PC 72-74s ' ~ ~ PC72-74 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNWG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEItA THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2345 BE ~RANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anahelm did receive a verified Petitlon for Vadance from THE HERTZ REALTY CORPORATION, 1801 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 350, Los Ange2es, California 90067, Owner; H. R. PiC MURROUGH,221 Weat Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California 92802, Agent of certainreal property situated in the City of Anaheim,County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL 1: That portion of Lot 10 of Tract 3330 as shown on a map re- co:ded in Book 113, pages 21 and 22 of Miscelleneous Maps, records of said Orange County, sho~an as Parcel 2 on a Parcel Map filed in Boo:c 10, Page 12 of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County. PARCEL 2: The Northerly 100.00 feet of Lot 9 of Tract 3330 as ahowr. on a map recorded in Book 113, pages 21 and 22, Miacellaneous Maps, recorda of said Orange County; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiesiun did ~old a publlc headng et the City Hall in the City oE Anaheim oa April 17, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., nodce of said publlc heering heving been duly givrn es tequlred by lew ond in acootdonce with the provieions of the Anaheim Muniolpel Code, Chapter 18.68, to heer and coneider evidence for and egelnet aaid proposed varience and to inveetiP,ete end mnke findings and cecommendations in connection thereaith; ond 8'HEREA5, said Commieslon, after due inapectlon, lnvestlgotlon, and study made by itself and in its bohalE, and efter due coneidaotion oE ell evidence and ropode otEeced at sefd heering, does find end detetmine the Eallowing faets: 1. That the petitloner requeste variances from the Anaheim Municipal Code ae followe: a. SECTION 18.40.020 - Fermitted Uses. (Automobile salea proposed; automobile eales not permitted) b. SECTION 18.62.0y0(B-1) - Number of free-standinrt eiRne• (1 permitted; g, proposed) c. SECTION 1E.62.090(B-5) - Location of fr~e-atandinq siqns. 40 feet from the northetly Qroperty line required; 15 feet, 6 inches from the northe:ly property line pr~poaed) 2. That the petitioner praposes to establish a eales facility for usedHertz rental cars in conjunction with the exioting rental operation lucated at 221 West Katella Avenue. 3. That the proposed use is considered an appropriate acceaeory use to the primary use of the ca: rental operaticn, however, Lt would not be constdered appropr.iate as a primary use, therefore, upon termination of the primary uae, Hertz Rent-A-Car, Variance No. 2345 shall be- come null and void. 4. That tlie petitioner stipulated that no used vehicles would be taken in trade. 5. That the petitioner atipulated the ealea oT vehiclea will be conducted only on the parcel north of the aervice station at the northeast corner of Katella Avenue and Clementine Street. 6. That the petitioner atipulated that the sales of vehicles will be restricted to thoee vehicl~s originally aesigned to the Hertz Rent-A-Car facility located at 221 Weat Katella Ave- nue. 7. That the petitioner atipulated that there would be no pricea placed on windahields of the automobiles beiag offered for sale. V 1- G -1- . •'' ~ ~ 8. That theEC are ~xcegtional or extraordinary'circumetances or conditione applicablp ta Y.he graperLy involved ar ro .t~o i.nCended use of the property that do not apply gcnerally to the property u: ~:lase cs~ use in the es~ce vicinity and zone. 9. Th~-t C}te seqaested va'ci-dnce ~s necessary for the preservation•and enjoyment of e subetantia? prop~erti• t•ight posseKSed by oCtxer property in tht same vicinity and zone, and r~enied 'c~o the property in questio:~. 10< 'fhat tfie r~c~ueated variane€ ~ili not oe malterially detrimental to the public welfare ~r injurious tc+ the property or improv+ementa in euch vicinity and zone in which the property is located. NOW, THE~FORF,, BE IT RES9LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission doea hereby grant subyect Petiit.on for Variance, upon the foilowinz conditione which are hereby feund to be a nECessary prerequisfte to the proposed use of the sebject nroperty in order to preaerve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens o£ the. City of Anaheim: (~j+ That the sidewallca sh~l.l be inetalled al.ung Clemetttine Street as required by the i.ity :,ig:aEC: and in aceordance with standard pl~ins and specificaCions on file in the of£ice of the ~t-.:y Ec~'gin~er. Q:,y Thati suBject proa~ert~ sha?1 :~~ ~eveloped substantially in accordance with plans end spec'tficatiune o2 filP xfth the Cic~ nf Anaiheim marked Exhibit Nos, 1, 2, 3 and 4, provided, haWever, C~,at t~i~ a?~.~rentsne ,"s~~cet sign ahvll depict only the name "Hertz" and no reference made t~;i autum5+af.ie sales. (~> Tha.t Condition y•~t~. 1 and 2, e~~ve mentianed, eha11 be cmriplied with prior to final nuildir; ~nd ioning inspect~:.~s. (41 T_nat n~ used vehir?..a~ aialY be ~.aken in trade as etipulated by the petitioner. (5) Tfiat the oales o:" ?:he ~?~'~ieles ahall be conducted on:y on the parcel located north oi the service atation loc;'c~d sk Lhe noLtheast corner of Katella Avenue and Clemer.tine Street. (6} That salea ~f ~~n:~c,.es shai2 ~a restricted to thoae vehicles originally assigned to the Hertz Rent-A-Cat fas~:,,i- ' located at 221 Weat Katella Avenue. (7) That no prlces r~iiA11 be placed on the windshields of the automobiles being offe=ed for sale. (B) ThE~;_ thiu ance ehall becume null and vofd at such time as the Aertz Rent-A-Car faci',ity ccem:natv4 af!srntione at thia location. THE FOitEGOINI; FxF.:''JLUTION is aigned and approv d by me his 2/th day of April, 1972. CNAI N A NE M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ' ~~Z~/rii `'~ j~~2l~G~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFOZNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Kreba, Secretary of the City Planning Cormniseion of the City of Aaeheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wne paesed and adopted at a meeting of• the City Planning Ca~niseion of the City of Anaheim, held on April 17, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock 1?.M., by the follaw- ing vote of the membere thereof: AYES: COhID1ISSI0NERS: ALLR~D, GAUER, HERBST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND. NOF,S: COMMI;SIONERS: FARANO, SEYMOUR. ABSENT: CODIIIISSIONERS: NONE, IN WITNESS WkiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of April, 1972. Ci~i~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. PC72-74 ~ 2-G "2"