PC 72-53~ ~ RESOLUTION N0, PC72-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 233~ BE GRANTED IN PART WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commiseion of the City of Anaheim did receiv~ e verified Petition for Verience from MAURICE M, LERANOFF, 13731. Carlsbad Drive, Santa Ara, Calif.ornia 92705, and -AVID PRITCHARD, 757 North West Street, Anaheim, California 92805, Owners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orsnge, State of c:alifornia, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full WHCREAS, the Clty Planning Commiamion dl'd ho!d a puol~c hEe~dng 4t :he City Hell in the City of Aneheim on March 20, 1972 et 2:00 o'clock P.M., nctic: o!' -eid pu~lfc heacing heving baen duly given es requlred by lew end in acooidence wlth tne provisio~s ai the Aneheim MS~nir.tual ~~cde, ~hapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for end egainst seid proposed ::oriance er.~ t~e inveati~ate er._ .;~ake ~~vd,ings end cecommendetions in cannaction therewlth; end WHEREAS, arid Commissibn, ~i4ar due insp.^..:tlon, tnvestlgetion, end study made by itself end in its behelf, and efter due considerntion of ell evidence end reporta otfeced at seid hesring, does find and detennine tha following fac:s: 1. Thet the petitioner requests~ariances~i~om the r.neheim Municipal Code as follows: a. SECTION 18.2b.050(5-~ Meximum height of a buildirg within 150 feet of an R-1 Zone. (One stnry permitted; two storiea propoaed) b. SECTION 18.28.050(7-a) - Minimum distance between buildin~s. (22 feet to 8 feet proposed; 24 to 17 feet required) c. SECTION 18.28.050(3-a) - Minimum floor area per dwellin~ unit. (700 squere feet required; 520 aq~are feet propdaed for 16 ur.iL•s units or 22% of the totfll) 2. That Waiverl-a, above mentioned, is granted in part, permitting two-story construction for all buildings except the two buildings i~nediately adjacer.t and westerly of the R-1 prop- erty on the north aide of North Street on the basis that tt~e Ger.er~l Plan pro,jects the subject and adjoining propertiec for multiple family development. 3. That the petiCioner stipulated to ~roviding a 20-foot lar.dscaped buffer strip between the weaterly R-1 parcel on the north side of North Srreet and the closest buildings in the proposed development. 4. "'hat the petitioner sti.pulated that windows for the second story apartments edjacent to R-1 properties would be no lawer than 5 feet from Lhe fioor to off'er visua]. protection to tiie residents of the R-1 parcels. 5. That Waivere 1-b and 1-c, above mentioned are hereby granted on the basis that the Planning Commission in the past has granted similar waivers of distances between buildings, and minimum floor area for bachelor apartmenta provided not more than 25% of the units were propoaed for bachelor apartments. 6. T.hat there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicabia to the property involved or to the intended use of the propert;v that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. V 1-G -1- ~ G~~C~G~~G~--_~~ ~ C~OO ~~`u (~MC~40~a OG7C~o February 8, 1972 ~i.~~ ~. ..~., Planning Department . - City of Anaheim . Anaheim, California•• Dear Sirs: This will confir~n the purenase of the attached property to M.aurice Lebanoff on February 7, 1972. This company no longer holds any legal anterest in this parcel and has recorded a Corporation Desd to Mr. Lebanoff. Thank you for your courtesy. Very truly yours, , MARK II~ONSTRUCTTON, INC. . : - G~~/~/?ir~'~- ~~`" / . A. Conaway Secretary SAC: . . ry~G~6~ g A ~ ~ -~a ~ ~ ~; rEe ~s~2 , o RECF7V c~ 7,OrylN~ ~N O!VlSfON ~ a~ ~~7 18001 IRViNE BWC. • SUITE C • TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92~80 • p14) 838•6439 ...~ - : - _ .___._..-~-:-^ ~~~~.~ ~:i. ~ ~ _-_ _ . CALi~GhNi::;;.,~.AhD 7IiLE ASSOCIA7I0~ S7ANDARD COVERAGE POLICY ', rt~,~ SCHEt7ULE A PULICY N0. - 505155 A~~OUVi s 540~OUD.00 PRcMIUM c 5222.5a EFFECTIVE DATEa DECEMB~R l0i 1971 Ai 8 A.M. INSUREG MARK III CO~STRUCT:ON- I~C.P A CORPORATION. . lo TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR IN?ERE51 COVtRED 8Y THIS POLICY AT THE DATE HEFEOF IS VE~T'cD IIV~ _. MARK III COf~'STRUCTEON~ INC.a A CALIFORNIA CORPORATIONo 2. TNE ESTA7E OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE C COVERED SY THIS POLIGY IS A FEE. . ,' ~ i) ~~ ~,~r ~. ~ j~J• ~~~~----~~ , V~f~1'y,iU~ . - •, . , . . . . . _ ._. _. .------ _. .. .: _ _ . _ --.... __ ~ .._._....._.~..._~_..,: _._,,------- - ~ ----------....__ ... . . - ~ ~ ' ~ SCHEDULE C , P~'',~-~' L 1 ~. ~,2 . THc LA~~ REFc'RR~D TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESGnIBED AS FOLLO~n~S+ TriAT PORTION OF L07 45 OF ANAHcTM EX7ENSION~ IN THE CITY OF A~\AH=Itf, COUtiTY OF ORA~GE~ STATE OF CALIFO~~IA~ AS SHOPl~ ON A h;AP OF SURVEY BY WILLIAM HAMELr A COPY Or 41M:CH IS SHOWN iN ;300iC 3 PAGES 1F.;2 TO 164 I(~CLUSIVE OF "LOS AIRG:.'LES COUNTY h,APS" Ih THE OFFICE OF THE COU~TY RE~OZDER OF ORA~G;C COUi\TY- GA~iFOR~;IA~ UcSCR:BED AS FOLLOWS+ EiEG:NNIiVG AT THE hORTH~~EST COR~ER pF THc LANG ~ESCRIBED IN THE D~ED 70 THON,AS Ja WHIELDON FECORDED JUNE 15~ 1950 I~ BOOK 2027 PAGE 350 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS SAID POIPrT BETNG DISTANT SOUTH 74~ 50~ 20~~ tdEST 447.00 FEET ~RO;d THE SOUThIEAST CORNER OF 5AID LO'f 45- AND ON THE hORTH LIN~ OF SAID LOT 45t THEP~CE SOJTH ?5° 06' 25~~ EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF WHIELDON TO A LII~E THAT IS PARr1LLEL V1ITH_AND NORTHERLY 115.00 FF.ET FROM 7hE ~C?JiH LINE OF SAID LOT 45a THFNCE SOUTHWESTERLY 146.53 Fc~7 ALO~G SAID PARALLEL LINE: THENCE NORTH 15~ Ob~ 25~~ WEST 35.00 FEET TO A LINE TFIAT IS PARALI.EL WITH AND NORTHERLY 150a00 FEET r=RO~Y THE SOUTHERI.Y LINE OF SAID LOT ~45c THc~CE SOUTHSVESTERLY 325~00 FEET ALONG SAID PqRALLEL LINE T~ A L:NE THAT IS PARALLEL ~dITH A~D SOUTHIn'ESTERLY 471.53 FEE1' FROM SAID WESTERLY LINE ~~ '~'HTELDONi THENCt NORTH 15~ 06' 25~~ WEST P,LONG Sr1ID PARALLEL LiNE 70 THE NORTHERLY LINE. OF SAID LOT 45a THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID VORiHERLY LI~E TO TH'c POINT OF BEGINNING. ' A PGRTION OF SAID L:,ND IS SHJWN.ON A MAP FILEO IP; BOOK~ig pqGE 32 ~F r2ECORD OF SURVEYS IN THE,OFFICE OF THE CCU~;TY RECORDER OF SAIO COUNTY. • ~~; '~, Ff ~i ~PF ~O ~ ~ ~ ~~yo~Y~.~b 9,~ . ~ • ~ ~~. ~r F . ~_ ~iU p ~ S •y '• . Np2~2ZC t Z ~~.S.~S` v~R1~(~cE (r'l~. _?3 ~_~ --- . , . ' . A '~.,;~; ~~~eC~. ~ . . Title Insuranc:e ~:.zd Trust Company ORANGE COUtvTY OFFIC6 ~ ~ 860 I~GRTH MAI~ STRGcf SANTl~ ANA, GALIFORIhIA 92702 7ELBPHONE (77A) 3:7•3333 I;1IPOr,1~a~z • ` ~1'hen rcplyino rcfcr to GAY ~~CI:OS!' C~i~i^iaP1Y~ TNC. I OurNo. 510i07 J ?.0. 3~% .OOE2 SAt;':i~ :.>d.1~ Ci;LIFO;'.::IA ~2711 . Ri'f~d: F'An: ::OODS Your\o. 16-11u9~ In res~wnsc to thc abo~•c rc:cmnccd appl:cacion for a policy of tidc insunncc, Tide [nsurancc and Trusc Comyany hercbp rcpor.s chac ic is prcparcd co ssuc, or eausc co bc issucd, as of tlic dacc htrcrof, a Califomia Land Tidc Associuion Senadard Co~•cra;;c io:r.i Poliey o: Ticle Tns~rance dcscnbing che land and the escace or inceresc chercin hereinafcer sec fortii, insuring aga:n4 loss whicl~ may Ix sustained by rcasor. o: any deEcc:, lien or er~vmbranre noc shown or referred -~-- zn as ai F.xcc, cioa lx:ow o: noc cxdudcd from covcrage oursuanc to chc princcd Schcdulcs, Condiciuns and Scipulacions of soid polity form. ,~ ~ Tiiis repo:c (and any supplemencs or amend:r,en;s chereco) is issucd solcly for che ;~~rpose of facilitacing the isscancc of a policy of cidc insurancc and no liabiliry is assumcd hcrcbyc If ic is dcsired th~; tiabiliry bc nssumcd prior ro thc issuance of a policy of tidc icuurancc, a Iiindcr or Commitmcnc s:iould bc rcGucsccd. DaceJ~sof._Ji4~;U~RY °_7 __,19~2 ,ar7:30a.m. ~ HEFL' Id00N TicleOfficcr I 'Ihe escace.or in:cresc in che land ber;inaher describrd or refern~ ro covered by :his Reporc is a fec. ' •Tidc co said cs:a;c or inmresc nc ~hc dacc hercof is vcs:cd in: P:IL!.Te2.~4 D. PkTCtIA~D Ah1D RU7i•I 6. PP.ICiiARi)~ hlUEi2A"2D A~•.D 4;iFE~ !:S JOI;•!i 7[rlr:t~T~, ::IT~{ 7?ic RiGt-3T OF SU2~lTVT025tlIP. Ac chc duc hcrcuE cxccptions ro eoecragc in addicion ro thc princcd cacepcions and c~:clusions concnincd in said policy form ti~ou;d bc as fo!lows: . ' . 1. SCCGi•:D INST,^,LLi{CA;7 GEf,~RAL AP1D SPcCIA.L i'AY,ES ~02 7'FfE FISCAI, YEl1R 1~71-1~j72. A!tOUivT $Y70.ED. • ,~~•\?: •'-SE j .. 2. A`: C.^,srrSE~•.7 r=~P. [Tl't1Ef: OR 30ih1 POLE LI1•;ES~ C0~!D'JI7S A~r~ I~:c;.J.- ~" ~ ~ 'i C C C ! n r. ~~ ~'' ~"'" D~„'iAL PIi~,POo..~ .AS 5~°.I ~ JRiH Ttti /~~i I~JS7;,Ul:..t~iS nCCGF,D?D I S` ~OC'^• <,> ~i j~Gt~ ?F,G: Zr7, ~=F:CIEIL PCCO~DS, ALOiv'G iFt[ tdOR'itiL'r^,LY LI~d~~O ;~~~~'•, s sa.~ ~.n^:r. ~ 's.'-- < ~' cc ~. O~rC O o~ 's. n.r; ~;~asr:;: r.7 F~~t Fonn ,~~,7 i^JCi4EPJiA1_ PU^P~S; s~s s~:r FOftTt1=I':~=' /1~•i T?dS7i.UP;F.N''; RECO~D~D Tt'! uO~J:: k:02 P;G~ ">2i~ O=i=TCIAL RECUADS. i:V"r'i 7;:~ 1i0^;7Yi'.'-_'iLLY 2Q ~EFi OF SAT7 ~~'7~ . V~k1~~~~L'E: f;C. ~3~'7 ____- • _. ..__---.__ _----._..__..~__-____ :~ _..._ -------------- . • ft, CGVc1::i~i"fS~ C~>!DI7I0?l~ AXD RcSTR?Ci I0~•:5~ C:U7 DEL[7IPlC, RwS7~IC1 i0~•1~~ TS= h`:'f~ ;;IScU U~d cACF~ COLG:~ Ri:LIGI.~t•7 O:: ?:F~TIQ1t~`.L Of:iGI~:~ I~1..,''~~ lP1S'i ;tliirt;i Ri:C0;2DcD I~1 SUGI< ~}253 PAGr 34C~ OF~ TCI!'iL f:cCCnDS. :tl:: CUVcP:/l'!'i$~ COP:DIl~IO:tiS Ai:a :G:i7f;iC7iGPi5 RcFcC.^•.L'D TO ."~SOVc f•RGVTU~ 7i~~,i E. ~/TDl:i7ICP. 7:~~=::EGF SfIA! L PJO'i DcF~A7 ~R REbJ7~R Ih!~!P,LZ~ 'fHw LIEN ~~F AyY t!OR'iG,'•~GE OR D~GD Oi- 'fRUSi t1/1D~ Ih G00~ ':ii~l~~ AiIt7 :~JR VAUU::. 5. i+t; Ei~Sct;~P1T 0`!ER TF~c I;ESTERLY 12 Fk:E7 OF 511ID Ll.~dD FOR A S('.'I,'~i U;f:iP; A`dD Tc~CTC~E\ii+L PURPOSGS~ AS GRAi;7~D l'0 7h1E CT'iY OF !+':f+1~:It9 IN A~=~D F~Ct~RD~D F1;•RCh! 2G~ 19u3 IV e00:: Gl~32 Pi~GH 14G~ OF; ICIf1:. ?iiCORD.°i. u. 7HC F.1CT l'H?,i TFiE 0'~lNEfiS 0~ SAID LA~dD tiAVE IJO FIGHiS OF V:=i?T~.UL~: E1'~J F~D.':S3R7l~~; P.CC~:S5 70 LA PAL~/~A AVE~IUE. SAID ?.IGH~'P, hi:~.Vti °EEN RCLI.'9GUISNED TO TI~1.°. CT7Y OF AtdllY,cI~ BY IPtS7RU:~I~iV7 RECO:D~D TCd :Oi~ 76E~ PAGc 603~ OFFICIAL RECORL'S. 7. Oi:;ri: hill'~'icRS OF RC~a2D 1•;t'.ICr DO P•!07 DESCRI3E SAID LAi~D; l:~l' 41fiICtl, :F ANY EXT5?, ~~i/tY n;'r-cC7 i'~I,=_ TTiLc. T7iE td[CESSARY SEAF.CFI At•;11 ::::61!:itif~i IGId 1~RLL C~ C0,9r'L~TED l•!H~td A STATEtd~~1T OF INFOR~IA1'ION t1.4S ~~:i.~~ PCCEIVEQ FROt'i RL-COP,Q Ol'li1ER AI~D h;~~„ Ol•1~Ji:R. v;:SCF:A7i0N: I~P'~l~-~-'~' ~~~ " ~ TiiP,i PUI:TT014 OF LOi t.5 OF "AtvAf•IEIN E:<TE15t0~d", IN TNE CITY OP /1t;l;!•I::Tt•1, COUt~7Y Or= OR/INGE, ST/1T[ OF CALIf-'0^PlIA AS PER F, h1AP ~P SU.;V~Y ~`~tADE GY h'iLLIFd4 HA~•1EL I"i i~6E Ar~u FTL[:D I~. THE OFFICE GF 7i~ii COU::"iY i.I=C:OnDcR Oi Lfl£i Pu:GELES COUtiY~ CALIFO~P;TA~ DC:SCF;J[:cn AS FOLt.O:~lS: EC:C,I~FFiI~:G Ai A POINi It1 7t;E SC1U7FifR1.Y LIi.E 0~ SAID l07 ~~5 AtJU IP~ THc (~f1R1"r:;':LY LiT:i- 0~ hlOR'i~! STRCFi~~ DTSTAPlT ~.`IcRE011 SOUTH 7L.° 50~ 2~01 l•:~S'C °51.53 ~~[7 FROti TN~ Cc~~7ER LIt•tw 0~ c'!.5'f Si2~E'f, APJD r^.Ui,!~lI~:G 'fli~i`CF P;OR'TH 15° 09~ t}C~' ;lc5'f~ 7`t f:IG!-IT ANGLES TO .riAiD SOU7lii:{:L`i L.IPJE 4F L07 1i5~ 35G.0% F'.:c'i 70 7:-:F SOU'iliERl_Y LIP?r G~ LA PALNA P,VE?C:~J.~'-.~ 7:lEt,Cf: 50U'i H 39° Sb ~~ 5'; titr'_S i~ ALO~IG Sfil:i SUiI;;~~°_RLY LItdF~ TG ftiE EI~Si'ERLY LII':F GF Tijc 6.IGt:7 Oi' Id~\Y G~ 1"tc S~Jt1"i~1: R?1 CALIFOi!JIA RP~?L1~lAY~ T~~:i1C~: SOVT:i l5° 09~ 1~-tt.3:{51~. EF:S'i ~ D,L~~:~~ $~'lIt) [AS71c':LY LI~1E~ 407.33 +=~C7 TO iFI~ SOUTFIF~I~L'~ ~':~ LIi•i(? Q~ Sr:iD ~LOT jr5; ThiG~dCF t•;OiZiFI 714° $0~ 2U" c'A.ri7~ ALO.^JO~SA:(~. ~~ SOU't;IL•RLY Litd~~ 1E0.00 FcET 7U i:!~ POi~.i OF ~3EG1t.Nii:~..~^ '9~:~5 ~~ ' _. ` ~;. o,`~.~ ~iy `s'~~ zc ~ ~,~,~, F c ~~ Y~. C~ ~y ~, h , v ~~~ 0.`~ . ,r: t,,~~. ~ 3 3_~_------- v~r;~;,~~,~,~ - - -' ~ ~ 7. That the requested variance, as app:oved, is ~ecessary for the preservation and en- joyment of e substantial property right possesaed 1;~ ~tlier property in the same vicinity and zone, and denie~ to the property in yuestion. 8. That the requested variance, as approved, wi17, not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in whicii the property is loca~ed. 9. That one pereon appeared representing the owners of pcoperty immediately to the east of the major portion of this development in oppoaition to waiver of the one-story height limita- tion, and also ~r^~a~'+~g a petition signed Uy 11 persona also in apposition. N~`~, THEREFORE, BE IT iESOLVED thet the P.naheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant in part subject Petition for Variance, upon the foiJowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequiaite to the propoaed use of the subject property in ordec `o preaerve t~e safety and general welfare of ~he Citizens of the City of An~Feim: (1) That this variance is granted suUject to tlie completion of ReclBasification No. 71-72-33. (2) That subject property shall be developed aubstantiall~ in accordance ~ith p?ar:a and specificatione on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit rios. 1, ?, 3, 4, S, 6, 7 and 8 provided, however, thet a 20-foot landscape buffer sCrip shall. be provided immediately adjacent to the west property line of the westernmost R-1 parcel on the north aide of North Street and the first two propoaed apartment buildin~ west of said R-1 ,~arcel sliall be limited to one atory in neight; and Eurther provided that any second story win:'o•,~s wiiich may face the R-1 parcels on the north side of North Street ahall be no less than f.ive feet above the floor as stipulated Co by the petitioner. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIQN is signed and approved ~: me t s 30th day o March, 1972. ~~~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIPIG COi~AfISSION ATTE5T: C~~~ j7~~ SECRCTARY ANAHEIt4 CITY PLANNING COMMISSI01~ STATE pF CALIPOI:IlIA ) COUNTY Or ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commiaeion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that tfie foregoint; resolution was paesed end adopted at a meeting of kt~e City Planning Commiesion of the City of. Ananeim, held on March 20, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the follew- ing vote of. the members thereof: AYES: COMMISS[ONERS: ALLRBD, GAUER, HERNST, RAYWOOD, ROWLAND. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: FMf.ANO. AgcRNT; COMMISSIONEItS: SEYMOUR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have her.eunta set my hend thie 30tt~ day of March, 1972. RESOLUTION N0. PC72-53 / ~i~'/j'l/!'t-/ ~/C.C~-Q. SECRETARY A~~^,HEIM CITY :LANNING COMMISSLON V2-G "2"