~ Iollo~in) <nv.1~/ ~^J di~.~n:~•' V< .. j~ snnah 16• 7l' ty~ t.~~ Io rur, en.n<. r:oran ))' u~ IS^ t.i~ 9.1: r..r; s~,•n vr :t~ ' ~ ]o" [.~t 19.et /~.t: fo~ir~~ 17' Sf• 0~" v.~t •Ion.~ ~.Ia vee~...fr ~"^~••~ •^'~ It~ :•.•,~n. i ~~.ie..ty o~oio~;.~io,~, ~i5.7~ r.,e .o ~n.. ~.tiii~a.e er,~,. U~.e or t.•~~. ~,. e.,,,.,., ~ t/ RoH: eno,u .In„y uia •..~u. li~.. nu.~~~ ;t' n'~~ f:•' u..,a U'~J) ~.:e e.. ~•,. s•~~~~~,,.i~ ~reton~~tlo+ o/ ~n~ c•~r.r 11^~ oi J•Il.r~p~. •..r. ~n.~.• ~I •p ~~~! p~of:~u•r 4~.~ .~~1 .. . ~~f~ c.~~.. Itn.. n.~.u~ t7' on~ 4;.~ v.~< US ~,~. r ~ .~3- u•~~~r.`,f ~~ '~ ~ •~,~~`-~~'~~'~-,~'/'~ _l k:"l.~ _jt- =~~c~^...-~ ." ,. ' I -`__ . _ ; 1~0101 i 12)3 : y~ ~~ ~~ . ~ J,1~! 1972 ~'; . ~~ Ri~C~IVLD P t~,r ~ ~ ~\ 1ur.~r,:; ti [;~~~`in I~;.,- FrfS.lY~I C j'i~ .__~~ S_,._ cC ;, v~'_,~:,~ ..1~ ~ \~cj. _5~~. .` ~: j --~------'-- . _ _ . - T ' - ' - - - 1 • ~ ~--- ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESrJLVED thet the Anehelm City Plenning Commission docs hereby grant subject Petition for Conditionel Use Permit, upon the following conditlons whieh are hereby {oand to be e neeessary prerequisite to the proposed use ot the subject property in order to preserve the safety end gencrel aelfare of the Citizene of the City ot Aneheim: (1) That subject property ahail be develeped aubstantially in conformance with plans and specificatione on fi].e with the City of Anaheim marlced Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provided however, that ten additional parkii,;; stalls shall be arovided on an adjacent property, all of ahich shail conform to the minicro n atandarZs for parking areas of the Analieim Municipal Code. (2) That the houra of operation shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. as atipulated to by the petitioner. (3) That the service of beer and wine shall be in conjuncti.on with food aervice only as stipulated to Sy the pctitioner. THE FOREGC~ING RESOLUTION Is ~igned end epproved by me this 17th day o February, 1972. ~ ~ ~~/~-C~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~ SEC~2ET~1d,~AHEi~ ITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COllNTY OF OR/tNGE ) ss. CITY 4F ANAHEIM ) pro tem I, L!~e Bur~esa$ecretary~oE th~ City Planning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certlfy thet the toregoing resolution was pessed and edopted et a m eeting of the City Plenaing Commission oEthe Clty oE Aneheim, held nn Pebruary 7, 1972, et 2:00 o'clodc P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: C~MMISSIONERS: FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, ROWIAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMM[SSIONERS: KAYG100D ABSENT: COMi11ISSIONERS: ALLRED IN WITNESS WNEREO~, I have hereunto set my hend this 17th lay of February, 1972. RESOLUTION N0. p~~2'29 i'', ~ ~~ - SECRETARY /ANni:~.:m l.1TY YLANWIN~',' OMMISSION PRO TEM L' CZG - 2-