PC 72-71RrSOLUTI~O. PC72-71 - A RESOLIJTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Oi3 iE CITY OF ANAHEIM THA'T PETITION FQR CONDITIONAL llSE PERMIT BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Maheim did receive e veri[ied Petition ior Con- ditionalUse Permitfmm LEDGER SMITH, 151 Miramonte Drive, Fullerton, California 92632, Owner; PAUL WALLACH, 1011 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California 92805, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim,County oi Orar.ge, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hell in the City o[ Aneheim on April 17, 1972, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice o( seid public hearing having been duly given as required by lew end in accurdence with the pro~•isions otthe Maheim Municipal code, Chepter 18.64,to henr and consider ev3dence for end ageinst said proposed conditionel use end to investigate and meke tindings and recommendetions in connection therewilh; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due lnspection, Investigetion, aad study mede by itself end in its bo- helf, and efter due considerntion oE ell evidence end reports oEfered et said hearing, doea find end determine the following fects: 1. Thet the proposed use is properly one (or which e Conditionel Use Permit is euthcrized by Code: Section 18.G4.Q20(3-j-6) to wit: esteblish a private recreational facility and tennis club with walvere of: a, .;;CTION 18.52.060(2-a-1-b) - Arterial FiiQhway Landscapint~. (10 feet required; 5 feet proposed) b. SL•CT1ON 18.04.030 - Mi~~imum NumUer of Parking Spaces. (1309 spaces required; 389 sQaces, proposed) (This waiver ie no longer neceseary since addition- al land has been included in the petition for parking purposea} 2. That the proposed use, with adEquate packing, would be conaidered compatible with industrial usea, particularly in thia general area, eince the subject property ie an isolated parcel separated by a railroad track, a grade separation, and a etreet from other industrial uses; and that the traf[ic pnttern would not conflict with the indus- trial uses already establiehed in the area. 3. That the petitioner stipulated that there would be no Jai Alai or Roller Derbies proposed for this property nor would there be any form of gamets whe:e gambling wouid be involved. 4. Ttiat Waiver 1-a, above mentiened, ie hereby granted on the basis that the prop- erty ie located above a grade separation and the required 10-foot landscaFing atrlp would not be seen from Rntella Avenue. 5. That Waiver 1-U, above mentioned, is hereby denied cn the baeis that it is essen- Cial that adequate on-site parking be provided to eliminate potential parking conflicts between the proposed use and edjacent ind~istriea, and have been required to meet pnrking requirementa, therefore, to grant said waiver would be grenting a privilege not en~oyed by adjoining propertiea. C1-~ ~ 1" .<r„ , _:.~,.rT:•. ~-,- .- ~r - . -''"X , . . ~ . (i.~o~ • ' . ~. . .. . ._ . . i.: . . . . ~ . .. ~.. . . - • .. ..~..~.,~...,,,,.-.-..._, ..". ,.. ~ . ~~ ~ ~ ~~~.JS..l'~~~ Cv, ^t, ); ~ ~. 1 .l Title Insurance and Trust Conlpany ORANGF_ COUNTY OFFICE ~ 800 NORTH Ml~IN STREEI' SAt~lTA ANA. CAI.IFORNIA 9'L702 ~ TELEPHONE (71~i) 547-3339 . , ' 1bI1'OR1'ANT 1C~hen rcpl}'ing refcr to vOFin L. 1•1[LLS At;A ASSOCIAT[S Ourl~`o. 51165~- 4500 CA?1F~US Df:IVE, SUITE ~tlf> _ .. . _. _ . . NGIdPQRT ~[F;Ci~D CALIPORPlIA . _ _--.-----._.__---- - - - - Your I~`o. AT7N: 4o CH~RAt=Y - In response ro thc abuve teferenced applicacion for a~licy of tide insarance,l'ide Insurance and Tcust Company hercby re~wrts cLac ic is prepared ro issue, or r~use to bc issuecl, xs of die dacc hemof, a California Land Tule Associacion Scandard Covcngc form Polity of Tidc lnsurancc describing d~e land and thc estarc or inrerest dure:n hercinafter scc Eorth, insuring agaiiuc loss whicli may be sustained by rcason of any defea, licn or encumbnnce nor shown or referred co as an Excel.tion below or not excluded Erom coverage pursuanc ro che prinred Schedules, Condicions and Scipulaeions of said polity form. This reporc (and an}~ supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solcly for the purpose oE facilicacing che issuance of a pofity of title insurance and no liabiliry is assumed hereby. If ir is drsired thac liabilicy be assumed prior co , chc issuance of a poli~y of tirlc insurance, a Bindcr or Commitment should bc regucs[ed. Uaccd as of _~19R.~~i.1~_._ , 197_~, ac 730 ~.m. JACK COi:P1GLLY~ TideOtTicec Thc tstatc or inccrest im dic Innd licrcinaftcr dcscribcd or rcfcrrcd to covcred by this Rcport is a(ec. Ticle to said esca[c or in[erest at [he dace hercof is vesced in: LFDGER T. S65I71i Ai~~7 GLADYS K. SMITH~ FtUStlAND AFdD 4;IFE, AS TENAPdTS IN COMF10~t~ ~l!J llNDIVIDED Ot~lC-HALF INTFRFST~ EAC6l AS SEPF,~ATE PfLOPER7Y. At the dace hercot excepcions to covenFe in addition ro the princed excepcions and exciusians contuined in said policy form «~ould bc as Follocvs: la T~1XES TO FOLLOY:. 2. AN EA5Ct1ENT FOP, pOLE LTi•:ES~ COA:DUIT~ AND ETC.~ AS COhTAINED IN Atd IP~STRUi~i'ct.7 R[?CORDi_b Irl f900K 194 PAG~ 222 OF DEED5., SAtD [~15Ef•~ENT 1~AS CUITCIAIht.r-.D IN AN INSTf;U?4FNT R~GORGEd FFc,RUARY_^_._.,, ' lg~ I960 IPl GOOK 520~i PAGc 359~ OFFICIA[_ RECOR~Sy TO ALL OF SA;~D'°~'''' LAPlD EXCGP7 TIdAT POR'fI01`d DL-$CRIBL-D AS FOLL04i5: l'~2'~ ~'~w. ~~: %~' ~~' = h l51 ".' 1.~. V . THE 50UTi•1ERLY .(5~ FIV.`'-. rEET ARt1iTIMG Ti{E hlOR71~IGRLY LINE OF 74E`~u~~ >`'ti ~ ~TCI-1ISOT1~ 70PE~:~1 £ SAt:TA F~ RAILF;OP,!'~ P.If,HT OF 4tAY.. N ~~~ ~ N o~, s ~~, CL~ - ?~2+~% 3,~ ,AiV Et~SGP~~::h,T f'OR POLE LI1•.ES, COIdDUITS~ nr~n ET~..~, t1S COP:TAIP7E~FcZJ- ~~i~~!~. us~. ~~~t~~;i~~c r~~. r 3~ f_________-. ~ ~~r,`Y°`t.'tiRTiCli'0~'7tic:LE1~`:b'-~~~C.u~7'i_U .7p A. S.: Vla,'De:` __~ .i~ lt3 CZi~CfLc_~" ; :, =.FfI.T?TIOid CF T;;~. ar,idCHO `i11MTIAGO DC .;Ah!1; l.h;;'., c:.i•.DIJ:CD IP1 CA`~ N0. 1192 APill ENTERED ~TCI•1[3ER 12~ lIIGII IN 40~~K "~ P/1G'c ~i10 OF JUOG~I~iJI'.°, Or TfIE SEVCPI E~;TH JUDICIAL DISTRIC,7 CO RT OF CALIFORivIA~ IT! THC CITY OF ANt\f-1~:I~a, COUPaTY OF O~At4GE, STAi"E ~F Cn1.IFORtvIA, -~,- 70GE7Nz_R 1!T'i;+ T:~IAT f'O;.l'Ib~J OF LOT ~ OP 7'r,[ Ti .~VTS T!•'.?,CT IN SAID C;?TY;" u`-'~,:,, P,S Pi:R ;tAf% i.i:COf:DtU I~~: G00~: 5 f'AGF 120 OF ;•iTSCEL~AP;;_GUS RGCORDSy~Thl ~'tiL" ~F( Ic:~ QF 7tic'. f.OUt~TY RI~CORD~p OF LC5 AI•.GL•I_icS C0~1:'!T`i~ CALIF ~,f:~dl/1~i~~ '- '- D'c5C"i5'r_D AS ,1 1~+IlOLE AS FOLLO'.~!S: ';f ,~. -,`~. ~~ o_~ ' - _v ~` p ;j ~-.1 ; ~ &L'GINilil~!G I1T TFIE hIDRI'HF..1ST TtiRI•dINUS UF Tt;A7 CFt;TAI:"! CC)URSF IN 7(!E 1" ~%' 1` ~.` v CEid7cRl.P;i_ OF I'.ATELL~ A\~L'PIUE~ DESCRIB[D A$ IiAVIi~G /1 LChIGTFI OF , 7fi%~E; ~Ft=T IN F!'af;CEL A OF THF nL'[D TO TH:: COUi•:TY GF QRr",tJC>E, ` R[COP.Dr_D IP; COOK 3906 P/',GE 231 OF OFFICI/1L RcCGRUS~ II~ THE UPFICE • OF TH[: COUN7Y f:CCORDER OF S1IQ 0~/',N6E CUU^;7Yg TI1EF!CC AT RIGH7 APdGLES TO SAID C£FTAIh] COURSF P~C!Ri'F~ 40° 13a t}I01 t~tEST 6C.0:1 FEET 70 THE [XIS7Ih;G ~IORT;(b1EST'EI:LY RIGhIT-OF-!•aAY Lira~ UF I;ATELLA /IVENUc~ PEF E/~S:P;EP1T DEFD RCCORDED If~l DOOY, 3167 PAGE G3~ OF OFFICIAL RECORQS OF SAID Of:;P~GC COUidTY; TI4EPtCE ALO`dG SAID hiURTllI•iESTERt.Y LIN[ SOU7H 49° ~t~' 19" rrr:sr 7c~.7u F[[T TO Tti` TRL'~ POINT OF ~EGINtJIPiG~ THENCG COPJTINUIPIG AL01•;G SAID tvORTf-Il•lESTcRLY LIhIE QF SAID KATEL~A f1~/cNUE~ SOUTH 49° k61 19'T l~:s=ST 106.05 FEE7 TO A~! ANGLE POIhJT TY.cREINp TI-3~tdCE SOUTH 55° ~F7' 38" 1';ES7 31)..~}~ F~Ei TO TtiE fJ0°TFIERLY LY~E OF THE SAN7A FE fikILROAD P,IGHT-Of-t~tAY; 71IEAtCG THEREUN MORTIi 69° 59' 29" Y:EST 523.0? FGET TO TI1E i•:cSTERLY LI~dF OF SAID RA'dCHO SAt~7TIAG0 DE SANTA ANA; TNENCE /1LONG SAID LTh1E OF RAr;CHO, hIOP.TH 27~ 39' 30" EAST 174.84 FEET TO Ahl ANGL[ PO1PJ7 TFiEREIN OFSIGIJATL'D !1S SSF1G9; 7FtfP:Ct COTa7INUING A40NG SAID L•lf:Sl'LP.LY LI~•JEr NO~:TH 33° 39~ 31" El1ST 5t~4.9tE FE[T TO n POIkdT IF! THE [XISTIhG SOUTHERLY RIG~I7-OF-1':E1Y LI~:E OF h104lcLL AYE.~ PER EASEh1ENT DEEU RECOP.DF_D IN BOOY. 5251 PAGE II OF OFFICIAI. RECORDS OF SAID 0,°.AIJGE CQUNTY~ SAID POINT ~EIPdG IP! A CURYE CUNCAVE SOUTHERLY Ai~D HAVIh:G A R~DIUS OF 432 FEEi~ A RAUIl1L 70 SAID POItdT 6GF,F,ENG NOR7FI 17° US~ 50" E~aST; TFIE~~:CE ALOhG SATD l~V[., Tf-IRO?1GH A Ci_I~lTRFL A~1GLE 01= lII° 09t 43" APJD At•~ ARC LEM6TN QF 157_>79 FEE7 1'0 THE [ND OF SAIi) CU~V~:~ ALSO E3EIP:G A POIPIT I~J ThIE SOUTtiEF2LY LIN~ OF HOl•lELI AYE.~ PER EASL=F~EW7 pf~FD RECORDED I~! {i00': 441 P~'1~[ i37 OF OFFICIAL P.ECORDS OF SAID OttAt:GE COUNTY; 7FIEUCE ALOP~IG SAID AVE,~ SOUTFI 54° ~tt' 27" EA57 376.82 FC[-7 70 APl It~TERSrCTION 1JI711 THE SOUTH;4GS'~"[RLY LINE OF 7hiAT CE°TA[N f`A~tCFL OF LAD;D GF:Ah7T~U TO 'fHE ~7~TF Of~ CALIFOt~hlIA~ PER DC[Q RECURD~D IN fi001: 7249 PAGE 767 OF OFFICIAL RECORQS OF SAID URF.~\GF. CCU~;TY; TIiENCE ALOt4G SAID ST61TE 11IGIi4~i1Y RTGhiT-OF-;iAY, SOUTH 3G° Q3r 15'~ EASI' 7.?.,36 FEF'~ TO 711~ !•!~5T LIP•:G OF SAID LOT G OF TP.AVI$ TRAC7 Ah;D THE 4lES7ERLY END OF STP,UC.~ kVEt:UF.~ PcR EASEMEMT DcED R[CORDED IN BOOK 611 PAGE I1 OF OFFIf.IrlL P.FCORDS OF SAID ar.~r~c~ COUtJTY; TFI[h:CE THEREO^t SOU i li 33° 39' 31" 4lES7 23.8I FEET TO TtiE SOUTHERLY RIGFI'f-OF-'.•!AY LItdE AF SAID STRUCK <1Vci~lUE~ TtiE~iCE 7HEREON SOUThi ~i8° 53~ 5:l'r CAS7 25.02 FEE:7 TC3 SA).D SOUI'1~14•1E ;TERLY LINE OF S7ATE fiIGHl~1~1Y I:IGH7-OF-IJAY; THENCi~ ThIERF_OPd SOUTN ;G° 03~ 15" EAST ".99 FI_rT TO TNE NOR7~!l•lFSTEP,LY LINE OF ThiAT CFf:TA1W PARCEL 0~ LAND '.tiED~G TO SHELL OIL CqP1PADIY; TFIEIJCE THERE0~7 SOltl'ti 49° 4G~ 19" l~lEST 150.~U t'EET TO Th{E SOUTFiI~IESTERLY LIN~ 0~° St1I~ L11i1D; TI~I~PaCE l'f-fEREOhd ' SOt1TH 36° 03' 15" EAST l50.~ti0 FEFT TO TfIE Tf,UE POIi.7 OF E3EG;~!PtItdG. ~ ~ . 6. That the petitioner stipulated that if parking as proposed on the leased l~nd is no longer available, a parking structure or some other means will be provided to ofiset any parking deficiency. 7. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 8. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental tu the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Gi.tizens of the City of Anaheim. 9. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does h~ereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use o£ the subject property in order to przserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That the owner(s) of subject property shall deed to the Citp oF Anaheim a sL•rip of land 40 feet in width from the centerline of the street along Cerritos Avenue, 45 feet in width from the cent._rline of the street along Sunkist Street, 45 feet in width from the centerline of the street along Howell Avenue including a 25-foot radius property line re- tu:ns for street wiciening purposes. (2) That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Cerritos Avenue, Sunkist Street, and Howell Avenue, including preparation of improvement plans and installa- tion of alY improvements, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtensnt work shall Ue complied with as required by the City Engineer and in acc~rdance with atandard plans and specifications on file in the of- fice of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities along Cerritos Avenue, Sunkist Street, and Howell Avenue shall be installed as required by the Director of Public Utili- ties and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on f±le in the office ef the Director of Public Utilities; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of the above mentioned requirements. (3) That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15 cents per front £oot along Cerritos Avenue, Sunkist Street, ard Iiowel.l Avenue for street tree planting purposes. (4) That t:rash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the off•ice of the Director of Public Works. (5) That £ire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be neceasary by the Chief of the Fire Department. (6) Tlt~t 11 2ir conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view. (71 Tr;•. :,;,iect property shall be serve3 by underground utilities. (Sj .,.~.fnage of subject property shall be dispoaed of in a manner satisfactory to the ~ it~ ,+ i eer- (~t) „ ,~~ ~srking agreements or leasea shall be subject to the approval of the City Atto;cie_~~` 9• !~~Yi,e and subject to review by the Planning Commission. (10} atiat a list of the specif.ic uses which the applicant wishes to conduct at this facility shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval. (11) That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. (12) That Conditiou Nos. 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10, above m.entioned, shall be complied witl: prior to the commencemPnt of the activity authorized under this resolution or prior L•o the time thar the building permit is isaued, or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commisdion may grant. (13) That Condition Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11, above mentioned, shall be complied witfi prior to fina7. building and zoning inspections. THE YOREGOING R~SOLUTION is signed and approved by me thia 27th day of April, 1972. C I ANA IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: SECRETAR~/~EIM C~NING COMMISSION STATi OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) RESOLUTION N0. PC72-71 "~' C2-G ~ ~ I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim,. do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pasae~l and adopted at a meeting of the Cicy Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on April 17, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. by the following vote of the members thereof: AXES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HRRBST, SCAYWOOll, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: IdONE. 7N WITNESS WHER~;OF, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of April, 1972. L~~~ %~~'l.G/-/o'i SECRETARY ANAHE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. PC72-71 C 3-G " 3"